MCL - Index of Act 116 of 1954
NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title | Subject |
Act 116 of 1954 |
116-1954-I | CHAPTER I DEFINITIONS (168.1...168.19) |
Section 168.1 | Short title; Michigan election law. |
Section 168.2 | Definitions; A to I. |
Section 168.2.amended | Definitions; A to I. |
Section 168.3 | Definitions; L to R. |
Section 168.4 | Definitions; S to V. |
Section 168.5 | Repealed. 2003, Act 302, Eff. Jan. 1, 2005. |
Section 168.6 | "Permanent mail ballot voter" and "Presidential primary ballot selection form" defined. |
Section 168.7 | Primary or primary election; definition. |
Section 168.8 | "Clerk's office," "municipal," and "satellite office of a clerk" defined. |
Section 168.9 | Village; definition. |
Section 168.9a | Repealed. 2003, Act 302, Eff. Jan. 1, 2005. |
Section 168.10 | "Qualified elector" defined. |
Section 168.11 | "Residence" defined. |
Section 168.12 | Repealed. 2003, Act 302, Eff. Jan. 1, 2005. |
Section 168.13 | Time limits; extension due to holiday, exception. |
Section 168.14 | Locked and sealed; definition. |
Section 168.14a | “Ballot container” and “metal seal” or “seal” defined. |
Section 168.14b | Repealed. 2023, Act 81, Eff. Feb. 13, 2024. |
Section 168.15 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.16 | “Major political party” defined. |
Section 168.17 | "Metropolitan district" and "metropolitan district election coordinator" defined. |
Section 168.18 | Definitions. |
Section 168.18a | "United States Department of Defense verified electronic signature" defined. |
Section 168.19 | "Physical disability" defined. |
Section 168.21 | Secretary of state; chief election officer, powers and duties. |
Section 168.22 | Board of state canvassers; continuation as provided in former act; duties; membership. |
Section 168.22a | Board of state canvassers; submission of nominees to governor; appointment; vacancy; failure to submit nominees; appointee declining to serve. |
Section 168.22b | Board of state canvassers; term of office. |
Section 168.22c | Board of state canvassers; qualifications; oath. |
Section 168.22c.amended | Board of state canvassers; qualifications; oath; "election-related offense" defined. |
Section 168.22d | Board of state canvassers; meetings; quorum; election of chairperson and vice-chairperson. |
Section 168.22e | Board of state canvassers; approval of statement of purpose; notice of meeting; person to address meeting. |
Section 168.22f | Board of state canvassers; expenses and compensation of members. |
Section 168.22g | Expenses for services performed by office of secretary of state. |
Section 168.23 | Board of county election commissioners; membership; quorum; officers; absence or disqualification of member; appointment of county officer; board member involved in recall of officer. |
Section 168.24 | Repealed. 1963, Act 237, Eff. Sept. 6, 1963. |
Section 168.24a | Board of county canvassers; establishment; powers and duties; conduct of recounts; school district election; costs; abolishment of boards of canvassers; appointment and terms of members; applicability of section. |
Section 168.24b | Board of county canvassers; members, eligibility, oath of office, holding other office prohibited. |
Section 168.24b.amended | Board of county canvassers; members, eligibility, oath of office, holding other office prohibited. |
Section 168.24c | Board of county canvassers; members; selection; procedure; vacancy. |
Section 168.24d | Board of county canvassers; vacancy. |
Section 168.24e | Board of county canvassers; meetings; election of officers; quorum, action; clerk; assistants, compensation. |
Section 168.24f | Repealed. 2018, Act 614, Eff. Mar. 28, 2019. |
Section 168.24g | Repealed. 1996, Act 268, Eff. Mar. 28, 1996. |
Section 168.24h | Repealed. 2018, Act 614, Eff. Mar. 28, 2019. |
Section 168.24j | Ballot container; examination by board of county canvassers; approval; procurement; use of disapproved container. |
Section 168.24k | Repealed. 2023, Act 81, Eff. Feb. 13, 2024. |
Section 168.25 | Board of city election commissioners; membership, quorum, chairman; absences, appointment of acting member. |
Section 168.26 | Board of township election commissioners; membership, quorum, chairman; absences, appointment of acting member. |
Section 168.27 | Board of village election commissioners; membership, quorum, chairman; absences, appointment of acting member. |
Section 168.28 | Boards of election commissioners and boards of canvassers; compensation. |
Section 168.29 | Appointment of assistants by clerk of county, township, city, or village; discrimination prohibited; authority, duties, oath, and compensation of assistants; instruction. |
Section 168.30 | Providing clerk with permanent postal mailing address and electronic mailing address. |
Section 168.30a | Repealed. 2013, Act 51, Imd. Eff. June 11, 2013. |
Section 168.30b | Repealed. 2013, Act 51, Imd. Eff. June 11, 2013. |
Section 168.30c | Repealed. 2013, Act 51, Imd. Eff. June 11, 2013. |
Section 168.30d | Repealed. 2013, Act 51, Imd. Eff. June 11, 2013. |
Section 168.30e | Repealed. 2013, Act 51, Imd. Eff. June 11, 2013. |
Section 168.30f | Repealed. 1968, Act 65, Eff. July 1, 1968. |
Section 168.30g | Board of county canvassers; absences, appointment of temporary members, qualifications, length of service. |
116-1954-III | CHAPTER III DUTIES OF SECRETARY OF STATE (168.31...168.38) |
Section 168.31 | Secretary of state; duties as to elections; rules. |
Section 168.31a | Election audit; procedures. |
Section 168.32 | Bureau of elections; director of elections; appointment; powers and duties; statement of purpose of proposed amendment or question. |
Section 168.33 | Training schools on conducting elections in accordance with election laws; conduct; continuing election education training courses. |
Section 168.34 | Director of elections; restrictions. |
Section 168.35 | Assistants to director; employment, expenses. |
Section 168.36 | Seal. |
Section 168.37 | Uniform voting system; advisory committee; selection; notice of selection; schedule for acquisition and implementation; repetition of process. |
Section 168.37a | Determination of electronic voting system by clerk; criteria. |
Section 168.37b | Use of electronic voting system; contract between governing bodies of governmental units. |
Section 168.38 | Poster indicating ballot coaching prohibited. |
Section 168.41 | Presidential electors; eligibility. |
Section 168.42 | Presidential electors; selection at state political party conventions, certification. |
Section 168.43 | Presidential electors; election. |
Section 168.44 | Repealed. 1955, Act 271, Imd. Eff. June 30;—1955, Act 283, Imd. Eff. July 19, 1955. |
Section 168.45 | Cross or check mark as vote for presidential electors. |
Section 168.46 | Presidential electors; certificate of ascertainment; determination by board of state canvassers; issuance by governor; exception mandatory recount; superseding certificate. |
Section 168.47 | Convening of presidential electors; time and place thereof; resignations; refusal or failure to vote; vacancies. |
Section 168.51 | Office of governor or lieutenant governor; eligibility. |
Section 168.52 | Gubernatorial candidates; nomination at primary. |
Section 168.53 | Office of governor; nominating petitions; signatures; form; filing. |
Section 168.54 | Candidates for nomination; withdrawal, notice. |
Section 168.55 | Candidate for office of governor or lieutenant governor; write-in. |
Section 168.56 | Candidate for office of governor; death; selection of candidate to fill vacancy; ballots. |
Section 168.57 | Gubernatorial candidates; nominees, certification. |
Section 168.58 | Gubernatorial candidates; withdrawal after nomination. |
Section 168.59 | Gubernatorial candidates; death, withdrawal or disqualification; new candidate, selection, certification; ballots. |
Section 168.60 | Governor and lieutenant governor; election. |
Section 168.61 | Governor and lieutenant governor; certificate of determination by board of state canvassers. |
Section 168.62 | Governor and lieutenant governor; certificate of election. |
Section 168.63 | Governor and lieutenant governor; terms of office. |
Section 168.64 | Governor and lieutenant governor; oath of office, deposit. |
Section 168.65 | Governor or lieutenant governor; resignation, notice. |
Section 168.66 | Governor or lieutenant governor; vacancy, creation; impeachment. |
Section 168.67 | Offices of governor and lieutenant governor; vacancy; death or failure to qualify of governor-elect or lieutenant governor-elect; devolution of powers and duties. |
Section 168.68 | Governor or lieutenant governor; recount of vote. |
Section 168.69 | Governor or lieutenant governor; recall. |
Section 168.71 | Offices of secretary of state or attorney general; eligibility. |
Section 168.72 | Candidates for lieutenant governor, secretary of state, attorney general; nomination at fall state convention. |
Section 168.73 | Offices of lieutenant governor, secretary of state, and attorney general; nominees; list. |
Section 168.74 | Candidates; withdrawal; notice. |
Section 168.75 | Candidates; death, withdrawal or disqualification; new candidate, selection, certification; ballots. |
Section 168.76 | Secretary of state and attorney general; election. |
Section 168.77 | Secretary of state and attorney general; certificate of determination by board of state canvassers. |
Section 168.78 | Secretary of state and attorney general; certificate of election. |
Section 168.79 | Secretary of state and attorney general; terms of office. |
Section 168.80 | Secretary of state and attorney general; oath of office, bond, deposit. |
Section 168.81 | Secretary of state or attorney general; resignation, notice. |
Section 168.82 | Secretary of state or attorney general; vacancy, creation, notice to governor. |
Section 168.83 | Secretary of state or attorney general; impeachment; removal from office; service of charges, hearing. |
Section 168.84 | Secretary of state or attorney general; vacancy; successor, appointment by governor, oath of office, bond. |
Section 168.85 | Secretary of state or attorney general; election, recount of votes. |
Section 168.86 | Secretary of state or attorney general; recall. |
116-1954-VII | CHAPTER VII UNITED STATES SENATOR (168.91...168.121) |
Section 168.91 | United States Senator; eligibility. |
Section 168.92 | Candidates for United States senator; nomination at primary. |
Section 168.93 | Candidate for United States senator; nominating petition; signatures; form; filing. |
Section 168.94 | Candidates; withdrawal, notice. |
Section 168.95 | Candidate for United States senator; death; selection of candidate to fill vacancy; ballots. |
Section 168.96 | Candidate for United States senator; write-in. |
Section 168.97 | Candidates; nomination, certification. |
Section 168.98 | Candidates; withdrawal after nomination. |
Section 168.99 | Candidates; death, withdrawal or disqualification; new candidate, selection, certification; ballots. |
Section 168.100 | United States senator; election. |
Section 168.101 | United States senator; certificate of determination by board of state canvassers. |
Section 168.102 | United States senator; certificate of election by governor. |
Section 168.103 | United States senator; term of office. |
Section 168.104 | United States senator; resignation, notice. |
Section 168.105 | United States senator; vacancy; successor, appointment by governor, tenure. |
Section 168.106 | United States senator; votes cast at primary or general election subject to recount. |
Section 168.107 | United States senator; vacancy, creation. |
Section 168.108 | United States senator; removal from office. |
Section 168.109 | United States senator; contested election; restraining order of supreme court. |
Section 168.110 | Contested election; preservation of ballots, application for restraining order by petition; notice, hearing; temporary restraining order pending hearing. |
Section 168.110a | Repealed. 1978, Act 7, Imd. Eff. Feb. 7, 1978. |
Section 168.111 | Contested election; service of restraining order, method. |
Section 168.112 | Contested election; permanent restraining order, delivery of ballot boxes to custody of county clerk. |
Section 168.113 | Contested election; commissioners, appointment, packaging of ballots. |
Section 168.114 | Contested election; commissioners, redeposit of ballots with county clerk, statement. |
Section 168.115 | Contested election; removal of ballots by commissioners, notice. |
Section 168.116 | Contested election; removal of ballots, representation of candidate. |
Section 168.117 | Contested election; commissioners, compensation. |
Section 168.118 | Contested election; violation of restraining order, penalty. |
Section 168.119 | Contested election; application for restraining order to circuit court, authority of court. |
Section 168.120 | Contested elections; purpose of act. |
Section 168.121 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.131 | Representative in Congress; eligibility. |
Section 168.132 | Candidates for representative in congress; nomination at primary. |
Section 168.133 | Candidate for representative in congress; nominating petition; signatures; filing; form. |
Section 168.134 | Candidates for nomination; withdrawal, notice. |
Section 168.135 | Candidate for representative in congress; death; selection of candidate to fill vacancy; ballots. |
Section 168.136 | Candidate for representative in congress; write-in. |
Section 168.137 | Candidates for representative in congress; nomination, certification. |
Section 168.138 | Candidates; withdrawal after nomination. |
Section 168.139 | Candidates for representative in congress; death, withdrawal or disqualification; selection of new candidate, certification; ballots. |
Section 168.140 | Representative in congress; election. |
Section 168.141 | Representative in congress; certificate of determination by board of state canvassers. |
Section 168.142 | Representative in congress; certificate of election. |
Section 168.143 | Representative in congress; term of office. |
Section 168.144 | Representative in congress; resignation, notice. |
Section 168.145 | Representative in congress; vacancy, special election. |
Section 168.146 | Representative in congress; vacancy, creation. |
Section 168.147 | Representative in congress; removal from office. |
Section 168.148 | Representative in congress; votes cast at primary or general election subject to recount. |
Section 168.149 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.150 | Representative in congress; contested election; preservation of ballots; restraining order of circuit court. |
Section 168.150a | Repealed. 1978, Act 7, Imd. Eff. Feb. 7, 1978. |
Section 168.151 | Contested election; application for restraining order by petition; notice, hearing. |
Section 168.152 | Contested election; service of restraining order, notice. |
