MICHIGAN LEGISLATURE(legislature.mi.gov)
Printed on 2/14/2025
Michigan Compiled Laws Complete Through PA 275 of 2024

House Concurrent Resolution 11 of 2023



A concurrent resolution to authorize the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules to meet during the interim between sessions to consider waiving session days.


[PDF] [HTML] House Introduced Concurrent Resolution
Introduced Concurrent Resolutions appear as they were introduced and reflect no subsequent amendments or changes
[PDF] [HTML] As Adopted by the House
The As Adopted by the House version is the Concurrent Resolutions, as introduced, that includes any adopted House amendments
[PDF] [HTML] As Adopted by the Senate
The As Adopted by the Senate version is the Concurrent Resolutions, as received from the House, that includes any adopted Senate amendments


(House actions in lowercase, Senate actions in UPPERCASE)
Note: A page number of 0 indicates that the page number is coming soon
Date Journal Action
11/09/2023 HJ 97 Pg. 2531 introduced by Representative Jim Haadsma
11/09/2023 HJ 97 Pg. 2531 rule 71 suspended
11/09/2023 HJ 97 Pg. 2531 adopted
11/09/2023 HJ 97 Pg. 2531 transmitted
11/09/2023 SJ 100 Pg. 2565 RULES SUSPENDED
11/09/2023 SJ 100 Pg. 2565 ADOPTED
11/14/2023 HJ 98 Pg. 2537 adopted by Senate - referred to the Clerk for record