MCL - Index of Act 431 of 1984
NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title | Subject |
Act 431 of 1984 |
THE MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET ACT (18.1101 - 18.1594) ***** 18.1221a THIS SECTION IS NOT EFFECTIVE AFTER MARCH 31, 2015: See (2) of 18.1221a ***** |
431-1984-1 | ARTICLE 1 (18.1101...18.1145) |
Section 18.1101 | Short title. |
Section 18.1111 | Meanings of words and phrases. |
Section 18.1112 | Definitions; A, B. |
Section 18.1113 | Definitions; C to E. |
Section 18.1114 | Definitions; F. |
Section 18.1115 | Definitions; I to U. |
Section 18.1121 | Department of management and budget; creation. |
Section 18.1122 | Director as head of department. |
Section 18.1123 | Director; appointment; term; chief information officer. |
Section 18.1124 | Director; powers and duties generally; chief information officer; report; powers and duties; executive branch sharing of data and information. |
Section 18.1125 | Film production located in state; use of state property; information about potential film locations; definitions. |
Section 18.1131 | Administrative and procedural directives; rules. |
Section 18.1141 | Duties of department. |
Section 18.1145 | Type I transfers to department. |
431-1984-2 | ARTICLE 2 (18.1201...18.1299) |
Section 18.1201 | Equipment, furniture, and furnishings. |
Section 18.1203 | State automated information processing installations and telecommunications projects and services. |
Section 18.1204 | Standardized risk management policies, practices, and procedures; development and implementation; review, approval, and administration of risk management related programs; insurance or related services; self-insurance options. |
Section 18.1205 | Additional definitions. |
Section 18.1206 | Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999. |
Section 18.1206a | Designation of racial or ethnic classification in writing developed by state agency; transmission of information to federal agency; “writing” defined. |
Section 18.1207 | Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999. |
Section 18.1208-18.1211 | Repealed. 1988, Act 504, Imd. Eff. Dec. 29, 1988. |
Section 18.1213 | "Fund" and "motor vehicle" defined; directives relative to motor vehicles; motor vehicle repair centers and motor pools; creation of motor transport revolving fund; disposition of revenue; assets and liabilities; use of alternative fuels; "alternative fuel" defined. |
Section 18.1215 | Motor vehicle and person to whom motor vehicle assigned; restrictions. |
Section 18.1217 | Directives relative to travel and expenses of officers and unclassified employees of state agencies; approval; meetings of state agencies; travel report. |
Section 18.1219 | Directives for management, operation, maintenance, security, and repair of state-owned facilities; determination of space utilization standards; assignment of space in state capitol building and buildings under jurisdiction of legislature; prohibition; management and operation of state capitol building and grounds of Michigan state capitol historic site; definitions. |
Section 18.1221 | Rentals and leases; approval; notification; easements; determination of market rental values; building occupancy rates. |
Section 18.1221a | Reports; section ineffective after March 31, 2015; "project" defined. |
Section 18.1222 | Property acquired through installment lease agreement as public property; exemption from property tax. |
Section 18.1223 | Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999. |
Section 18.1224 | Access to public information; use of telephone system; limitation on charges. |
Section 18.1225 | Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999. |
Section 18.1227 | Parking; disposition of fees, penalties, and fines; rules. |
Section 18.1237 | Acquisition, construction, lease purchase, improvement, or demolition of facilities; studies, designs, plans, specifications, and contract documents; employment and duties of architects and professional engineers; quality control; independent testing services; final approval; review by attorney general. |
Section 18.1237a | Community college and university capital outlay projects. |
Section 18.1237b | Architects, professional engineers, professional surveyors, and qualified firms; selection. |
Section 18.1237c | Contract with architect, professional engineer, or contractor; liability; limitation; "contractor" defined. |
Section 18.1238 | Universities and community colleges; report. |
Section 18.1239 | Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999. |
Section 18.1240 | Cost plus construction contract; conditions. |
Section 18.1241 | Contract for construction, repair, remodeling, or demolition of facility; bidding procedure; award; expenditure; director as agent; preference to qualified disabled veteran; responsive and responsible best value bidder; definition. |
Section 18.1241a | Contract for construction, alteration, repair, or rebuilding of state building or other state property; mandatory clause; breach of clause; applicability of section. |
Section 18.1241b | Construction, alteration, repair, or rebuilding of state building or facility; energy efficiency of materials. |
Section 18.1241c | Contract with person for construction, alteration, or repair of state building or property; representation that person not engaged in boycott; definitions. |
