Committee Meeting
Meetings by bodies of elected members delegated by the House or Senate to consider and make recommendations concerning disposition of bills, resolutions, and other related matters referred to them. Committees are appointed by the Speaker of the House or the Senate Majority Leader and are organized according to subject matter.
SB 1080 (Sen. Mary Cavanagh) Worker's compensation: benefits; compensation for death resulting from personal injury; modify.
HB 5736 (Rep. Denise Mentzer) Labor: other; notice of veterans' services and benefits; require employers to post.
SB 40 (Sen. Paul Wojno) Employment security: benefits; maximum number of unemployment benefit weeks; increase.
SB 1167 (Sen. Veronica Klinefelt) Labor: collective bargaining; minimum staffing levels within a bargaining unit; make a mandatory subject of bargaining.
HB 5827 (Rep. Karen Whitsett) Employment security: benefits; weekly dependent care amount and benefit period; increase.
And any other business properly before the committee.
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