MCL - Index of 451-1994-III
NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title | Subject |
451-1994-III | ARTICLE III NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (324.30101...324.83109) |
451-1994-III-1 | CHAPTER 1 HABITAT PROTECTION (324.30101...324.36507) |
451-1994-III-1-INLAND-WATERS | INLAND WATERS (324.30101...324.31713) |
451-1994-III-1-INLAND-WATERS-301 | PART 301 INLAND LAKES AND STREAMS (324.30101...324.30113) |
Section 324.30101 | Definitions. |
Section 324.30101a | Applicability of powers and duties of department to "navigable waters" and "waters of the United States" as defined in federal law. |
Section 324.30102 | Operations prohibited without permit; exception. |
Section 324.30103 | Exceptions; "water withdrawal" and "agricultural drain" defined. |
Section 324.30104 | Application for permit; fees; refund. |
Section 324.30104b | Applicability of MCL 324.30306b to proposed project or proposed permit application. |
Section 324.30105 | Pending applications; posting on website; public hearing; review of application; statement; final inspection and certification; notice of hearing; conditional permit in emergency; provisions applicable to minor project; issuance of general permits; minor project category; general permit for activities in drains; definitions. |
Section 324.30106 | Prerequisite to issuance of permit; specification in permit. |
Section 324.30106a | Construction, expansion, or reconfiguration of marina; issuance of permit; conditions; definitions. |
Section 324.30106b | Dredging or placing dredged spoils on bottomland; permit; conditions. |
Section 324.30107 | Duration, terms, and revocation of permit; hearing; modification or revocation of general permit. |
Section 324.30108 | Bulkhead line; establishment; application; jurisdiction; duties. |
Section 324.30109 | Ordinary high-water mark agreement with riparian owner; agreement as proof of location; fee. |
Section 324.30110 | Rules; promulgation and enforcement; hearing; review; proceeding by riparian owner. |
Section 324.30111 | Rights of riparian owner as to water frontage and exposed bottomland. |
Section 324.30111b | Public road end; prohibited use; violation as misdemeanor; fine; civil action; definitions. |
Section 324.30111d.added | Issuance of written emergency order; violation of Part 301. |
Section 324.30112 | Civil action; commencement by department; fine; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; civil sanction as appropriate to violation. |
Section 324.30113 | Land and water management permit fee fund. |
451-1994-III-1-INLAND-WATERS-303 | PART 303 WETLANDS PROTECTION (324.30301...324.30329) |
Section 324.30301 | Definitions; technical wetland delineation standards. |
Section 324.30302 | Legislative findings; criteria to be considered in administration of part. |
Section 324.30303 | Studies regarding wetland resources; contracts; study as public record for distribution at cost; identification of land suitable for cranberry production activities. |
Section 324.30303b | Repealed. 2009, Act 120, Eff. Oct. 1, 2012. |
Section 324.30303d | Repealed. 2009, Act 120, Eff. Oct. 1, 2012. |
Section 324.30304 | Prohibited activities. |
Section 324.30304b | Issuance of state programmatic general permits; agreement with United States army corps of engineers; applicability of subsections (2) and (3). |
Section 324.30305 | Activities not requiring permit under part; uses allowed without permit; farming operation in wetland not requiring permit; incidental creation of wetland; area created as result of commercial excavation; activities not subject to regulation; subsection (6) inapplicable to certain lands; "agricultural drain" defined. |
Section 324.30305b | Cranberry beds. |
Section 324.30306 | Permit for use or development listed in MCL 324.30304; filing, form, and contents of application; proposed use or development as single permit application; fee; work done in violation of permit requirement; fee refund; conditional permit. |
Section 324.30306b | Preapplication meeting; fee; withdrawal of request; refund of fee; duration of written agreement. |
Section 324.30307 | Hearing; location; notice; approval or disapproval of permit application; appeal; legal action; website and electronic notification of pending permit applications, public notices, and public hearing schedules; effect of ordinance regulating wetlands; review of permit application by local unit of government; effect of failure to approve or disapprove within time period; recommendations; notice of permit issuance. |
Section 324.30308 | Adoption of wetlands ordinance by local unit of government; availability of wetland inventory; completion of inventory map; notice; enforceable presumptions not created; processing wetland use applications. |
Section 324.30309 | Regulation by local unit of government of wetland less than 2 acres; permit application; determination. |
Section 324.30310 | Regulation by local unit of government of wetland less than 2 acres; revaluation for assessment purposes; protest and appeal; judicial review; right to initiate proceedings not limited by section. |
Section 324.30311 | Permit for activity listed in MCL 324.30304; approval conditioned on certain determinations; criteria; findings of necessity; criteria for determining unacceptable disruption to aquatic resources; additional showing; feasible and prudent alternatives; determination of unreasonable costs. |
Section 324.30311a | Guideline, bulletin, interpretive statement, or form with instructions; effect. |
Section 324.30311b | Permit; validity; duration; conditions. |
Section 324.30311d | Compensatory wetland mitigation; methods; submission of mitigation plan; financial assurance. |
Section 324.30312 | Minor project categories of activities; general permit for category of activities; notice and public hearing; determinations; requirements and standards; duration of general permit; determination of more than minimal adverse effects; coordination of general permit and minor project categories; conversion to blueberry farming or certain other agriculture. |
Section 324.30312b | Repealed. 2009, Act 120, Eff. Oct. 1, 2012. |
Section 324.30312d | Blueberry production assistance program. |
Section 324.30312f | Voluntary wetland restoration program; permit applications; exceptions; eligible applicants; review and approval process; joint agency restoration committee; qualified activities; applicability to former wetlands. |
Section 324.30313 | Grounds for revocation or modification of general permit; grounds for termination or modification for cause of general permit. |
Section 324.30313b | Minor permit revisions. |
Section 324.30314 | Information required to obtain compliance with part; conditions for entering on premises. |
Section 324.30315 | Violation; order requiring compliance; civil action. |
Section 324.30316 | Civil action; commencement; request; venue; jurisdiction; violations; civil fines and penalties; restoration of wetland; award of attorney fees. |
Section 324.30317 | Disposition of fees and civil fines; expenditures; report. |
Section 324.30318 | Revaluation of property for assessment purposes. |
Section 324.30319 | Rules; hearing; award of costs; judicial review; proceedings to protect wetland owner's rights. |
Section 324.30320 | Inventories of wetland; use; updating; maps, ground surveys, and descriptions as public documents; availability and cost of aerial photographs and satellite telemetry data reproduction to county register of deeds. |
Section 324.30321 | Basis and filing of preliminary inventory of wetland; assessment of property; report; determination; agricultural drain; culvert, ditch, or channel; assessment; fee; providing copy of delineation forms. |
Section 324.30322 | Notice to owners of record of change in status of property. |
Section 324.30323 | Legal rights or authority not abrogated; action to determine if property taken without just compensation; court order; limitation on value of property. |
Section 324.30325 | Repealed. 2013, Act 98, Imd. Eff. July 2, 2013. |
Section 324.30327 | Certifications by department under federal water pollution control act. |
Section 324.30328 | Applicability to "navigable waters" and "waters of the United States" as defined under federal law. |
Section 324.30329 | Repealed. 2009, Act 120, Eff. Apr. 1, 2013. |
451-1994-III-1-INLAND-WATERS-305 | PART 305 NATURAL RIVERS (324.30501...324.30515) |
Section 324.30501 | Definitions. |
Section 324.30502 | Natural river; designation; purpose; long-range plans; publicity; cooperation. |
Section 324.30503 | Qualifications for designation; categories of rivers. |
Section 324.30504 | Land acquisition; purpose; interest acquired; consent. |
Section 324.30505 | Federal financial assistance programs; leases; expenditures; purposes. |
Section 324.30506 | Public hearings; notice. |
Section 324.30507 | Land uses; zoning; local ordinances; state rule. |
Section 324.30508 | Zoning ordinance or rule; purpose. |
Section 324.30509 | Zoning ordinance or rule; establishment of districts; powers; distance. |
Section 324.30510 | Local zoning ordinance; conformance with applicable law; construction. |
Section 324.30511 | Districts; valuation for tax purposes. |
Section 324.30512 | Rules; enforcement; promulgation; variance; existing use. |
Section 324.30513 | National wild and scenic river system; administration. |
Section 324.30514 | Area plans; approval; rules. |
Section 324.30515 | Construction of part. |
451-1994-III-1-INLAND-WATERS-307 | PART 307 INLAND LAKE LEVELS (324.30701...324.30723) |
Section 324.30701 | Definitions. |
Section 324.30701.amended | Definitions. |
Section 324.30702 | Determination of normal inland lake level; motion or petition to initiate action; delegation of powers and duties by county board; maintenance. |
Section 324.30703 | Preliminary study; costs; contents of study. |
Section 324.30704 | Initiating proceeding for determining normal inland lake level and establishing special assessment district; required finding; multicounty lake; joinder permitted. |
Section 324.30705 | Special assessment bonds or notes; lake level orders; proceedings; full faith and credit. |
Section 324.30706 | Initiation of proceedings by director of department. |
Section 324.30707 | Hearing; notice; service; powers and duties of court. |
Section 324.30708 | Maintenance of normal level; acquisition by gift, grant, purchase, or condemnation; contract for operation and maintenance of existing dam; dam in adjoining county; operation of pumps and wells. |
Section 324.30709 | Powers of department. |
Section 324.30710 | Condemnation of private property. |
Section 324.30711 | Defraying project costs by special assessment; special assessment roll; reassessment. |
Section 324.30711.amended | Defraying project costs by special assessment; special assessment roll; reassessment. |
Section 324.30712 | Computation of project costs. |
Section 324.30713 | Contract with agency or corporation; provisions. |
Section 324.30714 | Special assessment roll; public hearing; notice; approval; appeal. |
Section 324.30715 | Assessment payments; installments; amount; interest, penalty, and collection; lien; preliminary study payment credited. |
Section 324.30716 | Bonds and notes; issuance. |
Section 324.30716.amended | Bonds and notes; issuance; exempt from MCL 141.2505. |
Section 324.30717 | Acceptance and repayment of advance. |
Section 324.30717.amended | Special assessment district; acceptance and repayment of advance. |
Section 324.30718 | Dam construction or maintenance; plans and specifications; approval by department; bids; work relief project. |
Section 324.30719 | Dam construction; underspill device; fish ladder. |
Section 324.30720 | Unauthorized change of level; penalty. |
Section 324.30721 | Establishment of normal inland lake level prohibited in certain cases. |
Section 324.30722 | Inspection; report; repairs; penalty; expenditure. |
Section 324.30723 | Other requirements not abrogated. |
451-1994-III-1-INLAND-WATERS-309 | PART 309 INLAND LAKE IMPROVEMENTS (324.30901...324.30929) |
Section 324.30901 | Definitions. |
Section 324.30902 | Petition for improvement of lake or wetland; local governing bodies' powers; lake boards. |
Section 324.30903 | Lake board; composition; election of chairperson, treasurer, and secretary; quorum; concurrence of majority required; technical data; recommendations. |
Section 324.30904 | Initiation of action by freeholders. |
Section 324.30905 | Preliminary costs; revolving funds; assessments. |
Section 324.30906 | Institution of proceedings for lake improvement; conflicts with local ordinances and charters. |
Section 324.30907 | Lake improvement; initiation by department. |
Section 324.30908 | Lake board; determination of scope of project; establishment of special assessment districts; ministerial duties. |
Section 324.30909 | Engineering and economic reports; cost estimates. |
Section 324.30910 | Review of reports by board; determinations of practicability; public hearings; notice; determination. |
Section 324.30911 | County contributions toward costs of improvement. |
Section 324.30912 | Approval of plans and cost estimates; sufficiency of petition; resolution; publication; assessment roll. |
Section 324.30913 | Report of assessment to lake board; review; notice and hearing; confirmation. |
Section 324.30914 | Special assessments; installments; interest; penalties. |
Section 324.30915 | Special assessments; liens. |
Section 324.30916 | Special assessments; collections. |
Section 324.30917 | Delinquent assessments; reassessment. |
Section 324.30918 | Division of land parcels; uncollected assessment apportioned. |
Section 324.30919 | Additional special assessments. |
Section 324.30920 | Special assessments; invalidity and new assessments. |
Section 324.30921 | Special assessments; exempt lands. |
Section 324.30922 | Borrowing; issuance of lake level orders and bonds. |
Section 324.30923 | Condemnation; commencement and conduct of proceedings. |
Section 324.30924 | Gifts and grants-in-aid; acceptance by lake board; contract or agreement. |
Section 324.30925 | Gifts and grants-in-aid; acceptance by department. |
Section 324.30926 | Advertising for bids; letting of contracts; work relief project. |
Section 324.30927 | Costs of projects; computation; expenditures; representation by attorney. |
Section 324.30928 | Intervention by department. |
Section 324.30929 | Lake board for inland lake; dissolution. |
451-1994-III-1-INLAND-WATERS-311 | PART 311 LOCAL RIVER MANAGEMENT (324.31101...324.31119) |
Section 324.31101 | Definitions. |
Section 324.31102 | Watershed council; petition; contents; organizational meeting; notice. |
Section 324.31103 | Watershed council; membership; voting rights; term; river management board. |
Section 324.31104 | Watershed council; duties. |
Section 324.31105 | Watershed council; powers. |
Section 324.31106 | River management district; establishment; powers; consolidation; coordination. |
Section 324.31107 | River management district; organizational meeting; notice; date; board; membership; term; voting rights. |
Section 324.31108 | River management board; powers. |
Section 324.31109 | River management district; body corporate; powers; taxing power. |
Section 324.31110 | River management board; duties. |
Section 324.31111 | Executive secretary; additional staff. |
Section 324.31112 | Minimum level of stream flow; industrial use of water. |
Section 324.31113 | Minimum level of stream flow; order of determination; notice; publication; review. |
Section 324.31114 | Minimum level of stream flow; determination by watershed council or department; request. |
Section 324.31115 | Measurement of stream flow, lake levels, and water quality; gauges and sampling devices; entering public property. |
Section 324.31116 | Preparation of river management plan; advice, assistance, and supervision by department. |
Section 324.31117 | Rules. |
Section 324.31118 | Authority of department not affected by part. |
Section 324.31119 | Director of public health; powers unaffected. |
451-1994-III-1-INLAND-WATERS-312 | PART 312 WATERSHED ALLIANCES (324.31201...324.31206) |
Section 324.31201 | Definitions. |
Section 324.31202 | Watershed alliance; establishment by municipalities; purpose; resolution; bylaws; voluntary membership. |
Section 324.31203 | Watershed alliance as body corporate; powers and authority. |
Section 324.31204 | Watershed alliance; powers and authority; report; assessment or collection of fees or taxes. |
Section 324.31205 | Audit. |
Section 324.31206 | Additional authority prohibited. |
451-1994-III-1-INLAND-WATERS-313 | PART 313 SURPLUS WATERS (324.31301...324.31314) |
Section 324.31301 | Definitions. |
Section 324.31302 | Request for surveys; utilization of reports. |
Section 324.31303 | Request for surveys; involvement of other boards. |
Section 324.31304 | Request for surveys; determination of optimum flow; plan for improvement, utilization, and conservation of surplus water; factors; limitations. |
Section 324.31305 | Public hearing; determination of optimum flow; notice; order; review. |
Section 324.31306 | Transmission of plans to boards; adoption; dams; supervision. |
Section 324.31307 | Gifts and grants; buying, selling, exchanging, or condemning land; restrictions on financing dams. |
Section 324.31308 | Gifts and grants-in-aid; acceptance by department. |
Section 324.31309 | Use of increased flowage; waste assimilation; rates for usage. |
Section 324.31310 | Permits granted by department not affected by part. |
Section 324.31311 | Rules. |
Section 324.31312 | Redetermination of optimum flow; modification of plan; hearings. |
Section 324.31313 | Violation as misdemeanor. |
Section 324.31314 | Applicability of part to river management districts. |
451-1994-III-1-INLAND-WATERS-315 | PART 315 DAM SAFETY (324.31501...324.31529) |
Section 324.31501 | Meanings of words and phrases. |
Section 324.31502 | Definitions; A to D. |
Section 324.31503 | Definitions; E to H. |
Section 324.31504 | Definitions; I to P. |
Section 324.31505 | Definitions; R to T. |
Section 324.31506 | Jurisdiction of dams and impoundments; exemptions. |
Section 324.31507 | Prohibited conduct; exception. |
Section 324.31508 | Preparation of plans and specifications; licensed professional engineer required; exceptions. |
Section 324.31509 | Activities requiring permit; application for permit; fees; waiver and disposition of fees. |
Section 324.31510 | Request for notification of pending applications for permits; annual fee; biweekly list of applications; copies; contents. |
Section 324.31511 | Copies of application and statement; submission; public hearing; notice. |
Section 324.31512 | Necessity for immediate action; emergency conditions; application for permit to reconstruct failed dam. |
Section 324.31513 | Minor project categories; rules. |
Section 324.31514 | Effect of proposed activity on public health, safety, welfare, property, or natural resources. |
Section 324.31515 | Approval of plans and specifications; completion of permitted activity; time; extension; approval of changes; duration and renewal of permit; terms and conditions; mitigating measures; recommendations; performance bond; suspension, revocation, annulment, withdrawal, recall, cancellation, or amendment of permit; hearings. |
Section 324.31516 | Spillway capacity; minimum criteria; freeboard; auxiliary spillway; duty of owner. |
Section 324.31517 | Duties of owner; inspection; notice of final approval; notice of project not completed in accordance with plans, specifications, or conditions; enforcement action. |
Section 324.31518 | Inspection reports; determination of hazard potential classification; inspection schedule; notice; additional inspection reports; contents of inspection report; visual inspection and report; detailed investigation or evaluation; life or property threatened by breach of dam; cause of action; ordering actions to alleviate danger. |
Section 324.31519 | Order to limit dam operations; order to remove dam; hearing. |
Section 324.31520 | Sudden or unprecedented flood; unusual or alarming circumstance or occurrence; emergency drawdowns, repairs, breaching, or other action; notice. |
Section 324.31521 | Emergency orders. |
Section 324.31522 | Structural integrity and operation of dam; investigations and studies. |
Section 324.31523 | Emergency action plans; submissions; review; consistency with other plans; contents of plans. |
Section 324.31524 | Violation; order; suspension, modification, or revocation of permit; remedies cumulative; civil action. |
Section 324.31525 | Commencement of civil action; request; place; civil fine; contempt; willful or reckless violation as misdemeanor; penalty; subsequent violations; fine for failure to obtain permit; restoration of site; schedule of administrative monetary penalties for minor violations. |
Section 324.31526 | Person aggrieved by action or inaction of department; hearing; determination; judicial review. |
Section 324.31527 | Entering private or public property; time; purpose. |
Section 324.31528 | Rules. |
Section 324.31529 | Construction of part. |
Section 324.31701 | Definitions. |
Section 324.31702 | Allegation of potential groundwater dispute; submission of complaint by small-quantity well owner; investigation; on-site evaluation; inability to resolve complaint; toll-free facsimile and telephone line; duties of director of department of environmental quality and director of department of agriculture and rural development; unverified complaints; other resolutions. |
Section 324.31702a | Informal meeting between parties. |
Section 324.31703 | Duties of director or director of department of agriculture and rural development in groundwater dispute. |
Section 324.31704 | Order declaring groundwater dispute. |
Section 324.31705 | Declaration of groundwater dispute; temporary provision at point of use of adequate supply of potable water; extraction of groundwater; restriction; impact on viability of certain businesses; public water supply owned or operated by local government. |
Section 324.31706 | Compensation; conditions. |
Section 324.31707 | Compensation; requirements. |
Section 324.31708 | Appeal. |
Section 324.31709 | Exceptions. |
Section 324.31710 | Aquifer protection revolving fund. |
Section 324.31711 | Report. |
Section 324.31712 | Violation of order; civil fine or costs; default; deposit; action to enforce order. |
Section 324.31713 | Repealed. 2009, Act 176, Imd. Eff. Dec. 15, 2009. |
451-1994-III-1-THE-GREAT-LAKES | THE GREAT LAKES (324.32101...324.34201) |
451-1994-III-1-THE-GREAT-LAKES-321 | PART 321 THE GREAT LAKES COMPACT AUTHORIZATION (324.32101...324.32107) |
Section 324.32101 | Great Lakes compact; cooperation with Ontario and bordering states; agreement authority. |
Section 324.32102 | Compact; ratification. |
Section 324.32103 | Compact; terms; conditions; provisions. |
Section 324.32104 | Compact commission; memberships. |
Section 324.32105 | Compact; effective date; commission meetings; officers; duties; quorum. |
Section 324.32106 | Compact; commission; records of meetings and proceedings; reports. |
Section 324.32107 | Compact commission; expenses. |
451-1994-III-1-THE-GREAT-LAKES-322 | PART 322 GREAT LAKES BASIN COMPACT (324.32201...324.32206) |
Section 324.32201 | Great Lakes basin compact; ratification; contents. |
Section 324.32202 | Great Lakes commission; membership; oath; expenses; voting rights. |
Section 324.32203 | Commission; cooperation by state officers. |
Section 324.32204 | Commission; budget; appropriations. |
Section 324.32205 | Basin compact; transmission of copy of part and compact to other parties. |
Section 324.32206 | Limiting diversions of water of Great Lakes. |
451-1994-III-1-THE-GREAT-LAKES-323 | PART 323 SHORELANDS PROTECTION AND MANAGEMENT (324.32301...324.32315) |
Section 324.32301 | Definitions. |
Section 324.32302 | Shoreland engineering study; determinations. |
Section 324.32303 | Engineering study. |
Section 324.32304 | Environmental study. |
Section 324.32305 | Use of high risk area; prevention of property loss; notice of determinations and recommendations. |
Section 324.32306 | Use of flood risk area; prevention of property loss; notice of determinations and recommendations. |
Section 324.32307 | Environmental area; use; regulation. |
Section 324.32308 | County zoning. |
Section 324.32309 | City or village zoning. |
Section 324.32310 | Township zoning. |
Section 324.32311 | Approval or disapproval of zoning ordinance regulating high risk area, flood risk area, or environmental area. |
Section 324.32312 | Rules; fee required with permit application or project; disposition of fees; violation; restraining order. |
Section 324.32312a | Construction of above grade walls with movable brick. |
Section 324.32313 | Use and management plan; contents; hearings; submission of plan copies to governor and legislature. |
Section 324.32314 | Agreements and contracts. |
Section 324.32315 | Money, grants, or grants-in-aid; purpose. |
451-1994-III-1-THE-GREAT-LAKES-325 | PART 325 GREAT LAKES SUBMERGED LANDS (324.32501...324.32516) |
Section 324.32501 | Additional definitions. |
Section 324.32502 | Unpatented lake bottomlands and unpatented made lands in Great Lakes; construction of part. |
Section 324.32503 | Agreements pertaining to waters over and filling in of submerged patented lands; lease or deed of unpatented lands; terms, conditions, and requirements; reservation of mineral rights; exception; lease or deed allowing drilling operations for exploration of oil or gas purposes; execution of agreement, lease, or deed with United States. |
Section 324.32504 | Unpatented lake lands and unpatented made lands; application for conveyance; contents; qualifications of applicant; consent; approval; fee. |
Section 324.32504a | Restoration or maintenance of lighthouse; lease or agreement for use of lands; “approved organization” defined. |
Section 324.32505 | Unpatented lake bottomlands and unpatented made lands; consideration for conveyances or lease. |
Section 324.32506 | Unpatented lands and unpatented made lands; value determination by department; appraisal; decision of court. |
Section 324.32507 | Receipts; disposition; accounting; employees. |
Section 324.32508 | Lands conveyed; taxation. |
Section 324.32509 | Rules. |
Section 324.32510 | Land filled, excavated, or modified without approval; misdemeanor; penalty; issuance or service of appearance ticket; “minor offense” defined. |
Section 324.32511 | Certificate of location of lakeward boundary; application; riparian owner; fee. |
Section 324.32512 | Acts prohibited; exceptions; activities not subject to regulation; applicability of subsection (2) to certain lands. |
Section 324.32512a | Minor project categories; activities; conditions; application; notice; general permit. |
Section 324.32513 | Application for permit; contents; fees; disposition of fees. |
Section 324.32514 | Application for permit; copies to department of community health, local units, and adjacent riparian owners; objections; public hearing; notice; conditional permit; additional conditions. |
Section 324.32515 | Artificial waterway; permit; issuance; conditions; maintenance. |
Section 324.32515a | Dredging or placing dredged spoils on bottomland; permit; conditions. |
Section 324.32516 | Repealed. 2012, Act 247, Imd. Eff. July 2, 2012. |
451-1994-III-1-THE-GREAT-LAKES-326 | PART 326 GREAT LAKES SUBMERGED LOGS RECOVERY (324.32601...324.32615) |
Section 324.32601 | Definitions. |
Section 324.32602 | Submerged logs; reservation of ownership rights. |
Section 324.32603 | Removal of submerged logs from bottomlands, patented lands, or underwater preserves; permit. |
Section 324.32604 | Application for submerged log removal permit; submission; form; information; time period for submission; disposition of fees. |
Section 324.32605 | Receipt of completed application; review by department; issuance of permit; conditions. |
Section 324.32606 | Department review of application; issuance; limitation; time period for making decision; conditions; notification of approval or denial; disposition of fees. |
Section 324.32607 | Submerged log removal permit; overlaps; expiration; transfer; bond; termination; "bond" defined. |
