MCL - Index of 258-1974-4
NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title | Subject |
258-1974-4-GENERAL-PROVISIONS | GENERAL PROVISIONS (330.1400...330.1410) |
Section 330.1400 | Definitions. |
Section 330.1400a | Repealed. 1995, Act 290, Eff. Mar. 28, 1996. |
Section 330.1400b | Time frame; Sundays and legal holidays excluded. |
Section 330.1401 | "Person requiring treatment" defined; exception. |
Section 330.1402 | Repealed. 1995, Act 290, Eff. Mar. 28, 1996. |
Section 330.1402a | Treatment of private-pay patients by licensed hospital. |
Section 330.1403 | Involuntary mental health treatment; applicable provisions of law. |
Section 330.1404 | Forms. |
Section 330.1405 | Veterans administration facilities; agreement to accept patient; rights of patient. |
Section 330.1406 | Voluntary hospitalization; notice to court; dismissal. |
Section 330.1407 | Transfer of patient; notice; appeal. |
Section 330.1408 | Return of patient to hospital; conditions; notification of peace officers or security transport officers; protective custody; notice of opportunity to appeal. |
Section 330.1409 | Preadmission screening unit. |
Section 330.1410 | Informal or formal voluntary admission; authorization by preadmission screening unit. |
Section 330.1411 | Informal voluntary hospitalization; request. |
Section 330.1412 | Informal voluntary hospitalization; termination; notice. |
Section 330.1415 | Formal voluntary hospitalization; written consent to mental health treatment. |
Section 330.1416 | Mental health treatment; communication of patient rights; copies of written consent. |
Section 330.1417, 330.1418 | Repealed. 1984, Act 186, Imd. Eff. July 3, 1984. |
Section 330.1419 | Termination of formal voluntary hospitalization or mental health treatment; written notice; time limitation; written form. |
Section 330.1420 | Continuing hospitalization or mental health treatment where notice of termination not withdrawn; filing petition with court; clinical certificates; hearings. |
Section 330.1422 | Receipt and detention of individuals under MCL 330.1426, 330.1427 or 330.1435, 330.1436, or 330.1438; designation of hospitals. |
Section 330.1423 | Hospitalization pending certification by psychiatrist; petition, execution of physician's or psychologist's clinical certificate, and authorization by preadmission screening unit. |
Section 330.1424 | Repealed. 2016, Act 320, Eff. Feb. 14, 2017. |
Section 330.1425 | Execution of physician's or psychologist's clinical certificate. |
Section 330.1426 | Protective custody; receipt of petition and physician's or psychologist's clinical certificate by peace officer; transportation. |
Section 330.1427 | Protective custody; observation and belief of peace officer; transportation to preadmission screening unit; services; petition; notice to family; advice and consultation; release; follow-up counseling; diagnostic and referral services; financial responsibility; notice of examination results. |
Section 330.1427a | Protective custody; use of force; protective steps; individual not under arrest; entry. |
Section 330.1427b | Liability of peace officer or security transport officer. |
Section 330.1428 | Repealed. 2016, Act 320, Eff. Feb. 14, 2017. |
Section 330.1429 | Examination; detention period. |
Section 330.1430 | Examination; time; certification. |
Section 330.1431 | Notices; documents. |
258-1974-4-ADMISSION-BY-PETITION | ADMISSION BY PETITION (330.1433...330.1439) |
Section 330.1433 | Repealed. 2016, Act 320, Eff. Feb. 14, 2017. |
Section 330.1434 | Petition; filing; contents; clinical certificate; confidentiality; assisted outpatient treatment; petition not seeking hospitalization. |
Section 330.1435 | Examination; order; detention period; transmitting clinical certificate or report to court; third examination report; dismissal of petition; section inapplicable to petition under MCL 330.1434(7). |
Section 330.1436 | Noncompliance with order of examination or evaluation; protective custody; petition for involuntary hospitalization; hearing. |
Section 330.1437 | Right to remain in home pending examination; right to return to home; accompaniment by relatives or friends. |
Section 330.1438 | Order of hospitalization; protective custody; transportation; conditions to release after 24 hours. |
Section 330.1439 | Cause of action against person filing petition. |
258-1974-4-PERSONS-65-AND-OLDER | PERSONS 65 AND OLDER (330.1441...330.1444) |
Section 330.1441-330.1444 | Repealed. 1995, Act 290, Eff. Mar. 28, 1996. |
Section 330.1447 | Telephone calls. |
Section 330.1448 | Right to copy of certain documents; explanation in individual's language; consent to treatment by person awaiting hearing; form. |
Section 330.1449 | Right to copy of clinical certificate. |
258-1974-4-PRELIMINARY-HEARING | PRELIMINARY HEARING (330.1450...330.1450) |
