Committee Meeting

Meetings by bodies of elected members delegated by the House or Senate to consider and make recommendations concerning disposition of bills, resolutions, and other related matters referred to them. Committees are appointed by the Speaker of the House or the Senate Majority Leader and are organized according to subject matter.

Committee(s): Elections and Ethics
Chair: Sen. Jeremy Moss
Clerk: Elena Palombo
Clerk Phone: (517) 373-1721
Location: Room 1100, Binsfeld Office Building, 201 Townsend Street, Lansing, MI 48933
Date: Wednesday 12/04/2024
Time: 03:15 PM
Time Notes:
SB 494 (Sen. Sylvia Santana) Records: other; federal decennial census data; update to reflect pre-incarceration address of incarcerated individuals and require the independent citizens redistricting commission to consider.

SB 835 (Sen. Stephanie Chang) Corrections: parole; certain voting information on release; require department of corrections to provide.

SB 1108 (Sen. Jeremy Moss) Elections: campaign practices; individual circulating a petition; prohibit from being paid for each petition signature collected, and require petition circulators to be paid an hourly wage.

SB 1109 (Sen. Jeremy Moss) Elections: petitions; petition circulator to read the summary of the purpose of the petition to the petition signer; provide for.

SB 1110 (Sen. Jeff Irwin) Elections: petitions; process for counting duplicate petition signatures; provide for, and eliminate penalties.

HB 5571 (Rep. Penelope Tsernoglou) Elections: petitions; provisions regarding ballot initiative petitions, constitutional amendment petitions, and nominating petitions; modify, and provide for the statistical random sampling of certain petition signatures.

HB 5572 (Rep. Donavan McKinney) Elections: petitions; statistical random sampling of nominating petition signatures; provide for, and allow for the disqualification of obviously fraudulent nominating petition signatures.

HB 5573 (Rep. Jason Morgan) Elections: petitions; statistical random sampling of ballot initiative petitions, constitutional amendment petitions, and qualifying petitions; provide for, allow for the disqualification of obviously fraudulent petition signatures, and modify petition signature requirements.

HB 5574 (Rep. Joey Andrews) Elections: petitions; duties of the secretary of state and the board of state canvassers regarding ballot initiative and constitutional amendment petitions; modify.

HB 5575 (Rep. Jasper Martus) Elections: petitions; ballot initiative and constitutional amendment petition filing deadlines; modify, and modify petition signature requirements.

HB 5576 (Rep. Jaime Churches) Elections: petitions; statistical random sampling of petition signatures for petitions to form a new political party; provide for.

And any other business properly before the committee.

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