Section 324.32608 | Application for submerged log removal permit; hearing. |
Section 324.32609 | Sawlog stumpage value; reservation of payments; "sawlog stumpage value" defined; report and payments due; disposition of payments; overdue payment. |
Section 324.32610 | Submerged log recovery fund. |
Section 324.32611 | Great Lakes fund. |
Section 324.32612 | Violation; civil action; remedies; civil fine. |
Section 324.32613 | Violation as misdemeanor; penalties. |
Section 324.32614 | Repealed. 2018, Act 237, Eff. Sept. 25, 2018. |
Section 324.32615 | Rules. |
451-1994-III-1-THE-GREAT-LAKES-327 | PART 327 GREAT LAKES PRESERVATION (324.32701...324.32730) |
Section 324.32701 | Definitions; retention of established baseline capacity. |
Section 324.32702 | Legislative findings and declarations; authority. |
Section 324.32703 | Diversion of waters prohibited. |
Section 324.32703a | Diversion; authorization; conditions. |
Section 324.32704 | Applicability of MCL 324.32703. |
Section 324.32704a | Diversion; proposal; comment period; notification; waiver. |
Section 324.32705 | Registration of withdrawal; use of assessment tool; exception; agricultural purpose; form; calculating total amount of existing or proposed withdrawal; aggregate information; duration of valid registration. |
Section 324.32706 | Development of internet-based online registration process; registration; required statement and supporting documentation. |
Section 324.32706a | Internet-based water withdrawal assessment tool; implementation; determination of proposed zone withdrawal; entering and printing data; working in conjunction with online registration process; technical modifications; redesignation of stream or river; report. |
Section 324.32706b | Utilization of assessment tool; request for site-specific review; designation of proposed withdrawal; registration; rerun of assessment tool; correction of data. |
Section 324.32706c | Request for site-specific review; analysis; supporting evidence; conditions; form; information to be included; completion of review by department; withdrawals; registration; corrected data; disclosure under freedom of information act; definitions. |
Section 324.32706d | Collection of stream or river flow measurements by persons other than department; development and use of protocol; training program. |
Section 324.32706e | Cumulative withdrawals; determination of adverse impact. |
Section 324.32707 | Reporting requirements; forms; water use reporting fees. |
Section 324.32708 | Water use conservation plan; formula or model to estimate consumptive use of withdrawals for agricultural purposes; inclusion of information in statewide groundwater inventory and map; disclosure. |
Section 324.32708a | Generic water conservation measures; preparation; posting on website; submission of water conservation measures by water user's sector; acceptance by department; water conservation measures for agricultural purposes; report; notification of zone C withdrawal; definitions. |
Section 324.32709 | Informational materials. |
Section 324.32710 | Duties of department; electronic mail notification of withdrawals; formation of water resources assessment and education committee. |
Section 324.32711, 324.32712 | Repealed. 2006, Act 33, Imd. Eff. Feb. 28, 2006. |
Section 324.32713 | Civil action; commencement; civil fine; recovery of surveillance and enforcement costs. |
Section 324.32714 | Water use protection fund; creation; disposition of assets; investments; money remaining in fund; expenditures. |
Section 324.32721 | Large quantity withdrawal; prohibition; exception; certain large quantity withdrawals subject to definition of adverse resource impact existing on February 28, 2006. |
Section 324.32722 | Presumption. |
Section 324.32723 | Water withdrawal permit; persons required to obtain; application; fee; issuance; conditions; revocation; petition for contested case hearing; exemptions from permit requirements. |
Section 324.32724 | 324.32724 Repealed. 2008, Act 181, Imd. Eff. July 9, 2008. |
Section 324.32725 | Water users committee; establishment; purpose; composition; notice of withdrawal; occurrence of adverse resource impacts; recommended solution proposed by department; order by director; petition; "unverified petition" and "permit holders" defined. |
Section 324.32726 | Local ordinance. |
Section 324.32727 | Exemptions; compilation and sharing of certain data. |
Section 324.32728 | Construction and scope of act; rules. |
Section 324.32729 | Fees not authorized; exception. |
Section 324.32730 | Compact; implementation. |
451-1994-III-1-THE-GREAT-LAKES-328 | PART 328 AQUIFER PROTECTION (324.32801...324.32803) |
Section 324.32801 | Definitions. |
Section 324.32802 | Groundwater data; collection and compilation into statewide groundwater inventory and map; update; availability to public. |
Section 324.32803 | Water use advisory council; creation; qualifications and appointment of members; appointment of technical advisors; duties of council; report. |
451-1994-III-1-THE-GREAT-LAKES-329 | PART 329 GREAT LAKES PROTECTION (324.32901...324.32911) |
Section 324.32901 | Definitions. |
Section 324.32902 | Legislative findings. |
Section 324.32903 | Office of the Great Lakes; establishment; purpose; duties. |
Section 324.32904 | Reports, analysis, and inventory to be submitted by governor to legislature. |
Section 324.32905 | Michigan Great Lakes protection fund; creation; sources of money; investment of fund; crediting interest and earnings to fund; money not to revert to general fund; annual report. |
Section 324.32906 | State treasurer to credit money to fund. |
Section 324.32907 | Use of money in fund. |
Section 324.32908 | Michigan Great Lakes protection fund technical advisory board; creation; appointment, qualifications, and terms of members; removal of member; election of chairperson; meetings; public notice; member not to receive grant. |
Section 324.32909 | Duties of board generally. |
Section 324.32910 | Programs and grants to be funded; advice to department; compilation and submission of list; statement of guidelines; appropriation. |
Section 324.32911 | Great Lakes spill prevention research fund; creation; appropriations, gifts, and contributions; investments; disposition of interest and earnings; reversions; use of money; definitions. |
451-1994-III-1-THE-GREAT-LAKES-331 | PART 331 REGIONAL GREAT LAKES PROTECTION FUND (324.33101...324.33105) |
Section 324.33101 | Definitions. |
Section 324.33102 | Legislative findings and declaration. |
Section 324.33103 | Great Lakes protection fund; formation and operation; agreement; appointment of members to board of directors. |
Section 324.33104 | Withdrawal of participation in fund; dissolution of fund and distribution of assets; agreement to extend deadline. |
Section 324.33105 | Delegation of responsibilities. |
451-1994-III-1-THE-GREAT-LAKES-333 | PART 333 COASTAL BEACH EROSION (324.33301...324.33301) |
Section 324.33301 | Coastal beach erosion or protection; expenditures authorized. |
451-1994-III-1-THE-GREAT-LAKES-337 | PART 337 FLOOD, DRAINAGE, AND BEACH EROSION CONTROL (324.33701...324.33708) |
Section 324.33701 | Flood, drainage, or beach erosion control; lands; acquisition; contract with federal government; terms. |
Section 324.33702 | Relief from assessment. |
Section 324.33703 | Contract; provisions. |
Section 324.33704 | Expenditures from municipal or county funds. |
Section 324.33705 | Assurances to federal government. |
Section 324.33706 | Joint contracts for implementation of part. |
Section 324.33707 | Contracts; borrowing funds from federal government. |
Section 324.33708 | Interest in lands; easement for flood plain; acquisition; declared public purposes. |
451-1994-III-1-THE-GREAT-LAKES-339 | PART 339 CONTROL OF CERTAIN STATE LANDS (324.33901...324.33939) |
Section 324.33901 | Unpatented overflowed lands, made lands, and Lake St. Clair bottomlands; authority of department. |
Section 324.33902 | Powers of department to convey lands; dedication of unleased lands for recreational uses. |
Section 324.33903 | Conveyance of certain leased lands by department; rights reserved. |
Section 324.33904 | Deeds; prerequisites to granting. |
Section 324.33905 | Repealed. 2006, Act 496, Imd. Eff. Dec. 29, 2006. |
Section 324.33906 | St. Clair Flats lands; conflicting claims; determination; appeal. |
Section 324.33907 | St. Clair Flats area; rules. |
Section 324.33908 | Receipts; credit of consideration and fees to land and water management permit fee fund. |
Section 324.33909 | Repealed. 2006, Act 496, Imd. Eff. Dec. 29, 2006. |
Section 324.33910 | Water highway lands; lease; conveyance to contiguous lessees. |
Section 324.33911 | Granting deeds to certain property; requirements. |
Section 324.33912 | Rental valuation periods; determination; improvements; maximum increase; gross sum. |
Section 324.33913-324.33915 | Repealed. 2006, Act 496, Imd. Eff. Dec. 29, 2006. |
Section 324.33916 | Former lease holder as trespasser; recovery of possession by state. |
Section 324.33917-324.33920 | Repealed. 2006, Act 496, Imd. Eff. Dec. 29, 2006. |
Section 324.33921 | Rights of lessees subject to certain public rights. |
Section 324.33922, 324.33923 | Repealed. 2006, Act 496, Imd. Eff. Dec. 29, 2006. |
Section 324.33924 | Definitions. |
Section 324.33925 | Repealed. 2006, Act 496, Imd. Eff. Dec. 29, 2006. |
Section 324.33926 | Surveys governing terms of part. |
Section 324.33927 | Ascertainment of rights by department; hearing; powers of department. |
Section 324.33928 | Conflicting claims; determination by department; hearing; notice; depositions; appeal. |
Section 324.33929 | State leased lands; sale or transfer of lease; statement of purpose; approval by department; record of assignment. |
Section 324.33930-324.33932 | Repealed. 2006, Act 496, Imd. Eff. Dec. 29, 2006. |
Section 324.33933 | State leased lands; taxes; assessment. |
Section 324.33934 | State leased lands; tax default; procedure for payment; forfeiture of lease; co-owners; partial payment of taxes; certificate of cancellation. |
Section 324.33935 | State leased lands; nonpayment of taxes; report. |
Section 324.33936-324.33939 | Repealed. 2006, Act 496, Imd. Eff. Dec. 29, 2006. |
451-1994-III-1-THE-GREAT-LAKES-341 | PART 341 IRRIGATION DISTRICTS (324.34101...324.34146) |
Section 324.34101 | Irrigation districts; conditions and limitations for withdrawal of waters from Great Lakes; enforcement of section. |
Section 324.34102 | Construction of part. |
Section 324.34103 | Previously organized districts; validity, rights, privileges, and obligations; applicability of part. |
Section 324.34104 | Irrigation district as body corporate; powers; seal; condemnation. |
Section 324.34105 | District contracts with federal government, state, and others; approval by department; state's public trust. |
Section 324.34106 | Grant to United States or irrigation district of right to use rights-of-way in county or intercounty drainage districts; approval; rights of private persons. |
Section 324.34107 | Dams for irrigation; approval. |
Section 324.34108 | Grants of federal, state, and private aid for irrigation projects. |
Section 324.34109 | Irrigation districts; petitions for formulation or improvement; contents; circulation; signatures. |
Section 324.34110 | Irrigation districts; affidavit of signers of petitions; evidence. |
Section 324.34111 | Irrigation districts; lands included. |
Section 324.34112 | Irrigation board; creation; membership; chairperson; availability of writings to public; minutes; records and files; member as commissioner of irrigation and public officer; presumption; contested report or action; burden of proof; exception. |
Section 324.34113 | Commissioners of irrigation; oath of office; annual accounts. |
Section 324.34114 | Control over withdrawals and operations; rules; orders; expenses. |
Section 324.34115 | Irrigation board; conducting business at public meeting; notice; calling and notice of meetings; affidavit as proof of mailing; waiver of additional notice; quorum; adjournment; action by board; signing of orders. |
Section 324.34116 | Proceedings upon petition for establishment of irrigation districts; meetings; filing and examination of petition; report; expenses and compensation. |
Section 324.34117 | Irrigation board; first meeting; considerations; naming project and irrigation district; determination of sufficiency of petition and practicability of proposed project; objections; hearing; notice; report of department; final order of determination; order of department; eliminating or adding land in irrigation district; rehearing; legal establishment of irrigation district. |
Section 324.34118 | Plans, specifications, and costs; estimates of proposed irrigation projects. |
Section 324.34119 | Design plans of irrigation works; commissioner's alteration or deviation; approval of department. |
Section 324.34120 | Acquisition of lands or rights-of-way. |
Section 324.34121 | Advertisement for bids for construction; acceptance and rejection of bids; readvertisement. |
Section 324.34122 | Costs of irrigation district; computation; approval. |
Section 324.34123 | Assessment roll; description of lands benefited; apportionment of costs; objections. |
Section 324.34124 | Notice of hearing; publication; form. |
Section 324.34125 | Hearing on objections; scope of review; equalization. |
Section 324.34126 | Special assessment rolls; final orders and confirmation; endorsement; memorandum of installments; conclusiveness. |
Section 324.34127 | Irrigation special assessments liens. |
Section 324.34128 | Tax assessment rolls; contents; permanent installment payments. |
Section 324.34129 | Spread of special assessments on local tax rolls; orders by county board of commissioners. |
Section 324.34130 | Spread of special assessments on local tax rolls; duties of local assessing officers. |
Section 324.34131 | Special assessment taxes; interest, charges, collections, disbursement; defense of collector; limitation on actions; payments under protest; liens. |
Section 324.34132 | Additional pro rata assessments; limitations. |
Section 324.34133 | Invalid assessments; validation procedure; payments applied to reassessments. |
Section 324.34134 | Irrigation orders to pay charges and to pay easements or rights-of-way; installments; drawing orders on first and succeeding years' assessments; limitations; certification by treasurer. |
Section 324.34135 | Interest on bonds; board of commissioners; resolution pledging full faith and credit of county to pay. |
Section 324.34136 | Operating and maintaining property of irrigation district; fixing and collecting water charges; approval of charges; charges for water services as lien on affected lands; certification of delinquent charges; entering charges on tax roll; enforcement; exaction of other charges; future expenses; assessment; notice of hearing. |
Section 324.34137 | Attack on orders; proceedings by writ of superintending control; legality of irrigation special assessment district and project; assessments; actions. |
Section 324.34138 | Suspension of water delivery; delinquent irrigation taxes; right-of-way for laterals; condemnation; payment. |
Section 324.34139 | Irrigation boards; powers and duties. |
Section 324.34140 | Right of entry upon land to survey; location of drains; acquisition of property; reservoirs for storage or transfers of Great Lakes water. |
Section 324.34141 | Advancement of money to pay costs; reimbursement by irrigation special assessment district; obligations. |
Section 324.34142 | District accounts; duties of county treasurer; expenditure from district funds; bond interest; funds transfer. |
Section 324.34143 | Irrigation district funds; deposit; interest; use. |
Section 324.34144 | Irrigation district funds; county treasurers as custodians; deputies; bond; orders for payment. |
Section 324.34145 | Revolving fund to pay for preliminary costs; assessment of preliminary costs; repayment of fund. |
Section 324.34146 | Borrowing money; issuing bonds; anticipating collection of special assessments; amount; applicability of law. |
Section 324.34201 | Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact. |
451-1994-III-1-LAND-HABITATS | LAND HABITATS (324.35101...324.36207) |
451-1994-III-1-LAND-HABITATS-351 | PART 351 WILDERNESS AND NATURAL AREAS (324.35101...324.35111) |
Section 324.35101 | Definitions. |
Section 324.35102 | Wilderness, wild, and natural areas; duty of department to identify, dedicate, and administer. |
Section 324.35103 | Review of state land; identification of certain tracts; determination of dedication; proposed alteration or withdrawal of previously dedicated areas; filing proposals; procedure for making dedication or denying proposal; exchange of dedicated land; notice requirements. |
Section 324.35104 | Proximity of wild and natural areas to certain urban centers; designation of private land or land controlled by other governmental units. |
Section 324.35105 | Prohibited activities; easement. |
Section 324.35106 | Landing aircraft or operating mechanical transport in wilderness, wild, or natural area. |
Section 324.35107 | Maintenance or restoration of wilderness, wild, or natural area. |
Section 324.35108 | Posting signs; contents. |
Section 324.35109 | Acquisition of land. |
Section 324.35110 | Taxation; audit of assessments; appropriation. |
Section 324.35111 | Saving clause. |
451-1994-III-1-LAND-HABITATS-353 | PART 353 SAND DUNES PROTECTION AND MANAGEMENT (324.35301...324.35326) |
Section 324.35301 | Definitions. |
Section 324.35302 | Legislative findings. |
Section 324.35303 | Notice to local units of government and property owners; copy of “atlas of critical dune areas”; contents of notice; supplying addresses of property owners. |
Section 324.35304 | Permit for use in critical dune area; requirements; decision of local unit of government; limitations; ordinance; model zoning plan; special exceptions; assisting local units of government. |
Section 324.35305 | Hearing; judicial review. |
Section 324.35306 | Lawful use of land or structure; exemptions. |
Section 324.35307 | Maps. |
Section 324.35308 | Prohibited uses; exception. |
Section 324.35309 | Use permit and inspection fee; disposition of fees; authorization of separate fee; bond. |
Section 324.35310 | Suspension or revocation of permit; restraining order, injunction, or other appropriate remedy; instituting action; cumulative rights; performance review; determination of noncompliance; response; implementation of model zoning plan; appeal; civil fine; order to pay cost of restabilization; violation as misdemeanor. |
Section 324.35311 | Review of “atlas of critical dune areas”; appointment and duties of review team. |
Section 324.35311a | Construction, improvement, and maintenance of driveways. |
Section 324.35311b | Construction, improvement, and maintenance of accessibility measures. |
Section 324.35312 | Zoning ordinance; provisions; regulation of additional lands. |
Section 324.35313 | Zoning ordinance; requirements for applications for permits for use of critical dune area. |
Section 324.35314 | Zoning ordinance; provisions; review of subdivision development. |
Section 324.35315 | Zoning ordinance; prohibited uses in critical dune area. |
Section 324.35316 | Zoning ordinances; additional prohibited uses in critical dune area; variance; contour maps; guidelines; restoration. |
Section 324.35317 | Variances; special exceptions; limitations; decision; environmental site assessment or environmental impact statement; annual report; forwarding application to local government; review and comment; waiver of opportunity to review; notice of opposition; determination of practical difficulty. |
Section 324.35318 | Request for revaluation to determine fair market value. |
Section 324.35319 | Environmental assessment; contents. |
Section 324.35320 | Environmental impact statement; contents. |
Section 324.35321 | Review of site plan; duties of planning commission. |
Section 324.35322 | Special use project application, plan, and proposed decision; review; action. |
Section 324.35323 | Destruction of structure or use; exemption; replacement. |
Section 324.35324 | Management of federally owned and state owned land. |
Section 324.35325 | Purchase of lands or interests in lands; purpose. |
Section 324.35326 | Repealed. 2012, Act 297, Imd. Eff. Aug. 7, 2012 |
451-1994-III-1-LAND-HABITATS-355 | PART 355 BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY CONSERVATION (324.35501...324.35506) |
Section 324.35501 | Definitions. |
Section 324.35502 | Legislative findings. |
Section 324.35503 | State goal. |
Section 324.35504 | Joint legislative working committee on biological diversity; creation; appointment of members; establishment, organization, and membership of scientific advisory boards; consultation with other qualified individuals; function; reports; meetings; compliance with open meetings act; writings available to public; public hearings; dissolution. |
Section 324.35505 | Reports; contents; additional information. |
Section 324.35506 | Development of state strategy; factors; progress report to legislature; circulation of draft report; public hearing; report to legislature. |
451-1994-III-1-LAND-HABITATS-357 | PART 357 NATURAL BEAUTY ROADS (324.35701...324.35706) |
Section 324.35701 | Definitions. |
Section 324.35702 | Petition for designation; hearing; notice; resolution. |
Section 324.35703 | Designation; petition requesting withdrawal; revocation of designation; determination; publication of notice; reversion to former status. |
Section 324.35704 | Guidelines and procedures for native vegetation preservation; rights of public utilities or governmental agencies or municipalities. |
Section 324.35705 | Citizen's advisory committee; establishment; purpose. |
Section 324.35706 | Violation of guideline or procedure; complaint; civil action; default in payment of civil fine or costs. |
451-1994-III-1-LAND-HABITATS-358 | PART 358 ADOPT-A-SHORELINE PROGRAM (324.35801...324.35804) |
Section 324.35801 | Adopt-a-shoreline program; "department" defined; administration; purpose; rules; agreements with volunteer groups to implement program. |
Section 324.35802 | Adopt-a-shoreline program; duties of department. |
Section 324.35803 | Cleanup effort conducted on state land; part or agreement construed. |
Section 324.35804 | Repealed. 2018, Act 79, Eff. June 17, 2018. |
451-1994-III-1-LAND-HABITATS-359 | PART 359 ADOPT-A-RIVER PROGRAM (324.35901...324.35904) |
Section 324.35901 | Adopt-a-river program; "department" defined; administration; purpose; rules; agreements with volunteer groups to implement program. |
Section 324.35902 | Adopt-a-river program; duties of department. |
Section 324.35903 | Cleanup effort conducted on state land; part or agreement construed. |
Section 324.35904 | Repealed. 2018, Act 78, Eff. June 17, 2018. |
451-1994-III-1-LAND-HABITATS-361 | PART 361 FARMLAND AND OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION (324.36101...324.36117) |
Section 324.36101 | Definitions. |
Section 324.36102 | Development rights agreement or easement; execution authorized; provisions. |
Section 324.36103 | Development rights agreement or easement; effect of execution and acceptance; term; limitation; disposition; prior lien, lease, or interest not superseded; lien of state or local governing body; subordination. |
Section 324.36104 | Application for farmland development rights agreement; form; contents; notice; review, comment, and recommendations; approval or rejection; appeal; preparation, contents, execution, and recordation of agreement; annual listing of current agreements; application effective for current tax year; reapplication; tax exemption. |
Section 324.36104a | Permitted use; criteria; exception. |
Section 324.36104c | Farming operations; permitted uses. |
Section 324.36104e | Solar facility; permitted use; development rights agreement; tax credit; definitions. |
Section 324.36105 | Open space land; application for open space development rights easement; approval or rejection; provisions; tax exemption. |
Section 324.36106 | Open space land; application for open space development rights easement; form; contents; notice; review, comments, and recommendations; approval or rejection; preparation and contents of easement; appraisal; statement of fair market value; execution and recordation of easement; forwarding copies of easement; appeal; legislative approval; costs; reapplication; tax exemption. |
Section 324.36107 | Notice of owners' intentions regarding extension or expiration of agreement or easement; notice of lien. |
Section 324.36108 | Special assessments. |
Section 324.36109 | Credit against state income tax or former state single business tax act or Michigan business tax act. |
Section 324.36110 | Sale of land; notice; death or disability of owner; division into smaller parcels of land; "individual essential to the operation of a farm" defined; fee prohibited. |
Section 324.36111 | Expiration, renewal, relinquishment, or termination of development rights agreement. |
Section 324.36111a | Relinquishment of development rights agreement; conditions; “economic viability” defined. |
Section 324.36111b | Development rights or acquisition of agricultural conservation easements; application; selection criteria and scoring system; notification; points; determination of development rights value; approval by director; installment purchase plan; provisions for protection of farmland; termination of easements; value development rights in event of condemnation. |
Section 324.36112 | Relinquishment of open space development rights easement pursuant to MCL 324.36105. |
Section 324.36113 | Relinquishment of open space development rights easement pursuant to MCL 324.36106. |
Section 324.36114 | Injunction; penalty. |
Section 324.36115 | Exchange of information. |
Section 324.36116 | Rules. |
Section 324.36117 | Repealed. 2016, Act 265, Eff. Sept. 26, 2016. |
451-1994-III-1-LAND-HABITATS-362 | PART 362 AGRICULTURAL PRESERVATION FUND (324.36201...324.36207) |
Section 324.36201 | Definitions. |
Section 324.36202 | Agricultural preservation fund; creation; disposition; money remaining in fund; administration; expenditures. |
Section 324.36203 | Purchase of agricultural conservation easements; establishment of grant program; application; eligibility; form; contents; forwarding to board. |
Section 324.36204 | Agricultural preservation fund board; creation; membership; appointment; terms; quorum; compensation; expenses; election of chairperson and vice-chairperson; removal of member; vacancy. |
Section 324.36205 | Application; evaluation criteria; priority; determination of grant awards; amount; notification; report to commission; maximum expenditure; portion of acquisition cost to be provided by applicant or another person. |
Section 324.36206 | Distribution of grants to local units of government; condition; reviewing permitted uses; contribution of development rights; purchase by local unit of government through installment purchase agreement; joint holding by state and local unit of government; delegation of enforcement authority; transfer to property owner; tax credits under MCL 324.36109. |
Section 324.36207 | Rules. |
451-1994-III-1-ENDANGERED-SPECIES | ENDANGERED SPECIES (324.36501...324.36507) |
451-1994-III-1-ENDANGERED-SPECIES-365 | PART 365 ENDANGERED SPECIES PROTECTION (324.36501...324.36507) |
Section 324.36501 | Definitions. |
Section 324.36502 | Duties of department. |
Section 324.36503 | Investigations; determinations; rule; review. |
Section 324.36504 | Programs; cooperative agreements. |
Section 324.36505 | Prohibitions; exceptions. |
Section 324.36506 | Enforcement of part and rules. |
Section 324.36507 | Violation; penalty. |
451-1994-III-2 | CHAPTER 2 MANAGEMENT OF RENEWABLE RESOURCES (324.40101...324.53519) |
451-1994-III-2-1 | SUBCHAPTER 1 WILDLIFE (324.40101...324.43303) |
451-1994-III-2-1-WILDLIFE-CONSERVATION | WILDLIFE CONSERVATION (324.40101...324.41403) |
451-1994-III-2-1-WILDLIFE-CONSERVATION-401 | PART 401 WILDLIFE CONSERVATION (324.40101...324.40120) |
Section 324.40101 | Meanings of words and phrases. |