Section 330.1450 | Repealed. 1995, Act 290, Eff. Mar. 28, 1996. |
258-1974-4-COURT-HEARINGS | COURT HEARINGS (330.1451...330.1465) |
Section 330.1451 | Court hearings; applicable provisions. |
Section 330.1452 | Court hearing; date; receipt of certain documents. |
Section 330.1453 | Court hearing; notice. |
Section 330.1453a | Alternatives to hospitalization; preparation of assessment report. |
Section 330.1454 | Legal counsel; appointment; waiver; preferred counsel; compensation; system for providing representation; consultation with subject of petition before court hearing; certificate. |
Section 330.1455 | Right to be present at all hearings; waiver; exclusion of subject by court; stipulation to entry of treatment order; meeting; request to defer hearing; continuing jurisdiction during deferral period; treatment as formal voluntary patient; effect of refusing treatment or requesting hearing; participation in outpatient treatment; notice to convene hearing. |
Section 330.1456 | Place of hearing; change of venue. |
Section 330.1457 | Participation of prosecuting attorney; exception. |
Section 330.1458 | Jury. |
Section 330.1459 | Documents, witnesses, and cross-examination; rules of evidence. |
Section 330.1460 | Investigation by counsel; evidence. |
Section 330.1461 | Testimony or deposition of physician or psychologist required; waiver; examinations; presence of attorney during deposition; cross-examination of deponent; waiver. |
Section 330.1462 | Continuance or adjournment; grounds. |
Section 330.1463 | Independent clinical evaluation by physician, psychiatrist or psychologist; compensation; use by subject of petition. |
Section 330.1464 | Persons entitled to copies of court orders. |
Section 330.1464a | Order of involuntary hospitalization or combination of hospitalization and assisted outpatient treatment; entering or removing order from law enforcement information network; applicability of section to order of involuntary treatment for substance use disorder. |
Section 330.1465 | Clear and convincing evidence required. |
Section 330.1468 | Treatment; disposition; order of assisted outpatient treatment; assisted outpatient treatment plan. |
Section 330.1469 | Repealed. 1996, Act 588, Imd. Eff. Jan. 21, 1997. |
Section 330.1469a | Treatment program as alternative to hospitalization; assisted outpatient treatment; court order. |
Section 330.1470 | Adequate and appropriate treatment required; inquiry. |
Section 330.1471 | Preference as to hospitals. |
Section 330.1472 | Repealed. 1996, Act 588, Imd. Eff. Jan. 21, 1997. |
Section 330.1472a | Initial, second, or continuing order for involuntary mental health treatment; duration of order. |
Section 330.1473 | Petition for second or continuing order of involuntary mental health treatment; contents; clinical certificate. |
Section 330.1474 | Release of individual from hospital to assisted outpatient treatment; clinical decision; notice; appeal; court petition; information to be considered by court. |
Section 330.1474a | Order of combined hospitalization and assisted outpatient treatment; order of hospitalization; decision; notice to court. |
Section 330.1475 | Noncompliance with court order or determination that assisted outpatient treatment not appropriate; permissible actions by court without hearing; notice of noncompliance; actions by court; transport and return to facility or unit; objection to hospitalization. |
Section 330.1475a | Hospitalization without hearing; objection. |
258-1974-4-DISCHARGE-AND-LEAVES | DISCHARGE AND LEAVES (330.1476...330.1479) |
Section 330.1476 | Discretionary discharge; mandatory discharge; notice; statements. |
Section 330.1477 | Termination of treatment; notice. |
Section 330.1478 | Treatment on voluntary basis; aid in obtaining other treatment. |
Section 330.1479 | Leaves or absence from hospital; rules; procedures; mandatory discharge; notice. |
258-1974-4-PERIODIC-REVIEW | PERIODIC REVIEW (330.1482...330.1486) |
Section 330.1482 | Review of status; frequency; assignment of physician or psychologist. |
Section 330.1483 | Review of status; disposition and notice of results; complaint. |
Section 330.1484 | Review of status; report; objections; hearing; petition for discharge. |
Section 330.1485 | Repealed. 1996, Act 588, Imd. Eff. Jan. 21, 1997. |
Section 330.1485a | Individual no longer requiring treatment; individual continuing to require treatment; finding; order. |
Section 330.1486 | Writ of habeas corpus. |
258-1974-4-LEGAL-COMPETENCE | LEGAL COMPETENCE (330.1489...330.1497) |
Section 330.1489 | Legal competence; presumption; effect of prior commitment. |
Section 330.1490 | Persons entitled to copies of MCL 330.1489. |
Section 330.1491-330.1497 | Repealed. 1995, Act 290, Eff. Mar. 28, 1996. |