SB 494 (Sen. Sylvia Santana) Records: other; federal decennial census data; update to reflect pre-incarceration address of incarcerated individuals and require the independent citizens redistricting commission to consider.
SB 835 (Sen. Stephanie Chang) Corrections: parole; certain voting information on release; require department of corrections to provide.
SB 1108 (Sen. Jeremy Moss) Elections: campaign practices; individual circulating a petition; prohibit from being paid for each petition signature collected, and require petition circulators to be paid an hourly wage.
SB 1109 (Sen. Jeremy Moss) Elections: petitions; petition circulator to read the summary of the purpose of the petition to the petition signer; provide for.
SB 1110 (Sen. Jeff Irwin) Elections: petitions; process for counting duplicate petition signatures; provide for, and eliminate penalties.
HB 5571 (Rep. Penelope Tsernoglou) Elections: petitions; provisions regarding ballot initiative petitions, constitutional amendment petitions, and nominating petitions; modify, and provide for the statistical random sampling of certain petition signatures.
HB 5572 (Rep. Donavan McKinney) Elections: petitions; statistical random sampling of nominating petition signatures; provide for, and allow for the disqualification of obviously fraudulent nominating petition signatures.
HB 5573 (Rep. Jason Morgan) Elections: petitions; statistical random sampling of ballot initiative petitions, constitutional amendment petitions, and qualifying petitions; provide for, allow for the disqualification of obviously fraudulent petition signatures, and modify petition signature requirements.
HB 5574 (Rep. Joey Andrews) Elections: petitions; duties of the secretary of state and the board of state canvassers regarding ballot initiative and constitutional amendment petitions; modify.
HB 5575 (Rep. Jasper Martus) Elections: petitions; ballot initiative and constitutional amendment petition filing deadlines; modify, and modify petition signature requirements.
HB 5576 (Rep. Jaime Churches) Elections: petitions; statistical random sampling of petition signatures for petitions to form a new political party; provide for.
And any other business properly before the committee.