MCL - Index of 451-1994-III-2-4-MISCELLANEOUS-TOPICS

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
451-1994-III-2-4-MISCELLANEOUS-TOPICS MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS (324.52501...324.53519)
Section 324.52501 Definitions.
Section 324.52502 Management of state forest; manner; duties of department.
Section 324.52503 Forestry development, conservation, and recreation management plan.
Section 324.52504 Harvest and sale of timber; deposit of proceeds into forest development fund; report.
Section 324.52505 Third-party certification that forestry standards satisfied; report.
Section 324.52506 Report.
Section 324.52511 Repealed. 2004, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2011.
451-1994-III-2-4-MISCELLANEOUS-TOPICS-527 PART 527 MUNICIPAL FORESTS (324.52701...324.52710)
Section 324.52701 Definitions.
Section 324.52702 Municipality; right to acquire and use lands for forestry.
Section 324.52703 Municipal forestry commission; members; appointment; terms; vacancies.
Section 324.52704 Forestry commission; powers and duties.
Section 324.52705 Forestry commission; report; contents; filing.
Section 324.52706 Authority to sell state lands to municipalities for forestry; reversion; relinquishing reversionary interest; re-acquisition; definitions; use of term "this section."
Section 324.52707 Forestry commissions and department of natural resources; cooperation.
Section 324.52708 Municipality; appropriation for forestry; limitation.
Section 324.52709 Forestry funds; accounting.
Section 324.52710 Special forestry fund; creation; payments in lieu of property taxes.
Section 324.52901 Removal of certain plants; “plant” defined; bill of sale or other evidence of title required.
Section 324.52902 Transportation of plants.
Section 324.52903 Sale of plants; bill of sale or other evidence of title required; records of transactions.
Section 324.52904 Trees, shrubs, vines or plants; shipment; evidence of title.
Section 324.52905 Law enforcement officers; inspection; impoundment of plants or equipment; failure to exhibit bill of sale or other evidence of title.
Section 324.52906 Construction of part.
Section 324.52907 Enforcement of part; rules.
Section 324.52908 Violation of part; penalties; determination of total value; prior convictions; prohibition; additional penalties.
Section 324.52909 Christmas trees; transportation during December.
451-1994-III-2-4-MISCELLANEOUS-TOPICS-535. PART 535. REGISTERED FORESTERS (324.53501...324.53519)
Section 324.53501 Definitions.
Section 324.53503 Forester program evaluation; review; ceasing administration of part; conditions.
Section 324.53505 Board of foresters; creation; membership; qualifications; appointment; terms; vacancy; meetings; quorum; compliance with open meetings act; writings subject to freedom of information act; expenses; violations committee.
Section 324.53507 Duties of board; power to call witnesses and receive evidence.
Section 324.53509 Registration as forester; application; submission; contents; denial or approval; validity; duties of individual.
Section 324.53511 Automatic registration of members of affiliated professional organizations; forester registered or licensed in another state or country.
Section 324.53513 Use of "registered forester" as title.
Section 324.53515 Registered forester; requirements.
Section 324.53517 Violation of MCL 324.53515 or order; complaint; determination by violations committee; notification; investigation; proposed order; objection; review; final order; revocation or suspension.
Section 324.53519 Revenue; fees; disposition.