Section 168.153 | Contested election; violation of restraining order, penalty. |
Section 168.154 | Contested election; intent of act. |
Section 168.155 | Contested election; proceeding in equity, fees. |
Section 168.161 | Offices of state senator or representative; eligibility. |
Section 168.162 | Candidates for state senator or representative; nomination at primary. |
Section 168.163 | Candidate for state senator or representative; nominating petitions; signatures; form; filing; nonrefundable filing fee in lieu of nominating petition; deposit and use of fee. |
Section 168.163a | Repealed. 1963, 2nd Ex. Sess., Act 63, Imd. Eff. Dec. 27, 1963. |
Section 168.164 | Candidates for state senator or representative; withdrawal; notice. |
Section 168.165 | Candidates for state senator or representative; death; selection of candidate to fill vacancy; ballots. |
Section 168.166 | Candidate for state senator or representative; write-in. |
Section 168.167 | Candidates for state senator or representative; nomination, certification. |
Section 168.168 | Candidates for state senator or representative; withdrawal after nomination; procedure. |
Section 168.169 | Candidates for state senator or representative; death, certification for statewide office, withdrawal, physical unfitness, or disqualification; selection of candidate to fill vacancy; certification; ballots. |
Section 168.170 | State senators and representatives; election, date. |
Section 168.171 | Candidate receiving greatest number of votes; duties of board of canvassers or county canvassers. |
Section 168.172 | State senators and representatives; certificate of election; publication of certificate of determination and statement of votes; notice of election results. |
Section 168.173 | State senators and representatives; terms of office. |
Section 168.174 | State senators and representatives; oath of office. |
Section 168.175 | State senator or representative; resignation, notice; effective for duration of unexpired legislative term. |
Section 168.176 | State senators and representatives; vacancy, creation. |
Section 168.177 | State senator or representative; removal from office; effective for duration of unexpired legislative term. |
Section 168.178 | State senators and representatives; vacancy in office; special election. |
Section 168.179 | State senators and representatives; primary or election, recount of votes. |
Section 168.180 | State senators and representatives; recall. |
Section 168.181-168.190 | Repealed. 1967, Act 35, Eff. Nov. 2, 1967. |
Section 168.191 | County officers; eligibility. |
Section 168.192 | Candidates for county offices; nomination at primary. |
Section 168.193 | Candidate for county offices; nominating petitions; signatures; form; nonrefundable filing fee in lieu of nominating petitions; deposit and use of fee. |
Section 168.194 | Candidates for nomination; withdrawal, notice. |
Section 168.195 | Candidate for county offices; death; selection of candidate to fill vacancy; ballots. |
Section 168.196 | Candidates for nomination; write-in. |
Section 168.197 | Candidates for county offices; nomination, certification. |
Section 168.198 | Withdrawal of candidate after nomination for office; replacement of candidate dying before election; vacancy. |
Section 168.199 | Candidates for county offices; death, withdrawal or disqualification; new candidate, selection, certification; ballots. |
Section 168.200 | County officers; election; combination or separation of offices of county clerk and register of deeds. |
Section 168.201 | County officers; certificate of determination by board of county canvassers. |
Section 168.202 | County officers; certificate of election; publication of certificate of determination and statement of votes. |
Section 168.203 | County officers; terms of office. |
Section 168.204 | County officers; oath of office, bond, deposit. |
Section 168.205 | County officers; resignation, notice. |
Section 168.206 | County offices; vacancy, creation. |
Section 168.206a | County officers; death before commencement of term. |
Section 168.207 | County officers; removal from office; service of charges, hearing. |
Section 168.208 | Repealed. 2014, Act 418, Imd. Eff. Dec. 30, 2014. |
Section 168.209 | County office; vacancy; manner of filling. |
Section 168.210 | County officers; primary or election, recount of votes. |
Section 168.211 | County officers; recall. |
116-1954-XI | CHAPTER XI COUNTY AUDITORS (168.221...168.241) |
Section 168.221 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.222 | Repealed. 1999, Act 218, Eff. Mar. 10, 2000. |
Section 168.223 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.223a | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.224 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.225 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.226 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.227 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.228 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.229 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.230 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.231 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.232 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.233 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.234 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.235 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.236 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.237 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120. Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.238 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.239 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31 2018. |
Section 168.240 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.241 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
116-1954-XII | CHAPTER XII COUNTY ROAD COMMISSIONERS (168.251...168.271) |
Section 168.251 | Scope of chapter. |
Section 168.252 | County road commissioner; eligibility. |
Section 168.253 | Candidates for county road commissioner; nomination at primary. |
Section 168.254 | Office of county road commissioner; nominating petitions; signatures; form; nonrefundable filing fee; nominating petitions; deposit and use of fee. |
Section 168.255 | Candidate for county road commissioner; death; selection of candidate to fill vacancy; ballots. |
Section 168.256 | Candidates for nomination; withdrawal, notice. |
Section 168.257 | Candidates for county road commissioner; write-in. |
Section 168.258 | Candidates for county road commissioner; nomination, certification. |
Section 168.259 | Candidates; withdrawal after nomination. |
Section 168.260 | Candidates; death, withdrawal or disqualification; selection of new candidate, certification; ballots. |
Section 168.261 | County road commissioner; election. |
Section 168.262 | County road commissioner; certificate of determination by board of county canvassers. |
Section 168.263 | County road commissioner; certificate of election. |
Section 168.264 | County road commissioner; term of office. |
Section 168.265 | County road commissioner; oath of office, bond, deposit. |
Section 168.266 | County road commissioner; resignation, notice. |
Section 168.267 | County road commissioner; vacancy, creation. |
Section 168.268 | County road commissioner; removal from office; service of charges, hearing; ineligibility for office. |
Section 168.269 | County road commissioner; appointment to fill vacancy; oath; bond; term. |
Section 168.270 | County road commissioner; primary or election, recount of votes. |
Section 168.271 | County road commissioner; recall. |
Section 168.281 | State board of education and boards of state universities; membership eligibility. |
Section 168.282 | Candidates for boards of state universities; nomination at fall state conventions. |
Section 168.282a | Candidates for state board of education; nomination at fall state convention. |
Section 168.283 | Candidates for state board of education and boards of state universities; canvass by state central committee of each political party; list. |
Section 168.284 | Candidates for state board of education and boards of certain state universities; withdrawal; notice. |
Section 168.285 | Candidates for state board of education and boards of state universities; death, withdrawal or disqualification; election of new candidate, certification; ballots. |
Section 168.286 | Boards of state universities; election. |
Section 168.286a | State board of education; election. |
Section 168.287 | State board of education and boards of state universities; certificate of determination by board of state canvassers. |
Section 168.288 | State board of education and boards of state universities; certificate of election. |
Section 168.289 | State board of education and boards of state universities; terms of office. |
Section 168.290 | State board of education and boards of state universities; oath of office, deposit. |
Section 168.291 | State board of education and boards of state universities; resignation, notice. |
Section 168.292 | State board of education and boards of state universities; vacancy, creation, notice to governor. |
Section 168.293 | State board of education and boards of state universities; impeachment; removal from office, service of charges, hearing. |
Section 168.294 | State board of education and boards of state universities; appointment, vacancy, oath of office. |
Section 168.295 | State board of education and boards of state universities; election, recount of votes. |
Section 168.296 | State board of education and boards of state universities; recall. |
Section 168.301 | School district election; school district election coordinator; duties; delegation; precincts and polling place locations. |
Section 168.302 | School board member; eligibility; election; term; phasing in or out terms; transition plan. |
Section 168.302a | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.303 | Candidate for school board member; name on official ballot; nominating petition; form; signature violations; felony or misdemeanor; penalties; filing fee; withdrawal. |
Section 168.304 | Repealed. 1963, 2nd Ex. Sess., Act 6, Imd. Eff. Dec. 27, 1963. |
Section 168.305 | School district election coordinating committee; meeting; report; election arrangements; review; precincts. |
Section 168.306 | Repealed. 1963, 2nd Ex. Sess., Act 6, Imd. Eff. Dec. 27, 1963. |
Section 168.307 | Statement of returns; certification of election; votes subject to recount. |
Section 168.308 | Certification of board of county canvassers; preservation; filing; execution. |
Section 168.309 | Acceptance of office. |
Section 168.310 | Office of school board member; oath; vacancy; conditions. |
Section 168.311 | School board; appointment to fill vacancy; election; notice to school district election coordinator. |
Section 168.312 | Ballot question; submission by school board; certification of ballot question language; scheduling of special election date. |
Section 168.313 | Repealed. 1963, 2nd Ex. Sess., Act 6, Imd. Eff. Dec. 27, 1963. |
Section 168.314 | Repealed. 1963, 2nd Ex. Sess., Act 6, Imd. Eff. Dec. 27, 1963. |
Section 168.315 | Payment by school district to county, city, and township. |
Section 168.316 | Board members subject to recall. |
116-1954-XV | CHAPTER XV CITY OFFICES (168.321...168.328) |
Section 168.321 | City officers; qualifications, nomination, election, appointment, term, and removal; list of candidates; quorum; election or appointment of successor. |
Section 168.322 | Nomination by caucus or filing petition or affidavit; deadline for May election. |
Section 168.322a | Candidates for nomination; withdrawal, notice. |
Section 168.323 | Board of city election commissioners; preparation of ballots, canvass of returns, conduct of primary and election; provisions governing. |
Section 168.324 | Repealed. 1978, Act 540, Imd. Eff. Dec. 22, 1978. |
Section 168.325 | Repealed. 2003, Act 302, Eff. Jan. 1, 2005. |
Section 168.326 | Candidate for city office; death; selection of candidate to fill vacancy; ballots. |
Section 168.327 | Removal of city officers by governor; grounds; action on charges; service of charges; hearing; eligibility for election or appointment following removal or conviction. |
Section 168.328 | Repealed. 1994, Act 4, Eff. June 1, 1994. |
116-1954-XVI | CHAPTER XVI TOWNSHIP OFFICES (168.341...168.373) |
Section 168.341 | Elective township offices and officers. |
Section 168.342 | Township office; eligibility; eligibility for membership on board of review. |
Section 168.343 | Repealed. 1965, Act 212, Eff. Mar. 31, 1966. |
Section 168.343a | Repealed. 2012, Act 276, Eff. Aug. 16, 2012. |
Section 168.344 | Repealed. 1965, Act 212, Eff. Mar. 31, 1966. |
Section 168.345 | Candidates for township offices; nomination at primary. |
Section 168.346 | Primaries; inspector of elections, appointment. |
Section 168.347 | Primaries; provisions governing; recounts; duties of township clerk. |
Section 168.348 | Repealed. 2003, Act 302, Eff. Jan. 1, 2005. |
Section 168.349 | Candidate for township office; nominating petitions; signatures; form; nonrefundable filing fee in lieu of nominating petitions; list of candidates. |
Section 168.349a | Repealed. 1966, Act 58, Imd. Eff. June 7, 1966. |
Section 168.350 | Repealed. 1966, Act 58, Imd. Eff. June 7, 1966. |
Section 168.351 | Candidates for nomination; withdrawal, notice. |
Section 168.352 | Candidate for township office; death; selection of candidate to fill vacancy; ballots. |
Section 168.353 | Primaries; absent voters, provisions applicable. |
Section 168.354 | Candidate for township office; write-in. |
Section 168.355 | Candidates for township offices; nominees, certification; list. |
Section 168.356 | Repealed. 1965, Act 212, Eff. Mar. 31, 1966. |
Section 168.357 | Candidate for township office; death or disqualification; write-in. |
Section 168.358 | Election of township officers and submission of propositions; general November election. |
Section 168.358a | Special election; purpose; notice. |
Section 168.359 | Repealed. 1968, Act 65, Eff. July 1, 1968. |
Section 168.360 | Repealed. 2013, Act 51, Imd. Eff. June 11, 2013. |
Section 168.361 | Repealed. 1978, Act 596, Imd. Eff. Jan. 4, 1979. |
Section 168.362 | Township officers; terms; qualification; vacancy; election; commencement of duties; failure to take oath. |
Section 168.363 | Township officers; oath of office. |
Section 168.364 | Township treasurer; bond, approval, filing. |
Section 168.365 | Constables; bond. |
Section 168.366 | Repealed. 1978, Act 540, Imd. Eff. Dec. 22, 1978. |
Section 168.367 | Resignation of township officer. |
Section 168.368 | Events creating vacancy in township offices. |
Section 168.369 | Removal of township officer; grounds; service of charges; hearing; effect of removal. |
Section 168.370 | Elective or appointive township office; appointment to fill vacancy; temporary appointment; effect of resignation; special election; vacancy in office of township constable. |