Section 18.1242 | Development of 5-year capital outlay plans; review; priorities; program statements and schematic planning documents; authorization of project for final design and construction; submission of bid results summary to JCOS; oversight; appropriation not considered as commitment. |
Section 18.1242a | Annual review. |
Section 18.1243 | Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999. |
Section 18.1244 | Scope of construction appropriation; direct labor charges; resident inspector; indirect or administrative overhead costs; separate accounts; design and construction requirements; contract to complete construction of project; conditions. |
Section 18.1245 | Sign at site of state project. |
Section 18.1246 | Release of allocations; approval; total authorized cost or sufficient appropriation; establishment or revision. |
Section 18.1247 | Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999. |
Section 18.1248 | Applicability of section; capital outlay project; carrying forward prior authorized projects; continuation or lapse of balance; termination of project; continuation of project beyond limits in section; conditions; carrying forward grant or grant-in-aid. |
Section 18.1249 | Matching revenues. |
Section 18.1250 | References to former law. |
Section 18.1251 | Applicability of section to real property of state; development and maintenance of real property records and facility inventories; award of service contracts; employment of land surveyors; directives for disposition of surplus facilities and lands. |
Section 18.1252 | Current data and directives as to facilities; technical assistance as to special maintenance projects. |
Section 18.1253 | Energy conservation improvements. |
Section 18.1254 | Certificate of energy cost savings; distribution of unencumbered balance of appropriation for fuel or utilities. |
Section 18.1261 | Supplies, materials, services, insurance, utilities, third party financing, equipment, printing, and other items; purchase; contract; preference; discretionary decisions by department; competitive solicitation; exceptions; delegation of procurement authority; lease or installment purchases; directives; cooperative purchasing agreement; preference to disabled veteran; representation in contract that person not engaged in boycott; exemption from freedom of information act; performance-related damages or targets; definitions. |
Section 18.1261a | Recycled supplies, materials, and equipment; effect of noncompliance; exemption; cost considerations; report; “recycled materials” defined. |
Section 18.1261b | Purchase of recycled paper; phase-in period; directives; label; records; definitions. |
Section 18.1261c | Wood or paper products from sustainably managed forests or procurement systems. |
Section 18.1261d | Products containing mercury or mercury compounds; purchase; limitation. |
Section 18.1261e | Information technology projects; requirements. |
Section 18.1261f | Information technology system development vendor contract or maintenance project; audit. |
Section 18.1262 | Limiting solicitation to prequalified vendors. |
Section 18.1263 | Purchase of supplies and materials by state agency to maintain inventories; authorization; limitation; charging appropriation accounts; periodic inventories; obsolescence, damage, or spoilage; fee for purchasing services assistance; cooperative bulk purchasing program for schools and school districts. |
Section 18.1264 | Debarring vendor from participation in bid process and from contract award; notice; finding. |
Section 18.1265 | Federal surplus property; acquisition and distribution. |
Section 18.1267 | Personal property of state agencies; directives for disclosure, transfer, and disposal; sale at fair market value; payment of costs or assessment of handling fee; sale of surplus snow removal equipment or surplus road construction or maintenance equipment; "local road agencies" defined. |
Section 18.1268 | Bidder for state contract as Michigan business; certification; significant business presence required; verification; disclosure; reciprocal preference; list of states giving preference to in-state bidders; waiver of entitlement to claim preference; fraud; felony; penalty; review; recommendations; applicability. |
Section 18.1269 | Centralized services; charges; rates; creation of office services revolving fund; inventory value of paper and stationery operation. |
Section 18.1270 | Directives for use of certain apps, software, or other technology on electronic device by state departments and agencies. |
Section 18.1271 | Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999. |
Section 18.1273 | Directives for printing of publications by state agency; approval of printing request; determining number and distribution of state reports and publications; style, form, binding, typography, and quality of paper; central storage; publications to be printed on recycled paper; distribution and central storage only of certain publications. |
Section 18.1275 | Sale of office furnishings and equipment to former governors and legislators; fair market value; use of proceeds. |
Section 18.1277 | Expenditure for mailing letter, newsletter, report, or other publication; conditions. |
Section 18.1279 | Consulting services. |
Section 18.1281 | Contract for services; contract for personal services; reports. |
Section 18.1281a | Personal service contracts; report. |