Section 324.40102 | Definitions; A to F. |
Section 324.40103 | Definitions; G to R; "conservation" defined. |
Section 324.40104 | Definitions; T, V. |
Section 324.40105 | Animals as property of state; taking of animals to be regulated. |
Section 324.40106 | Game or protected animal; taking, releasing, transporting, selling, buying, or possessing; construction of section. |
Section 324.40107 | Management of animals; orders of department; procedures for exercising power; revision of order; filing orders to take place of former 1929 PA 286; filing and effective date of orders. |
Section 324.40107a | Repealed. 2003, Act 242, Eff. Jan. 4, 2009. |
Section 324.40107b | Taking of live raptors for use in falconry; order; establishment of season; scope of section. |
Section 324.40107c | Control and management of double-crested cormorants; administration of program; organization of states; funds. |
Section 324.40107d | Control and management of double-crested cormorants; administration of program; organization of states; funds. |
Section 324.40108 | Interim orders. |
Section 324.40109 | Transportation of game; identification of sex and species; tagging; section inapplicable to skins, pelts, and hides. |
Section 324.40109a | Conduct in another state; prosecution, punishment, or penalty prohibited. |
Section 324.40110 | Designation of species as game; establishment of first open season; removal from list; orders; definitions. |
Section 324.40110a | Open season for moose. |
Section 324.40110b | Legislative findings and declaration; establishment of first open season for wolf. |
Section 324.40111 | Taking animal from in or upon vehicle; transporting or possessing firearm in or upon vehicle; person with disability; transporting or possessing unloaded firearm in or upon vehicle on sporting clays range; individual holding permit to hunt from standing vehicle; possessing and discharging firearm to take game from personal assistive mobility device; transporting or possessing bow or crossbow in or upon vehicle while on public land or highway, road, or street; written permission to hunt or discharge firearm within certain distance of property; definitions. |
Section 324.40111a | Deer and elk feeding; order; definition. |
Section 324.40111c | Use of tranquilizer propelled from bow or firearm; use of unmanned vehicle or device; prohibitions. |
Section 324.40112 | Obstructing or interfering in lawful taking of animals or fish; prohibited conduct; petition; injunction; violation as misdemeanor; penalties; section inapplicable to peace officer. |
Section 324.40113 | Artificial light. |
Section 324.40113a | Legislative findings and declarations; taking of game; issuance of orders; right to hunt, fish, and take game. |
Section 324.40114 | Permits or licenses; issuance to individual who is paraplegic, amputee, or permanently disabled; taking of game with modified bow; permits for additional activities; activities not considered hunting; suspension, revocation, annulment, withdrawal, recall, cancellation, or amendment of permit; disposition of fees; report; sterilization of game; deer management zones; ordinance; "cub bear" defined. |
Section 324.40115 | Possession of certain game killed in collision with motor vehicle. |
Section 324.40116 | Hunter orange or other authorized color; exceptions; noncompliance not as evidence of contributory negligence; review and determination by commission; "hunter orange" and "hunter pink" defined. |
Section 324.40117 | Possession of parts of animal as prima facie evidence of violation. |
Section 324.40118 | Violation as misdemeanor; penalty; additional penalties. |
Section 324.40119 | Reimbursement of state for value of game or protected animal; restitution for illegal killing, possessing, purchasing, or selling antlered white-tailed deer, antlered elk, antlered moose, and turkey with beard; forfeiture; default as civil contempt; additional time for payment; reduction of amount forfeited; revocation of forfeiture; collection of default in payment; disposition of forfeiture damages; "point" defined. |
Section 324.40120 | Michigan big game trophy records; official keeper; recognition. |
451-1994-III-2-1-WILDLIFE-CONSERVATION-403 | PART 403 WILDLIFE PRESERVATION (324.40301...324.40303) |
Section 324.40301 | Sale of items signifying interest in wildlife preservation. |
Section 324.40302 | Use of net proceeds. |
Section 324.40303 | Rights and privileges; marketing items. |
Section 324.40501 | Wildlife restoration, management, and research projects; authority of department to cooperate with federal government; use of hunters' license fees; expenditures for game and fish habitat. |
451-1994-III-2-1-WILDLIFE-CONSERVATION-409 | PART 409 HOMING PIGEONS (324.40901...324.40903) |
Section 324.40901 | Homing pigeons; prohibited acts. |
Section 324.40902 | Homing pigeons; use of certain devices prohibited. |
Section 324.40903 | Violation of part as misdemeanor; penalty. |
Section 324.41101 | Definitions. |
Section 324.41102 | Regulatory powers of department; exception. |
Section 324.41103 | Orders protecting fish, animals, or birds; provisions; duration; notice; newspaper publication; filing; printing order in Michigan fish and game laws; fisheries research; experimental game management areas; notice of availability of annual sports fishing handbook and amendments, corrections, or additions thereto. |
Section 324.41104 | Suspended open season; rescission or modification; exception. |
Section 324.41105 | Violation as misdemeanor; penalty. |
Section 324.41301 | Definitions; possession of live organism. |
Section 324.41302 | Adding or deleting from list of prohibited species or restricted species; consultation; procedure; determination; review; emergency order; order setting conditions for harvesting, possessing, and transporting naturalized organism of aquatic restricted species. |
Section 324.41302a | Repealed. 2018, Act 451, Eff. March 21, 2019. |
Section 324.41303 | Possession of live prohibited or restricted organism; prohibition; exceptions; notification of location where found. |
Section 324.41305 | Introduction of prohibited or restricted species, or genetically engineered or nonnative bird, crustacean, fish, insect, mammal, or mollusk, or aquatic plant; prohibition; exceptions. |
Section 324.41306 | Permit; application; fee; granting or denying; revocation; modification; hearing; administration; enforcement. |
Section 324.41307 | Rules. |
Section 324.41309 | Violation; penalties; suspension or revocation of permit or license; order; liability for damages to natural resources; exceptions. |
Section 324.41310 | Property used in criminal violation subject to seizure and forfeiture. |
Section 324.41311 | Invasive species fund; creation; disposition of funds; money remaining in fund; expenditures; purposes. |
Section 324.41313 | Providing information on website; requirements. |
Section 324.41321 | Repealed. 2009, Act 51, Eff. Sept. 21, 2009. |
Section 324.41323 | Duties of department. |
Section 324.41325 | Watercraft, watercraft equipment, or watercraft trailer with aquatic plant attached; placement in state waters prohibited; transport over land; order to remove aquatic organisms; release of baitfish prohibited; release of fish limited; notice; posting; violation as civil infraction; penalty. |
Section 324.41329 | Sale or possession of nonnative aquatic species without registration prohibited; exceptions; applicability of section. |
Section 324.41331 | Registration to sell or possess nonnative aquatic species; application; issuance. |
Section 324.41333 | Person registered to sell or possess nonnative aquatic species; duties. |
Section 324.41335 | Trade show for aquatic species; written notice required. |
Section 324.41337 | Violation; penalties; suspension or revocation of registration; disposal of aquatic species. |
Section 324.41341 | Inspection of site or facility permitted. |
451-1994-III-2-1-WILDLIFE-CONSERVATION-414 | PART 414 AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES (324.41401...324.41403) |
Section 324.41401 | Definitions. |
Section 324.41402 | Inland lakes aquatic invasive plant species control and eradication program; grants; application; requirements. |
Section 324.41403 | Inland lake aquatic invasive plant species control and eradication fund; creation; investment, disposition, and expenditure of money. |
451-1994-III-2-1-SHOOTING-AND-HUNTING-GROUNDS-415-1 | SUBPART 1 (324.41501...324.41504) |
Section 324.41501 | Saginaw bay; public shooting and hunting ground. |
Section 324.41502 | Saginaw bay; trespassers; prosecution. |
Section 324.41503 | Saginaw bay; hunting. |
Section 324.41504 | Saginaw bay; control; rules; enforcement; violation of subpart; penalty. |
451-1994-III-2-1-SHOOTING-AND-HUNTING-GROUNDS-415-2 | SUBPART 2 (324.41505...324.41507) |
Section 324.41505 | Lake Erie submerged lands in Monroe and Wayne counties; public shooting and hunting ground; fishing privileges. |
Section 324.41506 | Lake Erie submerged lands; trespassers; navigation. |
Section 324.41507 | Lake Erie submerged lands; destruction of submarine vegetation; violation as misdemeanor; penalty. |
451-1994-III-2-1-SHOOTING-AND-HUNTING-GROUNDS-415-3 | SUBPART 3 (324.41508...324.41515) |
Section 324.41508 | Great Lakes, Kalamazoo, Grand and Muskegon rivers; submerged and swamp lands; public shooting and hunting grounds; boundaries; excluded lands. |
Section 324.41509 | Public shooting and hunting ground; inclusion of subsequently acquired swamp or submerged lands. |
Section 324.41510 | Swamp or submerged lands; ratification of certain conveyances; title. |
Section 324.41511 | Land subject to fish and game laws; navigation; private and municipal dockage. |
Section 324.41512 | Trespassers; officers to protect possession; operation of statute of limitations. |
Section 324.41513 | Control by county commissioners; permissible destruction of submarine vegetation. |
Section 324.41514 | Destruction of submarine vegetation; consent required; violation as misdemeanor; penalty. |
Section 324.41515 | Driving ducks away from hunters; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; navigation. |
451-1994-III-2-1-SHOOTING-AND-HUNTING-GROUNDS-417 | PART 417 GAME BIRD HUNTING PRESERVES (324.41701...324.41712) |
Section 324.41701 | “License” defined. |
Section 324.41702 | Game bird hunting preserves; license; fee; duration; Sunday hunting. |
Section 324.41703 | Game bird hunting preserves; size; boundary signs. |
Section 324.41704 | Species under game bird hunting preserve license; limitation; propagation, sale, and release of birds; requirements for wild turkeys or wild turkey hybrids. |
Section 324.41705 | Licenses; determination by department of percentage of species hunted. |
Section 324.41706 | Tagging of birds; cost; reuse. |
Section 324.41707 | Species of wild animal or bird permitted to be hunted. |
Section 324.41708 | Operator's records; contents; inspection; reports. |
Section 324.41709 | License; application; contents. |
Section 324.41710 | Open season; duration; orders. |
Section 324.41711 | License fees; credit to game and fish protection account. |
Section 324.41712 | Violation as misdemeanor; penalty; grounds for suspension or revocation of license. |
451-1994-III-2-1-SHOOTING-AND-HUNTING-GROUNDS-419 | PART 419 HUNTING AREA CONTROL (324.41901...324.41905) |
Section 324.41901 | Regulation and prohibitions in certain areas; powers of department; area closures; hearings, investigations, studies, and statement of facts; regulations. |
Section 324.41902 | Submission of findings and recommendations; approval or disapproval of prescribed controls; ordinance; certified copy; repeal of ordinance; enforcement; rules. |
Section 324.41903 | Closure notice signs; materials, form, placement, maintenance, spacing, publication of notice; rescission of closure. |
Section 324.41904 | Prohibitions against discharge of firearms; exceptions. |
Section 324.41905 | Violation of part or rules as misdemeanor. |
451-1994-III-2-1-SHOOTING-AND-HUNTING-GROUNDS-421 | PART 421 DOG TRAINING AREAS (324.42101...324.42106) |
Section 324.42101 | Special dog training area; permit; application; fee; size; limitation; additional permits. |
Section 324.42102 | Training dogs; conditions; rules; prohibitions. |
Section 324.42103 | Dog training areas; posting boundary lines; notice; contents. |
Section 324.42104 | Area for field dog trials and dog training on state-owned lands; establishment; closing areas; fee; bond; care and maintenance of areas. |
Section 324.42105 | Dog training areas; boundary fence or poster; mutilation, injury, or destruction prohibited. |
Section 324.42106 | Violation as misdemeanor; penalty. |
451-1994-III-2-1-POSSESSION-SALE-REGULATION-OF-WILDLIFE-425 | PART 425 FURS, HIDES, AND PELTS (324.42501...324.42507) |
Section 324.42501 | Protected game birds or game animals; dealers in furs, hides, plumage, or pelts; license; fees; designation by department; “plumage” defined. |
Section 324.42502 | Fur dealer's license; forms and blanks; term; revocation. |
Section 324.42503 | Shipping permits; contents; label; confiscation. |
Section 324.42504 | Report of pelts in possession on last day of season. |
Section 324.42505 | Monthly reports. |
Section 324.42506 | Money received from sale of licenses; credit to game and fish protection account; use. |
Section 324.42507 | Violation as misdemeanor; penalty. |
Section 324.42701 | Definitions. |
Section 324.42702 | Possession of game for propagation and dealing and selling of game; license; denial; zoning requirements; license nontransferable; validity. |
Section 324.42703 | License to be valid and current; exemptions. |
Section 324.42704 | License fees. |
Section 324.42705 | Rights of licensee. |
Section 324.42706 | Islands, enclosures, and pens used for propagation purposes; character and location; construction; conditions to issuance of license or approval of enclosure; purchase of deer from state; applicability of subsections (2) and (3); “flush” or “flushed” defined. |
Section 324.42707 | Purchase of and title to state-owned game; price. |
Section 324.42708 | Game covered by license; manner of taking or killing; requirement for wild turkey or wild turkey hybrids. |
Section 324.42709 | Removal of game from premises; identification; seals, bands, and tags; removal of certain fertile eggs prohibited. |
Section 324.42710 | Orders; rules. |
Section 324.42711 | Released or escaped game as property of state; permission to release game birds required. |
Section 324.42712 | Disposition of money. |
Section 324.42713 | Suspension or revocation of license. |
Section 324.42714 | Violation as misdemeanor; penalties. |
451-1994-III-2-1-POSSESSION-SALE-REGULATION-OF-WILDLIFE-431 | PART 431 FOXES IN CAPTIVITY (324.43101...324.43104) |
Section 324.43101 | Foxes in captivity as domestic animals; protection; construction of part. |
Section 324.43102 | Brands or tattoo marks; recording; prima facie evidence of ownership. |
Section 324.43103 | Prohibited acts; trespass on premises; killing, trapping, injuring or disturbing fur-bearing animal; consent. |
Section 324.43104 | Violation of part as misdemeanor; penalty. |
Section 324.43301 | Limitation on acreage held for sporting purposes. |
Section 324.43302 | Limitation on acreage; location. |
Section 324.43303 | Violation of part; fine. |
451-1994-III-2-2 | SUBCHAPTER 2 HUNTING AND FISHING LICENSES (324.43501...324.44106) |
451-1994-III-2-2-435 | PART 435 HUNTING AND FISHING LICENSING (324.43501...324.43561) |
Section 324.43501 | Meanings of words and phrases. |
Section 324.43502 | Definitions; A to C. |
Section 324.43503 | Definitions; F. |
Section 324.43504 | Definitions. |
Section 324.43505 | Definitions; H to N. |
Section 324.43506 | Definitions; O to R. |
Section 324.43507 | Definitions; S. |
Section 324.43508 | Definitions; T to W. |
Section 324.43509 | Taking aquatic species; taking or possessing wild animal; license. |
Section 324.43510 | Carrying or transporting firearm, slingshot, bow and arrow, crossbow, or trap; license required; exception; applicability to taking of wild animal. |
Section 324.43511 | Deer or elk season; transporting or possessing shotgun or rifle; license required; exception. |
Section 324.43512 | Repealed. 1998, Act 104, Eff. Mar. 23, 1999. |
Section 324.43513 | Carrying, transporting, or possessing firearm, slingshot, bow, or crossbow; hunting license not required; hunting on game bird hunting preserve; carrying or possessing unloaded and uncocked weapon. |
Section 324.43514 | Hunting small game and fishing without license permitted; conditions; exception. |
Section 324.43515 | Permit authorizing developmentally disabled individual or resident of home for aged to fish without license. |
Section 324.43516 | Hunting, fur harvester, or fishing license; carrying license; exhibiting license upon demand; deer license with unused kill tag; exhibiting tag on request; electronic copy; consent to search electronic device not presumed; expanded use of electronic technology; tribal conservation officer; definition. |
Section 324.43517 | Hunting by minor child or adult who has a developmental disability; order establishing mentored hunting program. |
Section 324.43518 | “Department” defined; signature requirement for valid license. |
Section 324.43519 | License requirements; effect of court order. |
Section 324.43520 | Hunting license; issuance to minor child; requirements; duties of issuing agent; proof of previous hunting experience or certification of completion of training in hunter safety; affidavit; information to be recorded; apprentice license; mentored hunting license; additional licenses; fee; report. |
Section 324.43521 | Discounting price of license. |
Section 324.43522 | Issuance of sportcard to persons not possessing driver license or other identification; fee. |
Section 324.43522a | Repealed. 2013, Act 108, Imd. Eff. Sept. 17, 2013. |
Section 324.43523 | Repealed. 2013, Act 108, Eff. Mar. 1, 2014. |
Section 324.43523a | Base license; small game; fur-bearing animals; fee; hours void; 7-day limited nonresident small game license; 3-day limited nonresident small game license; development and display of electronic license. |
Section 324.43523b | Combination hunt and fish license; resident; nonresident; fees. |
Section 324.43524 | Wild turkey hunting license; fees; lottery; issuance of license; use of fees; report; purchase of license beginning March 1, 2014; eligibility; application fee; use. |
Section 324.43525 | Repealed. 2013, Act 108, Eff. Mar. 1, 2014. |
Section 324.43525a | Repealed. 2013, Act 108, Eff. Mar. 1, 2014. |
Section 324.43525b | Waterfowl hunting license; requirements; fee; issuance as stamp; use of fees; electronic display. |
Section 324.43525c | Pheasant hunting license; fees; deposit of funds into pheasant subaccount in the game and fish protection account. |
Section 324.43526 | Repealed. 2013, Act 108, Eff. Mar. 1, 2014. |
Section 324.43526a | Repealed. 2012, Act 241, Eff. Jan. 1, 2017. |
Section 324.43526b | Electronic copy of kill tag; display using electronic device. |
Section 324.43527 | Repealed. 2013, Act 108, Eff. Mar. 1, 2014. |
Section 324.43527a | Purchase of deer license beginning March 1, 2014; eligibility; application fee; kill tag; second deer license. |
Section 324.43527b | Deer management assistance permits. |
Section 324.43528 | Bear hunting license; exception; eligibility beginning March 1, 2014; fees; kill tag; application fee; bear participation license. |
Section 324.43528a | Moose hunting license; fees; kill tag. |
Section 324.43528b | Wolf hunting license; eligibility beginning March 1, 2014; fee; kill tag. |
Section 324.43528c | Commercial hunting guide; license requirements; commercial forestland prohibition; revocation; annual report; exhibition of license upon demand; violations; civil fines; definitions. |
Section 324.43528d | Commercial hunting guide license application fees. |
Section 324.43529 | Elk hunting license; eligibility beginning March 1, 2014; fees; kill tag. |
Section 324.43530 | Repealed. 2013, Act 108, Eff. Mar. 1, 2014. |
Section 324.43531 | Fur harvester's license; exception; fees; conditions to issuance of nonresident fur harvester's license; rights of licensee; eligibility beginning March 1, 2014; validity of license. |
Section 324.43531b | Issuance of free tags. |
Section 324.43532 | All-species fishing license; fees; electronic license. |
Section 324.43532a | Additional charges; deposit. |
Section 324.43532b | Michigan wildlife management public education subaccount; Michigan wildlife council. |
Section 324.43533 | 24-hour or 72-hour fishing license; fees; electronic license. |
Section 324.43534 | Free fishing days. |
Section 324.43535 | Senior license; discounted fees. |
Section 324.43536 | Senior all-species fishing license; discounted fees; electronic license. |
Section 324.43536a | Obtaining license by active member of military; “active member of the military” defined. |
Section 324.43537 | Restricted or senior all-species fishing license; eligibility of legally blind; disabled veteran; resident license for which lottery not required; proof of eligibility; processing licenses; appropriations; "disabled veteran" defined. |
Section 324.43538 | Fishing; reciprocity. |
Section 324.43539 | Report by licensee. |
Section 324.43540 | License; application and issuance by mail, on-line computer service, or telephone; fees; delinquent payment. |
Section 324.43540a | Sportsmen against hunger program; implementation; duties of department; financial donations; contract with nonprofit organization to administer program; contract requirements; "program" defined. |
Section 324.43540c | Sportsmen against hunger program; donation; creation; disposition of money or other assets; money remaining in fund; expenditure; costs; limitation; "fund" defined. |
Section 324.43540d | Repealed. 2010, Act 366, Eff. Dec. 22, 2011. |
Section 324.43540e | Wolf management advisory council. |
Section 324.43541 | Retaining percentage of fees for sportcard, license, duplicate license, application, or permit; additional charges. |
Section 324.43542 | Licenses; validity; fee; report. |
Section 324.43543 | Course of instruction in safe handling of firearms; instructors; registration; certificate of competency. |
Section 324.43544 | License, sportcard, or kill tag; loss or destruction; duplicate; certification of loss form; fees. |
Section 324.43545 | Repealed. 2016, Act 461, Eff. Mar. 29, 2017. |
Section 324.43546 | Senior hunting and fishing licenses; appropriating sum equal to fees not collected; crediting appropriation to game and fish protection account. |
Section 324.43547 | Preparation and issuance of sportcards and licenses; information; equipment; conservation law enforcement stamps; issuance of licenses beginning March 1, 2014. |
Section 324.43548 | Persons authorized to issue limited fishing licenses without equipment; bond; remittance of money; limitation on fee; fees held in trust. |
Section 324.43549 | Violation of MCL 324.43548; penalties. |
Section 324.43550 | Format of license. |
Section 324.43551 | Issuance of certain licenses; restriction. |
Section 324.43552 | Quotas on licenses. |
Section 324.43553 | Disposition of money received from sale of passbooks and licenses; payments; grants; youth hunting and fishing education and outreach fund; annual report; posting measures and metrics on website. |
Section 324.43554 | Deer habitat; improvement; maintenance; management; use of license fee; limitation. |
Section 324.43555 | Wildlife resource protection fund; creation; transmission and deposit of additional fee; money credited; expenditures; voluntary contribution; annual report. |
Section 324.43556 | Hunter access leases on private land; lease payments; control of hunter access by participating landowners; cancellation of lease agreement; forfeiture of lease payments; posting boundaries of leased land; cause of action for injuries; orders. |
Section 324.43557 | License application lists, information, and publications; sale; price; disposition of proceeds. |
Section 324.43558 | Prohibited conduct; misdemeanor; penalties; carrying firearm under influence of controlled substance or alcohol; effect of prior conviction; violation of subsection (1)(d) as misdemeanor; violation of 43516(3) penalties. |
Section 324.43559 | Violation; revocation of license; suspension order; compliance; rescission; failure to answer citation or notice to appear; failure to comply with court order or judgment. |
Section 324.43560 | Violation as misdemeanor; penalty; failure to exhibit license; civil infraction; civil fine. |
Section 324.43561 | Rules. |
451-1994-III-2-2-437 | PART 437 MICHIGAN GAME AND FISH PROTECTION TRUST FUND (324.43701...324.43705) |
Section 324.43701 | Definitions. |
Section 324.43702 | Michigan game and fish protection trust fund; establishment; composition. |
Section 324.43703 | Transfer of interest and earnings; manner of maintaining corpus of trust fund; transfer of funds. |
Section 324.43704 | Investment of trust fund; report on accounting of revenues and expenditures. |
Section 324.43705 | Joint legislative work group; establishment; purpose; composition; membership; appointment; service; vacancy; first meeting; quorum; compensation; assistance and staff support; report. |
451-1994-III-2-2-439 | PART 439 MICHIGAN NONGAME FISH AND WILDLIFE TRUST FUND (324.43901...324.43907) |
Section 324.43901 | Definitions. |
Section 324.43902 | Michigan nongame fish and wildlife trust fund; establishment; composition; investment; annual report. |
Section 324.43903 | Retention of certain money in trust fund on permanent basis; expenditures. |
Section 324.43904 | Plan for management of nongame fish and wildlife resources. |
Section 324.43905 | Duties of department. |
Section 324.43906 | Determination of projects to be funded; solicitation and approval of proposals. |
Section 324.43907 | Public information program. |
451-1994-III-2-2-441 | PART 441 GAME AND FISH LIFETIME LICENSE TRUST FUND (324.44101...324.44106) |
Section 324.44101 | Definitions. |
Section 324.44102 | Lifetime hunting or fishing licenses; fees; privileges, responsibilities, and duties; validity; comprehensive lifetime hunting and fishing license. |
Section 324.44103 | Submission of application and fee; contents of application; notice of change in name or address; purchase of lifetime license for another person; issuance of certificate; minor child; eligibility of holder of certificate to hunt or fish; review of application; mailing license; denial of application; retention of certain amounts; tender of money and information; report; return of information, unsold license, and money to department; replacement lifetime license; forwarding proceeds to state treasurer. |
Section 324.44104 | Game and fish lifetime license trust fund; creation; purpose; crediting money received; investment of trust fund. |
Section 324.44105 | Maintenance and investment of corpus, interest, and earnings of trust fund; crediting certain amount to game and fish protection account. |
Section 324.44106 | Violation of MCL 324.44103; penalty. |
451-1994-III-2-3 | SUBCHAPTER 3 FISHERIES (324.44501...324.49103) |
451-1994-III-2-3-CHARTER-AND-LIVERY-BOATS | CHARTER AND LIVERY BOATS (324.44501...324.44526) |
451-1994-III-2-3-CHARTER-AND-LIVERY-BOATS-445 | PART 445 CHARTER AND LIVERY BOAT SAFETY (324.44501...324.44526) |
Section 324.44501 | Definitions. |
Section 324.44502 | Conditions to renting or leasing charter boat or carrying passengers for hire; possession and display of valid pilot's license; obtaining vessel inspection certificate and pilot's license. |
Section 324.44503 | Conditions to advertising or arranging for carrying passenger on charter boat. |
Section 324.44504 | Rules establishing minimum safety standards for charter boats; vessel ventilation and rail height. |
Section 324.44505 | Public liability insurance; notice of cancellation or expiration. |
Section 324.44506 | Rules for licensing pilots of charter boats. |
Section 324.44507 | Inspection of charter boats and equipment; certificate of inspection; number of crew; effect of noncompliance. |
Section 324.44508 | Availability of fish in waters utilized by charter boats; catch activity committee; composition; duties; reports; charter boat operator duties. |
