MCL - Index of Act 301 of 2020

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Act 301 of 2020 ADDRESS CONFIDENTIALITY PROGRAM ACT (780.851 - 780.873)
Section 780.851 Short title.
Section 780.853 Definitions.
Section 780.855 Address confidentiality program; creation; eligibility; application; duties of attorney general; certification of program participant; renewal or cancellation; minor; participation card; applicability to custody or parenting order.
Section 780.857 Use of designated address by governmental entity, employer, school, or institution of higher education; mail and service of process duties; inapplicable to municipally owned utility.
Section 780.859 Cancellation of program participant certification; circumstances.
Section 780.861 Request for disclosure of confidential information for legitimate governmental purpose; notice of request to program participant.
Section 780.863 Certification training program for application assistants and victim advocates.
Section 780.865 Computerized database of program participants; limited access by Michigan intelligence operations center.
Section 780.867 Promulgation of rules.
Section 780.869 Confidential address fund.
Section 780.871 False statement or unauthorized disclosure; violation; penalties.
Section 780.873 Address confidentiality program advisory council.