Committee Meeting

Meetings by bodies of elected members delegated by the House or Senate to consider and make recommendations concerning disposition of bills, resolutions, and other related matters referred to them. Committees are appointed by the Speaker of the House or the Senate Majority Leader and are organized according to subject matter.

Committee(s): Health Policy
Chair: Rep. Julie M. Rogers
Clerk: Melissa Sweet
Clerk Phone: (517) 373-5176
Location: Room 519, House Office Building, Lansing, MI
Date: Thursday 12/05/2024
Time: 10:30 AM
Time Notes:
HB 5964 (Rep. Jennifer Conlin) Health occupations: physicians; interstate medical licensure compact; remove sunset.

HB 5938 (Rep. Sharon MacDonell) Insurance: health insurers; methods of payments and reimbursements for dental benefits; provide for.

HB 5283 (Rep. Julie M. Rogers) Records: health; health information exchange for certain entities and data; require health information technology commission to designate.

HB 5284 (Rep. Curtis VanderWall) Insurance: other; allocation of revenue under the insurance provider assessment act; modify.

SB 668 (Sen. Kevin Hertel) Health occupations: physical therapists; prescription requirement for physical therapy treatment; eliminate, and make other modifications to the practice of physical therapy.

HB 5636 (Rep. Laurie Pohutsky) Health facilities: birthing centers; licensing for freestanding birth centers; provide for.

HB 4833 (Rep. Ranjeev Puri) Health: substance use disorder treatment; licensure for substance use disorder service program; modify.

HB 5616 (Rep. Samantha Steckloff) Health: pharmaceuticals; allow patients to take unused portion of eye drops or eye ointments after certain procedures for continued patient care; provide for.

HB 5178 (Rep. Carrie Rheingans) Health: other; syringe service programs; provide for.

HB 5371 (Rep. Felicia Brabec) Human services: medical services; certified community behavioral health clinics; provide certification and funding for.

HB 5372 (Rep. Phil Green) Human services: medical services; certified community behavioral health clinics; provide certification and funding for.

HB 5785 (Rep. Felicia Brabec) Health occupations: psychologists; requirements for practice by limited licensed psychologist; modify.


HB 5904 (Rep. Veronica Paiz) Consumer protection: vehicle leases; requirements for a vehicle lease on the death of the individual leasing the vehicle; provide for.

And any other business properly before the committee.

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