Section 324.44509 | Operation of charter boat in violation of terms of certificate of inspection. |
Section 324.44510 | State pilot's license or renewal; examination; reexamination; revocation; issuance; duration. |
Section 324.44511 | Application for charter boat inspection or state pilot's examination; filing; fee; form; furnishing required information; false information; signature as certification of true and correct information; inspection fee schedules for dry dock and dockside inspection; inspection without fee or for reduced fee; examination fee for state pilot's license; forfeiture of application fee; disposition and use of inspection fees. |
Section 324.44512 | Petition for evidentiary hearing; appeal. |
Section 324.44513 | Reciprocity; annual operating permit; amount and use of fees; education and enforcement program; printed materials. |
Section 324.44514 | Repealed. 2012, Act 249, Imd. Eff. July 2, 2012. |
Section 324.44515 | Rules requiring equipment and minimum safety standards for livery boats. |
Section 324.44516 | Boat livery; annual inspection decal, plate, or tab; permit application; inspection fee; inspection by sheriff's department; permit; issuance; display; powers and duties of department and conservation officer; items to be furnished by department of natural resources. |
Section 324.44517 | Repealed. 2012, Act 249, Imd. Eff. July 2, 2012. |
Section 324.44518 | Affixing inspection decal, plate, or tab to motorized livery boat; expiration; fees; information; amount, disposition, and use of fees. |
Section 324.44519 | Removing, damaging, or mutilating inspection decal, plate, or tab. |
Section 324.44520 | Written rental contract required for certain livery boats; relinquishing physical control; responsibility of individual renting livery boat; display of information. |
Section 324.44520a | Nonmotorized livery boat; liability for injury or death to user; notice; definitions. |
Section 324.44521 | Presenting rental contract or lease agreement for examination by peace officer; prohibited conduct by person renting, leasing, or operating livery boat. |
Section 324.44522 | Rental of personal watercraft; prohibition; certification required; rental agreement; contents; validity; liability; violation of subsection (1) or (2) as misdemeanor; impoundment. |
Section 324.44522a | Inspection by peace officer. |
Section 324.44523 | Petition for evidentiary hearing. |
Section 324.44524 | Violation as misdemeanor; penalties; failure to submit activity reports; civil infraction; seizure, condemnation, and confiscation of vessel; issuance of appearance ticket. |
Section 324.44525 | Applicability and construction of part. |
Section 324.44526 | Effect of rules. |
451-1994-III-2-3-AQUATIC-SPECIES | AQUATIC SPECIES (324.45101...324.49103) |
451-1994-III-2-3-AQUATIC-SPECIES-451 | PART 451 FISHING FROM INLAND WATERS (324.45101...324.45102) |
Section 324.45101 | Inland lakes; fishing prohibited; exception. |
Section 324.45102 | Violation of part; penalty. |
451-1994-III-2-3-AQUATIC-SPECIES-453 | PART 453 FISHING WITH HOOK AND LINE (324.45301...324.45302) |
Section 324.45301 | Lawful fishing with hook and line. |
Section 324.45302 | Fishing rights; action; defense. |
451-1994-III-2-3-AQUATIC-SPECIES-455 | PART 455 FROGS (324.45501...324.45504) |
Section 324.45501 | Repealed. 2018, Act 20, Imd. Eff. Feb. 14, 2018. |
Section 324.45502 | Repealed. 2018, Act 20, Imd. Eff. Feb. 14, 2018. |
Section 324.45503 | Repealed. 2018, Act 20, Imd. Eff. Feb. 14, 2018. |
Section 324.45504 | Repealed. 2018, Act 20, Imd. Eff. Feb. 14, 2018. |
451-1994-III-2-3-AQUATIC-SPECIES-457 | PART 457 MUSSELS (324.45701...324.45711) |
Section 324.45701 | Definitions. |
Section 324.45702 | Mussels; registration and license requirements. |
Section 324.45703 | License; application; form; fee. |
Section 324.45704 | License; issuance; duration; contents; possession; exhibition. |
Section 324.45705 | Applications and licenses; record; receipts; disposition; "nonresident" defined. |
Section 324.45706 | Mussels; number of boats permitted; crowfoot bars; hand rods; prohibited devices; mufflers. |
Section 324.45707 | Mussels; limitation on catch of certain undersized species. |
Section 324.45708 | Mussels; closed areas; orders of department; publication; effective date. |
Section 324.45709 | Mussels; report to department by license holder; prerequisite to new license. |
Section 324.45710 | Taking mussels for culture or scientific investigation; permit required. |
Section 324.45711 | Violation of part; penalty; default. |
451-1994-III-2-3-AQUATIC-SPECIES-459 | PART 459 PROPAGATION OF GAME FISH IN PRIVATE WATERS (324.45901...324.45908) |
Section 324.45901 | Definitions. |
Section 324.45902 | Game fish; license for propagation for sale. |
Section 324.45903 | Game fish; license; application; contents; fee. |
Section 324.45904 | Game fish; sale; posting of license. |
Section 324.45905 | Rules; enforcement. |
Section 324.45906 | Importation of game fish or viable eggs; prohibition or restriction; rules. |
Section 324.45907 | License fees; crediting game and fish protection account. |
Section 324.45908 | Violation of part or rules as misdemeanor; penalty; suspension or revocation of license. |
451-1994-III-2-3-AQUATIC-SPECIES-461 | PART 461 REGULATING FISHING IN NORTHPORT HARBOR (324.46101...324.46102) |
Section 324.46101 | Northport harbor; fishing for perch or smelt prohibited. |
Section 324.46102 | Violation of part as misdemeanor; penalty. |
451-1994-III-2-3-AQUATIC-SPECIES-463 | PART 463 FISHING LAWS IN ST. JOSEPH RIVER (324.46301...324.46301) |
Section 324.46301 | St. Joseph river; applicability of general laws. |
451-1994-III-2-3-AQUATIC-SPECIES-465 | PART 465 FISHING SHANTIES (324.46501...324.46509) |
Section 324.46501 | Definitions. |
Section 324.46502 | Fishing shanty; affixing identification of owner. |
Section 324.46503 | Repealed. 2018, Act 25, Imd. Eff. Feb. 14, 2018. |
Section 324.46504 | Repealed. 2018, Act 25, Imd. Eff. Feb. 14, 2018. |
Section 324.46505 | Repealed. 2018, Act 25, Imd. Eff. Feb. 14, 2018. |
Section 324.46506 | Repealed. 2018, Act 25, Imd. Eff. Feb. 14, 2018. |
Section 324.46507 | Fishing shanty; removal; conditions; violation; date for removal. |
Section 324.46508 | Ordinance, rule, or regulation of local unit of government; effect. |
Section 324.46509 | Violation as misdemeanor; penalty; reimbursement to governmental entity; violation of 46502 civil infraction. |
451-1994-III-2-3-AQUATIC-SPECIES-467 | PART 467 MODIFICATION OF COMMERCIAL FISHING LAWS (324.46701...324.46704) |
Section 324.46701 | Commercial fishing laws; suspension by department. |
Section 324.46702 | Effective date of order; copy to licensees. |
Section 324.46703 | Violation of order; penalty; revocation of license. |
Section 324.46704 | Construction of part. |
Section 324.46901 | Soo Rapids and certain connecting waters of St. Marys river; closed seasons on rainbow trout; excepted waters. |
Section 324.46902 | Violation of part as misdemeanor; penalty. |
451-1994-III-2-3-AQUATIC-SPECIES-471 | PART 471 FISHERIES MAINTENANCE (324.47101...324.47105) |
Section 324.47101 | Department; fish-breeding duties; property tax exempt; superintendent of fisheries; duties. |
Section 324.47102 | Accounts; records. |
Section 324.47103 | Duties of department. |
Section 324.47104 | Appropriation; carrying forward unexpended balance. |
Section 324.47105 | Joint action with other states. |
451-1994-III-2-3-AQUATIC-SPECIES-473 | PART 473 COMMERCIAL FISHING (324.47301...324.47362) |
Section 324.47301 | Fish in Great Lakes; property of state. |
Section 324.47301a | Obstruction or interference in lawful taking of fish; prohibited conduct; injunction; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; applicability of section to peace officer; definitions. |
Section 324.47302 | Fishing license; limited number to be issued; qualifications; provisions; expiration date; suspension or revocation; renewal; transfer. |
Section 324.47303 | Fish and game protection account; receipts; use. |
Section 324.47305 | Rules. |
Section 324.47306 | Commercial fishing law; setting of nets or hook lines prohibited; connecting waters. |
Section 324.47307 | Setting of nets or hook lines prohibited; channel at mouth of stream or outlet of inland lake; fishing from docks; spearing through ice. |
Section 324.47308 | Set hook lines, spears, and gill nets; use permitted; marketing prohibited; unused bait. |
Section 324.47309 | Nets; use; meshes. |
Section 324.47310 | Taking, catching, or attempting to take or catch fish with gill net, pound net, or trap net in certain waters; transfer of fishing licenses; license or permit for chubs; applicability of section. |
Section 324.47311 | Closed seasons; setting of nets or hooks; disposition of fish taken during closed season; revocation of license; chilling fish. |
Section 324.47312 | Taking fish for fish culture; commercial fishing; closing. |
Section 324.47313 | Spawn; handling; violation of part; unlawful taking of trout. |
Section 324.47314 | Spawn; propagation; planting of fry; violation of part. |
Section 324.47315 | Taking fish for fish culture; powers of department or department's designee; sale; disposition of proceeds. |
Section 324.47316 | Shipments; marketing; seizure as illegal. |
Section 324.47317 | Possession of shipment of illegal fish; construction. |
Section 324.47318 | Repacking after opening; detention of legal shipment prohibited. |
Section 324.47319 | Minimum length and weight requirements; unlawful possession and marketing. |
Section 324.47320 | Undersized fish; return to waters; definition. |
Section 324.47321 | Taking of certain fish by commercial fishing devices prohibited; return to waters. |
Section 324.47322 | Marking of location of nets and devices. |
Section 324.47323 | Inspection before shipment. |
Section 324.47324 | Power of department to take fish for cultural purposes; price; basis. |
Section 324.47325 | Daily report of catch; failure to file; penalty; suspension or denial of license. |
Section 324.47326 | Report of fish in possession by commercial fishermen; contents; inspection; prohibited possession. |
Section 324.47327 | Violation of MCL 324.47301 to 324.47324; penalty. |
Section 324.47328 | License to use fishing devices; sport trolling; licensing boats for hire; license not required under certain conditions in lake St. Clair. |
Section 324.47329 | Commercial fishing licenses; application; contents; “overall length” defined; fee. |
Section 324.47330 | License to use fishing devices; issuance fees. |
Section 324.47331 | Commercial fishing licenses; form; tag attached to boat; fee; transfer procedure. |
Section 324.47332 | Licenses; expiration date; record of applications and licenses; disposition of fees. |
Section 324.47333 | Wholesale fish market or house; license; fee; label on containers; record; purchase reports; failure to submit reports or records; civil infraction; suspension or denial of license. |
Section 324.47334 | Violation of sections; penalties. |
Section 324.47335 | Nets and seines; prohibited use in certain waters of Lake Superior. |
Section 324.47336 | Grand Traverse bay. |
Section 324.47337 | Charlevoix bay. |
Section 324.47338 | Setting or using nets near public docks or piers prohibited; exceptions. |
Section 324.47339 | Saginaw bay. |
Section 324.47340 | Marquette Bay. |
Section 324.47341 | Grand Marais harbor. |
Section 324.47342 | False Presque Isle bay. |
Section 324.47343 | Presque Isle harbor. |
Section 324.47344 | Thunder Bay. |
Section 324.47345 | Whitney bay. |
Section 324.47346 | Pike Bay and Island Harbor. |
Section 324.47347 | Straits of Mackinac. |
Section 324.47348 | Les Cheneaux channels. |
Section 324.47349 | Fishing in certain water of upper Lake Huron with fishing devices; prohibition; exceptions; spearing through ice for certain fish; open season. |
Section 324.47350 | Little Traverse bay. |
Section 324.47351 | Little Bay de Noquette. |
Section 324.47352 | Garden bay. |
Section 324.47353 | Little Bay de Noquette, Big Bay de Noquette, and Green Bay. |
Section 324.47354 | Keweenaw bay. |
Section 324.47355 | Portage Lake ship canal. |
Section 324.47356 | Huron bay. |
Section 324.47357 | Duncan Bay. |
Section 324.47358 | Munising and Murray bays. |
Section 324.47359 | Bait; taking with nets. |
Section 324.47360 | Construction of part. |
Section 324.47361 | Violation of MCL 324.47335 to 324.47360; penalty; suspension or revocation of permit or license; issuance or reinstatement. |
Section 324.47362 | Part 479 not repealed. |
Section 324.47501 | Fish hatcheries to restock Great Lakes; establishment; plan. |
451-1994-III-2-3-AQUATIC-SPECIES-477 | PART 477 FISH RESTORATION AND MANAGEMENT PROJECTS (324.47701...324.47701) |
Section 324.47701 | Fish restoration; cooperation with federal government; funds accruing from license fees; use. |
451-1994-III-2-3-AQUATIC-SPECIES-479 | PART 479 FISHERIES CONTAMINATION (324.47901...324.47905) |
Section 324.47901 | Refuse from fish catch; disposal. |
Section 324.47902 | Nonresident fishing license; fee; forfeiture; disposition of money accrued. |
Section 324.47903 | Dumping into waters prohibited; molesting of nets. |
Section 324.47904 | Violation of part; penalty. |
Section 324.47905 | Prohibited acts; penalty; civil liability. |
451-1994-III-2-3-AQUATIC-SPECIES-483 | PART 483 PASSAGE OF FISH OVER DAMS (324.48301...324.48307) |
Section 324.48301 | Free passage of fish; rules; fish ladders. |
Section 324.48302 | Inspector of dams; duties; plan; contents; copies. |
Section 324.48303 | Order to provide free passage of fish; compliance; kind and manner. |
Section 324.48304 | Prosecutions; mandamus. |
Section 324.48305 | Violations of part; separate offenses. |
Section 324.48306 | Construction of passageways for fish by department; expenses; payment; tax assessment. |
Section 324.48307 | Passage of fish through and over dams; apparatus obstructing rivers, streams, or creeks prohibited; violation; authority of department. |
451-1994-III-2-3-AQUATIC-SPECIES-485 | PART 485 SPEARING OF FISH IN HOUGHTON LAKE PROHIBITED (324.48501...324.48501) |
Section 324.48501 | Repealed. 2012, Act 301, Imd. Eff. Sept. 25, 2012. |
451-1994-III-2-3-AQUATIC-SPECIES-487 | PART 487 SPORT FISHING (324.48701...324.48740) |
451-1994-III-2-3-AQUATIC-SPECIES-487-I | SUBPART I DEFINITIONS (324.48701...324.48702b) |
Section 324.48701 | Definitions. |
Section 324.48702 | Fish, reptiles, amphibians, mollusks, and crustaceans as property of state; exception; registration under Michigan aquaculture development act. |
Section 324.48702a | Definitions; obstruction or interference in lawful taking of aquatic species; prohibited conduct. |
Section 324.48702b | Violation of MCL 324.48702a. |
451-1994-III-2-3-AQUATIC-SPECIES-487-II | SUBPART II FISHING DEVICES (324.48703...324.48714b) |
Section 324.48703 | Fishing means or device; lines; hooks; tip-up or similar device; spear, bow and arrow, or crossbow; order to regulate nets. |
Section 324.48703a | Sport fishing; regulation by commission; issuance of orders; providing copy of order to legislature; appropriation. |
Section 324.48704 | Repealed. 2018, Act 529, Imd. Eff. Dec. 28, 2018. |
Section 324.48705 | Reptiles, amphibians, mollusks, and crustaceans; manner and times of taking; fishing license; taking for commercial purposes prohibited; taking for scientific or educational purposes; permit required. |
Section 324.48706 | Seines or nets; prohibited use near dams; definition. |
Section 324.48707 | Lamprey control weir; prohibited waters for fishing. |
Section 324.48708 | Repealed. 2018, Act 529, Imd. Eff. Dec. 28, 2018. |
Section 324.48709 | Dam or barrier; destruction or interference prohibited. |
Section 324.48710 | Applicability of part to gaff, landing net, person propagating fish, or fish caught by device. |
Section 324.48711 | Possession of fishing devices; prohibition; confiscation; exceptions; evidence; certain controls not affected. |
Section 324.48712 | Fishing in propagating beds prohibited; exception. |
Section 324.48713 | Fishing to remove eggs prohibited. |
Section 324.48714 | Repealed. 2018, Act 529, Imd. Eff. Dec. 28, 2018. |
Section 324.48714a | Sport fishing guide; license requirements; commercial forestland prohibition; revocation; monthly reports; failure to file penalties; exhibition of license upon demand; violations; civil fines; definitions. |
Section 324.48714b | Application fee for sport fishing guide license; public boating access entry pass fee. |
451-1994-III-2-3-AQUATIC-SPECIES-487-III | SUBPART III OPEN SEASONS (324.48715...324.48727) |
Section 324.48715-324.48720 | Repealed. 2018, Act 529, Imd. Eff. Dec. 28, 2018. |
Section 324.48721 | Possession limits of fish. |
Section 324.48722 | Game fish; carried as open hand baggage; transportation. |
Section 324.48723 | Purchase, sale, transportation or possession of certain fish prohibited; exceptions. |
Section 324.48724 | “Fish cleaning station” defined; license to purchase, sell, or exchange anything of value for raw or unprocessed salmon eggs; prohibited conduct; compliance with requirements; selling or buying chemically treated salmon eggs; violation; order; injunctive relief. |
Section 324.48725 | Repealed. 2018, Act 529, Imd. Eff. Dec. 28, 2018. |
Section 324.48726 | Repealed. 2008, Act 291, Imd. Eff. Oct. 6, 2008. |
Section 324.48727 | Repealed. 2018, Act 529, Imd. Eff. Dec. 28, 2018. |
451-1994-III-2-3-AQUATIC-SPECIES-487-IV | SUBPART IV MINNOWS (324.48728...324.48731) |
Section 324.48728 | Definitions. |
Section 324.48729 | Prohibited conduct; exception for charter fishing guide. |
Section 324.48730 | Powers of department. |
Section 324.48731 | Minnow seines; glass or wire traps; hand nets; hook and line; dip nets. |
451-1994-III-2-3-AQUATIC-SPECIES-487-V | SUBPART V LICENSES AND PERMITS (324.48732...324.48740) |
Section 324.48732 | “Place of business” defined; limited retail minnow dealer's license; wholesale minnow dealer's license; minnow catcher's license; fees; prohibited imports; separate licenses; size of crew; identification cards; license application forms; display of placard and license number; display of license or identification card on demand; inspection of records and equipment; revocation or expiration of license. |
Section 324.48733 | Repealed. 2018, Act 529, Imd. Eff. Dec. 28, 2018. |
Section 324.48734 | Permit to remove fish from waters or donate fish taken during fishing tournament; exception for game fish; issuance. |
Section 324.48735 | Permit to take fish for fish culture or scientific investigation; exception; permit to possess live game fish in ponds, pools, and aquariums; taking fish to obtain spawn or for protection from ecological damage or imbalance; taking fish not required to maintain fishery resources; supervision; sale or transfer of fish; importing or bringing fish or eggs from outside state; permit to plant spawn, fry, or fish in public waters; exhibiting permits. |
Section 324.48736 | Removal of caddis fly larvae or other insect larvae from trout streams; prohibition; exception. |
Section 324.48737 | Sale of licenses and stamps; disposition of proceeds. |
Section 324.48738 | Violations as misdemeanors; violation as felony; violation as civil infraction; penalties; suspension or revocation of permit or license; issuance or reinstatement. |
Section 324.48739 | Violation of part as misdemeanor; possession or sale of multipointed hook with weight permanently attached as misdemeanor; penalties. |
Section 324.48740 | Additional penalties; forfeitures; probation; default; disposition of forfeitures. |
451-1994-III-2-3-AQUATIC-SPECIES-489 | PART 489 WHAISKA BAY (324.48901...324.48901) |
Section 324.48901 | Whaiska Bay; fishing devices prohibited. |
Section 324.49101 | Reciprocal agreements with adjoining states to cover taking of fish. |
Section 324.49102 | Fishing; reciprocal agreements; publication. |
Section 324.49103 | Violation of regulations as misdemeanor; penalty. |
451-1994-III-2-4 | SUBCHAPTER 4 FORESTS (324.50101...324.53519) |
451-1994-III-2-4-THE-TIMBER-INDUSTRY | THE TIMBER INDUSTRY (324.50101...324.50707) |
451-1994-III-2-4-THE-TIMBER-INDUSTRY-501 | PART 501 FOREST IMPROVEMENTS (324.50101...324.50166) |
451-1994-III-2-4-THE-TIMBER-INDUSTRY-501-1 | SUBPART 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS (324.50101...324.50107) |
Section 324.50101 | Meanings of words and phrases. |
Section 324.50102 | Definitions; A to D. |
Section 324.50103 | Definitions; F to P. |
Section 324.50104 | Definitions; H to P. |
Section 324.50105 | Definitions; R to U. |
Section 324.50106 | Purpose. |
Section 324.50107 | Liberal construction. |
451-1994-III-2-4-THE-TIMBER-INDUSTRY-501-2 | SUBPART 2 FOREST RESTORATION PILOT PROJECT (324.50108...324.50119) |
Section 324.50108 | Forest restoration pilot project; purpose; sources of funding; allocation of funds. |
Section 324.50109 | Expenses. |
Section 324.50110 | Repealed. 2013, Act 45, Imd. Eff. June 6, 2013. |
Section 324.50111 | Western Upper Peninsula forest improvement district; establishment; petition; selection of lands by committee; employment of forester; activation of working forests; factors in determining and allocating funds. |
Section 324.50112 | Repealed. 2013, Act 45, Imd. Eff. June 6, 2013. |
Section 324.50113 | Report. |
Section 324.50114 | Notices; contents; certification. |
Section 324.50115 | Mandate for public benefit; standards for conduct of forest practices. |
Section 324.50116 | Changes in forest management plan; approval; appeal; determination; service of changes on members; effective date of changes. |
Section 324.50117 | Security for repayment of bonds. |
Section 324.50118 | Approved reserve fund; establishment; purpose; payments into fund; resolution as to use of money; limitations. |
Section 324.50119 | Applicability of part. |
451-1994-III-2-4-THE-TIMBER-INDUSTRY-501-3 | SUBPART 3 DEPARTMENT POWERS (324.50120...324.50122) |
Section 324.50120 | Duties of department generally; applicability of provisions to western Upper Peninsula forest improvement district. |
Section 324.50121 | Rules, guidelines, and publications. |
Section 324.50122 | Primary consideration in promulgating rules and disposing of timber and other products; timber volume agreement; forest improvement program. |
451-1994-III-2-4-THE-TIMBER-INDUSTRY-501-4 | SUBPART 4 FOREST IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (324.50123...324.50139) |
Section 324.50123 | Establishment authorized; powers generally. |
Section 324.50124 | Petitions. |
Section 324.50125 | Creation of district; hearing; notice; determination; defining boundaries of district; actual notice. |
Section 324.50126 | Operation of district; feasibility. |
Section 324.50127 | Board of directors; appointment and qualifications of directors; presentation and contents of application; certification statement; examination and recordation of application and statement; issuance and contents of certification. |
Section 324.50128 | District as governmental subdivision and public body corporate and politic. |
Section 324.50129 | Petition for discontinuance; filing; form; notice. |
Section 324.50130 | Petitions for change of boundary line; filing; contents; hearing; determination; application for certificate evidencing change of boundary; statement; effect of filing; issuance and contents of certificate. |
Section 324.50131 | Board of directors as governing body of district; officers; election and appointment of directors; terms; eligibility to vote; vacancy; annual meeting; fiscal year; quorum; concurrence of majority for determination; expenses; delegation of powers and duties; recall petition; notice; recall election; cessation of term; furnishing commission with documents and other information; surety bonds; records; audit; representatives of local legislative body. |
Section 324.50132 | Nominating petition; filing; signatures; notice; eligibility to vote. |
Section 324.50133 | Consolidation into single district; petition; notice; hearing; determination; order; board of consolidated district; certificate of organization; powers and duties; property, agreements, and obligations of consolidated district. |
Section 324.50134 | Discontinuance of district; petition; public hearings; notice of referendum; eligibility to vote; publishing results of referendum; determination; certificate of determination; payment of debt and disposition of property; application for discontinuance; issuance and recordation of certificate of dissolution; contracts, bonds, or other obligations; limitation on petition for discontinuance. |
Section 324.50135 | Additional powers of district. |
Section 324.50136 | Repealed. 2013, Act 45, Imd. Eff. June 6, 2013. |
Section 324.50137 | Expenses of district; sources of payment; allocation of funds. |
Section 324.50138 | Cooperative exercise of powers. |
Section 324.50139 | Report. |
451-1994-III-2-4-THE-TIMBER-INDUSTRY-501-5 | SUBPART 5 FOREST PRACTICES (324.50140...324.50144) |
Section 324.50140 | Conduct of forest practices; minimum standards. |
Section 324.50141 | Notification of compliance with forest practice rules; forest management plan; forms; contents of notification; notice of change in information; validity of notification. |
Section 324.50142 | Violation of district forest practice rule; notice; order; hearing. |
Section 324.50143 | Noncompliance with order directing repair of damage or correction of unsatisfactory condition; estimate of cost; notice of estimate; review; determination of expenditure; appearance of member; itemized certified statement of expenditures; expenditures as lien; certification and filing of notice of lien; legal action; error or mistake in notice of lien; termination of lien. |
Section 324.50144 | Conversion of forest land to other use; procedures and criteria. |
Section 324.50145 | Agreements to share cost of forest practices; schedule of cost share percentages. |
Section 324.50146 | Loans to members; purpose; term; interest; security; recordation of mortgage or deed of trust; repayment before maturity date; damage as grounds for release of obligation. |
Section 324.50147 | Annual incentive payments to members; purpose; application of income from sale of timber; term; interest; limitation; security; recordation of mortgage or deed of trust; effect of voluntary withdrawal of member; damage as grounds for release of obligation. |
Section 324.50148 | Cost-share payments, loans, or annual incentive payments; eligibility; conditions; guidelines. |
Section 324.50149 | Applications for financial assistance; selection of programs; factors; preferences; criteria for evaluation and approval. |
Section 324.50150 | Cost-share payments, loans, or annual incentive payments; federal payments or other assistance; limitation. |
Section 324.50151 | Cost-share payments, loans, or annual incentive payments; refund; interest; payments as lien on forest land; filing lien; legal action. |
Section 324.50152 | Severance and service fees generally. |
Section 324.50153 | Schedule of fees for services; establishment; uniform severance fee. |
Section 324.50154 | Severance and service fees; collection and disposition; responsibility for payment of severance fee; stumpage values and units of measurement; remittance; reports; records. |
Section 324.50155 | Collection of fees; enforcement. |
451-1994-III-2-4-THE-TIMBER-INDUSTRY-501-7 | SUBPART 7 BOND ISSUANCE PROVISIONS (324.50156...324.50166) |
Section 324.50156 | Resolution authorizing bonds; provisions. |
Section 324.50157 | Resolution authorizing bonds; principal, interest, payment, and security; full faith and credit; trustees. |
Section 324.50158 | Special debt service reserve fund; creation; purpose; sources and use of money; transfer of income or interest; limitation on approved reserve fund requirement; limitation on issuance of bonds. |
Section 324.50159 | Statement of liability on face of bond. |
Section 324.50160 | Applicability of part and resolution; enforcement of duties; recital in bond as evidence of validity; publication and effective date of resolution. |
Section 324.50161 | Refunding bonds. |
Section 324.50162 | Adoption of bonds by resolution of majority of board; bonds subject to revised municipal finance act. |