Section 168.370a | Filling vacancy in township office; term of appointee; term of elected successor. |
Section 168.371 | Township officers; primary election, recount of votes. |
Section 168.372 | Township officers; recall. |
Section 168.373 | Township clerk; appointment of substitute to perform election law duties. |
116-1954-XVII | CHAPTER XVII VILLAGE OFFICES (168.381...168.383) |
Section 168.381 | Village officer; qualifications, nomination, election, appointment, term, and removal; temporary appointment of trustees for transaction of business; expiration of appointment; filing for office; nominating petitions. |
Section 168.382 | Village officers; nomination and election. |
Section 168.383 | Removal of village officers by governor; grounds; action on charges; service of charges; hearing; eligibility for election or appointment following removal. |
Section 168.385 | Metropolitan district election coordinator; duties. |
Section 168.385a | Metropolitan district officer; eligibility; term. |
Section 168.386 | Metropolitan district officer; nominating petition; form; signature of elector; examination and investigation; withdrawal. |
Section 168.386a | Canvass of votes by board of canvassers; election; statement of returns and certification; votes subject to recount. |
Section 168.386b | Statement of returns and certification; preservation and filing by metropolitan district election coordinator; execution of certificate of election. |
Section 168.387 | Notification of member-elect; acceptance; filing; forwarding copy. |
Section 168.387a | Oath; immediate vacancy; events. |
Section 168.388 | Metropolitan district officer; vacancy filled by appointment; election; notice. |
Section 168.389 | Ballot question. |
Section 168.389a | Actual costs of election; payment; verified account; disapproval; failure to agree on actual costs. |
Section 168.390 | Recall. |
Section 168.391 | Office of justice of supreme court; eligibility. |
Section 168.392 | Candidates for justice of supreme court; nomination at fall state convention. |
Section 168.392a | Candidates for justice of supreme court; incumbents, affidavit of candidacy for re-election. |
Section 168.393 | Candidates for justice of supreme court; canvass by state central committee of each political party. |
Section 168.394 | Candidates for justice of supreme court; withdrawal; notice. |
Section 168.395 | Candidates for justice of supreme court; death, withdrawal, disqualification; selection of new candidate, certification; ballots. |
Section 168.396 | Supreme court justices; election. |
Section 168.397 | Supreme court justices; certificate of determination by board of state canvassers. |
Section 168.398 | Supreme court justices; certificate of election. |
Section 168.399 | Supreme court justices; term of office. |
Section 168.400 | Supreme court justices; oath of office, deposit. |
Section 168.401 | Supreme court justices; resignation, notice. |
Section 168.402 | Supreme court justices; vacancy, creation. |
Section 168.403 | Supreme court justices; impeachment; removal from office, service of charges, hearing. |
Section 168.404 | Office of supreme court justice; vacancy; appointment; election. |
Section 168.405 | Supreme court justices; election, recount of votes. |
Section 168.406 | Supreme court justices; not subject to recall. |
Section 168.409 | Office of judge of court of appeals; eligibility. |
Section 168.409a | Candidates for appeals court judge; nomination at general nonpartisan primary election; omission. |
Section 168.409b | Judge of court of appeals other than incumbent; candidate; nominating petitions; validity of filed petitions; using petition specifying new or existing judgeship to qualify candidate for another judicial office of same court prohibited; filing for election to more than 1 judgeship; incumbent judge as candidate in primary election; affidavit of candidacy; contents; primary and general election for 2 or more judgeships; listing categories of candidates on ballot; death or disqualification of incumbent judge; application of subsection (8). |
Section 168.409c | Candidates for nomination; withdrawal; notice. |
Section 168.409d | Candidates for judge of court of appeals; declaration of nominees; certification of nomination; death or disqualification of candidate. |
Section 168.409e | Judge of court of appeals; election; death or disqualification of nominee; term of office. |
Section 168.409f | Appeals court judges; certificate of determination by board of state canvassers. |
Section 168.409g | Appeals court judges; certificate of election. |
Section 168.409h | Appeals court judges; oath of office, filing. |
Section 168.409i | Appeals court judges; resignation, notice. |
Section 168.409j | Appeals court judges; vacancy, creation. |
Section 168.409k | Appeals court judges; impeachment; removal from office, service of charges, hearing; vacancy, notice. |
Section 168.409<Emph EmphType="italic">l</Emph> | Judge of court of appeals; appointment to fill vacancy; election of successor; term. |
Section 168.409m | Appeals court judges; primary or election, recount of votes. |
Section 168.409n | Appeals court judges; not subject to recall. |
116-1954-XIX | CHAPTER XIX JUDGES OF THE CIRCUIT COURT (168.411...168.426) |
Section 168.411 | Judge of circuit court; eligibility. |
Section 168.412 | Candidates for circuit court judge; nomination at general nonpartisan primary election; omission. |
Section 168.413 | Judge of circuit court; nominating petitions; filing; affidavit; receiving petitions; applicability of MCL 168.544a and 168.544b; receipt of incorrect or inaccurate written information from secretary of state or bureau of elections; equitable relief; challenge. |
Section 168.413a | Incumbent circuit court judge; affidavit of candidacy. |
Section 168.414 | Candidates for nomination; withdrawal; notice. |
Section 168.415 | Candidates for judge of circuit court; declaration of nominees; certification of nomination; death or disqualification of candidate. |
Section 168.416 | Judge of circuit court; election; death or disqualification of nominee. |
Section 168.416a | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.416b | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.416c | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.416d | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.417 | Circuit court judges; certificate of determination by board of state canvassers. |
Section 168.418 | Circuit court judges; preservation of statement and determination; certificate of election. |
Section 168.419 | Circuit court judges; terms of office. |
Section 168.420 | Circuit court judges; oath of office, filing. |
Section 168.421 | Circuit court judges; resignation, notice. |
Section 168.422 | Circuit court judges; vacancy, creation. |
Section 168.423 | Circuit court judges; impeachment; removal from office, service of charges, hearing; vacancy, notice. |
Section 168.424 | Judge of circuit court; appointment to fill vacancy; election of successor; term. |
Section 168.424a | Primary and general election for 2 or more judgeships; listing categories of candidates on ballot; validity of filed petitions; death or disqualification of incumbent judge; filing for election to more than 1 circuit judgeship; withdrawal; office designation. |
Section 168.425 | Circuit court judges; primary or election, recount of votes. |
Section 168.426 | Circuit court judges; not subject to recall. |
Section 168.426a | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.426b | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.426c | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.426d | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.426e | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.426f | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.426g | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.426h | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.426i | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.426j | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.426k | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.426<Emph EmphType="italic">l</Emph> | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.426m | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.426n | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
116-1954-XX | CHAPTER XX JUDGE OF PROBATE (168.431...168.446) |
Section 168.431 | Judge of probate; eligibility. |
Section 168.432 | Candidates for probate judge; nomination at general nonpartisan primary election; omission. |
Section 168.433 | Judge of probate; candidate; nominating petitions; validity of filed petitions; filing for election to more than 1 probate judgeship; withdrawal; office designation; receipt of incorrect or inaccurate information from county clerk or secretary of state; equitable relief; challenge. |
Section 168.433a | Incumbent probate court judge; affidavit of candidacy. |
Section 168.434 | Candidates for nomination; withdrawal; notice. |
Section 168.435 | Candidates for judge of probate court; declaration of nominees; certification of nominations; death or disqualification of candidate. |
Section 168.435a | Primary and general election for 2 or more probate judgeships; listing categories of candidates on ballot; death or disqualification of incumbent judge; application of subsection (2); incumbent judge as candidate; printing designation of office on ballot. |
Section 168.436 | Judge or judges of probate; election in probate court district and county; death or disqualification of nominee. |
Section 168.436a-168.436c | Repealed. 1982, Act 149, Imd. Eff. May 6, 1982. |
Section 168.436d | Probate judges; time of election. |
Section 168.437 | Probate judges; certificate of election by board of county canvassers. |
Section 168.438 | Probate judges; certificate of election. |
Section 168.439 | Probate judges; term of office. |
Section 168.440 | Probate judges; oath of office. |
Section 168.441 | Probate judges; resignation, notice. |
Section 168.442 | Probate judges; vacancy, creation. |
Section 168.443 | Probate judges; impeachment; removal from office, service of charges, hearing; notice of vacancy. |
Section 168.444 | Judge of probate; appointment to fill vacancy; election of successor; term. |
Section 168.445 | Probate judges; primary or election, recount of votes. |
Section 168.446 | Probate judges; not subject to recall. |
116-1954-XXI | CHAPTER XXI CIRCUIT COURT COMMISSIONER (168.451...168.466) |
Section 168.451-168.458 | Repealed. 1967, Act 35, Eff. Nov. 2, 1967. |
Section 168.459 | Repealed. 1960, Act 69, Eff. Aug. 17, 1960;—1967, Act 35, Eff. Nov. 2, 1967. |
Section 168.460-168.466 | Repealed. 1967, Act 35, Eff. Nov. 2, 1967. |
116-1954-XXIA | CHAPTER XXIA JUDGES OF THE DISTRICT COURT (168.467...168.467p) |
Section 168.467 | Judge of district court; eligibility. |
Section 168.467a | Judge of district court; general nonpartisan primary election; time; certification by secretary of state of candidates to be nominees; omission of office from judicial primary ballot. |
Section 168.467b | Judge of district court; candidate; nominating petitions; validity of filed petitions; filing for election to more than 1 district judgeship; withdrawal; office designation; receipt of incorrect or inaccurate information from secretary of state or bureau of elections; equitable relief; challenge. |
Section 168.467c | Incumbent district court judge as candidate in primary election; affidavit of candidacy; contents; printing name on ballot; primary and general election for 2 or more judgeships; listing categories of candidates on ballot; death or disqualification of incumbent judge; application of subsection (4). |
Section 168.467d | Candidates for nomination; withdrawal; notice. |
Section 168.467e | Candidates for judge of district court; declaration of nominees; certification of nomination; death or disqualification of candidate. |
Section 168.467f | Judge of district court; election; death or disqualification of nominee. |
Section 168.467g | District court judges; certificate of determination by board of state canvassers. |
Section 168.467h | District court judges; certificate of election. |
Section 168.467i | Judge of district court; term of office. |
Section 168.467j | District court judges; oath of office. |
Section 168.467k | District court judges; resignation. |
Section 168.467<Emph EmphType="italic">l</Emph> | District court judges; impeachment; removal from office, service of charges, hearing; notice of vacancy. |
Section 168.467m | Judge of district court; appointment to fill vacancy; election of successor; term. |
Section 168.467n | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.467p | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
116-1954-XXII | CHAPTER XXII INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM (168.471...168.488) |
Section 168.471 | Petitions proposing constitutional amendments; filing; signature requirements. |
Section 168.472 | Initiative petitions; filing. |
Section 168.472a | Petition; signatures to be counted. |
Section 168.473 | Referendum petitions; filing. |
Section 168.473b | Filing petition after November election. |
Section 168.474 | Repealed. 2012, Act 276, Eff. Aug. 16, 2012. |
Section 168.474a | Assignment of number designation to appear on ballot for question submitted on statewide basis. |
Section 168.474a.amended | Assignment of number designation to appear on ballot for question submitted on statewide basis. |
Section 168.475 | Filing of petition; posting of summary and status; notification of board of state canvassers; supplemental filings. |
Section 168.475.amended | Final submission of petition; posting of petition; notification of board of state canvassers; supplemental filings. |
Section 168.476 | Petitions; canvass by board of state canvassers; use of qualified voter file; hearing upon complaint; investigations; completion date; disposition of challenges; report. |
Section 168.477 | Petition and initiative petition; official declaration of sufficiency or insufficiency by board of state canvassers; publication of statement of purpose; expense; effectiveness of law that is subject of referendum. |
Section 168.478 | Petitions; notice of approval or rejection by board of state canvassers to persons filing. |
Section 168.478.amended | Petitions; notice of approval or rejection by board of state canvassers to persons filing. |
Section 168.479 | Review of determination; mandamus, certiorari or other remedy; legal challenge to supreme court. |
Section 168.480 | Proposed constitutional amendment or question; certification; copies to voting precincts; posting. |
Section 168.480.amended | Proposed constitutional amendment, initiated law, or referendum; certification; copies to voting precincts; posting. |
Section 168.481 | Proposed constitutional amendment or question; form. |
