MCL - Index of Act 284 of 1998

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Act 284 of 1998 CLEAN MICHIGAN INITIATIVE ACT (324.95101 - 324.95108)
Section 324.95101 Short title.
Section 324.95102 Bonds; limitation on amount; issuance; full faith and credit; purpose.
Section 324.95103 Bonds; issuance; conditions and procedures.
Section 324.95104 Sale of bonds; disposition of proceeds; disbursement; expenditure.
Section 324.95105 Borrowing and issuance of bonds; submission of question to vote of electors.
Section 324.95106 Performance of acts by secretary of state.
Section 324.95107 Approval by vote required.
Section 324.95108 Payment on outstanding bonds; costs; annual executive budget.