Section 324.50163 | Pledge and lien of pledge valid and binding; recordation not required. |
Section 324.50164 | Liability on bonds. |
Section 324.50165 | Pledge and agreement of state not to impair rights and remedies of bondholders; bonds as negotiable instruments; bonds as securities; investment in bonds. |
Section 324.50166 | Exemption from taxation. |
Section 324.50301 | Duties of departments of agriculture and rural development and natural resources. |
Section 324.50302 | Annual report. |
451-1994-III-2-4-THE-TIMBER-INDUSTRY-505 | PART 505 MICHIGAN FOREST FINANCE AUTHORITY (324.50501...324.50522) |
Section 324.50501 | Purpose of part. |
Section 324.50502 | Definitions. |
Section 324.50503 | Michigan forest finance authority; creation; exercise of powers, duties, and functions; handling of funds. |
Section 324.50504 | Board of directors; appointment; terms; oath; vacancy; persons subject to MCL 15.321 to 15.330; discharge of duties; policies and procedures; conducting business at public meetings; notice; quorum; actions of board; representative as voting member; chairperson. |
Section 324.50505 | Election of chairperson and vice-chairperson; state forester as executive director; qualifications, duties, and compensation of employees; delegation of powers or duties; rights and interests of authority; annual report; audits; records. |
Section 324.50506 | Powers of board. |
Section 324.50507 | Financing forest management operations and practices; application of funds; interim procedure; annual list of activities and practices; projection of probable default; contracts for cutting and sale of timber; forest development fund; audit. |
Section 324.50508 | Department as agent for authority; conveyance of state's interest in contracts granting timber cutting rights; deposit of money received; conveyance of title to timber. |
Section 324.50509 | Bonds and notes generally; expenses; expenditures. |
Section 324.50510 | Bonds or notes; purposes; payment; requirements; signature of board member or office of authority; sale of bonds or notes; applicability of other laws; interest rate agreement. |
Section 324.50511 | Refunding bonds or notes. |
Section 324.50512 | Security to assure timely payment of bond or note. |
Section 324.50513 | Bonds or notes; authority of board member, executive director, or other officer of authority. |
Section 324.50514 | Resolution authorizing bonds or notes; provisions. |
Section 324.50515 | Pledge. |
Section 324.50516 | Personal liability on bonds or notes. |
Section 324.50517 | Purchasing, holding, canceling, or reselling bonds or notes. |
Section 324.50518 | Rights and remedies. |
Section 324.50519 | Bonds or notes as legal investments; security. |
Section 324.50520 | Property and income of authority; exemption from taxes and special assessments; bonds or notes exempt from taxation. |
Section 324.50521 | Liberal construction; broad interpretation. |
Section 324.50522 | Rules. |
Section 324.50701 | Conveyance by department of leasehold interest in state-owned property to certain counties; designation of forest lands to be leased; maximum term of leasehold interest; renewal; recreational use of property during leasehold. |
Section 324.50702 | Use of leased property; purposes; use and disposition of proceeds; implementation of forest management demonstration program. |
Section 324.50703 | County forestry committee; creation; appointment, qualifications, and terms of members; approval of committee actions; vacancy. |
Section 324.50704 | Instrument conveying leasehold interest; approval by attorney general. |
Section 324.50705 | Conveyance to provide for use of property; termination of lease. |
Section 324.50706 | Submission of forest management plan. |
Section 324.50707 | Conveyance of leasehold. |
451-1994-III-2-4-TAX-INCENTIVES | TAX INCENTIVES (324.51101...324.51312) |
451-1994-III-2-4-TAX-INCENTIVES-511 | PART 511 COMMERCIAL FORESTS (324.51101...324.51120) |
Section 324.51101 | Definitions. |
Section 324.51102 | Commercial forest; scope and authority of department; rules. |
Section 324.51103 | Commercial forest; application for classification; "contiguous" defined; requirements for eligibility; application form; postmark or delivery date; providing certain information and fee to department; brochure; notification; certification that forest management plan prepared and in effect; violation; exemption from disclosure. |
Section 324.51104 | Forestland; evaluation; hearing; notice; conduct; approval; record. |
Section 324.51105 | Commercial forests not subject to ad valorem general property tax; specific tax; removal from land descriptions list; separate roll; collection; return and sale for nonpayment of taxes; valuation prohibited; lands not considered in connection with equalization distribution of sums collected; distribution; commercial forestland located in renaissance zone. |
Section 324.51106 | Acreage as commercial forestlands; certifying to state treasurer; payment to county treasurer; distribution of remaining funds; payment in full required. |
Section 324.51107 | Repealed. 2006, Act 383, Imd. Eff. Sept. 27, 2006 |
Section 324.51108 | Withdrawal of forestland as commercial forest; application; fee; penalty; calculation; publication on website; withdrawal not subject to penalty; granting application without payment of fee or penalty; forestland acquired by federally recognized Indian tribe; disposition; distribution; notice to applicant, township assessor, and register of deeds; filing list of withdrawn lands; interdepartmental cooperation; definitions. |
Section 324.51109 | Determining proportion for disbursement of revenues and attribution of revenues; number of mills levied for local school operating purposes; distribution of revenues; “revenues” defined. |
Section 324.51110 | Cutting, harvesting, or removing forest products prohibited; exceptions. |
Section 324.51111 | Report to department. |
Section 324.51112 | Commercial forest fund. |
Section 324.51113 | Prohibited use of forestland by owner; exception; denying or inhibiting access for public hunting or fishing; exploration for minerals; removal of commercial mineral deposits, sand and gravel, and oil and gas; exploration for wind energy development. |
Section 324.51114 | Applications, statements, and reports under oath; forms. |
Section 324.51115 | Transfer of title; effect; withdrawal; document; notification. |
Section 324.51116 | Removal of designation; declassification; notice; recording; fee. |
Section 324.51118 | Applicability of changes in part; withdrawal; fees. |
Section 324.51119 | Representatives of department; right of entry on commercial forestlands; access to books and papers. |
Section 324.51120 | Violation of part; penalty. |
Section 324.51201 | Owner of commercial forestland subject to sustainable forest conservation easement; specific tax; application for sustainable forest conservation easement tax incentives; form; information; cutting or removing forest products; violation; penalty; definitions. |
451-1994-III-2-4-TAX-INCENTIVES-513 | PART 513 PRIVATE FORESTRY (324.51301...324.51312) |
Section 324.51301 | Definitions. |
Section 324.51302 | Management and utilization of private forestland and private forest resources; purpose and intent of part. |
Section 324.51303 | Repealed. 2006, Act 378, Eff. Sept. 1, 2007. |
Section 324.51304 | Repealed. 2006, Act 378, Eff. Sept. 1, 2007. |
Section 324.51305 | Private forestland enhancement fund. |
Section 324.51306 | List of qualified foresters; preparation; maintenance; registration; removal; publication on department's website. |
Section 324.51307 | Repealed. 2006, Act 378, Eff. Sept. 1, 2007. |
Section 324.51308 | Repealed. 2006, Act 378, Eff. Sept. 1, 2007. |
Section 324.51309 | Repealed. 2006, Act 378, Eff. Sept. 1, 2007. |
Section 324.51310 | Repealed. 2006, Act 378, Eff. Sept. 1, 2007. |
Section 324.51311 | Repealed. 2006, Act 378, Eff. Sept. 1, 2007. |
Section 324.51312 | Repealed. 2006, Act 378, Eff. Sept. 1, 2007. |
451-1994-III-2-4-FOREST-FIRES | FOREST FIRES (324.51501...324.51906) |
451-1994-III-2-4-FOREST-FIRES-515 | PART 515 PREVENTION AND SUPPRESSION OF FOREST FIRES (324.51501...324.51514) |
Section 324.51501 | Definitions. |
Section 324.51502 | Department of natural resources; authority; appointment of assistants. |
Section 324.51503 | Burning permits; conditions. |
Section 324.51503b | Prescribed burning; liability; requirements. |
Section 324.51503c | Prescribed burn; notice of location; record of attempts to notify; contents of notice; violation. |
Section 324.51504 | Acts prohibited. |
Section 324.51505 | Refuse disposal facilities; devices; conditions; rules. |
Section 324.51506 | Violation of part causing forest or grass fire; violation of MCL 324.51503c; liability; other right of action for damages. |
Section 324.51507 | Extreme fire hazard conditions; proclamation by governor as to use of fire; prohibited acts. |
Section 324.51508 | Repealed. 2015, Act 210, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016. |
Section 324.51509 | Fire suppression expenses; liability; determination; collection of claim; actions. |
Section 324.51510 | Prohibited acts; exception. |
Section 324.51511 | Department of natural resources officer, employee, or agent; right of entry. |
Section 324.51512 | Violation of part or rule; penalty. |
Section 324.51513 | Administration of part; rules; investigations; surveys; construction of part as to other law enforcement agencies and local ordinances and regulations. |
Section 324.51514 | Forest fire and other hazard incidents; control; interstate and federal assistance agreements; employee training considered as work inside state; compensation and benefits. |
451-1994-III-2-4-FOREST-FIRES-517 | PART 517 PREVENTION OF FOREST FIRES (324.51701...324.51702) |
Section 324.51701 | Legislation, rules, or policies creating conditions promoting, fostering, or leading to forest fires. |
Section 324.51702 | Inconsistent acts or rules repealed. |
451-1994-III-2-4-FOREST-FIRES-519 | PART 519 SLASH DISPOSAL (324.51901...324.51906) |
Section 324.51901 | Forest cutting, slash, and debris; disposal methods, specifications, and elimination; approval by department. |
Section 324.51902 | Forest cutting, slash, and debris; public utilities; responsibility for disposal. |
Section 324.51903 | Forest cutting, slash, and debris; time for disposal; burning permit required. |
Section 324.51904 | Forest cutting, slash, and debris; noncompliance; disposal by department; statement of expenditures; reimbursement; neglect or refusal to pay amount; action; money collected; disposition. |
Section 324.51905 | Violation of part; penalty; civil liability. |
Section 324.51906 | Rules, regulations, and specifications. |
451-1994-III-2-4-MISCELLANEOUS-TOPICS | MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS (324.52501...324.53519) |
Section 324.52501 | Definitions. |
Section 324.52502 | Management of state forest; manner; duties of department. |
Section 324.52503 | Forestry development, conservation, and recreation management plan. |
Section 324.52504 | Harvest and sale of timber; deposit of proceeds into forest development fund; report. |
Section 324.52505 | Third-party certification that forestry standards satisfied; report. |
Section 324.52506 | Report. |
Section 324.52511 | Repealed. 2004, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2011. |
451-1994-III-2-4-MISCELLANEOUS-TOPICS-527 | PART 527 MUNICIPAL FORESTS (324.52701...324.52710) |
Section 324.52701 | Definitions. |
Section 324.52702 | Municipality; right to acquire and use lands for forestry. |
Section 324.52703 | Municipal forestry commission; members; appointment; terms; vacancies. |
Section 324.52704 | Forestry commission; powers and duties. |
Section 324.52705 | Forestry commission; report; contents; filing. |
Section 324.52706 | Authority to sell state lands to municipalities for forestry; reversion; relinquishing reversionary interest; re-acquisition; definitions; use of term "this section." |
Section 324.52707 | Forestry commissions and department of natural resources; cooperation. |
Section 324.52708 | Municipality; appropriation for forestry; limitation. |
Section 324.52709 | Forestry funds; accounting. |
Section 324.52710 | Special forestry fund; creation; payments in lieu of property taxes. |
Section 324.52901 | Removal of certain plants; “plant” defined; bill of sale or other evidence of title required. |
Section 324.52902 | Transportation of plants. |
Section 324.52903 | Sale of plants; bill of sale or other evidence of title required; records of transactions. |
Section 324.52904 | Trees, shrubs, vines or plants; shipment; evidence of title. |
Section 324.52905 | Law enforcement officers; inspection; impoundment of plants or equipment; failure to exhibit bill of sale or other evidence of title. |
Section 324.52906 | Construction of part. |
Section 324.52907 | Enforcement of part; rules. |
Section 324.52908 | Violation of part; penalties; determination of total value; prior convictions; prohibition; additional penalties. |
Section 324.52909 | Christmas trees; transportation during December. |
451-1994-III-2-4-MISCELLANEOUS-TOPICS-535. | PART 535. REGISTERED FORESTERS (324.53501...324.53519) |
Section 324.53501 | Definitions. |
Section 324.53503 | Forester program evaluation; review; ceasing administration of part; conditions. |
Section 324.53505 | Board of foresters; creation; membership; qualifications; appointment; terms; vacancy; meetings; quorum; compliance with open meetings act; writings subject to freedom of information act; expenses; violations committee. |
Section 324.53507 | Duties of board; power to call witnesses and receive evidence. |
Section 324.53509 | Registration as forester; application; submission; contents; denial or approval; validity; duties of individual. |
Section 324.53511 | Automatic registration of members of affiliated professional organizations; forester registered or licensed in another state or country. |
Section 324.53513 | Use of "registered forester" as title. |
Section 324.53515 | Registered forester; requirements. |
Section 324.53517 | Violation of MCL 324.53515 or order; complaint; determination by violations committee; notification; investigation; proposed order; objection; review; final order; revocation or suspension. |
Section 324.53519 | Revenue; fees; disposition. |
451-1994-III-3 | CHAPTER 3 MANAGEMENT OF NONRENEWABLE RESOURCES (324.60101...324.64111) |
451-1994-III-3-1 | SUBCHAPTER 1 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION (324.60101...324.60910) |
451-1994-III-3-1-601 | PART 601 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (324.60101...324.60108) |
Section 324.60101 | Definitions. |
Section 324.60102 | Michigan geological survey; establishment within western Michigan university; duties of governing institution; transfer and establishment within another state university; conditions; order; agreement. |
Section 324.60103 | Repealed. 2011, Act 167, Imd. Eff. Oct. 11, 2011. |
Section 324.60104 | Michigan geological survey; scope. |
Section 324.60105 | Michigan geological survey; collection and conservation of cores, samples, and specimens. |
Section 324.60106 | Annual report; contents. |
Section 324.60107 | Notes, compilations, specimens, diagrams, and illustrations as state property. |
Section 324.60108 | Michigan geological survey; receipt of money and assets. |
451-1994-III-3-1-603 | PART 603 SOIL AND ECONOMIC SURVEY (324.60301...324.60309) |
Section 324.60301 | Soil and economic survey; duty of department. |
Section 324.60302 | Soil and economic survey; purpose; direction and control; assistants; compensation; reimbursement. |
Section 324.60303 | Soil and economic survey; completion; report; copies; printing. |
Section 324.60304 | Soil and economic survey; report; contents; maps; distribution. |
Section 324.60305 | Soil and economic survey; payment of expenses; claim or account; statement of unexpended funds. |
Section 324.60306 | Cooperation with other agencies; effect. |
Section 324.60307 | Right of entry on private property by department. |
Section 324.60308 | Annual appropriation; carrying forward unexpended funds; disposition; reduction through federal aid. |
Section 324.60309 | Reports to legislature; contents. |
451-1994-III-3-1-605 | PART 605 AERIAL PHOTOS, SURVEYS, AND MAPS (324.60501...324.60503) |
Section 324.60501 | Aerial photographs and ground control surveys for preparation of base maps; cooperative agreements. |
Section 324.60502 | Preparation of base maps; authority of department to contract with federal government; contents; right of entry on private lands. |
Section 324.60503 | Preparation of base maps; payment of expenses. |
451-1994-III-3-1-607 | PART 607 STATE SOIL SURVEY (324.60701...324.60704) |
Section 324.60701 | Definitions. |
Section 324.60702 | Inventory of soil resources of state; 10-year program; minimum acres for soil surveys; conducting soil surveys on proportional basis. |
Section 324.60703 | Authority of department of agriculture. |
Section 324.60704 | Department of agriculture; budget requests; appropriations. |
451-1994-III-3-1-609 | PART 609 RESOURCE INVENTORY (324.60901...324.60910) |
Section 324.60901 | Definitions. |
Section 324.60902 | Project design study; land resource and current use inventory; technical assistance program; recommendations. |
Section 324.60903 | Technical assistance program; creation and purpose; utilizing programs of regional planning commissions; scope of technical assistance. |
Section 324.60904 | Land resource portion of inventory; format; scope of inventory; option to purchase or exchange wetland; exemption from property taxes. |
Section 324.60905 | Current use portion of inventory; classification system; scope. |
Section 324.60906 | Conducting current use portion of inventory; preparation and contents of criteria; circulation of criteria; notice of intent to perform work; assistance, data, and information. |
Section 324.60907 | Reimbursement for preparation of current use portion of inventory; certification; prorating amount. |
Section 324.60908 | Review and updating of land resource and current use portions of inventory. |
Section 324.60909 | Fees for generating products or rendering services. |
Section 324.60910 | Controlling or curtailing development of private property; prohibitions. |
451-1994-III-3-2 | SUBCHAPTER 2 REGULATION OF OIL AND GAS WELLS (324.61001...324.62103) |
451-1994-III-3-2-610 | PART 610 UNIFIED SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE OIL OR GAS OWNERSHIP (324.61001...324.61004) |
Section 324.61001 | Definitions. |
Section 324.61002 | Inventory and categorization of land; contract. |
Section 324.61003 | Divestiture of severed oil and gas rights; reuniting oil and gas rights with surface rights; deed restriction; reversion of subsurface rights. |
Section 324.61004 | Divestiture of severed oil and gas rights; basis; priority; plan for attaching monetary value; offer to sell or transfer severed rights to surface owner; notice; duration of designated price; petition; disposition of money received. |
451-1994-III-3-2-615 | PART 615 SUPERVISOR OF WELLS (324.61501...324.61527) |
Section 324.61501 | Definitions. |
Section 324.61502 | Construction of part. |
Section 324.61503 | Supervisor of wells; assistants; commission as appeal board; hearing; compensation and expenses; office. |
Section 324.61503a | Gas lease; duties of lessee; monthly revenue statements and payments; initiation; deferment. |
Section 324.61503b | Postproduction costs. |
Section 324.61503c | Violation of MCL 324.61503a or MCL 324.61503b; penalty; injunction or damages; separate offenses; recovery of postproduction costs and attorney fees; notice. |
Section 324.61504 | Waste prohibited. |
Section 324.61505 | Supervisor of wells; jurisdiction; authority; enforcement of part. |
Section 324.61505a | Drilling permit for well beneath lake bottomlands for exploration or production of oil or gas; condition. |
Section 324.61506 | Supervisor of wells; powers and duties generally. |
Section 324.61506a | Notice of violation. |
Section 324.61506b | Conditions prohibiting issuance of permit or authorization to drill oil or gas well; waiver; exception. |
Section 324.61506c | Toll-free telephone number; maintenance; use. |
Section 324.61507 | Prevention of waste; procedure; hearing; rules; orders. |
Section 324.61508 | Rules of order or procedure in hearings or other proceedings; entering in book; copy of rule or order as evidence; availability of writings to public. |
Section 324.61509 | Hearings; subpoena; witnesses and production of books; incriminating testimony. |
Section 324.61510 | Failure to comply with subpoena; refusal to testify; attachment; contempt; fees and mileage of witnesses. |
Section 324.61511 | False swearing as perjury; penalty. |
Section 324.61512 | Allocation or distribution of allowable production in well, field, or pool; basis. |
Section 324.61513 | Proration or distribution of allowable production among wells; basis; drilling unit; unnecessary wells; pooling of properties; location of well; exceptions; minimum allowable production; allowable production pursuant to rules or orders. |
Section 324.61513a | Pooling of properties not required. |
Section 324.61514 | Certificates of clearance or tenders; issuance. |
Section 324.61515 | Handling or disposition of illegal oil or gas; penalty. |
Section 324.61516 | Rule or order; public hearings required; emergency rules or orders without public hearing; requirements for public hearings held pertaining to pooling of properties. |
Section 324.61517 | Actions against department or commission; jurisdiction of Ingham county circuit court; injunction or restraining order; actions pertaining to pooling of properties. |
Section 324.61518 | Enforcement of part and rules; representation by attorney general; complaint; proceedings; powers of supervisor; exception. |
Section 324.61519 | Failure of owner or operator to obtain permit or to construct, operate, maintain, case, plug, or repair well; notice of determination; liability; claims. |
Section 324.61520 | Abandoning well without properly plugging; violation of part or rule; penalty; liability of owner; “owner” and “operator” defined. |
Section 324.61521 | Unlawful acts; penalties. |
Section 324.61522 | Violations of part, rule, or order; penalties. |
Section 324.61523 | Confiscation of illegal oil or gas, oil or gas products, conveyances, and containers; notice; seizure; sale; intervention. |
Section 324.61524 | Fee for monitoring, surveillance, enforcement, and administration of part. |
Section 324.61525 | Permit to drill well; application; bond; posting; fee; issuance; disposition of fees; availability of information pertaining to applications; information provided to city, village, or township. |
Section 324.61525a | Annual well regulatory fee; report. |
Section 324.61525b | Oil and gas regulatory fund; creation; disposition of money or other assets; lapse; expenditures; annual report. |
Section 324.61526 | Part cumulative; conflicting provisions repealed; exception. |
Section 324.61527 | Applicability of part. |
451-1994-III-3-2-616 | PART 616 ORPHAN WELL FUND (324.61601...324.61607) |
Section 324.61601 | Definitions. |
Section 324.61602 | Orphan well fund; creation; disposition of assets. |
Section 324.61603 | Expenditures from fund; consultation with operator. |
Section 324.61604 | List to be submitted to legislature; annual appropriation from fund for listed projects. |
Section 324.61605 | Action by attorney general against well owner or operator; recovery of money expended. |
Section 324.61606 | Sale of equipment. |
Section 324.61607 | Report to legislature of expenditures. |
451-1994-III-3-2-617 | PART 617 UNITIZATION (324.61701...324.61738) |
Section 324.61701 | Definitions. |
Section 324.61702 | Supervisor of wells; general duties; fees. |
Section 324.61703 | Petition; filing; contents. |
Section 324.61704 | Notice to interested persons; contents; notice of protest; order. |
Section 324.61705 | Order for unit operations; terms and conditions; plan for operations. |
Section 324.61706 | Effective date of order; finding. |
Section 324.61707 | Supplemental hearings and orders; ineffective order; time. |
Section 324.61708 | Amendment of orders; approval; limitations. |
Section 324.61709 | Signed writings; admissible as evidence. |
Section 324.61710 | Unit area embracing previously established area. |
Section 324.61711 | Unit area less than whole pool. |
Section 324.61712 | Operations upon unit area considered operation on separate tracts. |
Section 324.61713 | Lease obligations; effect on unit operation. |
Section 324.61714 | Order for unit operation not to affect title; property; acquisition. |
Section 324.61715 | Unit; legal powers; operator of unit; powers. |
Section 324.61716 | Operation of well without authority prohibited. |
Section 324.61717 | Property rights as amended or modified. |
Section 324.61718 | Lien for costs; responsibility for costs; subrogation. |
Section 324.61719 | Lessee's obligation; liability. |
Section 324.61720 | Allocation of unit production. |
Section 324.61721 | Division order or contract not affected by unit order. |
Section 324.61722 | Unit production or proceeds not income of unit; unit as administrative agent only. |
Section 324.61723 | Agreements in restraint of trade prohibited. |
Section 324.61724 | Consent to or participation in plan or program of unitization by governmental subdivision or agency. |
Section 324.61725 | Rules, regulations, or orders; public hearings; notice. |
Section 324.61726 | Hearings; jurisdictional requirements of notice. |
Section 324.61727 | Service of notice; filing receipts; filing undelivered notices; filing affidavit of service. |
Section 324.61728 | Compliance with MCL 24.201 to 24.328; persons authorized to conduct hearings and other actions. |
Section 324.61729 | Appellant to comply with order, rule, or regulation; bond. |
Section 324.61730 | Judicial review. |
Section 324.61731 | Subpoena of witnesses and documentary evidence; incriminating evidence; perjury. |
Section 324.61732 | Failure or refusal to comply with subpoena; refusal to testify or answer; penalty. |
Section 324.61733 | Fees and travel expense of witnesses. |
Section 324.61734 | Witnesses; false swearing or affidavit; penalty. |
Section 324.61735 | Enforcement of part. |
Section 324.61736 | Violation of part; penalty. |
Section 324.61737 | Violation of part; aiding or abetting; penalty. |
Section 324.61738 | Orders of supervisor; recording; notice. |
451-1994-III-3-2-619 | PART 619 DRILLING IN THE PIGEON RIVER STATE FOREST (324.61901...324.61904) |
Section 324.61901 | Legislative findings. |
Section 324.61902 | Pigeon river country state forest as valuable public resource; production of oil and gas in public interest; amended stipulation and consent order as hydrocarbon development plan. |
Section 324.61903 | Hydrocarbon activities not in violation of law. |
Section 324.61904 | Implementation of hydrocarbon development plan. |
451-1994-III-3-2-621 | PART 621 INTERSTATE OIL AND GAS COMPACT (324.62101...324.62103) |
Section 324.62101 | Interstate compact for conservation of oil and gas; extension agreements; withdrawal. |
Section 324.62102 | Interstate oil and gas compact; agreement. |
Section 324.62103 | Interstate oil and gas compact commission; governor as representative of state; powers and duties; assistant representatives. |
451-1994-III-3-3 | SUBCHAPTER 3 MINERAL WELLS (324.62501...324.62518) |
451-1994-III-3-3-625 | PART 625 MINERAL WELLS (324.62501...324.62518) |
Section 324.62501 | Definitions. |
Section 324.62502 | Waste prohibited. |
Section 324.62503 | Supervisor of mineral wells; appointment of assistants; salaries; expenses. |
Section 324.62504 | Appeal board; persons entitled to appeal; hearing; right to be heard. |
Section 324.62505 | Administration and enforcement of part; jurisdiction of supervisor. |
Section 324.62506 | Prevention of waste; rules; waste; enforcement. |
Section 324.62506a | Definitions; drilling multisource commercial hazardous waste disposal well; construction permit required; construction of section. |