Section 168.481.amended | Proposed constitutional amendment, initiated law, or referendum; form. |
Section 168.482 | Petitions; size; form; contents. |
Section 168.482a | Paid signature gatherer; affidavit; invalidity of signatures. |
Section 168.482b | Summary of purpose of the proposed amendment or question; requirements; approval by the board of state canvassers; form. |
Section 168.482c | Knowingly made a false statement regarding status as a paid or volunteer signature gatherer; misdemeanor. |
Section 168.482d | "Paid signature gatherer" defined. |
Section 168.482e | Prohibited conduct; misdemeanor; felony; penalties. |
Section 168.483, 168.484 | Repealed. 1965, Act 312, Eff. Jan. 1, 1966. |
Section 168.483a | Amendment to constitution or initiation of legislation; filing and circulation of petition; submission of petition language to public on internet; effective date. |
Section 168.485 | Questions submitted to electors; form. |
Section 168.485.amended | Questions submitted to electors; form. |
Section 168.486 | Certifying and transmitting language of constitutional amendment or legislation initiated by petition. |
Section 168.487 | Reimbursement to county, city, and township for cost of conducting special election. |
Section 168.488 | Applicability of MCL 168.544c and 168.482(1), (4), (5), and (6). |
Section 168.491 | Inspectors of election, primary election, or special election; vote of registered electors. |
Section 168.492 | Qualifications for registration as elector. |
Section 168.492a | Registration of persons confined in jail. |
Section 168.493 | Repealed. 1994, Act 441, Imd. Eff. Jan. 10, 1995. |
Section 168.493a | Automatic voter registration; qualifications; option to opt-out; information added to qualified voter file; erroneous registration not a violation. |
Section 168.493a.amended | Automatic voter registration; qualifications; qualified voter file; option to opt-out; notice; information added to qualified voter file; United States citizenship requirement; preregistration; erroneous registration not a violation; monthly data reports. |
Section 168.493b.added | Automatic voter registration agencies; transmission of voter registration information; procedure and schedule; Medicaid application; submission requests by tribal nations; memorandum of understanding; release from incarceration; procedures for processing electronic records. |
Section 168.494 | Repealed. 2018, Act 125, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.495 | Registration application; contents. |
Section 168.495a | Repealed. 2011, Act 163, Imd. Eff. Oct. 4, 2011. |
Section 168.496 | Registration of electors; duties of secretary of state. |
Section 168.496a | Preregistration requirements; age 16; application; processing and transfer of application; considered registered elector at 17.5 years of age; qualified voter file notification; public education and outreach campaign. |
Section 168.497 | Application for registration; in-person or by mail or online; application; proof of residency; identification for election purposes; affidavit; execution; notice; exception. |
Section 168.497a | Repealed. 2018, Act 125, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.497c | Voter registration; presenting identification for election purposes; affidavit. |
Section 168.498 | Clerk of township or city; office hours, days, and place for receiving applications for registration; public notice; agreement to jointly publish public notice. |
Section 168.499 | Registration of elector; registration application; oaths; interpreter; false material statement as misdemeanor; accepting fee as misdemeanor; voter identification card; effect of voter identification card returned to post office. |
Section 168.499a | Repealed. 1994, Act 441, Imd. Eff. Jan. 10, 1995. |
Section 168.499b | Registration application of program participant under address confidentiality program act; confidentiality. |
Section 168.499c,168.499d | Repealed. 1994, Act 441, Imd. Eff. Jan. 10, 1995. |
Section 168.499e | Same day voter registration; application approval; receipt. |
Section 168.500 | Voter registration of applicant; procedure for applicant unable to write or sign name because of physical disability. |
Section 168.500a | Registration or change in registration of person applying for renewal of operator's or chauffeur's license; application; contents; signing application; verification receipt; forwarding application to county clerk or city or township clerk. |
Section 168.500a.amended | Registration or change in registration of person applying for renewal of operator's or chauffeur's license; application. |
Section 168.500b | Forwarding application for registration to clerk of city or township; compensation of county clerks; obtaining additional information; transmitting application to appropriate clerk; electronic transmission of address change. |
Section 168.500c | Repealed. 2018, Act 125, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.500d | Elections in which applicant permitted to vote; determination and notice of nonqualification; presenting validated voter registration application receipt at polls. |
Section 168.500e | Preparation of registration forms; notice of cancellation. |
Section 168.500f | Repealed. 2012, Act 523, Eff. Mar. 28, 2013. |
Section 168.500g | Repealed. 2005, Act 71, Imd. Eff. July 14, 2005. |
Section 168.500h | Repealed. 2018, Act 125, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.500i | "Agent" defined. |
Section 168.500j | Repealed. 2018, Act 125, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.501 | Master registration cards; master file. |
Section 168.501.amended | Master registration cards; master file. |
Section 168.501a | Repealed. 2005, Act 71, Imd. Eff. July 14, 2005. |
Section 168.502 | Custody of master file. |
Section 168.502a | Repealed. 1989, Act 142, Eff. Dec. 1, 1990. |
Section 168.503 | Destruction or mutilation of registration records; request for back-up file from secretary of state; reregistration. |
Section 168.504 | Repealed. 2006, Act 605, Imd. Eff. Jan. 3, 2007 |
Section 168.505 | Authorization to cancel previous registration; signature; form; notice of cancellation; effect of previous address in another state; duties of clerk; authorization to cancel or notice received from another state. |
Section 168.506 | Change of residence within township or city; transfer of registration by clerk. |
Section 168.506a | Repealed. 1994, Act 441, Imd. Eff. Jan. 10, 1995. |
Section 168.507 | Execution of transfer of registration request; comparison of signatures; certification; filing application for transfer; proper name of street or resident house number; notice; eligibility to vote. |
Section 168.507a | Moving to another township or city; voting at place of last registration; affidavit; forms; cancellation of registration; voting in person or by absentee ballot. |
Section 168.507b | Repealed. 2018, Act 125, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.508 | Repealed. 1994, Act 441, Imd. Eff. Jan. 10, 1995. |
Section 168.509 | Repealed. 2004, Act 92, Imd. Eff. Apr. 26, 2004. |
Section 168.509a | Repealed. 2004, Act 92, Imd. Eff. Apr. 26, 2004. |
Section 168.509b-168.509<Emph EmphType="italic">l</Emph> | Repealed. 1994, Act 441, Imd. Eff. Jan. 10, 1995. |
Section 168.509m | Purpose of MCL 168.509m to 168.509ii; definitions. |
Section 168.509n | Secretary of state; duties. |
Section 168.509o | Qualified voter file; establishment and maintenance; individuals considered registered voters; signed application; development and use of process to update qualified voter file; availability of canceled voter registration information; participation in multistate programs or services; limitations. |
Section 168.509p | Qualified voter file; components. |
Section 168.509q | Qualified voter file; information to be contained for each voter; requirements for program participant in address confidentiality program act; confidentiality of preregistration information. |
Section 168.509r | Qualified voter file; establishment and maintenance of computer system and programs; access; verification of accuracy; compilation of electors; sources; person whose name does not appear in file; requirements; inactive voter file. |
Section 168.509s | Repealed. 2018, Act 125, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.509t | Person considered registered voter; persons required to vote in person; exceptions; prosecution not precluded in state. |
Section 168.509u | List designating executive departments, state agencies, or other offices performing voter registration activities; armed forces recruitment office as voter registration agency. |
Section 168.509v | Registration to vote at certain locations, by mail, or online. |
Section 168.509w | Person processing application; duties; transmitting application; cost of forwarding application. |
Section 168.509x | Application considered as received; requirements. |
Section 168.509y | Repealed. 2004, Act 92, Imd. Eff. Apr. 26, 2004. |
Section 168.509z | Notice to clerk of certain information. |
Section 168.509aa | Updating registration upon receipt of certain information; duties of clerk; instruction by clerk to challenge elector; cancellation of registration; notice that registered elector has moved out of state. |
Section 168.509bb | Failure to vote; cancellation of registration prohibited. |
Section 168.509cc | Challenge of registration; response by voter; duties of clerk. |
Section 168.509dd | Program to register voters or remove names. |
Section 168.509ee | Transmission of report by voter registration agency to secretary of state. |
Section 168.509ff | Records; purpose; maintenance; availability to public; names and addresses to whom notice sent. |
Section 168.509gg | Information exempt from freedom of information act. |
Section 168.509hh | Capture or reproduction of signature. |
Section 168.509ii | Electronic voter registration interface; requirements; application; qualifications; disqualifications. |
Section 168.509ii.amended | Electronic voter registration interface; requirements; application; qualifications. |
Section 168.510 | Deceased electors; cancellation of registration; notification requirements; updating of qualified voter file; removal of absent voter ballot return. |
Section 168.511 | Cancellation of registration; authorization from elector. |
Section 168.512 | Challenge of elector; affidavit, contents; answering affidavit; cancellation of registration; indiscriminate challenge, penalty. |
Section 168.513 | Repealed. 1994, Act 441, Imd. Eff. Jan. 10, 1995. |
Section 168.514 | Cancellation of registration; reinstatement prohibited. |
Section 168.515 | Registration records; verification by house-to-house canvass. |
Section 168.516 | Registration records; public inspection. |
Section 168.517 | Repealed. 2018, Act 125, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.518 | Organization of new township; first registration of electors; records; notice; incorporation of new city; registration records; annexation to city; statement by township clerk. |
Section 168.519 | Illegal or fraudulent registration; penalty. |
Section 168.520 | Illegal or fraudulent registration; township or city clerk, powers and duties; assistance by police or sheriff; assistant examiners, appointment, expenses. |
Section 168.521 | Illegal or fraudulent registration; removal of names; notice; reinstatement; review by mandamus; challenge. |
Section 168.522 | Making, certifying, and delivering computer tape, disk, or listing of names and addresses of registered electors; year, month, and day of birth of elector; information exempt from disclosure. |
Section 168.522a | Repealed. 2018, Act 125, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.523 | Identification of registered elector; presenting identification for election purposes; execution of application; challenge; affidavit; approval, initial, and notation of application; application as poll list; filing application; notations on cards or lists; record of voting participation. |
Section 168.523a | Individual not listed on voter registration list; issuance of ballot; procedure. |
Section 168.523b | Establishment of election day vote centers; requirements; election inspector duties. |
Section 168.524 | Repealed. 2018, Act 603, Imd. Eff. Dec. 28, 2018. |
Section 168.530 | Repealed. 1999, Act 216, Imd. Eff. Dec. 28, 1999. |
116-1954-XXIV | CHAPTER XXIV PRIMARY ELECTIONS (168.531...168.588) |
Section 168.531 | Primary elections; nomination of candidates by direct vote. |
Section 168.532 | Nomination by caucus or convention where principal candidate receives less than 5% of vote cast for candidates for secretary of state. |
Section 168.533 | Applicability of act. |
Section 168.534 | General primary; time; party candidates; condition to nomination. |
Section 168.535 | General primary; nomination of nonpartisan candidates. |
Section 168.536, 168.537 | Repealed. 1963, 2nd Ex. Sess., Act 57, Imd. Eff. Dec. 27, 1963. |
Section 168.538 | Primary election; notice; posting; publication. |
Section 168.539 | City and county primary elections; not held when no opposition; certification of candidates; notice to city and township clerks, public notice. |
Section 168.540 | Nonpartisan primary elections; when not held; certification of candidates. |
Section 168.541 | District primary elections; not held when no opposition; certification of candidates; notice to city and township clerks. |
Section 168.542 | Nominating petitions; provisions governing. |
Section 168.543, 168.544 | Repealed. 1965, Act 312, Eff. Jan. 1, 1966. |
Section 168.544a | Nonpartisan nominating petitions; size, form, contents. |
Section 168.544b | Candidates for judicial office; affidavit of qualifications to be filed with nominating petitions. |
Section 168.544c | Nominating petition; type size; form; contents; circulation and signing; validity of elector's signature; agreement of circulator to accept jurisdiction; service with legal process; violations; misdemeanor; felony; sanctions; refusal of individual to comply with subpoena; applicability of section to all sections. |
Section 168.544d | Nominating petitions for offices and purposes; circulation; form; identification of city or township; certificate of circulator; other form not prohibited. |
Section 168.544e | Canvassing petitions; number designations for months. |
Section 168.544f | Number of signatures required. |
Section 168.545 | Nominating petitions; combination of two offices. |
Section 168.546 | Nominating petitions; supply by county and city clerks; printing by candidate. |
Section 168.547 | Repealed. 1965, Act 312, Eff. Jan. 1, 1966. |
Section 168.547a | Nominating petitions; signatures by voters, number, counting. |
Section 168.548 | Nominating petitions; maximum number of signatures. |
Section 168.549 | Nominating petitions; excess signatures, counting. |
Section 168.550 | Candidates for nomination; qualification upon compliance with act. |
Section 168.551 | Nominating petitions or filing fees; filing period. |
Section 168.551a | Repealed. 1956, Act 37, Imd. Eff. Mar. 28, 1956. |
Section 168.552 | Nominating petitions; certification by county or city clerk; sworn complaint; investigation to determine validity of signatures and genuineness of petition; examination of petitions; declaration of sufficiency or insufficiency of petitions; review; filing of nominating petitions with secretary of state; notification; canvass of petitions; hearing; subpoenas; oaths; adjournment; completion of canvass; availability to public; declaration; request for notice of approval or rejection of petition; judicial review; use of qualified voter file; certification to boards of election commissioners. |
Section 168.552a | Validity of petition or signature. |
Section 168.553 | Nominating petitions; insufficiency, notice to candidate. |
Section 168.554 | List of candidates; posting. |
Section 168.554a | Repealed. 1971, Act 5, Eff. Mar. 30, 1972. |
Section 168.555 | Nominating petitions and filing fees; public record, contents; public inspection. |
Section 168.556 | Nominating petitions; final disposition, record. |
Section 168.557 | Repealed. 2002, Act 163, Imd. Eff. Apr. 9, 2002. |
Section 168.558 | Filing nominating petition, qualifying petition, filing fee, or affidavit of candidacy; affidavit of identity; requirement to indicate name change; exception; statement; noncompliance; selection of office to which candidacy restricted; failure to make selection; perjury separate violation. |
Section 168.559 | Official primary election ballots; preparation, distribution. |
Section 168.560 | Ballots; use; size. |
Section 168.560a | General election ballot; listing political party and name; qualification. |
Section 168.560b | Name appearing on ballot; change; appearance of given and middle name; nickname; common law name; married name; violation. |
Section 168.561 | Official primary election ballots; offices for which name of candidate to be included; filing request for clarifying designation of same or similar surnames; notice of determination; appeal; printing occupation, date of birth, or residence of candidate; incumbency designation; guidelines. |
Section 168.561a | Official ballots; designation of candidate with same given and surname as incumbent. |
Section 168.562 | Official ballots; delegates to county convention. |
Section 168.562a | Repealed. 1983, Act 181, Imd. Eff. Oct. 25, 1983. |
Section 168.562b | Election as delegate to state convention or national convention; signing affidavit; voting for presidential candidate; filing affidavit. |
Section 168.563 | Primary election ballots; number; weight and color of paper; printing and arrangement. |
Section 168.564 | Official ballots; failure of party to file required petitions, party ballot not printed. |
Section 168.565 | Filing, mailing, and correcting proof copies of ballots; affidavit. |
Section 168.566 | Official primary ballots; posting for public inspection. |
Section 168.567 | Official primary ballots; errors, correction by board of election commissioners. |
Section 168.568 | Official primary election ballots; form; order and title of offices. |
Section 168.569 | Official primary ballots; numbering; separation of columns. |
Section 168.569a | Rotation of names; manner; effect of using absent voter counting board; section applicable to nonpartisan general elections and municipal elections. |
Section 168.570 | Paper ballots; numbering; identification; function of and requirements for detachable stub; distribution of ballots; form. |
Section 168.570.amended | Paper ballots; numbering; identification; function of and requirements for detachable stub; distribution of ballots; form. |
Section 168.570a | Official primary ballot; candidates for township offices; party qualification. |
Section 168.571 | Repealed. 1963, 2nd Ex. Sess., Act 57, Imd. Eff. Dec. 27, 1963. |
Section 168.572 | Official primary ballots; provision for write-in votes. |
Section 168.573 | Official primary ballots; packaging, seal, certification. |
Section 168.574 | Primary election; board of primary election inspectors, membership. |
Section 168.575 | Primary elections; furnishing ballots to electors. |
Section 168.576 | Marking ballot; voting for person not on ballot; effect of voting more than 1 party ticket; section subject to MCL 168.736a. |
Section 168.576a | Primary elections; electors, number of votes. |
Section 168.577 | Primary elections; electors, folding and delivery of ballots. |
Section 168.578 | Primary elections; poll list, comparison of ballot number. |
Section 168.579 | Primary elections; electors; exposure of ballot; rejection; applicability of section under MCL 168.736a. |
Section 168.580 | Counting ballots; candidates considered to have received votes; rejection of ballot. |
Section 168.581 | Primary elections; canvass of returns and declaration of results. |
Section 168.582 | Person voted for on party ballot whose name is not printed on ballot and who has not filed nominating petition; votes required for nomination. |
Section 168.583 | Primary election day; service of civil process on electors prohibited. |
Section 168.584 | Voting machines authorized in primaries. |
Section 168.585 | Primary elections; use of voting machines; supplementary ballots. |
Section 168.586 | Provisions applicable to use of voting machines; appearance of names of candidates; determination of feasibility. |
Section 168.587 | Primary elections; voting machines, straight ticket and excess voting prevented. |
Section 168.588 | Primary elections; voting machines, number in precinct. |
Section 168.590 | Qualifying petition; filing; filing fee in lieu of petition prohibited; qualifications. |
Section 168.590a | Qualifying petition; form, size, and contents; circulation on countywide basis. |
Section 168.590b | Qualifying petition; signatures; time. |
Section 168.590c | Qualifying petition; filing; time; filing notice of withdrawal. |
Section 168.590d | Filing name of person to appear on ballot as candidate for lieutenant governor; form; qualification; noncompliance; filing name of person to appear on ballot as candidate for vice-president; qualifications and number of presidential electors; form; noncompliance. |
Section 168.590e | Providing blank qualifying petition forms. |
Section 168.590f | Applicability of certain provisions; canvass; hearing; certification. |
Section 168.590g | Person filing qualifying petition; restrictions; selecting single office to which candidacy restricted; failure to make selection. |
Section 168.590h | Qualifying petition; size; type size; form; reference to political party prohibited; prohibited conduct; violations; misdemeanor; felony; penalties. |
Section 168.591 | Commencement of state convention in even numbered years; date, time, and location; issuance of calls. |
Section 168.592 | County conventions in even numbered years; purpose; time; designation of date, place, and hour of meeting; issuance of call; number of delegates; counties having 2 or more congressional districts; committee; temporary chairperson; organization; election and certification of delegates. |
Section 168.593 | State conventions in odd years; time, issuance of calls; apportionment of delegates among counties. |
Section 168.594 | County convention in odd years; time and place, issuance of call; election of delegates to state convention; congressional district conventions, committee, temporary chairman, election of delegates, certification. |
Section 168.595 | Delegates to state conventions; apportionment to wards, precincts, townships or districts; basis. |
Section 168.595a | Delegates to state convention; legislators as delegates at large, alternates, vote. |
Section 168.596 | Fall conventions and spring conventions; definition. |
Section 168.597 | State central committee; members, officers, term of service. |
Section 168.598 | State central committee; forwarding copy of call for fall state convention; apportionment of delegates; allocation of additional delegates. |
Section 168.599 | Executive committee; selection by delegates to fall county convention in county with population of less than 1,500,000; replacement of former nominee; vacancy; appointment of officers; certification of names and addresses; temporary officers; proxy; county committee; delegates at large; vacancy in district delegation. |
Section 168.600 | Congressional district conventions and caucuses; election and terms of officers and committee. |
Section 168.600a | Congressional district officers; residence requirement, exception. |
Section 168.601 | County comprising single congressional or judicial district; county committee. |
Section 168.602 | County comprising more than one congressional district; county committee. |
Section 168.603 | Repealed. 1967, Act 189, Eff. Nov. 2, 1967. |
Section 168.603a | Counties over 400,000; legislators as members of congressional district committee and delegates at large. |
Section 168.604 | Repealed. 1990, Act 7, Imd. Eff. Feb. 12, 1990. |
Section 168.605 | Delegates to fall county convention; write-in candidates. |
Section 168.606 | Delegates to fall county convention; election, notice. |
Section 168.607 | Delegates to fall county convention; election; votes required; tie vote; determination by lot. |
Section 168.608 | Certifying and recording names of delegates; notification of delegates; certification of delegates to county conventions; definition. |
Section 168.609 | Delegates to city or county convention; proxy prohibited; vacancies in delegation. |
Section 168.610 | Repealed. 1975, Act 325, Imd. Eff. Jan. 9, 1976. |
Section 168.611 | Reconvening of delegates in county convention; election of delegates to state convention; day, time, and place of county convention; definitions. |
Section 168.612 | Precinct or convention delegate; age. |
Section 168.613 | Repealed. 1983, Act 181, Imd. Eff. Oct. 25, 1983. |
Section 168.613a | Statewide presidential primary election; time; limitation on participation; conduct. |
Section 168.613c | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.614 | Repealed. 1983, Act 181, Imd. Eff. Oct. 25, 1983. |
Section 168.614a | List of potential presidential candidates; issuance; filing; notice. |
Section 168.615 | Repealed. 1983, Act 181, Imd. Eff. Oct. 25, 1983. |
Section 168.615a | Printing name of presidential candidate on ballot; filing affidavit; filing nominating petition; signatures; conformity; rotation of names on ballot; space to vote uncommitted. |
Section 168.615c | Selection of political party ballot by elector; separate record; disclosure; record retention. |
Section 168.616 | Repealed. 1983, Act 181, Imd. Eff. Oct. 25, 1983. |
Section 168.616a | Canvass of returns; certification of results; release of ballots, ballot boxes, voting machines, and equipment. |
Section 168.617 | Repealed. 1975, Act 325, Imd. Eff. Jan. 9, 1976. |
Section 168.618 | Allocation of delegates to national convention; qualifications of delegates; selection procedures. |
Section 168.619 | National convention delegates; basis of election; affidavit; certification; duration of commitment; vacancy; legislator prohibited from selecting delegates; participation of legislator in convention business; opportunity of registered elector or public official to be elected as delegate not restricted. |
Section 168.620 | Repealed. 1983, Act 181, Imd. Eff. Oct. 25, 1983. |
Section 168.620a | Law applicable to selection of delegates; state or national political party rule. |
116-1954-XXVI | CHAPTER XXVI DELEGATES—REFERENDUM (168.621...168.626) |
Section 168.621 | Party convention delegates; nomination. |
Section 168.622 | County conventions; time and place; election and duties of chairperson; vacancies; rules and regulations. |
Section 168.623 | Repealed. 1972, Act 60, Imd. Eff. Feb. 22, 1972. |
Section 168.623a | Mailing or delivering certificate showing number of delegates to county convention; time; notice; failure to forward certificate; allotment and apportionment of delegates; election of delegates by direct vote. |
Section 168.624 | Delegate to county or district conventions; qualifications; affidavit of identity; seating of delegates; violation as misdemeanor; complaint; procedure. |
Section 168.624a | Precinct delegate; resignation; notice; withdrawal of name from ballot; qualification of delegate to participate in convention; complaint regarding qualification of delegate; report; certification that delegate not qualified to hold office. |
Section 168.624b, 168.624c | Repealed. 1983, Act 181, Imd. Eff. Oct. 25, 1983. |
Section 168.624d | Filling vacancies in precincts. |
Section 168.624e | Expired. 1972, Act 185, Eff. Jan. 1, 1973. |
Section 168.624f | Repealed. 1983, Act 181, Imd. Eff. Oct. 25, 1983. |
Section 168.624g | Cost of conducting presidential primary election; reimbursement; payment upon presentation and approval of verified account; excluded costs; appropriation; qualification for reimbursement; payment or disapproval of verified account. |
Section 168.625 | Voting delegate ballot; returns; notice; furnishing names and addresses of delegates to county convention; tie vote; determination of successful candidate; determining if candidate is registered elector. |
Section 168.626 | Ballots; preparation; consecutive numbering; contents; paper; printing; rotation of names prohibited; delivery; distribution; time; voting machines. |
Section 168.631 | Special primary election; time. |
Section 168.632 | Special elections; in absence of choice for representative in congress. |
Section 168.633 | Special elections; vacancy in office of representative in congress. |
Section 168.634 | Vacancy in office of state senator or representative; special or general election; selection and certification of candidate; separate ballot; notice. |
Section 168.634a | Repealed. 1970, Act 10, Imd. Eff. Mar. 31, 1970. |
Section 168.635 | Special elections; proposition. |
Section 168.636 | Applicability of act to special primary elections. |
Section 168.637 | Primary elections; provisions governing. |
Section 168.638 | Special elections; notice. |
Section 168.639, 168.640 | Repealed. 2003, Act 302, Eff. Jan. 1, 2005. |
116-1954-XXVIII | CHAPTER XXVIII HOLDING OF ELECTIONS (168.641...168.799a) |
Section 168.641 | Regular election date; primary election; special election; direction and supervision of election consolidation; short title of section. |
Section 168.642 | Regular election or regular primary election held by city or village. |
Section 168.642a | Change of regular election schedule. |
Section 168.642c | Regular election for office of school board member. |
Section 168.643 | General election; officers to be elected. |
Section 168.643a | Referendums; questions submitted to electors; form. |
Section 168.644 | Repealed. 1963, 2nd Ex. Sess., Act 56, Eff. Mar. 24, 1964. |
Section 168.644a-168.644c | Repealed. 2003, Act 302, Eff. Jan. 1, 2005. |