Section 324.62507 | Emergency orders; issuance; duration. |
Section 324.62508 | Supervisor of mineral wells; powers. |
Section 324.62509 | Drilling or conversion permits; application; bond; permit not required; blanket permit; confidentiality of information, records, logs, and reports; fees. |
Section 324.62509a | Mineral well regulatory fee. |
Section 324.62509b | Mineral well regulatory fund. |
Section 324.62510 | Enforcement of part and rules; jurisdiction of court; representation by attorney general. |
Section 324.62511 | Suits against supervisor, commission, agent or employee; jurisdiction of Ingham county circuit court. |
Section 324.62512 | Hearing; notice of time, place, and issues; service in form of notice by registered mail; responsibility for publication of notice and payment. |
Section 324.62513 | Persons authorized to conduct hearings and investigations; acts by supervisor's deputy or representative; effect. |
Section 324.62514 | Supervisor of mineral wells; power to summon witnesses, administer oaths, require production of documents; noncompliance; contempt. |
Section 324.62515 | Failure to case, seal, operate, repair, or plug wells; notice; expense of repair or correction; collection. |
Section 324.62516 | Prohibited acts. |
Section 324.62517 | Violations; penalties. |
Section 324.62518 | Construction of part. |
451-1994-III-3-4 | SUBCHAPTER 4 MINERAL MINING (324.63101...324.63714) |
451-1994-III-3-4-631 | PART 631 FERROUS MINERAL MINING (324.63101...324.63110) |
Section 324.63101 | Definitions. |
Section 324.63102 | Repealed. 2011, Act 214, Imd. Eff. Nov. 8, 2011. |
Section 324.63103 | Mining operations; rules. |
Section 324.63103a | Mining of ferrous minerals; permit required. |
Section 324.63103b | Mining and reclamation plan. |
Section 324.63103c | Ferrous mineral mining permit. |
Section 324.63103d | Ferrous mineral surveillance fee; annual report of production. |
Section 324.63103e | Ferrous mineral surveillance fund. |
Section 324.63104 | Mining operations; variance or modification from rules. |
Section 324.63105 | Supervisor of reclamation; administration of part and rules; powers. |
Section 324.63106 | Plan maps; filing by operator; form; annual changes; long-range plans. |
Section 324.63107 | Performance bond, security, or assurance of operator. |
Section 324.63108 | Injunctive relief to prevent violation of rules. |
Section 324.63110 | Scope of part. |
451-1994-III-3-4-632 | PART 632 NONFERROUS METALLIC MINERAL MINING (324.63201...324.63223) |
Section 324.63201 | Definitions. |
Section 324.63202 | Legislative findings. |
Section 324.63203 | Nonferrous metallic mineral mining; administration and enforcement; rules; regulation or control by local units of government. |
Section 324.63205 | Mining permit; application procedure. |
Section 324.63207 | Mining permit; duration; termination; revocation; transfer; amendment; exceptions. |
Section 324.63209 | Duties of permittee. |
Section 324.63211 | Financial assurance. |
Section 324.63213 | Mining and reclamation report. |
Section 324.63215 | Surveillance fee. |
Section 324.63217 | Nonferrous metallic mineral surveillance fund. |
Section 324.63219 | Contested case hearing. |
Section 324.63221 | Violations. |
Section 324.63223 | Civil action; commencement; jurisdiction; relief; fine; violation as felony; penalties; lien. |
451-1994-III-3-4-633 | PART 633 MINING AUTHORIZATION, MULTIPLE OWNERS (324.63301...324.63306) |
Section 324.63301 | Definitions. |
Section 324.63302 | Exploration of certain lands for mining purposes. |
Section 324.63303 | Decree of court to lease land; complaint. |
Section 324.63304 | Decree of court; distribution of proceeds. |
Section 324.63305 | Deposit with clerk of court when defendant is unknown. |
Section 324.63306 | Suits by lessees. |
451-1994-III-3-4-634 | PART 634 SMALL NATIVE COPPER MINES (324.63401...324.63418) |
Section 324.63401 | Definitions. |
Section 324.63403 | Enforcement and administration of part; rules; inspection and investigation by department; regulation by local governmental unit; restrictions. |
Section 324.63405 | Mining permit; application. |
Section 324.63407 | Mining permit; validity; revocation; termination; transfer; amendment. |
Section 324.63409 | Conformance bond; amount; duration; violation. |
Section 324.63411 | Mine operator; compliance with applicable requirements; duties upon suspension of mining activities; beginning and completing final reclamation of mining area; time period; extension; compliance with other applicable state or federal statutes or regulations. |
Section 324.63413 | Fees and penalties. |
Section 324.63415 | Small native copper mine surveillance fund; creation; deposit of money or other assets; investment; interest and earnings; money remaining at close of fiscal year; expenditures. |
Section 324.63417 | Failing or neglecting to perform reclamation in conformance with part or rules; notice of determination; service; reclamation to be conducted by department; liability for expenses of department; claim; order to immediately suspend mining activities; findings; duration; extension; action by attorney general. |
Section 324.63418 | Mining of earth material having significant acid-forming or leachable characteristics; exception. |
451-1994-III-3-4-635 | PART 635 SURFACE AND UNDERGROUND COAL MINE RECLAMATION (324.63501...324.63549) |
451-1994-III-3-4-635-1 | SUBPART 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS (324.63501...324.63508) |
Section 324.63501 | Meanings of words and phrases defined in MCL 324.63502 and 324.63503. |
Section 324.63502 | Definitions; A to O. |
Section 324.63503 | Definitions; P to U. |
Section 324.63504 | Assumption by state of exclusive jurisdiction over regulation of surface coal mining and reclamation operations in state; purpose of part. |
Section 324.63505 | Exclusive jurisdiction of department over surface coal mining and reclamation operations in state; construction of part. |
Section 324.63506 | Powers of department. |
Section 324.63507 | Rules. |
Section 324.63508 | Information submitted to department, other state agency, or local unit of government as public record; confidential information; rules. |
451-1994-III-3-4-635-2 | SUBPART 2 ABANDONED MINE RECLAMATION (324.63509...324.63513) |
Section 324.63509 | Participation in abandoned mines reclamation fund established by title IV of surface mining control and reclamation act of 1977; authorization; action; procedures. |
Section 324.63510 | State abandoned mine reclamation fund; creation; administration; investment of money; use of interest and earnings; money deposited in fund; carrying over remaining money; expenditures. |
Section 324.63511 | Entry on private property by department; purposes; conditions; notice; money expended and benefits accruing to property chargeable against land; mitigating or offsetting claim in action by owner for damages; acquisition by department of land adversely affected by past coal mining practices; sale or transfer of acquired land suitable for development; rules; grant; public hearings. |
Section 324.63512 | Itemizing money expended to complete project; filing statement of account and appraisal with county clerk; filing of lis pendens with statement of account and appraisal as lien on land; priority; amount; lien not to be filed against certain property; petition for hearing concerning amount of lien; appeal. |
Section 324.63513 | Expenditures from state abandoned mine reclamation fund for emergency restoration, reclamation, abatement, control, or prevention of adverse effects; conditions; entry on land where emergency exists as exercise of police power; warrant; action for damages; intent of subsection (2). |
451-1994-III-3-4-635-3 | SUBPART 3 PERMITS (324.63514...324.63526) |
Section 324.63514 | Conduct of surface coal mining operation without permit. |
Section 324.63515 | Term of permits; continuation of plan by successor in interest; termination of permit; extensions of time to commence operations; conditions. |
Section 324.63516 | Permit application; contents; submission of certificate of public liability insurance policy to department; policy provisions; maintenance of policy in full force and effect. |
Section 324.63517 | Renewal of permit. |
Section 324.63518 | Reclamation plan; contents. |
Section 324.63519 | Blasting plan; submission by permit applicant. |
Section 324.63520 | Filing copy of application with county and township clerks; exception; information obtained by department available to public with county clerk; confidentiality. |
Section 324.63521 | Application fee. |
Section 324.63522 | Determination of probable hydrologic consequences and statement of boring or sampling results; performance; cost. |
Section 324.63523 | Application for permit or renewal; advertisement of ownership, location, and boundaries of land affected; notification of local units of government; written comments; notice to department of history, arts, and libraries; determination; filing objections to proposed application for permit; request for hearing; action by department. |
Section 324.63524 | Application for permit or revision of permit; notice; burden; requirements for approval; filing schedule listing notices of violations; issuance of permit; mining on agricultural land; consultation; finding. |
Section 324.63525 | Application for revision of permit; standards; transfer, assignment, or sale of rights; review of outstanding permits; revision or modification of permit provisions; conducting action regarding permit pursuant to MCL 24.271 to 24.292. |
Section 324.63526 | Construction of subpart. |
451-1994-III-3-4-635-4 | SUBPART 4 ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE STANDARDS (324.63527...324.63527) |
Section 324.63527 | Performance standards. |
451-1994-III-3-4-635-5 | SUBPART 5 BONDING (324.63528...324.63531) |
Section 324.63528 | Certificate of public liability insurance; maintenance of policy in full force and effect; rules. |
Section 324.63529 | Performance bond; form, coverage, and amount; liability; execution by applicant and corporate surety; election to deposit cash or assets as security; acceptance of bond without separate surety; adjustment of bond or deposit amount and terms of acceptance; rules. |
Section 324.63530 | Total or partial release of performance bond or deposit; application; notice; publication; contents; inspection and evaluation of reclamation work; notification of decision; reclamation schedule; disapproval of application; notifying county clerk of filed application; written objections; public hearings; notice. |
Section 324.63531 | Coal exploration operations; rules; notice of intent to explore; violation of section or rules; penalties; maximum amount of coal removable pursuant to exploration permit. |
451-1994-III-3-4-635-6 | SUBPART 6 UNDERGROUND MINING (324.63532...324.63533) |
Section 324.63532 | Surface effects of underground mining; rules. |
Section 324.63533 | Permit requirements; suspension of underground coal mining; imminent danger; applicability of subparts 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 to surface operations and surface impacts incident to underground coal mine; modifications; rules. |
451-1994-III-3-4-635-7 | SUBPART 7 INSPECTIONS AND MONITORING (324.63534...324.63536) |
Section 324.63534 | Conducting inspections and requiring monitoring and reporting of surface coal mining and reclamation operations; taking necessary actions to administer part and meet program requirements; right of entry and access to records; notice and report of violation; removal or disturbance of strata serving as aquifer; specifications; rules; inspection requirements. |
Section 324.63535 | Sign. |
Section 324.63536 | Information obtained under article available to public with county clerk. |
451-1994-III-3-4-635-8 | SUBPART 8 FINES AND PENALTIES (324.63537...324.63541) |
Section 324.63537 | Fines and imprisonment. |
Section 324.63538 | Commencement of civil action; notice of intent to commence civil action; rule; notice of violation; effect of action by state; intervention by department or federal regulatory agency; costs of litigation; filing of security if temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction sought; construction of section. |
Section 324.63539 | Notices and orders; application for review; investigation; public hearing; findings of fact; written decision; temporary relief from notice or order; conditions; requirements; suspension or revocation of permit; order to show cause; costs and expenses; civil action instituted by attorney general; certified mail. |
Section 324.63540 | Financial interest of department employee in coal mining operation prohibited; violation; penalty. |
Section 324.63541 | Prohibited acts; violation; penalty. |
451-1994-III-3-4-635-9 | SUBPART 9 INSPECTION AND RECLAMATION FEE (324.63542...324.63544) |
Section 324.63542 | Inspection and reclamation fee; amount; rule; quarterly reports; contents; notice of fee due; payment and disposition of fees. |
Section 324.63543 | Failure to submit quarterly report as grounds for revocation of permit; penalty; unpaid fee and penalty as debt; confidentiality of fee and reports; disclosure. |
Section 324.63544 | Prohibited acts; penalty. |
451-1994-III-3-4-635-10 | SUBPART 10 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS (324.63545...324.63549) |
Section 324.63545 | Designating areas unsuitable for surface coal mining; rules; determination; petition by interested person; public hearing; written decision; statement; certain surface coal mining operation prohibited; consultation. |
Section 324.63546 | Government agency, unit, or instrumentality proposed to engage in surface coal mining operations; compliance with part. |
Section 324.63547 | Part inapplicable to certain activities. |
Section 324.63548 | Departures from environmental protection performance standards; authorization. |
Section 324.63549 | Right to enforce or protect interest in natural resource affected by operation; replacement of water supply. |
451-1994-III-3-4-637 | PART 637 SAND DUNE MINING (324.63701...324.63714) |
Section 324.63701 | Definitions. |
Section 324.63702 | Sand dune mining permit within critical dune area; “adjacent” defined. |
Section 324.63703 | Great Lakes sand dune areas; comprehensive study and inventory. |
Section 324.63704 | Sand dune mining; permit; requirements. |
Section 324.63705 | Environmental impact statement. |
Section 324.63706 | Progressive cell-unit mining and reclamation plan; sand dune mining permit; requirements. |
Section 324.63707 | Fifteen-year mining plan; submission of duplicate copy of cell-unit mining and reclamation plan. |
Section 324.63708 | Sand dune mining permit; duration; renewal; contents; reasons for permitting removal of barrier dune; list of pending applications. |
Section 324.63709 | Denial of sand dune mining permit. |
Section 324.63710 | Extraction of sand or other minerals by state. |
Section 324.63711 | Assessment of fee for surveillance, monitoring, administration, and enforcement of part; disposition of unexpended fees; annual report of operator; confidentiality; failure to submit annual report; penalty for unpaid fee; records; annual report of department. |
Section 324.63712 | Conformance bond; reclassification of active cell-unit to interim cell-unit; notice of completion or acceptance of reclamation activity; compliance or approval required for mining or extraction; violation as grounds for revocation of permit. |
Section 324.63713 | Rules. |
Section 324.63714 | Suspension or revocation of permit; restraining order, injunction, or other appropriate remedy; violation as misdemeanor; penalty. |
451-1994-III-3-5 | SUBCHAPTER 5 PEAT EXTRACTION FROM STATE OWNED LANDS (324.64101...324.64111) |
451-1994-III-3-5-641 | PART 641 PEAT EXTRACTION FROM STATE OWNED LANDS (324.64101...324.64111) |
Section 324.64101 | “Peat” defined. |
Section 324.64102 | Contracts for taking of peat from state-owned lands. |
Section 324.64103 | Inventory and preliminary evaluation; classification of peat lands; public notice; public comments; public hearings; reclassification of lands. |
Section 324.64104 | Nomination of parcel; fee; direct lease contract. |
Section 324.64105 | Public auction; exclusive opportunity to pursue contract; information required from highest bidder. |
Section 324.64106 | Public hearing; determination; criteria; statement of reasons. |
Section 324.64107 | Terms of contract. |
Section 324.64108 | Peat resource conservation and development fund; creation; deposits. |
Section 324.64109 | Expenditures; purposes. |
Section 324.64110 | Applicability of MCL 324.64103 to 324.64106; responsibility of meeting legal requirements. |
Section 324.64111 | Rules. |
451-1994-III-4 | CHAPTER 4 RECREATION (324.70101...324.83109) |
451-1994-III-4-1 | SUBCHAPTER 1 RECREATION (324.70101...324.73302) |
451-1994-III-4-1-ADMINISTRATION | ADMINISTRATION (324.70101...324.71607) |
451-1994-III-4-1-ADMINISTRATION-701 | PART 701 RECREATION AND CULTURAL ARTS (324.70101...324.70106) |
Section 324.70101 | Recreation and cultural arts section; establishment. |
Section 324.70102 | Head of section; qualifications. |
Section 324.70103 | Technical advice and guidance; duty to collect and disseminate data and information; other duties. |
Section 324.70104 | Representation of citizen interest, need, and participation. |
Section 324.70105 | Existing employees; reassignment. |
Section 324.70106 | Rules. |
451-1994-III-4-1-ADMINISTRATION-703 | PART 703 OUTDOOR RECREATION (324.70301...324.70305) |
Section 324.70301 | Outdoor recreation; comprehensive plan. |
Section 324.70302 | Federal aid programs. |
Section 324.70303 | Federal aid programs; federal land and water conservation fund; disposition and apportionment of funds. |
Section 324.70304 | Federal land programs; appropriations; agreements on behalf of state subdivisions. |
Section 324.70305 | State assistance to subdivisions; guidelines and limits on state payments. |
451-1994-III-4-1-ADMINISTRATION-711 | PART 711 RECREATION IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNT (324.71101...324.71108) |
Section 324.71101 | Definitions. |
Section 324.71102 | Privilege tax; imposition; payment; inapplicable to liquefied petroleum gas. |
Section 324.71103 | Legislative finding; joint report. |
Section 324.71104 | Tax refund; claim; invoice; payment; false statement; forfeiture; misdemeanor. |
Section 324.71105 | Repealed. 2004, Act 587, Eff. Dec. 23, 2006. |
Section 324.71106 | Total of taxes collected; determining revenue derived. |
Section 324.71107 | Repealed. 2004, Act 587, Eff. Dec. 23, 2006. |
Section 324.71108 | Annual review and recommendations; distribution and use of account. |
451-1994-III-4-1-ADMINISTRATION-713 | PART 713 RECREATION BOND AUTHORIZATION (324.71301...324.71307) |
Section 324.71301 | Bonds; authorization; limitation; purpose. |
Section 324.71302 | Bonds; conditions, methods, and procedures. |
Section 324.71303 | Bonds; disposition of proceeds and interest. |
Section 324.71304 | Submission of question to electors. |
Section 324.71305 | Duties of secretary of state. |
Section 324.71306 | Appropriation; purpose; executive budget recommendations. |
Section 324.71307 | Majority vote of electors required. |
451-1994-III-4-1-ADMINISTRATION-715 | PART 715 RECREATION BOND IMPLEMENTATION (324.71501...324.71514) |
Section 324.71501 | Definitions. |
Section 324.71502 | Legislative finding and declaration. |
Section 324.71503 | Bonds; requirements generally. |
Section 324.71504 | Bonds negotiable; tax exemption. |
Section 324.71505 | Bonds as securities. |
Section 324.71506 | Recreation bond fund; creation; composition; restricted subaccounts. |
Section 324.71507 | Disposition of bond proceeds; investment of fund; allocation of interest and earnings; crediting and use of repayments of principal and interest; disposition of unencumbered balance; submission and contents of list of projects; appropriations. |
Section 324.71508 | Use of fund generally. |
Section 324.71509 | Making and allocating grants and loans to local units of government; division of state into regions; match by local unit; rules; sale, disposal, or use of facility. |
Section 324.71510 | Grant or loan program; rules; maximum participation; considerations in determining appropriateness of grant or loan program; considerations in making grant or loan. |
Section 324.71511 | Application for grant or loan; form; information. |
Section 324.71512 | Conditions to making grant or loan. |
Section 324.71513 | Recipient of grant or loan; duties; noncompliance; recovery of grant; withholding grant or loan. |
Section 324.71514 | Rules generally. |
451-1994-III-4-1-ADMINISTRATION-716 | PART 716 LOCAL RECREATION GRANTS (324.71601...324.71607) |
Section 324.71601 | Definitions. |
Section 324.71602 | Local recreation grant program; establishment; provisions; prohibitions. |
Section 324.71603 | Allocations to local units of government; zones; purposes; matching requirements; sale, disposal, or conversion of facility. |
Section 324.71604 | Project funding; conditions. |
Section 324.71605 | Final grant awards; determination; factors; ratings; priority; upgrade of drinking water systems or rest room facilities. |
Section 324.71606 | Administration of grants; compliance with requirements of part 196. |
Section 324.71607 | Rules. |
451-1994-III-4-1-TRAILWAYS | TRAILWAYS (324.72101...324.72303) |
451-1994-III-4-1-TRAILWAYS-721 | PART 721 MICHIGAN TRAILWAYS (324.72101...324.72118) |
Section 324.72101 | Definitions. |
Section 324.72102 | Legislative findings. |
Section 324.72103 | Designation as "Pure Michigan Trail" or "Pure Michigan Water Trail"; requirements; public hearing; revocation of designation. |
Section 324.72103a | Researching and providing historical, cultural, or natural resource information; recommendations; means. |
Section 324.72104 | Designation as "Pure Michigan Trail Town"; sign and logo; revocation of designation. |
Section 324.72105 | Operating and maintaining trail; agreement; provisions; operation of electric bicycle; requirements; exception; definitions. |
Section 324.72105a | Adopt-a-trail program. |
Section 324.72106 | Trail management council; establishment; purpose; adopting operating procedures and electing officers; powers; public hearings; dissolution. |
Section 324.72107 | Closure during pesticide application. |
Section 324.72108 | Department; powers; acquisition of land as Pure Michigan Trail; transfer or use of railroad right-of-way; assumption of liability; "fair value" defined. |
Section 324.72109 | Pure Michigan Trails fund. |
Section 324.72110 | Michigan trails advisory council; creation; duties; membership; terms; vacancy; qualifications; chairperson; vice-chairperson; staffing; procedures; quorum; meetings; powers; workgroups; compensation; contracts; donations; additional responsibilities. |
Section 324.72110a | Equine trails subcommittee; creation; staffing; funding; membership; appointments; terms; vacancy; removal; meetings; quorum; business conducted at public meetings; writings subject to freedom of information act; compensation; duties. |
Section 324.72111 | State agencies; duties. |
Section 324.72112 | Rules. |
Section 324.72113 | Repealed. 2014, Act 210, Eff. Sept. 25, 2014. |
Section 324.72114 | Statewide trail network; establishment; modification to include additional trails or uses; signage; availability on department's website; recommendations from equine trails subcommittee and other trails users; database of trail maps. |
Section 324.72115 | Pack and saddle animals; access to pack and saddle trails on public land; restrictions. |
Section 324.72116 | Installation of telecommunication facilities on rail-trail; authorization; deposit of use fees; expenditures; preexisting arrangements or agreements; definitions. |
Section 324.72117 | Preservation and promotion of history of Native Americans; collaboration with certain entities; report. |
Section 324.72118 | Forest roads; inventory; applicable provisions; posting on website. |
451-1994-III-4-1-TRAILWAYS-723 | PART 723 TRAILS (324.72301...324.72303) |
Section 324.72301 | “Trail” defined. |
Section 324.72302 | State system of trails; master plan; development and maintenance of trails with facilities. |
Section 324.72303 | Trails; gifts; grants of property interests; prison labor. |
451-1994-III-4-1-RECREATIONAL-TRESPASS | RECREATIONAL TRESPASS (324.73101...324.73302) |
451-1994-III-4-1-RECREATIONAL-TRESPASS-731 | PART 731 RECREATIONAL TRESPASS (324.73101...324.73111) |
Section 324.73101 | Definitions; F to P. |
Section 324.73102 | Entering or remaining on property of another; consent; exceptions. |
Section 324.73103 | Discharging firearm within right-of-way of public highway abutting certain property; consent; “public highway” defined. |
Section 324.73104 | Removing, defacing, or destroying sign or poster. |
Section 324.73105 | Posting or enclosing property. |
Section 324.73106 | Prosecution generally; seizure and enforcement by peace officer. |
Section 324.73107 | Action for injury to person on property of another; exception. |
Section 324.73108 | Enforcement and prosecution. |
Section 324.73109 | Violation of part; cause of action by property owner. |
Section 324.73110 | Violation as misdemeanor; penalties; restitution. |
Section 324.73111 | Adoption of part as ordinance; effect of contradicting or conflicting ordinance, regulation, or resolution. |
451-1994-III-4-1-RECREATIONAL-TRESPASS-733 | PART 733 LIABILITY OF LANDOWNERS (324.73301...324.73302) |
Section 324.73301 | Liability of landowner, tenant, or lessee for injuries to persons on property for purpose of outdoor recreation or trail use, using Michigan trailway or other public trail, gleaning agricultural or farm products, fishing or hunting, or picking and purchasing agricultural or farm products at farm or "u-pick" operation; definition. |
Section 324.73302 | Injuries to person on right-of-way; cause of action against railroad. |
451-1994-III-4-2 | SUBCHAPTER 2 PARKS (324.74101...324.76118) |
451-1994-III-4-2-PARKS | PARKS (324.74101...324.75106) |
451-1994-III-4-2-PARKS-741 | PART 741 STATE PARKS SYSTEM (324.74101...324.74126) |
Section 324.74101 | Definitions. |
Section 324.74102 | Legislative findings; duties of department. |
Section 324.74102a | Duties of commission; report. |
Section 324.74102b | Transfer of 100 acres or more than 15% of total acreage of state park; proposal; public hearing; recommendation; conditions; website; definitions. |
Section 324.74103 | Powers of department; land acquisition and improvement program. |
Section 324.74103a | Shooting range; posting hours of operation. |
Section 324.74104 | “Adopt-a-park” program. |
Section 324.74105 | Volunteers; appointment; immunity from civil liability; carrying of firearm prohibited. |
Section 324.74106 | Revenue bonds; issuance; amount; notice; includable costs; resolution. |
Section 324.74107 | Authority of department. |
Section 324.74108 | Resolution authorizing issuance of bonds; contents. |
Section 324.74109 | Repealed. 2003, Act 170, Eff. Jan. 1, 2004. |
Section 324.74110 | Revenue bonds; state debt; extent of liability. |
Section 324.74111 | Revenue bonds; refunding issue. |
Section 324.74112 | Maximum rate of interest; sale and award of bonds; public or private sale; advertisement; notice of sale. |
Section 324.74113 | State park revenues; fiscal agent; receiving fund; expenses; designation of paying agents. |
Section 324.74114 | Fees; establishment; collection; deposit. |
Section 324.74115 | Free entry of motor vehicles into posted park prohibited. |
Section 324.74116 | Entry into state park by nonresident or resident motor vehicle; permit; payment of recreation passport fee; registration tab or sticker; exceptions. |
Section 324.74117 | Park permits beginning October 1, 2010; nonresident motor vehicle park permit; fees; sale; loss or destruction of permit; use of credit card; additional permits for special services or park privileges; adjustment of amounts. |
Section 324.74118 | Park permits; monthly accounting; compensation; report. |
Section 324.74119 | Michigan state parks endowment fund. |
Section 324.74120 | Rules. |
Section 324.74121 | State parks; prohibited conduct. |