Section 168.644e | Odd year general election; nomination at odd year primary election; candidate filing deadline or certification deadline. |
Section 168.644f | Nominating petitions; filing; signatures; omission of nonpartisan petition requirement in law or charter; filing deadline; adjustment; city subject to subsections (4) and (5); city subject to subsection (7); civil fine; payment. |
Section 168.644g | Terms of office; extension. |
Section 168.644h | Time of taking office. |
Section 168.644i | Manner of conducting elections. |
Section 168.644j-168.644<Emph EmphType="italic">l</Emph> | Repealed. 2003, Act 302, Eff. Jan. 1, 2005. |
Section 168.645 | Repealed. 1958, Act 192, Eff. Sept. 13, 1958. |
Section 168.646 | Repealed. 2003, Act 302, Eff. Jan. 1, 2005. |
Section 168.646a | Election of local officer; nomination; certification of ballot wording; applicability of provisions. |
Section 168.646b | Repealed. 2003, Act 302, Eff. Jan. 1, 2005. |
Section 168.646c | Repealed. 1990, Act 7, Imd. Eff. Feb. 12, 1990. |
Section 168.646d | Repealed. 1980, Act 188, Imd. Eff. July 3, 1980. |
116-1954-XXVIII-NOTICES-OF-ELECTION | NOTICES OF ELECTION (168.647...168.653a) |
Section 168.647 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.648 | Notice of elections to county clerk; time, contents. |
Section 168.649 | Repealed. 2012, Act 276, Eff. Aug. 16, 2012. |
Section 168.649a | Airport authority referendum; petitions, filing; submission. |
Section 168.650 | Subsequent vacancy; additional notice to county clerks. |
Section 168.651 | Special election; notice to county clerks, contents. |
Section 168.652 | Special elections; notice to city and township clerks, contents. |
Section 168.653 | Repealed. 1982, Act 2, Imd. Eff. Jan. 27, 1982. |
Section 168.653a | Election notice; publication; form; agreement to jointly publish notice. |
Section 168.654 | Election precincts; definition. |
Section 168.654a | Election precinct; composition; "clearly observable boundaries" defined. |
Section 168.655 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.656 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.657 | Election precincts; division, rearrangement. |
Section 168.658 | Election precincts; consolidation. |
Section 168.659 | Consolidation of election precincts. |
Section 168.660 | Subdivision, alteration, or rearrangement of precincts; record; numbers of precincts; description of boundaries; notice; abolition of division into precincts. |
Section 168.661 | Division or rearrangement of precincts; notices; expenses; time limitations on division of precincts; division of precincts following federal census; determining number of registered electors. |
Section 168.662 | Designating place of holding election in municipality; polling places and early voting sites; central polling places; abolishment; compliance with voting accessibility; notice. |
Section 168.663 | Polling places; erection of barriers. |
Section 168.664 | Polling places; booths or temporary rooms, specifications. |
Section 168.665 | Polling places; forms, stationery and supplies; provision, delivery, approval by state bureau of elections. |
Section 168.666 | Metal seals; paper seals; blank forms for returns. |
Section 168.666a | Sealing devices for ballot boxes or containers. |
Section 168.667 | Election supplies to be furnished at county expense. |
Section 168.668 | Delivery of voter registration list, forms, and other supplies. |
Section 168.668a | Voter information displays. |
Section 168.668b | Electronic poll book software; timeline for processing voter activity and precinct reports. |
Section 168.669 | Items to be provided by city or township board of election commissioners. |
Section 168.669a | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.670 | Local primaries and elections; ballots, forms, stationery and supplies. |
Section 168.671 | Blank forms for returns; seals. |
Section 168.672 | Board of inspectors of elections; presence in precinct polling places. |
Section 168.673 | Repealed. 1955, Act 271, Imd. Eff. June 30, 1955;—1955, Act 283, Imd. Eff. July 19, 1955. |
Section 168.673a | Election inspector; submission of list of interested individuals. |
Section 168.674 | Precinct and early voting site election inspector; appointment; chairperson; political party membership; challenge; vacancies. |
Section 168.675 | Precinct election inspectors; vacancies during election. |
Section 168.676 | Repealed. 1955, Act 271, Imd. Eff. June 30, 1955;—1955, Act 283, Imd. Eff. July 19, 1955. |
Section 168.677 | Precinct election inspector; qualifications; application; contents; online; candidates ineligible; appointment. |
Section 168.678 | Board of election inspectors; authority. |
Section 168.679 | Counting board; membership; appointment; duties; applicability of MCL 168.662 to place of performance. |
Section 168.679a | Receiving board; appointment and duties of inspectors; review of poll book and statement of returns; corrective action; delivery. |
Section 168.680 | Precinct election inspectors; oath of office. |
Section 168.681 | Repealed. 1980, Act 188, Imd. Eff. July 3, 1980. |
Section 168.682 | Election officials; compensation. |
Section 168.683 | Election inspectors; instruction, compensation, vacancy. |
Section 168.684 | Repealed. 2017, Act 113, Eff. Oct. 25, 2017. |
Section 168.685 | Candidate of new political party; printing name on ballot; certificate; petitions; form; circulation; disqualification and requalification of party; "principal candidate of a political party" defined; party subject to MCL 168.686a; prohibited conduct; violations; misdemeanor; felony; penalties. |
Section 168.686 | State convention; canvass of returns; certification of nominees; presidential and vice-presidential candidates. |
Section 168.686a | Nomination by caucus or convention where no candidate polls 5% of vote cast for candidates for secretary of state. |
Section 168.686b | Nonmajor political party; notice of county caucus or state convention. |
Section 168.687 | Certification of nominations by board of canvassers. |
Section 168.688 | Certificates of nomination; delivery. |
Section 168.689 | Official ballots; preparation, printing. |
Section 168.690 | Official ballots; delivery to township or city clerks; duties. |
Section 168.691 | Official ballots; names of candidates; identification numeral; compliance. |
Section 168.692 | Nomination by more than 1 party; choice; nomination for more than 1 office. |
Section 168.692a | Qualifying petition not to be filed by certain persons. |
Section 168.693 | Nomination by more than 1 party or for more than 1 office; failure to make choice; procedure. |
Section 168.694 | Applicability of certain sections. |
Section 168.695 | Ineligibility of candidate at subsequent election. |
Section 168.696 | Printing name of candidate for federal, state, district, county, and township offices on 1 ballot; placement; filing request for clarifying designation of same or similar surnames; notice of determination; appeal; printing occupation, date of birth, or residence of candidate; incumbency designation; guidelines. |
Section 168.697 | General November election; order of placing offices on ballot. |
Section 168.698 | Repealed. 1955, Act 271, Imd. Eff. June 30, 1955;—1955, Act 283, Imd. Eff. July 19, 1955. |
Section 168.699 | Nonpartisan offices; placement on separate portion of ballot; order of listing offices. |
Section 168.700 | Repealed. 1963, 2nd Ex. Sess., Act 56, Eff. Mar. 24, 1964. |
Section 168.701 | Repealed. 1963, 2nd Ex. Sess., Act 56, Eff. Mar. 24, 1964. |
Section 168.702 | Official ballots; placing of name to fill vacancy. |
Section 168.703 | Official ballots; position of parties. |
Section 168.703a | Repealed. 1988, Act 116, Imd. Eff. May 2, 1988. |
Section 168.704 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.705 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.706 | Official ballot; arrangement; basis. |
Section 168.707 | Repealed. 2012, Act 276, Eff. Aug. 16, 2012. |
Section 168.708 | Proposed constitutional amendment or question; statement of purpose, publication. |
Section 168.709 | Proposed constitutional amendment or question; statement of purpose, copies to voting precincts, posting. |
Section 168.710 | Proposed constitutional amendment or question; proof copies of ballots, filing, public inspection. |
Section 168.711 | Filing and mailing proof copies of ballots; affidavit; certification; correction and printing of ballots; forwarding copy to secretary of state. |
Section 168.712 | Ballots; omissions or mistakes; reprinting. |
Section 168.713 | Delivery of ballots and supplies to county clerk. |
Section 168.714 | Delivery of ballots and supplies to township and city clerks; receipt of delivery; deadlines. |
Section 168.715 | Absent voters' and other ballots; duties of township and city clerks, delivery to voting precinct boards of election inspectors. |
Section 168.716 | Absent voters' and other ballots; wrapping, sealing. |
Section 168.717 | Absent voters' ballots; numbering, packaging, marking. |
Section 168.717a | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.718 | Official ballots; printer, acts prohibited; instruction ballots, printing. |
Section 168.719 | City and township election commissions; party committees; duties; proof of ballot; public inspection. |
Section 168.720 | Polls; times of opening and closing. |
Section 168.720a | Definitions for MCL 168.720b to 168.720j. |
Section 168.720b | Right to vote at early voting site; timing requirements. |
Section 168.720c | Secretary of state implementation and duties; early voting requirements; guidance and instruction to election officials. |
Section 168.720d | Local administration of early voting; agreements; notice. |
Section 168.720e | Single municipality; administration of early voting without agreement; designation at polling place; appointment of election inspectors; additional voting days; local elections; resolution. |
Section 168.720f | Municipal agreement requirements; appointment of coordinator and election inspectors; early voting poll book; days and hours of early voting; withdrawal from agreement. |
Section 168.720g | County agreement requirements; appointment of coordinator and election inspectors; days and hours of early voting; withdrawal from agreement. |
Section 168.720h | Early voting plans; requirements; certification. |
Section 168.720i | Early voting sites; location and quantity requirements. |
Section 168.720j | Early voting tabulation; electronic tabulating equipment; early voting poll books; alternate configuration sets; board of election inspectors responsibilities; reporting of early voting results; violation; penalty. |
Section 168.721 | Polls; opening and closing governed by central standard time. |
Section 168.722 | Polls; announcement of opening and closing. |
Section 168.723 | Ballot boxes; examination, locking. |
Section 168.724 | Ballots; opening packages; distribution of pencils; unused absent voters' ballots. |
Section 168.725 | Repealed. 1955, Act 271, Imd. Eff. June 30, 1955;—1955, Act 283, Imd. Eff. July 19, 1955. |
Section 168.726 | Ballots; delivery to elector. |
Section 168.727 | Challenge; duty of election inspector; indiscriminate challenge; penalty. |
Section 168.728 | Challenges; disposition. |
Section 168.729 | Challenges; oath, questions as to qualifications; false statements, penalty. |
Section 168.730 | Designation, qualifications, and number of challengers. |
Section 168.731 | Challengers; statement of appointment by organization; contents; authorization; appointment without authorization; penalty. |
Section 168.732 | Presence of challenger in room containing ballot box; evidence of right to be present. |
Section 168.733 | Challengers; space in polling place; rights; space at counting board; expulsion for cause; protection; threat or intimidation. |
Section 168.734 | Challengers; preventing presence, penalty. |
Section 168.735 | Poll book and poll list; contents. |
Section 168.735a | Poll list and poll book; exception for program participants in the address confidentiality program act. |
Section 168.736 | Voting; ballots, delivery to electors by numbers; assistance by election inspectors. |
Section 168.736a | Minor child in booth or compartment. |
Section 168.736b | Secrecy sleeve; primary election; instructions. |
Section 168.736c | Secrecy sleeve; general election; instructions. |
Section 168.736d | Secrecy sleeve; nonpartisan election; instructions. |
Section 168.736e | Secrecy sleeve; special election; instructions. |
Section 168.736f | Ballot marking instructions; limitation. |
Section 168.736g | Discontinued use of secrecy sleeve defaced, marred, or containing other mark. |
Section 168.737 | Repealed. 2012, Act 128, Imd. Eff. May 14, 2012. |
Section 168.737a | Write-in vote; declaration of intent; filing; death or disqualification of candidate; write-in candidate for precinct delegate; forms; information. |
Section 168.738 | Voting; ballots; folding; deposit in ballot box; rejection for exposure. |
Section 168.739 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.740 | Voting; ballots, spoiling. |
Section 168.741 | Voting; unused and spoiled ballots; preservation. |
Section 168.742 | Voting; time for voting ballot. |
Section 168.743 | Voting; ballots; return by elector; failure; arrest. |
Section 168.744 | Prohibited acts; violation as misdemeanor. |
Section 168.744a | Appearance of name of elected or appointed official in polling place or room prohibited; violation; fine. |
Section 168.745 | Ballot of challenged voter; endorsement, rejection. |
Section 168.746 | Ballot of challenged voter; endorsement concealed, identification prohibited. |
Section 168.747 | Contested election; challenged voters' ballots, identification in court. |
Section 168.748 | Contested election; petition to determine qualifications of electors. |
Section 168.749 | Contested elections; challenged voters' ballots, removal of slips concealing endorsements, replacement. |
Section 168.750 | Electors; exemption from civil process. |
116-1954-XXVIII-ASSISTED-VOTERS | ASSISTED VOTERS (168.751...168.757) |
Section 168.751 | Assisting elector in marking ballot. |
Section 168.752, 168.753 | Repealed. 1979, Act 151, Imd. Eff. Nov. 27, 1979. |
Section 168.754 | Assistance of electors; duties and restrictions. |
Section 168.755 | Repealed. 1979, Act 151, Imd. Eff. Nov. 27, 1979. |
Section 168.755a | Elector unable to write or sign name; execution of election document by making mark or using signature stamp; "election document" defined. |
Section 168.756 | False statement as perjury. |
Section 168.757 | Unlawful conduct; felony. |
116-1954-XXVIII-ABSENT-VOTERS | ABSENT VOTERS (168.758...168.769a) |
Section 168.758 | Repealed. 2018, Act 603, Imd. Eff. Dec. 28, 2018. |
Section 168.758a | Absent voter ballot for president and vice-president; qualifications. |
Section 168.758b | Voting by persons confined in jail or prison prohibited. |