Section 324.74122 | Violation; presumption; penalty. |
Section 324.74123 | Repealed. 2010, Act 32, Eff. Oct. 1, 2010. |
Section 324.74124 | Create "gem of the parks", "volunteer of the year", and "employee of the year" award program. |
Section 324.74125 | Bonds; exemption from taxation. |
Section 324.74126 | "Fred Meijer White Pine Trail State Park"; "Fred Meijer Berry Junction Trail"; criteria for naming state parks and state owned recreational facilities. |
451-1994-III-4-2-PARKS-742 | PART 742 CAMP REGISTRATION CARDS (324.74201...324.74207) |
Section 324.74201 | Camp registration card; posting; definition. |
Section 324.74202 | Camp registration card; obtaining; contents; posting. |
Section 324.74203 | Disposal of rubbish. |
Section 324.74204 | Camp registration cards; printing and distribution. |
Section 324.74205 | Enforcement of part; duty of peace officers. |
Section 324.74206 | Violation of part; penalty. |
Section 324.74207 | Applicability of part. |
451-1994-III-4-2-PARKS-743 | PART 743 STATE PARKS FOUNDATION (324.74301...324.74306) |
Section 324.74301 | Definitions. |
Section 324.74302 | Michigan state parks foundation; appointment and terms of members; vacancy; removal; meetings; quorum; selection of chairperson, vice-chairperson, and other officials; compensation; staff assistance; conducting business at public meeting. |
Section 324.74303 | Michigan state parks foundation; purpose. |
Section 324.74304 | Michigan state parks foundation; duties. |
Section 324.74305 | Michigan state parks foundation; management; use of assets. |
Section 324.74306 | Accounting. |
451-1994-III-4-2-PARKS-751 | PART 751 DARK SKY PRESERVE (324.75101...324.75106) |
Section 324.75101 | Definitions. |
Section 324.75102 | Designation as dark sky preserves; prohibition as to establishment in Upper Peninsula. |
Section 324.75103 | Outdoor lighting; installation; limitation. |
Section 324.75104 | Outdoor lighting; requirements. |
Section 324.75105 | Use and development not restricted; conditions. |
Section 324.75106 | Repealed. 2002, Act 3, Eff. Mar. 31, 2003. |
Section 324.76101 | Definitions. |
Section 324.76102 | Aboriginal records and antiquities; right to explore, survey, excavate, and regulate reserved to state; possessory right or title to abandoned property. |
Section 324.76103 | Underwater salvage and preserve committee; creation; purpose; appointment, qualifications, and terms of members; vacancy; compensation; appointment, term, and duties of chairperson; committee as advisory body; functions of committee; limitation. |
Section 324.76104 | Deed; clause reserving to state property and exploration rights in aboriginal antiquities; exceptions; waiver. |
Section 324.76105 | Permit for exploration or excavation of aboriginal remain; exception. |
Section 324.76106 | Removal of relics or records of antiquity; consent of landowner required. |
Section 324.76107 | Permit to recover, alter, or destroy abandoned property; recovered property as property of department of history, arts, and libraries; prohibitions as to human body or remains; violation; penalty; prior convictions. |
Section 324.76108 | Recovery of abandoned property without permit; report; availability of recovered property for inspection; release of property. |
Section 324.76109 | Recovery of abandoned property; permit; scope; application; filing, form, and contents; additional information or documents; approval or disapproval of application; conditions; payment of salvage costs; recovery of cargo outside Great Lakes bottomlands preserves; administrative review; conduct of hearing; combined appeals; joint decision and order; duration of permit; issuance of new permit; transfer or assignment of permit. |
Section 324.76110 | Recovered abandoned property; report; examination; removal from state; action for recovery; release of property. |
Section 324.76111 | Great Lakes bottomlands preserve; establishment; rules; determination; factors; granting permit to recover abandoned artifacts; limitation; intentional sinking of vessel; prohibited use of state money; Thunder Bay Great Lakes state bottomland preserve. |
Section 324.76112 | Rules generally. |
Section 324.76113 | Limitations not imposed by MCL 324.76107 to 324.76110. |
Section 324.76114 | Suspension or revocation of permit; grounds; hearing; civil action. |
Section 324.76115 | Dangers accepted by participants in sport of scuba diving. |
Section 324.76116 | Violation as misdemeanor; penalty. |
Section 324.76117 | Attaching, proceeding against, or confiscating equipment or apparatus; procedure; disposition of proceeds. |
Section 324.76118 | Underwater preserve fund; creation; sources of revenue; purposes for which money appropriated. |
451-1994-III-4-3 | SUBCHAPTER 3 MACKINAC ISLAND STATE PARK (324.76501...324.77901) |
451-1994-III-4-3-765 | PART 765 MACKINAC ISLAND STATE PARK (324.76501...324.76509) |
Section 324.76501 | Definitions. |
Section 324.76502 | Mackinac Island state park; establishment. |
Section 324.76503 | Mackinac Island state park commission; members; appointment and qualifications; resident commissioners; terms; vacancies; expenses; officers; powers and duties. |
Section 324.76504 | Mackinac Island state park; control and management by commission; quorum; conducting business at public meeting; notice; powers of commissioners; rules; deputy sheriffs; disposition of moneys; availability of writings to public; annual report; statement of receipts and expenditures; recommendations and suggestions. |
Section 324.76505 | Fort Mackinac; flag; maintenance. |
Section 324.76506 | Fort deBuade; restoration; fees; rules. |
Section 324.76507 | Mackinac Island state park; operation of vehicle without permit; misdemeanor; penalty. |
Section 324.76507a | Damaging or removing trees, vegetation, or state property; violation; civil liability. |
Section 324.76508 | Special police; appointment; supervision; powers and duties. |
Section 324.76509 | Mackinac Island state park commission; acceptance of gifts. |
451-1994-III-4-3-767 | PART 767 MACKINAC ISLAND STATE PARK COMMISSION (324.76701...324.76709) |
Section 324.76701 | “Commission” defined. |
Section 324.76702 | Mackinac Island state park commission; additional powers. |
Section 324.76703 | Mackinac Island state park commission; gross revenue bonds; purpose; cost; interim receipts or certificates; maximum rate of interest; sale and award of notes; notice; resolution; contents; trust indenture; money received as trust funds; disposition; gross revenue refunding bonds; powers of commission; annual audit; signature on bonds; attestation; electronic format; issuance of bonds subject to agency financing reporting act; interest rate agreement. |
Section 324.76704 | Mackinac Island state park commission; charges and fees; payment of bonds. |
Section 324.76705 | Mackinac Island state park commission; public body corporate; tax exemptions. |
Section 324.76706 | Construction of part; indebtedness. |
Section 324.76707 | Mackinac Island state park commission; authorizing resolution; publication; validity. |
Section 324.76708 | Mackinac Island state park commission; acts; approval. |
Section 324.76709 | Construction of part. |
451-1994-III-4-3-769 | PART 769 MACKINAC ISLAND STATE PARK RULES (324.76901...324.76903) |
Section 324.76901 | Mackinac Island state park commission; rules; care and preservation; violation; fine. |
Section 324.76902 | Repealed. 2001, Act 78, Eff. Aug. 6, 2001. |
Section 324.76903 | Mackinac Island state park commission; rules; jurisdiction. |
451-1994-III-4-3-771 | PART 771 MACKINAC ISLAND FIRE PROTECTION (324.77101...324.77101) |
Section 324.77101 | Mackinac Island state park commission; contract for fire protection. |
451-1994-III-4-3-773 | PART 773 OLD MISSION CHURCH AT MACKINAC ISLAND (324.77301...324.77302) |
Section 324.77301 | Old Mission Church; acquisition; description. |
Section 324.77302 | Old Mission Church; maintenance as historic shrine. |
451-1994-III-4-3-775 | PART 775 MACKINAC ISLAND; CLERK'S QUARTERS—AMERICAN FUR COMPANY (324.77501... 324.77502) |
Section 324.77501, 324.77502 | Repealed. 2001, Act 78, Eff. Aug. 6, 2001. |
451-1994-III-4-3-777 | PART 777 MICHILIMACKINAC STATE PARK (324.77701...324.77704) |
Section 324.77701 | Michilimackinac state park; control; name change. |
Section 324.77702 | Michilimackinac state park; rules; protection and maintenance. |
Section 324.77703 | Repealed. 2001, Act 78, Eff. Aug. 6, 2001. |
Section 324.77704 | Michilimackinac state park; rules; jurisdiction of commission. |
451-1994-III-4-3-779. | PART 779. MILL CREEK (324.77901...324.77901) |
Section 324.77901 | Mill creek site; control and management. |
451-1994-III-4-4 | SUBCHAPTER 4 THE MICHIGAN STATE WATERWAYS COMMISSION (324.78101...324.79508) |
451-1994-III-4-4-GENERAL | GENERAL (324.78101...324.78504) |
451-1994-III-4-4-GENERAL-781 | PART 781 MICHIGAN STATE WATERWAYS COMMISSION (324.78101...324.78119) |
Section 324.78101 | Definitions. |
Section 324.78102 | Michigan state waterways commission; creation; appointment, qualifications, and terms of members; oath; reimbursement for expenses; removal of members; vacancies; seal; rules; election of officers; action by commission; offices and equipment. |
Section 324.78103 | Waterways commission; conducting business at public meeting; notice of meeting; availability of writings to public. |
Section 324.78104 | Waterways commission; director; appointment; qualifications; term; compensation; duties; assistants; salaries; expenses. |
Section 324.78105 | Powers and duties of department; designation of state-operated boating access sites requiring passes; fees. |
Section 324.78106 | Authority of local agencies and public colleges and universities to enter contracts with department. |
Section 324.78107 | Facilities in harbors and connecting waterways; use. |
Section 324.78108 | Financing local agencies and public colleges and universities to obtain federal participation; contracts with army corps of engineers. |
Section 324.78109 | Administration of part; advice by commission. |
Section 324.78110 | Waterways account; use. |
Section 324.78111 | State appropriation as advancement. |
Section 324.78112 | State acceptance of federal program for construction of harbors of refuge. |
Section 324.78113 | Public boating access site advisory committee. |
Section 324.78114 | Acquisition of public boating access site; placement of land option. |
Section 324.78115 | Public boating access sites grant program. |
Section 324.78116 | Rules. |
Section 324.78117 | Township ordinances regulating activities at public boating access site; scope. |
Section 324.78119 | Entry into state-operated boating access site; pass, tab, or sticker required; recreation passport fee; exceptions; violation as civil infraction; fine; evidence. |
451-1994-III-4-4-GENERAL-783 | PART 783 FERRY DOCKS AT THE STRAITS OF MACKINAC (324.78301...324.78308) |
Section 324.78301 | Ferry docks at Straits of Mackinac; jurisdiction and control; transfer; description. |
Section 324.78302 | Operation and maintenance of docks and approaches to docks; determination; purpose; relinquishment of control. |
Section 324.78303 | Ferry docks at Straits of Mackinac; leases; concessions; rules. |
Section 324.78304 | Entering into lease with village of Mackinaw City; duration; duties of village. |
Section 324.78305 | Entering into lease with city of St. Ignace; duration; duties of city. |
Section 324.78306 | Land transferred from Mackinac Island state park commission to department; small craft harbor facility. |
Section 324.78307 | Disposition of revenues. |
Section 324.78308 | Administration of part; advice by commission. |
451-1994-III-4-4-GENERAL-785 | PART 785 CHEBOYGAN LOCK AND DAM (324.78501...324.78504) |
Section 324.78501 | Cheboygan lock and dam; acquisition. |
Section 324.78502 | Cheboygan lock and dam; leases; agreements. |
Section 324.78503 | Revenues; disposition. |
Section 324.78504 | Administration of part; advice by commission. |
451-1994-III-4-4-HARBOR-DEVELOPMENT | HARBOR DEVELOPMENT (324.79101...324.79508) |
451-1994-III-4-4-HARBOR-DEVELOPMENT-791 | PART 791 HARBOR DEVELOPMENT (324.79101...324.79118) |
Section 324.79101 | Definitions. |
Section 324.79102 | Providing assistance to certain persons. |
Section 324.79103 | Purchase of real property for development of marinas. |
Section 324.79104 | Purchase of property located within local unit of government. |
Section 324.79105 | Sale of structures, real property, or rights or interest in real property. |
Section 324.79106 | Construction of nonrevenue-producing harbor facilities. |
Section 324.79107 | Leases of real property. |
Section 324.79108 | Solicitation and evaluation of proposals. |
Section 324.79109 | Term of lease; extension; rule establishing penalty schedule for nonpayment of lease payments; notice of taxation. |
Section 324.79110 | Sale, transfer, or assignment of lease; transfer by bequest or descent of lessee. |
Section 324.79111 | Consideration for issuance of lease; reduction of initial financial burden. |
Section 324.79112 | Lease agreements with 1 or more local units of government; apportionment of revenue. |
Section 324.79113 | Minimum standards for construction and operation of harbor facilities by lessee. |
Section 324.79114 | Disposition of revenue from lease contracts. |
Section 324.79115 | Liability. |
Section 324.79116 | Rules. |
Section 324.79117 | Administration of part; advice by department. |
Section 324.79118 | Discrimination prohibited. |
Section 324.79301 | “Political subdivision” defined. |
Section 324.79302 | Political subdivision; powers. |
Section 324.79303 | Political subdivisions; joint action. |
451-1994-III-4-4-HARBOR-DEVELOPMENT-795 | PART 795 WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION (324.79501...324.79508) |
Section 324.79501 | Definitions. |
Section 324.79502 | Waterfront redevelopment grants program; establishment; provisions; funding sources; waterfront public access. |
Section 324.79503 | Waterfront redevelopment plan; preparation. |
Section 324.79504 | Grant application. |
Section 324.79505 | Grant application; review by department and commission. |
Section 324.79506 | Issuance of grants. |
Section 324.79507 | Recovery of costs. |
Section 324.79508 | Administration of part. |
451-1994-III-4-5 | SUBCHAPTER 5 WATERCRAFT AND MARINE SAFETY (324.80101...324.80322) |
451-1994-III-4-5-801 | PART 801 MARINE SAFETY (324.80101...324.80199) |
Section 324.80101 | Definitions; A to C. |
Section 324.80102 | Definitions; D to L. |
Section 324.80103 | Definitions; M to O. |
Section 324.80104 | "Highly restricted personal information" defined; definitions; P to W. |
Section 324.80105 | Application of part. |
Section 324.80106 | Administration of part; advisory representative. |
Section 324.80107 | Review of boating accidents, safety education programs, and policies. |
Section 324.80108 | Regulations of waterborne vehicles; exclusive diving, fishing, swimming or water ski areas; special local regulations. |
Section 324.80108[1] | Lists of information; sale prohibited. |
Section 324.80108a | Operation of airboat within certain distance of residence; limitation; exceptions. |
Section 324.80109 | Rules; subsection (1) inapplicable to special local rules. |
Section 324.80110 | Special rules for vessels, water skis, water sleds, aquaplanes, surfboards, or other similar contrivances; investigations and inquiries; preliminary report; notice of public hearing; presentation of views by interested persons; determination by department; proposal for local ordinance; appeal; "water body" defined. |
Section 324.80111 | Proposed local ordinance; submission to governing body; approval or disapproval; enactment; enforcement. |
Section 324.80112 | Special local ordinances; request for assistance; form; receipt of resolution by department. |
Section 324.80112a | Temporary ordinance for use of vessels on a water body; application; information required; investigation; notice; expiration; right to appeal. |
Section 324.80113 | Enforcement of local ordinances; existing rules; enactment of statutory provisions as ordinance. |
Section 324.80114 | Rules; violation; fine. |
Section 324.80114a | Prohibition against operation of motorized vessel; exemption; marine exemption certificate; physician's attestation. |
Section 324.80115 | Disposition of revenues; credit to waterways account; appropriation; fees. |
Section 324.80116 | Boating safety program; compliance with rules; federal financial assistance. |
Section 324.80117 | Marine safety program; state aid; formula; limitation on determination; use; statement of expenditures. |
Section 324.80118 | Allocation of state aid to counties. |
Section 324.80119 | Marine safety program; audits of county records; refunds to state. |
Section 324.80120 | Marine safety program; cooperation with county sheriffs; records; reports. |
Section 324.80121 | Rules. |
Section 324.80122 | Conditions to operation of vessels; violation; fine. |
Section 324.80123 | Exemption. |
Section 324.80124 | Application for certificate of number; certificate of title; 15-day permit; fee; "the length of vessel" defined; tax exemption; issuance; delinquent fee or tax; penalty; retention of certificate of number on shore; contents of lease or rental agreement; painting or attaching number; assigning block of numbers; federally documented vessel; decal; issuance of original certificate of number, numbering renewal decal, or other renewal device; numbering system; registration; issuance of certificate of number; historic vessel; refund to owner of nonmotorized canoe or kayak; refund and computation of fee. |
Section 324.80124a | Great Lakes protection specialty watercraft decal. |
Section 324.80124b | Great Lakes protection specialty watercraft decal; use of money received from sale; definitions. |
Section 324.80125 | Notice of destruction or sale of vessel; transfer of vessel; change of address; surrender of certificate; cancellation of certificate and reassignment of number; certificate for replacement vessel; refund; recording new address and returning certificates; application for transfer of certificate; fees; duration of certificate; duplicate certificate. |
Section 324.80126 | Dealer certificates of number and dealer decals. |
Section 324.80127 | Payment of fee by credit card or check. |
Section 324.80128 | Secretary of state; certificate of number. |
Section 324.80129 | Maintenance of records; availability to the public. |
Section 324.80130 | Commercial lookup service of records; disposition of fees; computerized central file; purpose; creation; maintenance; providing records to nongovernmental person or entity; payment; admissibility in evidence. |
Section 324.80130a | Disclosure of information prohibited; exceptions. |
Section 324.80130b | Resale or redisclosure of personal information; maintenance of records; duration; availability for inspection. |
Section 324.80130c | Furnishing list of information to federal, state, or local governmental agency; contract for sale of list of information; insertion of safeguard in agreement or contract; resale or redisclosure of information; disclosure of list based on watercraft operations or sanctions to nongovernmental agency. |
Section 324.80130d | Prohibited conduct; violations as felony; penalties. |
Section 324.80130f | Abandonment of vessel prohibited; presumption; violation; civil infraction; "abandoned vessel" defined; determination that vessel not stolen; duties of police agency; notice of abandoned vessel; duties of secretary of state; request for hearing by owner to contest abandonment; redemption of vessel; abandonment of vessel on private property without owner consent; offer of vessel for public sale. |
Section 324.80130g | Definitions; unregistered abandoned scrap vessel; custody; duties of police agency; release of vessel to towing service; certificate of scrapping; retention of records; abandonment of vessel on private property; notice of abandoned vessel; request for hearing by owner to contest abandonment; redemption of vessel. |
Section 324.80130h | Determination that vessel not stolen; immediate removal from public or private property; arrival of owner before towing or removal; entering vessel in law enforcement information network as abandoned; release of vessel to owner; authorization required; notice. |
Section 324.80130i | Courts; jurisdiction; venue; use of bond to pay towing and storage fees; exclusive remedies. |
Section 324.80130j | Filing of petition by owner of vessel; duties of court; burden of showing compliance with act; decision of court. |
Section 324.80130k | Public sale of abandoned vessel. |
Section 324.80130l | Abandoned vessel, ORV, and snowmobile fund. |
Section 324.80130m | Towing or storage fees. |
Section 324.80130n | Applicability of MCL 324.80130f and 324.80130g. |
Section 324.80130o | Notice of towing or removal of vessel; posting; requirements; use of term "vehicles." |
Section 324.80130p | Applicability of MCL 324.80130o. |
Section 324.80131 | Violation of part or ordinance; record of charge or citation; forwarding abstracts or report to secretary of state; statement; certification; noncompliance; public inspection; basis for issuing order; transmitting and entering order of reversal; modifying requirements. |
Section 324.80132 | Applicability of MCL 324.80134 and 324.80135; applicability of section. |
Section 324.80133 | Casualty involving vessel; assistance to injured persons. |
Section 324.80134 | Casualties involving vessels; exchange of identification. |
Section 324.80134a | Accident involving serious impairment of body function or death; remaining at scene of accident; violation as felony; “serious impairment of a body function” defined. |
Section 324.80135 | Casualty involving vessel; report. |
Section 324.80136 | Peace officer receiving report or investigating casualty involving vessel; report to department and county sheriff; form and contents. |
Section 324.80137 | Casualty reports involving vessel; use; fee; copies; admissibility in court. |
Section 324.80138 | Transmission of information for analytical or statistical purposes. |
Section 324.80139 | Rules. |
Section 324.80140 | Educational programs; establishment; youthful boat operators training program; certificates of completion; information to be included in program. |
Section 324.80141 | Operation of motorboat by person less than 12 years of age; operation of motorboat by person on or after July 1, 1996; certification required; electronic verification; consent to search; liability. |
Section 324.80142 | Wearing of personal flotation device by child required; exception; “charter boat” and “class C vessel” defined; violation; fine. |
Section 324.80143 | Barge; lights; number; placement; position; barges moored together; limitation; order to move moored vessel; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; costs; definitions. |
Section 324.80143a | Carrying, storing, maintaining, and using marine safety equipment onboard vessel; violation as civil infraction; fine. |
Section 324.80144 | Operation of vessels; rules; violation; fine. |
Section 324.80145 | Operation of vessels; speed; interference with use of waters by others; violation; fine. |
Section 324.80146 | Maximum or unlimited vessel speed; rules; maximum vessel speed where limits not established; exceptions; resolution requesting reduction in maximum speed limit; emergency conditions; temporary speed limit requirements; time limitations; declaration of state emergency; requiring slow—no wake speed or minimum speed; violation; fine; exceptions; waiver. |
Section 324.80147 | Reckless operation of vessels; penalty. |
Section 324.80148 | Operating motorboat at more than slow—no wake speed; prohibitions; exceptions. |
Section 324.80149 | Operation of vessels in counter-clockwise fashion; distance between persons being towed and other objects; exception; violation as misdemeanor; violation as civil infraction; fine. |
Section 324.80150 | Operation of vessels; prohibited in certain areas. |
Section 324.80151 | Towing of persons; prohibited time; violation; fine. |
Section 324.80152 | Towing or assisting person prohibited; exceptions; violation; fine; subsections (1) and (3) inapplicable under certain conditions; standards; rules; certification; information to be provided; specification of bodies of water for use in practice. |
Section 324.80153 | Vessels; use of portions unintended for occupancy prohibited; exceptions. |
Section 324.80154 | Interference with operation of vessel by nonoccupant. |
Section 324.80155 | Divers; marking point of submergence; distance from diver's flag. |
Section 324.80156 | Motorboat; muffler or underwater exhaust system required; maximum sound levels; test and maximum decibel levels; new motorboat to comply with prescribed sound levels; exceptions; “dB(A)” defined; violation and penalties. |
Section 324.80157 | Liability of vessel owner for negligent operation; presumption of consent to use. |
Section 324.80158 | Responsibility of vessel owner for damage caused by vessel wake. |
Section 324.80159 | Buoys or beacons; permit for placement; application; revocation; removal. |
Section 324.80160 | Buoys or beacons; uniform marking system. |
Section 324.80161 | Buoys or beacons; compliance with federal law or regulations; permits. |
Section 324.80162 | Buoys or beacons; use as moorings; moving, removal or damaging. |
Section 324.80163 | Anchored raft or other item or material; relocation or removal as navigation hazard; costs; failure to pay; lien. |
Section 324.80164 | Regattas; rules; permit; authorization; applications. |
Section 324.80164a | Personal flotation device and throwable flotation device; exception from requirements. |
Section 324.80165 | Regattas, races, or trials; compliance with federal law or regulation; permit; waiver. |
Section 324.80166 | Peace officers; stopping of vessels; duty of operator; reasonable suspicion; furnishing false information as misdemeanor; arrest without warrant. |
Section 324.80166a | Agreement with United States coast guard. |
Section 324.80167 | Arrest without warrant; cases in which arrested person arraigned by magistrate or judge. |
Section 324.80168 | Arrest without warrant; notice to appear in court; time; place; appearance; acceptance of pleas. |
Section 324.80169 | Arrest without warrant; nonresidents; recognizance; receipt and summons; failure to appear; deposit of money; report; embezzlement. |
Section 324.80170 | Violation by officer, magistrate, or district court judge as misconduct in office; removal from office; applicability and construction of MCL 324.80168 and 324.80169. |
Section 324.80171 | Violation of part or rules; penalties. |
Section 324.80172 | Negligent crippling or death; penalty. |
Section 324.80173 | Felonious operation of watercraft; penalty. |
Section 324.80174 | Negligent homicide included in charge of manslaughter. |
Section 324.80175 | Nonresidents; secretary of state as attorney for service of summons; service; procedure; sufficiency; death; appointment of secretary of state as attorney; abatement of actions; costs; applicability to all courts. |
Section 324.80176 | Operation of or authorizing operation of motorboat while under influence of alcoholic liquor or controlled substance prohibited; visible impairment; violation as felony; penalty; "serious impairment of a body function" defined; operation by person less than 21 years of age; "any bodily alcohol content" defined; requirements; "operate" defined. |
Section 324.80177 | Violation of MCL 324.80176(1); sanctions; costs. |
Section 324.80178 | Violation of MCL 324.80176(3); sanctions; costs. |
Section 324.80178a | Violation of MCL 324.80176(6); sanctions; costs. |
Section 324.80178b | Violation of MCL 324.80176(7)(a) or 324.80176(7)(b); sanctions; costs. |
Section 324.80179 | Enhanced sentencing based on prior convictions; conditions; attempted violation of MCL 324.80176(1), MCL 324.80176(3), or local ordinance. |
Section 324.80180 | Peace officer; arrest without warrant; reasonable cause; conditions; returning motorboat and occupants to shore; effect of not charging person receiving citation. |
Section 324.80181 | Chemical test and analysis of blood, urine, or breath; collection of sample or specimen; application of administrative rules. |