Section 168.758c | Repealed. 2003, Act 302, Eff. Jan. 1, 2005. |
Section 168.759 | Application for an absent voter ballot; manner; form; signature of applicant; false statement as misdemeanor; political party ballot selection; delivery of ballot; application confidentiality of program participant; maintenance of online absent voter ballot applications; digital signature; "manual digital signature" and "stored digital signature" defined. |
Section 168.759a | Absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter; electronic transmission of voter registration or ballot application; requirements; spouse or dependent; electronic transmission of ballot to voter; establishment and implementation of procedures by secretary of state; confidentiality of electronic mailing address; approval of ballot form and registration procedures by state director of elections; use of federal write-in absentee ballot; report; selection of political party ballot for presidential primary election; extension of ballot receipt deadline; promulgation of rules for electronic return of voted ballots by eligible members; timeliness of certain absent voter ballots; definitions. |
Section 168.759b | Emergency absent voters' ballot; application. |
Section 168.759c | Repealed. 2023, Act 82, Eff. Feb. 13, 2024. |
Section 168.759e | Permanent mail ballot voters; rescission; notification. |
Section 168.759f | Presidential primary ballot selection form; availability. |
Section 168.759g | Discontinuation of permanent absent voter ballot application lists. |
Section 168.760 | Absent voters; records, public inspection. |
Section 168.761 | Absent voter ballots; mailing or delivering to applicant; rejection of application; notice; return envelope; form; statement; false statement as misdemeanor or felony; presenting of identification for election purposes; affidavit. |
Section 168.761a | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.761b | Clerk of city or township; office hours immediately before election for receiving absent voter ballots; public notice; additional locations by resolution. |
Section 168.761d | Absent voter ballot drop box; requirements; procurement and distribution of drop boxes; video monitoring; inspections; transportation of absent voter ballot return envelopes. |
Section 168.762 | Absent voter ballots; failure to receive application. |
Section 168.763 | Repealed. 1956, Act 37, Imd. Eff. Mar. 28, 1956. |
Section 168.764 | Absent voter ballot; instructions. |
Section 168.764a | Instructions for absent voters and absent uniformed services voters or overseas voters. |
Section 168.764b | Delivery, tabulation, and acceptance of absent voter ballots; appointment, oath, credentials, and duties of assistants; collection of absent voter ballots; prohibition; noncompliance. |
Section 168.764c | Electronic tracking system; tracking absent voter ballot applications and ballots; notifications; confidentiality. |
Section 168.764d | Combined absent voter counting board; establishment and agreement; requirements; duties of the bureau of elections. |
Section 168.765 | Absent voter ballot return envelopes; safekeeping by clerk; delivery of envelopes; review and verification of signatures for tabulation; absent voter counting board; voter ballot received after polls closed. |
Section 168.765a | Absent voter counting board; processing and tabulating of ballots before election; written notice; instructions and procedures; prohibition of photography or recording within counting place; violations; penalties. |
Section 168.765b | Procedure to spoil absent voter ballot. |
Section 168.765c | Damaged or defective absent voter ballot; duplicate copy. |
Section 168.766 | Marked ballot of an absent voter; verification; approval or rejection; opportunity to cure. |
Section 168.766a | Verification of signature; rejection of ballot; opportunity to cure; manner; notice; "signature on file" defined. |
Section 168.766b | Verification or rejection of absent voter ballot application or return envelope; timing based on date of election; date of receipt. |
Section 168.767 | Repealed. 2023, Act 81, Eff. Feb. 13, 2024. |
Section 168.768 | Absent voters' ballots; verification and preparation for tabulation procedures. |
Section 168.768a | Absent voter ballot drop off; instructions. |
Section 168.769 | Absent voter ballots; voting in person; return of ballot; voting in person and absent voter ballot as felony; report. |
Section 168.769a | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
116-1954-XXVIII-VOTING-MACHINES | VOTING MACHINES (168.770...168.799a) |
Section 168.770 | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.770a | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.771 | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.771a | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.772 | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.773 | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.774 | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.775 | Repealed. 2017, Act 113, Eff. Oct. 25, 2017. |
Section 168.776 | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.777 | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.778 | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.779 | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.780 | Repealed. 1955, Act 271, Imd. Eff. June 30, 1955;—1955, Act 283, Imd. Eff. July 19, 1955. |
Section 168.781 | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.782 | Repealed. 1966, Act 62, Imd. Eff. June 9, 1966. |
Section 168.782a | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.782b | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.783 | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.784 | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.785 | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.786 | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.787 | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.788 | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.789 | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.790 | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.791 | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.791a | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.792 | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.792a | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.792b | Repealed. 1983, Act 181, Imd. Eff. Oct. 25, 1983. |
Section 168.793 | Repealed. 2018, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.794 | Definitions used in MCL 168.794 to 168.799a. |
Section 168.794a | Electronic voting system; authorization; acquisition; abandonment; use; accuracy test; applicability of subsections (1) and (2). |
Section 168.794b | Electronic voting system; manner of payment. |
Section 168.794c | Applicability and construction of provisions; rules. |
Section 168.795 | Electronic voting system; requirements; method for rendering electronic tabulating equipment inoperable; equipping each polling place with accessible voting device. |
Section 168.795a | Electronic voting system; approval by board of state canvassers; conditions; approval of improvement or change; inapplicability of subsection (1); intent to purchase statement; instruction in operation and use; disapproval. |
Section 168.795b | Printing or displaying ballot labels, questions, office titles, and names of candidates; columns, pages, and directional signs; ballot stub. |
Section 168.795b.amended | Printing or displaying ballot labels, questions, office titles, and names of candidates; columns, pages, and directional signs; ballot stub. |
Section 168.795c | Indicating different parts of ballot on ballot label; placement of parts; 2 or more elections on same day; partisan elections; straight party ticket vote prohibited; appropriation. |
Section 168.796 | Sample ballots. |
Section 168.796a | Electronic voting system; preparation for election; equipment and supplies; voting stations. |
Section 168.796b | Repealed. 1990, Act 109, Imd. Eff. June 18, 1990. |
Section 168.797 | Inspectors of election; duties; certification of equipment operation. |
Section 168.797a | Instruction in method of voting on electronic voting system; use of ballot processed through electronic tabulating equipment; procedure; detached stub; spoiled ballot; processing of challenged voter ballot; removal of ballot. |
Section 168.797a.amended | Instruction in method of voting on electronic voting system; use of ballot processed through electronic tabulating equipment; procedure; detached stub; spoiled ballot; processing of challenged voter ballot; removal of ballot. |
Section 168.797b | Rules. |
Section 168.797c | Computer program; disposition and use of source code. |
Section 168.798 | Testing of electronic tabulating equipment; notice; method; sealing programs, test materials, and ballots; rules; sealing memory device. |
Section 168.798a | Separate counting center; direction and conduct of proceedings; method. |
Section 168.798b | Electronic tabulating equipment; unofficial and official returns; manual count; accumulation report. |
Section 168.798c | Casting absentee votes on paper ballots or ballot cards; count; recording; voting and processing absent voters' ballots; inspection of rejected ballot. |
Section 168.799 | Injuring, altering, or defacing voting device, ballot, or other equipment; interference with correct operation of equipment; enforcement; examination. |
Section 168.799a | Recounting punched, marked, or stamped ballot; procedure; stray marks; releasing sealed materials. |
Section 168.801 | Canvass of votes by precinct inspectors; public access. |
Section 168.802 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.803 | Counting and recounting of votes; intent of voter; stray marks; instructions issued by secretary of state. |
Section 168.804 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
Section 168.805 | Placement in ballots in ballot container; seal; delivery. |
Section 168.806 | Duplicate statements of returns; contents, certificate as to correctness. |
Section 168.806a | Seal; procedures. |
Section 168.807 | Election results; availability. |
Section 168.808 | Statement of returns; failure to sign certificate, falsification, penalty. |
Section 168.809 | Election returns and records; delivery; unofficial tabulation. |
Section 168.810 | Poll list; delivery to clerk. |
Section 168.810a | Security of election materials. |
Section 168.811 | Election returns, records, and applications; preservation; destruction; time. |
Section 168.812 | Sending election results to secretary of state; obtaining election results. |
Section 168.813 | Provisional ballot; tabulation; report. |
Section 168.814 | Rejection of ballot by eligible elector; prohibition. |
116-1954-XXX | CHAPTER XXX THE COUNTY CANVASS (168.821...168.839) |
Section 168.821 | Meeting of board of county canvassers; place; time. |
Section 168.822 | Board of county canvassers; canvass of returns, conclusion; failure to certify election results. |
Section 168.822.amended | Board of county canvassers; canvass of returns, conclusion; failure to certify election results. |
Section 168.823 | Board of county canvassers; power to summon and open ballot boxes; correction of errors; summoning of election inspectors; designation of staff to count ballots and make corrections. |
Section 168.824 | Board of county canvassers; statement of votes; preparation; seal. |
Section 168.824a | Board of county canvassers; disclosure of out-of-balance precincts. |
Section 168.825 | Statements of votes; contents, certification, filing. |
Section 168.825.amended | Statements of votes; contents, certification, filing. |
Section 168.826 | Determination and declaration of election results; preparation, delivery, and filing of certificate of determination; publication of statement of votes; certified certificate of election. |
Section 168.827 | Certificate of determination to secretary of state. |
Section 168.827.amended | Certificate of determination to secretary of state. |
Section 168.828 | Statements of votes; certified copy to secretary of state. |
Section 168.828.amended | Statements of votes; certified copy to secretary of state. |
Section 168.829 | County provisional ballot report; county affidavit report; voter registration application report. |
Section 168.830 | County clerk; compensation. |
Section 168.831 | Defect or mechanical malfunction in election equipment or material; inability of elector to cast valid vote; petition for special election. |
Section 168.832 | Defect or mechanical malfunction described in MCL 168.831; aggrieved candidate or elector; filing petition for special election. |
Section 168.833 | Petition for special election; requirements. |
Section 168.834 | Repealed. 1990, Act 95, Imd. Eff. June 6, 1990. |
Section 168.835 | Petition for special election; qualification; meeting of board of canvassers; notice of time and place. |
Section 168.836 | Ordering special election in precinct affected by defect or mechanical malfunction; conditions; effect of votes in excess of electors. |
Section 168.837 | Special election to be conducted by mail; sending ballot to each elector; time limitation; request from board of canvassers; time for returning ballot. |
Section 168.838 | Counting and reporting ballots; manner; count to include number of votes cast by absent voters. |
Section 168.839 | Candidate not required to petition for recount; special election not subject to recount. |
116-1954-XXXI | CHAPTER XXXI THE STATE CANVASS (168.841...168.848) |
Section 168.841 | Board of state canvassers; duties. |
Section 168.842 | Board of state canvassers; meeting; time and place, notice, adjournment; expedited canvass of returns. |
Section 168.842.amended | Board of state canvassers; meeting; time and place, notice, adjournment; expedited canvass of returns. |
Section 168.843 | Statements of votes; filing and preservation by secretary of state; certified copies. |
Section 168.844 | Statements of votes; examination, preparation of statement of totals by board of state canvassers. |
Section 168.845 | Certifying correctness of statement; certificate of determination; certificate of election; declaration of vacancy; publication of constitutional amendment. |
Section 168.845a | Procedure for contesting presidential election for erroneous certification or determination on the results. |
Section 168.846 | Board of state canvassers; tie vote, determination and certification under MCL 168.852. |
Section 168.847 | Release of ballots, ballot boxes, voting machines, and equipment. |
Section 168.847a | Financial disclosure report; candidate for office. |
Section 168.848 | Postelection statement; violation as misdemeanor; false statement as perjury. |
Section 168.851 | Tie vote; determination of election by lot, procedure; drawing for state legislature. |
Section 168.852 | Procedure when no provision for determination of tie vote, right to recount. |