Section 324.80182 | Chemical test; administration at request of peace officer, during medical treatment, or by medical examiner if operator of vessel is deceased; procedures. |
Section 324.80183 | Chemical test; introduction of other competent evidence; availability of test results. |
Section 324.80184 | Refusal to submit to chemical test as admissible evidence. |
Section 324.80185 | Advising defendant of penalties and sanctions; ordering screening, assessment, and rehabilitative services. |
Section 324.80186 | Sentencing as multiple offender; consideration of prior convictions; sanctions. |
Section 324.80187 | Consent to chemical tests of blood, breath, or urine; circumstances; exception; administration. |
Section 324.80188 | Refusal to submit to chemical test at request of peace officer; obtaining court order; forwarding report to secretary of state. |
Section 324.80189 | Refusal to submit to chemical test; notice of right to request hearing. |
Section 324.80190 | Refusal to submit to chemical test; failure to request hearing; manner and conditions of hearing if requested; record of proceedings; order; petitions to review order or to review determination of hearing officer. |
Section 324.80191 | Order not to operate vessel on waters of state; convictions requiring issuance of order by secretary of state; effectiveness of order if more than 1 conviction resulting from same incident. |
Section 324.80192 | Convictions requiring order with no expiration date; terminating order; multiple convictions from same incident; judicial review. |
Section 324.80193 | Failure to answer citation or notice to appear in court or comply with judgment or order; notice of issuance of order without expiration date; conditions terminating order. |
Section 324.80194 | Petition for review of determination; order setting cause for hearing; service; authority and duty of court; applicability of section. |
Section 324.80195 | Petition for stay of order; entering ex parte order; terms and conditions; exception. |
Section 324.80196 | Person subject to order not to operate vessel on waters of state; prohibited conduct; violation of subsection (1) as misdemeanor; penalty; extending length of order; obtaining and furnishing boating record; applicability of section; confiscating certificate of number and cancelling registration numbers. |
Section 324.80197 | Impoundment of vessel; order; execution; liability for expenses; rights of conditional vendor, chattel mortgagee, or lessor of vessel. |
Section 324.80197a | Conviction based on plea of nolo contendere. |
Section 324.80198 | Administrative order processing fee; disposition and allocation. |
Section 324.80198a | Public dock, pier, wharf, or retaining wall; entry or use prohibited under certain wind conditions; barricades; notice. |
Section 324.80198b | Public bathing beaches; buoys required; prohibited swimming area; exception; violation; fine. |
Section 324.80199 | Part not to affect owner's rights under laws of United States. |
451-1994-III-4-5-802 | PART 802 PERSONAL WATERCRAFT (324.80201...324.80222) |
Section 324.80201 | Definitions. |
Section 324.80202 | Scope. |
Section 324.80203 | Administration of part. |
Section 324.80204 | Rules. |
Section 324.80205 | Operation of personal watercraft; requirements; violation; fine; exception. |
Section 324.80206 | Operation of personal watercraft; prohibition; violation as civil infraction; fine. |
Section 324.80207 | Liability of personal watercraft owner; negligence; presumption of consent. |
Section 324.80208 | Reckless operation of personal watercraft; violation; penalty; impoundment; storage cost. |
Section 324.80209 | Operation of personal watercraft; distance requirements; exceptions. |
Section 324.80210 | Repealed. 2018, Act 400, Eff. Mar. 19, 2019. |
Section 324.80211 | Advancement of boating safety; educational programs. |
Section 324.80212 | Boating safety certificate; issuance; use of LEIN. |
Section 324.80213 | Boating safety certificate; electronic copy; consent to search; liability; display. |
Section 324.80214 | Modification or suspension of boating safety certificate requirements. |
Section 324.80215 | Operation of personal watercraft; graduated age provisions; amendatory act known and cited as "Ashleigh Iserman's law." |
Section 324.80217 | Dealers of personal watercraft; advising buyer about sources of boating safety courses; violation; fine. |
Section 324.80218 | Creation and availability of documents by department; documents provided by dealer to buyer; violation; fine. |
Section 324.80219 | Violation of part; penalty. |
Section 324.80220 | Tracking offenses; duties of secretary of state. |
Section 324.80221 | Enforcement. |
Section 324.80222 | Compliance. |
451-1994-III-4-5-803 | PART 803 WATERCRAFT TRANSFER AND CERTIFICATE OF TITLE (324.80301...324.80322) |
Section 324.80301 | Additional definitions. |
Section 324.80302 | Exceptions; appropriate forms. |
Section 324.80303 | Rules; cancellation of improperly issued certificate of title. |
Section 324.80304 | Sale, purchase, or other disposition or acquisition of watercraft; certificate of title required. |
Section 324.80305 | Acquisition of watercraft from owner; certificate of title or manufacturer's or importer's certificate required; waiver or estoppel; judicial recognition of right, title, claim, or interest. |
Section 324.80306 | Sale or other disposition of new watercraft to dealer for display or resale; manufacturer's or importer's certificate required; contents; assignment. |
Section 324.80307 | Certificate of title; application; form; fee; evidence of ownership; certificate of hull identification number; duties of secretary of state; surety bond; name in which certificate of title to be obtained. |
Section 324.80308 | Application for watercraft certificate of title; certification; contents; permanent or assigned hull identification number; affixing or imprinting assigned hull identification number. |
Section 324.80309 | Certificate of title; refusal; issuance; contents; assignment form. |
Section 324.80310 | Certificate of title; uniform method of numbering; indexes; destruction by secretary of state; furnishing information to law enforcement and conservation officers. |
Section 324.80311 | Fee for processing application for certificate of title or duplicate; additional fee; check or draft not paid on first presentation as delinquent fee; liability; notice or demand; suspension of certificate; penalty. |
Section 324.80312 | Certificate of title for watercraft; issuance; compliance; transfer of ownership; requirements; petition for watercraft not owned; proof of ownership and right of possession; statement of lien. |
Section 324.80313 | Dismantling, destroying, or changing watercraft; surrender, cancellation, and destruction of certificate of title. |
Section 324.80314 | Loss, mutilation, or illegibility of certificate of title; application and fee for duplicate copy; issuance and contents of duplicate copy; rights and indemnification of purchaser; surrender and cancellation of original certificate; conditions not requiring duplicate of lost watercraft certificate of title at time of transfer; record; definitions. |
Section 324.80315 | Records available to the public; commercial lookup service of watercraft title records; disposition of fees; computerized central file; creation; maintenance; providing to nongovernmental person or entity; payment; admissibility in evidence. |
Section 324.80315a | Disclosure of personal information; uses. |
Section 324.80315b | Resale or redisclosure of information; maintenance of records; duration; availability for inspection. |
Section 324.80315c | Furnishing list of information to federal, state, or local governmental agency; contract for sale of list of information; insertion of safeguard in agreement or contract; resale or redisclosure of information; duties of recipient. |
Section 324.80315f | Electronic lien title system; participation of secured parties; inclusion of secured interest or other information in electronic file; execution of release; delivery; assignment of ownership by watercraft dealer; admissibility as evidence of security interest; determination of requirements by secretary of state; establishment, implementation, and operation by February 16, 2021; definitions. |
Section 324.80316 | Authorized agents. |
Section 324.80317 | Stolen or converted watercraft; information; record; report; notice of recovery; removal of record from file. |
Section 324.80318 | Prohibited conduct generally. |
Section 324.80319 | Additional prohibited conduct; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; payment of restitution. |
Section 324.80319a | Prohibited conduct; violations as felony; penalties. |
Section 324.80320 | Secured interest in watercraft; notation; discharge; perfection; electronic transactions; requirements. |
Section 324.80321 | Watercraft acquired prior to January 1, 1977. |
Section 324.80322 | Violation; penalty. |
451-1994-III-4-6 | SUBCHAPTER 6 MOTORIZED RECREATIONAL VEHICLES (324.81101...324.82161) |
451-1994-III-4-6-OFF-ROAD-RECREATION-VEHICLES-811 | PART 811 OFF-ROAD RECREATION VEHICLES (324.81101...324.81151) |
Section 324.81101 | Definitions. |
Section 324.81102 | Repealed. 2013, Act 119, Imd. Eff. Sept. 25, 2013. |
Section 324.81103 | Subject to MCL 324.81109(5); ORV; certificate of title generally. |
Section 324.81104 | Application for title to ORV under code. |
Section 324.81105 | ORV; sale or assignment of ownership; purchase or acquisition; requirements; exception if subject to a security interest. |
Section 324.81106 | ORV exempt from MCL 257.1101 to 257.1133 and MCL 500.3101 to 500.3179. |
Section 324.81107 | Manufacturer's certificate of origin. |
Section 324.81108 | Application for ORV certificate of title; form; contents; security agreement; perfection of security interest; priority. |
Section 324.81109 | Making application to department of state for issuance of ORV certificate of title; transactions by electronic means required; security interest. |
Section 324.81110 | Fee for processing application for ORV certificate of title. |
Section 324.81111 | Refusal to issue ORV certificate of title; grounds; issuance and delivery; requiring certification of ownership. |
Section 324.81112 | Manufacturing requirements for ORV certificate of title; uniform method of numbering; contents; prohibited acts; penalties. |
Section 324.81113 | Loss, mutilation, or illegibility of ORV certificate; application for and issuance of duplicate; legend; indexes. |
Section 324.81114 | Records available to public; commercial lookup service of ORV operation, title, and registration; disposition of fees; computerized central file; purging records; providing records to nongovernmental person or entity; payment; admissibility in evidence. |
Section 324.81114a | Disclosure of personal information; uses. |
Section 324.81114b | Resale or redisclosure of personal information; maintenance of records; duration; availability for inspection. |
Section 324.81114c | Furnishing list of information to federal, state, or local governmental agency; contract for sale of lists of records; surveys, marketing, and solicitations; insertion of safeguards in agreement or contract; resale or redisclosure of information; disclosure of list based on ORV operation or sanctions to nongovernmental agency. |
Section 324.81114f | Electronic lien title system; notification and release of security interests in ORVs; participation required; electronic transfers; admissibility in civil, criminal, or administrative proceedings; requirements; definitions. |
Section 324.81115 | Licensing of ORV required; exceptions; reciprocal agreement. |
Section 324.81116 | Application for license by owner or dealer of ORV; filing; form; application fee; false information prohibited; issuance of license; validity; permit fees; purchase and resale of ORV licenses; refunds; records; attachment of license to vehicle; license not required for vehicle used and stored outside state; lost or destroyed license. |
Section 324.81117 | Off-road vehicle account. |
Section 324.81118 | Repealed. 2004, Act 587, Eff. Dec. 23, 2006. |
Section 324.81119 | Distribution of revenue in form of grants. |
Section 324.81120 | Prohibited conduct; violations as felony; penalties. |
Section 324.81121 | Renting, leasing, or furnishing ORV; maintaining safe operating condition; explanation of operation; liability insurance. |
Section 324.81122 | Prohibited operation of unregistered ORV; permit not required; operator as prima facie negligent. |
Section 324.81123 | Comprehensive plan for management of ORV use of certain areas, routes, and trails; revision; approval; designation of ORV trails and areas for nonconflicting recreation trail use; designated scramble area; maps of trails. |
Section 324.81124 | Rules. |
Section 324.81125 | Repealed. 2003, Act 111, Eff. Oct. 1, 2003. |
Section 324.81126 | Repealed. 2016, Act 288, Imd. Eff. Sept. 28, 2016. |
Section 324.81127 | Comprehensive system; ORV use on forest roads and other state owned land; revisions; needs of hunters, senior citizens, and individuals with disabilities. |
Section 324.81128 | Repealed. 2013, Act 119, Imd. Eff. Sept. 25, 2013. |
Section 324.81129 | Operation of ORV or ATV by child; requirements; ORV information and safety advice; training program and performance testing; course instruction; ORV safety certificates; rules; exceptions; additional requirements. |
Section 324.81130 | ORV safety education course. |
Section 324.81131 | Ordinance allowing disabled person to operate ORV; notice of public hearing; closure of county road to operation of ORVs; operation of ORVs on highway; operation of ORV with flow of traffic; maintaining county road or street or highway not required; immunity from tort liability; "gross negligence" defined; operator of ORV as prima facie negligent; violation as municipal civil infraction; deposit of fines; violation as state civil infraction. |
Section 324.81132 | Rules; ordinance enacted under authority of rule; enforcement. |
Section 324.81133 | Operation of ORV; prohibited acts; crash helmet and protective eyewear required; exception; assumption of risk. |
Section 324.81134 | Operation of or authorizing operation of ORV while under influence of alcoholic liquor or controlled substance prohibited; visible impairment; violation; penalty; "serious impairment of a body function" defined; person less than 21 years of age; person less than 16 years of age occupying ORV; penalties; costs; screening, assessment, and rehabilitative services; duty of court before accepting guilty plea; record. |
Section 324.81135 | Repealed. 2014, Act 405, Eff. Mar. 31, 2015. |
Section 324.81136 | Chemical analysis of operator's blood, urine, or breath; admissibility; request for results of test; taking sample of urine or breath; withdrawing blood; liability; administration of tests by person of arrested person's own choosing; refusal to take test; other evidence; jury instruction; admissibility of blood withdrawn after accident; sample of decedent's blood. |
Section 324.81137 | Implied consent to chemical tests of blood, breath, or urine; exception. |
Section 324.81138 | Chemical tests; advising of right to refuse; court order; report. |
Section 324.81139 | Administrative hearing; notice. |
Section 324.81140 | Suspension of right to operate ORV; appointment of hearing officer; notice; powers of hearing officer; scope and conduct of hearing; final decision or order; petition; review; order; record of proceedings. |
Section 324.81140a | Suspension or revocation of operator's or chauffeur's license; operation of ORV prohibited; violation as misdemeanor; penalty. |
Section 324.81140b | Final determination of secretary of state; petition for review in circuit court; filing; order setting cause for hearing; service on secretary of state; review of the record. |
Section 324.81141 | Preliminary chemical breath analysis; arrest; admissibility of results; requirements; civil infraction; fine. |
Section 324.81142 | Operation of ORV after right suspended as misdemeanor; penalty. |
Section 324.81143 | Accident resulting in injury, death, or property damage; notice; report; report by medical facility; collection and evaluation of information; duties of operator. |
Section 324.81144 | Arrest without warrant of alleged operator of ORV. |
Section 324.81145 | Violations; appearance tickets; prima facie evidence of operation by owner. |
Section 324.81146 | Failure or refusal to obey signal or request to stop; misdemeanor. |
Section 324.81147 | Violation of part as misdemeanor or civil violation; penalties; restoration; impoundment; disposition of seized ORV or personal property. |
Section 324.81148 | Condemnation of ORV unauthorized where trespass is result of emergency. |
Section 324.81149 | Repealed. 2018, Act 237, Eff. Sept. 25, 2018. |
Section 324.81150 | Uniform interpretation. |
Section 324.81151 | Abandonment of ORV prohibited; presumption; violation; civil infraction. |
451-1994-III-4-6-SNOWMOBILES | SNOWMOBILES (324.82101...324.82161) |
451-1994-III-4-6-SNOWMOBILES-821 | PART 821 SNOWMOBILES (324.82101...324.82161) |
Section 324.82101 | Definitions. |
Section 324.82102 | Snowmobiles; exemption from taxes and fees. |
Section 324.82102a | Michigan snowmobile advisory committee. |
Section 324.82103 | Certificate of registration and registration decal required; exceptions; violation; penalty. |
Section 324.82104 | Special event; certificate of registration or registration decal not required. |
Section 324.82105 | Application for registration; forms; signature; fee; recording application; issuance of certificate of registration and decal; contents, legibility, and inspection of certificate; surety bond; issuance, duration, and renewal of certificate and registration decal; display of decal; destroying record of certificate. |
Section 324.82105a | Fees; delinquency; penalty; deposit and use of collected penalties. |
Section 324.82105b | Cancellation, suspension, revocation, or refusal to issue snowmobile registration; conditions. |
Section 324.82105c | Historic snowmobile registration decal; issuance; placement; fee; validity; revocation; exemption from registration; rules. |
Section 324.82106 | Disposition of revenue; designation of state recreational trail coordinator; plan for statewide recreational and snowmobile trails system; expenditures; construction of recreational trail facilities or major improvements on private land; interconnecting network of statewide snowmobile trails and use areas; alternative nonconflicting off-season recreational trail uses. |
Section 324.82107 | Annual budget request to include amounts for department enforcement of part and local snowmobile programs; financial assistance to counties; cooperation in conduct of program; records; reports; rules. |
Section 324.82108 | Snowmobile safety education and training program. |
Section 324.82109 | Appropriation; uses; allocation; grants; contract payments; financial assistance; conditions; application; grant agreement or contract; payment; term; request for information; report. |
Section 324.82110 | Recreational snowmobile trail improvement subaccount; use; deposits; rules; projects open to public. |
Section 324.82110a | Permanent snowmobile trail easement subaccount. |
Section 324.82111 | Snowmobile registration fee subaccount; creation. |
Section 324.82112 | Operation of snowmobile program; review of effectiveness; report. |
Section 324.82113 | Registration decal; display; issuance; expiration of certificate of registration; awarding certificate of number. |
Section 324.82114 | Destruction, abandonment, sale, or transfer of snowmobile; change of address; notice; surrender of certificate; cancellation of certificate; destruction of record; recording new address; return of certificate to owner; application by transferee for new certificate; fee; operation without certificate prohibited; duplicate certificate; replacement registration decal. |
Section 324.82115 | Certificates of registration for dealers and manufacturers; use; fee; placement of registration decal. |
Section 324.82116 | Snowmobile numbers; stamping on frame or plate; location of number; possession of snowmobile with altered, defaced, or obliterated number. |
Section 324.82116a | Alteration, removal, or defacement of vehicle number; application for special identifying number; missing vehicle number; replacement; fee. |
Section 324.82117 | Dealers; duties; liability insurance. |
Section 324.82118 | Michigan snowmobile trail permit; exceptions. |
Section 324.82119 | Operation of snowmobiles prohibited; exceptions; permanent prohibition; requirements; rules. |
Section 324.82120 | Supervision of child less than 12 years of age; exception; conditions for operation of snowmobile by person 12 but less than 17 years of age; snowmobile safety certificate; crossing highway or street; duty of snowmobile owner; report of violation; suspension of certificate. |
Section 324.82121 | Use of snowmobile to hunt wild bird or animal. |
Section 324.82122 | Lights and brakes; minimum safety standards; certification as proof of compliance. |
Section 324.82123 | Crash helmet required. |
Section 324.82124 | Ordinances; duty to maintain highway; immunity from liability; “gross negligence” defined. |
Section 324.82125 | Rules governing operation and conduct of snowmobiles; special rules; hearing; notice; corresponding ordinances; suspension, amendment, or repeal; enforcement. |
Section 324.82126 | Operation of snowmobile; prohibitions; exemption; construction, operation, and maintenance of snowmobile trail; conditions; demarcation of trail by signing; “operate” defined; prohibited conduct; assumption of risk; violation of subsection (2) as civil infraction; fine. |
Section 324.82126a | Operation of snowmobile; prohibited conduct; violation as civil infraction. |
Section 324.82126b | Operation of snowmobile; prohibited conduct; violation as misdemeanor; penalty. |
Section 324.82126c | Operation of snowmobile; conduct causing death or serious impairment of bodily function; violation as misdemeanor or felony; penalty; definition; order prohibiting operation of snowmobile. |
Section 324.82127 | Operation of or authorizing operation of snowmobile while under influence of alcoholic liquor or controlled substance prohibited; visible impairment; violation; penalty; “serious impairment of a body function” defined; operation by person less than 21 years of age; "any bodily alcoholic content" defined; person less than 16 years of age occupying snowmobile. |
Section 324.82128 | Violations; sanctions. |
Section 324.82129 | Violations; sanctions. |
Section 324.82129a | Violation of MCL 324.82127(6); sanctions; community service. |
Section 324.82129b | Violation of MCL 324.82127(7)(a) or (b); sanctions; community service. |
Section 324.82130 | Enhanced sentence; listing of prior convictions; attempted violation. |
Section 324.82131 | Display of lighted headlight and taillight required; applicability of section to snowmobile 25 years or older. |
Section 324.82132 | Accidents; notice; reports. |
Section 324.82133 | Violation of part as misdemeanor; violation of 82113 and 82114(1) as civil infraction. |
Section 324.82134 | Violations; appearance tickets; presumption. |
Section 324.82135 | Failure to stop on signal of uniformed officer; penalty; identification of official vehicle. |
Section 324.82136 | Arrest without warrant; preliminary chemical breath analysis. |
Section 324.82137 | Chemical tests and analysis of person's blood, urine, or breath; provisions. |
Section 324.82138 | Chemical test and analysis of person's blood, urine, or breath; additional provisions. |
Section 324.82139 | Introduction of other evidence not limited by MCL 324.82137 and 324.82138; availability of chemical test results. |
Section 324.82140 | Refusal to submit to chemical test; admissibility. |
Section 324.82141 | Acceptance of guilty plea or nolo contendere; advisement by court of maximum imprisonment and fine; screening, assessment, and rehabilitative services; record. |
Section 324.82142 | Consideration of prior convictions; sanctions. |
Section 324.82143 | Implied consent to chemical tests; circumstances; exception; administration of chemical test. |
Section 324.82144 | Refusal to submit to chemical test; court order; report to secretary of state. |
Section 324.82145 | Refusal to submit to chemical test; notice of right to hearing. |
Section 324.82146 | Refusal to submit to chemical test; failure to request hearing; order; hearing procedures. |
Section 324.82147 | Issuance of order by secretary of state; operation of snowmobile prohibited; imposition of suspension for more than 1 conviction or probate court dispositions from same incident. |
Section 324.82147a | Suspension or revocation of operator's or chauffeur's license; operation of snowmobile prohibited; violation as misdemeanor; penalty. |
Section 324.82148 | Convictions prohibiting operation of snowmobile; order; sharing conviction records; termination of indefinite order; multiple convictions or probate court dispositions resulting from same incident; hearing; record; judicial review. |
Section 324.82149 | Operation of snowmobile prohibited; issuance of order without expiration date; notice; expiration of order; conditions. |
Section 324.82150 | Final determination by secretary of state; petition for review in circuit court; consideration of record by court; authority of court to affirm, modify, or set aside order; applicability of section. |
Section 324.82151 | Ex parte order to stay pending order. |
Section 324.82152 | Operation of snowmobile prohibited; knowingly permitting operation by person subject to order prohibited; violation of subsection (1) as misdemeanor; extension of length of order; cancellation of certificate of registration. |
Section 324.82153 | Impoundment of snowmobile. |
Section 324.82154 | Conviction based on plea of nolo contendere. |
Section 324.82155 | Expiration of order not to operate snowmobile; administrative order processing fee. |
Section 324.82156 | Availability of records to public; commercial lookup service of snowmobile operation, title, and registration; disposition of fees; computerized central file; providing records to nongovernmental person or entity; payment; admissibility in evidence. |
Section 324.82156a | Disclosure of personal information; uses. |
Section 324.82156b | Resale or redisclosure of information; maintenance of records; duration; availability for inspection. |
Section 324.82156c | Furnishing list of information to federal, state, or local governmental agency; contract for sale of lists of records; surveys, marketing, and solicitations; insertion of safeguards in agreement or contract; duties of recipient of personal information; disclosure of list based on snowmobile operation or sanctions. |
Section 324.82157 | Abstract or record to be kept by court clerk of record. |
Section 324.82158 | Operator of snowmobile detained by officer; conduct of operator as misdemeanor; arrest without warrant. |
Section 324.82159 | Person arrested without warrant to be taken before magistrate or judge. |
Section 324.82160 | Prohibited conduct; violations as felony; penalties. |
Section 324.82161 | Abandonment of snowmobile prohibited; presumption; violation; civil infraction. |
451-1994-III-4-7 | SUBCHAPTER 7 FOREST RECREATION (324.83101...324.83109) |
451-1994-III-4-7-831 | PART 831 STATE FOREST RECREATION (324.83101...324.83109) |
Section 324.83101 | Definitions. |
Section 324.83102 | Recreation within state forest; scope. |
Section 324.83103 | Implementation of MCL 324.83102; powers of department; disposition of money collected; grant and award of concessions; notice to legislature; report. |
Section 324.83104 | Forest recreation account; use. |
Section 324.83105 | Forest recreation activities; volunteers. |
Section 324.83106 | Camping permit; fee; permit to use lands and facilities; exception; deposit of money into account. |
Section 324.83107 | Rules; enforcement by state forest officers. |
Section 324.83108 | Rules. |
Section 324.83109 | Violation as state civil infraction; fine. |