116-1954-XXXIII | CHAPTER XXXIII RECOUNTS (168.861...168.894) |
Section 168.861 | Fraudulent or illegal voting, or tampering with ballots or ballot boxes; remedy by quo warranto. |
Section 168.861.amended | Postcertification recounts; administrative process; denial of petitions for investigation or audit; liberal construction of chapter; "precinct" defined. |
Section 168.861a.added | Proceedings intended to restrain, enjoin, modify, control, reverse, or otherwise interfere with board of county canvassers; by mandamus only. |
Section 168.862 | Fraud or mistake in canvass or returns of votes; recount petition by candidate; good-faith belief in winning. |
Section 168.862.amended | Error in canvass or returns of votes; recount petition by candidate; good-faith belief in winning. |
Section 168.863 | Fraud or error as to proposed charter amendment or other ballot question; recount petition by elector. |
Section 168.863.amended | Error as to ballot question; recount petition by ballot question committee or elector; good faith winning. |
Section 168.864 | Repealed. 1996, Act 261, Eff. Mar. 28, 1996. |
Section 168.865 | Recount petition; contents. |
Section 168.865.amended | Recount petitions; forms. |
Section 168.866 | Recount petition; filing; deadline; filing of copy with secretary of state. |
Section 168.866.amended | Recount petition; filing; deadline. |
Section 168.867 | Recount petition; filing; deposit; refund; disposition of sum deposited. |
Section 168.867.amended | Recount petition; filing; deposit; adjustment of deposit; refund; disposition of sum deposited. |
Section 168.868 | Recount petition; notice to opposing candidates; counter petition; objections to recount petition; hearing; ruling; failure to give notice to opposing candidate. |
Section 168.868.amended | Recount petition; notice to opposing candidates or ballot question committees; counter petition; objections to recount petition; meeting; ruling; failure to give notice to opposing candidate or ballot question committee; withdrawal of recount petition. |
Section 168.869 | Recount petition; investigation, delay; expenses of local recount. |
Section 168.869.amended | Commencement of recount; delay; expenses of local recount. |
Section 168.870 | Board of canvassers; investigation of recount. |
Section 168.870.amended | Delivery of ballots, ballot containers, and other election materials to board of county canvassers; subpoena; failure to produce; violation as misdemeanor; compensation for fees and mileage. |
Section 168.871 | Recount; use of electronic voting system; use of voting machines; recount of absent voter ballots; procedures for conduct of recount; use of computer; testing software application. |
Section 168.871.amended | Recount; eligibility requirements; procedures for conduct of recount; use of electronic voting system; testing software application; eligible documents. |
Section 168.871a | Challenge raised by candidate or elector; resolution; petition disagreeing with resolution; notice; hearing; ruling. |
Section 168.872 | Board of canvassers; investigation, report to prosecutor and circuit judge. |
Section 168.872.amended | Board of canvassers; fraud or violation of law suspected; referral for investigation to prosecuting attorney or attorney general. |
Section 168.873 | Recount; misconduct of employees, felony. |
Section 168.873.amended | Recount; willful interference; felony. |
Section 168.874 | Recount; return of ballots; manner of counting votes. |
Section 168.874.amended | Recount; return of ballots; manner of counting votes. |
Section 168.875 | Recount; completion. |
Section 168.875.amended | Recount; completion; deadline; exception; return of ballots and election materials. |
Section 168.876 | Recount; returns by board of canvassers, withdrawal of petition; final report open to public inspection. |
Section 168.876.amended | Recount; returns by board of canvassers, withdrawal of petition; final report made public. |
Section 168.877 | Review of apparent error by certiorari. |
116-1954-XXXIII-STATE-CANVASSERS | STATE CANVASSERS (168.878...168.894) |
Section 168.878 | Construction of sections; action against board of state canvassers by mandamus. |
Section 168.878.amended | Certification of election results; recount by board of state canvassers; action against board of state canvassers by mandamus; promulgation of rules. |
Section 168.879 | Petition for recount; requirements; good-faith belief in winning; petition by state political party chairperson; recount and preservation of ballots; report; authority of legislature. |
Section 168.879.amended | Candidate petition for recount; requirements; good-faith belief in winning; petition by state political party chairperson; report; authority of legislature. |
Section 168.879a | Section 168.879 inapplicable to presidential primary election. |
Section 168.880 | Recount of votes; petition by elector on constitutional amendment or question, deadline, contents. |
Section 168.880.amended | Ballot question committee petition for recount; deadline, form. |
Section 168.880a | Recount of votes; grounds; notice to candidates; elections involving propositions procedures. |
Section 168.880a.amended | Recount of votes; grounds; notice to candidates or ballot question committees; exception; written statement by losing candidate or ballot question committee. |
Section 168.881 | Recount petition; filing; deposit; refund; disposition of sum deposited. |
Section 168.881.amended | Recount petition; filing; deposit; adjustment of deposit; refund; disposition of sum deposited. |
Section 168.882 | Notice of recount petition; filing counter petition; refund of deposit money; filing objections to recount petition; notice; meeting; ruling. |
Section 168.882.amended | Notice of recount petition; filing counter petition; refund of deposit money; filing objections to recount petition; notice; meeting; ruling; failure to give notice; withdrawal of recount petition. |
Section 168.883 | Recount petition; notice to county clerk; preservation of ballots; investigation and recount by state canvassers. |
Section 168.883.amended | Recount petition; notice to county clerk; preservation of ballots; investigation and recount by state canvassers. |
Section 168.883a.added | Recount vote challenges; appeal; petition for de novo review; notice; meeting. |
Section 168.884 | Boards of county canvassers; clerks and assistants for conduct of recount. |
Section 168.884.amended | Boards of canvassers; clerks and assistants for conduct of recount. |
Section 168.885 | Boards of state and county canvassers; right to subpoena witnesses; noncompliance, penalty. |
Section 168.886 | Witnesses; compensation and mileage. |
Section 168.887 | Recount of votes; misconduct of employees, felony. |
Section 168.887.amended | Recount; willful interference; felony. |
Section 168.888 | Board of state canvassers; return of ballot boxes, poll books, tally sheets, and statements of votes; concurrent recount. |
Section 168.888.amended | Board of state canvassers; return of ballots and election materials; concurrent recount. |
Section 168.889 | Board of state canvassers; time and place, rules and regulations for recounts in counties. |
Section 168.889.amended | Recounts by boards of county canvassers; authority of board of state canvassers; time and place, rules and regulations for recounts. |
Section 168.890 | Board of state canvassers; authority of members as to supervision of recounts in counties. |
Section 168.890.amended | Board of state canvassers; authority of members as to supervision of recounts conducted by a board of county canvassers. |
Section 168.891 | Recounts; manner of conduct under board of state canvassers. |
Section 168.892 | Board of state canvassers; recounts in counties, certification of results. |
Section 168.892.amended | Board of county canvassers; return of recount to board of state canvassers; certification of results; final report; public. |
Section 168.893 | Discontinuance of recount; original return deemed correct. |
Section 168.894 | Recounts in counties; expenses, payment. |
116-1954-XXXIV | CHAPTER XXXIV CAMPAIGN EXPENSES (168.901...168.929) |
Section 168.901-168.929 | Repealed. 1974, Act 272, Eff. Apr. 1, 1975;—1975, Act 121, Eff. Sept. 1, 1975;—1975, Act 227, Eff. Mar. 31, 1976;—1976, Act 388, Eff. June 1, 1977. |
116-1954-XXXV | CHAPTER XXXV OFFENSES AND PENALTIES (168.931...168.947) |
Section 168.931 | Prohibited conduct; violation as misdemeanor; "valuable consideration" defined. |
Section 168.931a | Appearance of name of elected or appointed official on ballot-related material; prohibition; violation as misdemeanor; penalty. |
Section 168.931b | Prohibition on intimidation of or interference with election workers; violation; penalties; application to constitutionally protected activities; definitions. |
Section 168.932 | Prohibited conduct; violation as felony. |
Section 168.932a | Violations as felony; penalty. |
Section 168.932c | Registering individuals; compensation prohibited; violation as felony; penalty. |
Section 168.932e | Misrepresentation as election official; violation as felony. |
Section 168.932f | Distribution of materially deceptive media; prohibition; violation; misdemeanor; penalties; injunctive relief; definitions. |
Section 168.933 | Perjury; definition. |
Section 168.933a | Forgery; definition. |
Section 168.934 | Misdemeanor; penalty. |
Section 168.935 | Felony; penalty. |
Section 168.936 | Perjury; penalty. |
Section 168.937 | Forgery; penalty. |
Section 168.938 | Candidate convicted of felony; election void quo warranto. |
Section 168.939 | Election inspector; duty to furnish information to prosecuting attorney. |
Section 168.940 | Prosecuting attorney; duty to prosecute. |
Section 168.941 | Peace officers; duty to institute proceedings. |
Section 168.942 | Prosecution; time limitations; immunity of witnesses. |
Section 168.943 | Recorder's court; jurisdiction; circuit courts, jurisdiction. |
Section 168.944 | False designation of incumbency; misdemeanor. |
Section 168.945 | Inducing improper applications to vote as absentee voter; misdemeanor. |
Section 168.947 | Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018. |
116-1954-XXXVI | CHAPTER XXXVI RECALL (168.951...168.977) |
Section 168.951 | Officers subject to recall; time for filing recall petition; performance of duties until result of recall election certified. |
Section 168.951a | Recall petition under MCL 168.959; requirements; submission to board of state canvassers; determination that reason for recall is factual and of sufficient clarity; notice; meeting; presentation of arguments; appeal; validity of petition. |
Section 168.952 | Recall petition under MCL 168.960; requirements; submission to board of county election commissioners; determination that reason for recall is factual and of sufficient clarity; notice; meeting; presentation of arguments; appeal; validity of petition. |
Section 168.952a | Recall petitions; blank forms; substantial compliance. |
Section 168.952b | Recall petition; time for submission to board of state canvassers or board of county election commissioners. |
Section 168.953 | Repealed. 1976, Act 66, Imd. Eff. Apr. 2, 1976. |
Section 168.954 | Recall petitions; eligibility of signers; prohibited conduct; violations; misdemeanor; felony; penalties. |
Section 168.955 | Recall petition; number of signatures; certification. |
Section 168.956 | Repealed. 1976, Act 66, Imd. Eff. Apr. 2, 1976. |
Section 168.957 | Recall petition; certificate of circulator; false statement; misdemeanor. |
Section 168.958 | Recall petition sheet; signature of qualified and registered electors; location for signing; signature of person not qualified and registered elector. |
Section 168.958a | Separate petitions required. |
Section 168.959 | Recall of senators, representatives, elective state officers, county officials, or secretary of state; filing petitions. |
Section 168.960 | Recall of elective county commissioner or township, city, village, or school official; recall of elective district library board member; filing petition; recall of elective metropolitan district officer. |
Section 168.961 | Recall petition; filing; receipt; duties of filing official; duties of city or township clerk; certificate; duties of village clerk; use of qualified voter file. |
Section 168.961a | Notice to officer whose recall is sought; challenge; checking signatures; verifying challenged signature; use of qualified voter file. |
Section 168.962 | Repealed. 1978, Act 533, Imd. Eff. Dec. 21, 1978. |
Section 168.963 | Sufficiency or insufficiency of recall petition; determination; notice; recall election; recall primary election; special recall election. |
Section 168.964 | Repealed. 2012, Act 417, Imd. Eff. Dec. 20, 2012. |
Section 168.965 | Recall of officer with election duties; appointment of impartial public officer. |
Section 168.966 | Repealed. 2012, Act 417, Imd. Eff. Dec. 20, 2012. |
Section 168.967 | Recall elections; payment of expenses. |
Section 168.968 | Canvass of recall election. |
Section 168.969 | Further recall petition; filing. |
Section 168.970 | Repealed. 2012, Act 417, Imd. Eff. Dec. 20, 2012. |
Section 168.970a | Applicability of MCL 168.970b to 168.970g. |
Section 168.970b | Incumbent as nominee. |
Section 168.970c | Recall primary election; filing nominating petition or paying fee; incumbent as nominee. |
Section 168.970e | Recall primary election; declaration of nominee; candidate without political party affiliation. |
Section 168.970g | Candidate receiving highest number of votes; election. |
Section 168.971 | Repealed. 2012, Act 417, Imd. Eff. Dec. 20, 2012. |
Section 168.971a | Applicability of MCL 168.971c to 168.975. |
Section 168.971c | Incumbent deemed to have filed; appearance of name on ballot. |
Section 168.972 | Nominating and voting for candidate for nonpartisan office; signing and filing nominating petition; signing, contents, and filing of recall petition. |
Section 168.973 | Repealed. 2012, Act 417, Imd. Eff. Dec. 20, 2012. |
Section 168.973a | Nominating candidate for partisan office. |
Section 168.974 | Repealed. 2012, Act 417, Imd. Eff. Dec. 20, 2012. |
Section 168.975 | Candidate deemed elected. |
Section 168.975a | Applicability of MCL168.975c to 168.975g; special recall election for office of governor. |
Section 168.975c | Recall of governor; procedure. |
Section 168.975e | Recall of governor; statement of reason; condensed statement; justification of conduct in office; submission by governor; printing on special recall election ballot; certain words on ballot prohibited; question. |
Section 168.975g | Majority of votes in favor of recall; certification of result; replacement of governor. |
Section 168.976 | Recall election; laws governing. |
Section 168.977 | Appointment of officer who was recalled or resigned prohibited. |
Section 168.991 | Repeals. |
Section 168.992 | Effective date of act. |