Section 18.1282 | Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999. |
Section 18.1283 | Central payroll system; state budget office as tax withholding agency; payroll deductions or withholding. |
Section 18.1283a | Payroll and payments by electronic funds transfer; implementation. |
Section 18.1284 | Additional definitions. |
Section 18.1285 | Records; maintenance by head of state agency; listing on retention and disposal schedule; legal custody and physical possession. |
Section 18.1287 | Records management program; purpose; duties of department; directives. |
Section 18.1288 | Inspection or inventory of records. |
Section 18.1289 | Records of archival value; listings of records due for disposal; report; notice of destruction or transfer of record; action to recover records; temporary restraining order. |
Section 18.1292 | Responsibilities of department of history, arts, and libraries. |
Section 18.1293 | Definitions. |
Section 18.1294 | Purchase of goods and services from community rehabilitation organizations; preferred status. |
Section 18.1295 | Committee on purchase of goods and services from community rehabilitation organizations; creation; appointment, qualifications, and terms of members; compensation. |
Section 18.1296 | Duties of committee. |
Section 18.1297 | Priority of selection; specifications; sale of goods and services to other governmental agencies or private businesses. |
Section 18.1298 | Repealed. 2013, Act 243, Eff. Mar. 14, 2014. |
Section 18.1298a | Repealed. 2013, Act 243, Eff. Mar. 14, 2014. |
Section 18.1298b | Michigan veterans' memorial park; designation; jurisdiction under Michigan veterans' memorial park commission; easement. |
Section 18.1298c | Repealed. 2013, Act 243, Eff. Mar. 14, 2014. |
Section 18.1298d | Repealed. 2013, Act 243, Eff. Mar. 14, 2014. |
Section 18.1298e | Repealed. 2013, Act 243, Eff. Mar. 14, 2014. |
Section 18.1299 | Office of state budget director; higher education institutional data inventory advisory committee; membership; review and audits; auditor general report. |
431-1984-3 | ARTICLE 3 (18.1301...18.1397) |
Section 18.1301 | Meanings of words and phrases. |
Section 18.1302 | Definitions; A. |
Section 18.1303 | Definitions; D to P. |
Section 18.1304 | Definitions; S. |
Section 18.1305 | Definitions; T, U. |
Section 18.1321 | Office of state budget director; creation; appointment of director; exemption from classified service; term; director as director of department. |
Section 18.1323 | Executive budget function; executive budget proposal; limitation on proposed appropriations. |
Section 18.1331 | Information; assistance. |
Section 18.1332 | Comprehensive state information relative to programs, financing, priorities, management, and performance; investigations; examinations. |
Section 18.1333 | Witnesses; oaths; examinations; compelling production of records; enforcement of orders and subpoenas. |
Section 18.1341 | Executive state budget; evaluations; review. |
Section 18.1342 | Economic analysis, revenue estimating, and monitoring activity. |
Section 18.1343 | Statistical studies; population estimates and projections. |
Section 18.1344 | Annual proposals; review of auditor general's audits; state debt; costs of capital outlay projects. |
Section 18.1345 | State mandated programs; costs; recommendations. |
Section 18.1347 | Hearings; attendance. |
Section 18.1348 | Executive budget submitted to legislature; recommendations for expenditures; additional and new sources of revenue; considerations in balancing budget of each state operating fund. |
Section 18.1349 | Proportion of total state spending from state sources paid to units of local government; compliance of budgets with state constitution. |
Section 18.1350 | State spending paid to units of local government; refunds or other repayments. |
Section 18.1350a | Additional definitions. |
Section 18.1350b | Prohibited taxes; revenue limit; report. |
Section 18.1350c | Prohibited expenditures; amount withdrawn from countercyclical budget and economic stabilization fund considered surplus. |
Section 18.1350d | Revenues required to be refunded; procedures. |
Section 18.1350e | Report. |
Section 18.1351 | Countercyclical budget and economic stabilization fund; creation; purpose; definitions. |
Section 18.1352 | Transfer of funds based on annual growth rate; formula. |
Section 18.1353 | Repealed. 2018, Act 613, Eff. Mar. 29, 2019. |
Section 18.1353a, 18.1353b | Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999. |
Section 18.1353c | Repealed. 2007, Act 145, Imd. Eff. Dec. 1, 2007. |
Section 18.1353d | Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999. |
Section 18.1353e, 18.1353f | Repealed. 2007, Act 145, Imd. Eff. Dec. 1, 2007. |
Section 18.1354 | Executive budget and appropriations bill; estimate of transfer into or out of fund; installments. |
Section 18.1354a | Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999. |
Section 18.1355 | Adjustment of transfer into or out of fund; condition; adjustment of appropriation from fund. |
Section 18.1356 | Balance in fund; rebate of excess. |
Section 18.1357 | Shortfall in state general fund - general purpose revenue. |
Section 18.1358 | Emergency appropriation from fund; conditions; additional transfer. |
Section 18.1359 | Combining amounts in fund and in state treasury for purposes of cash management; investment earnings; separate accounting; crediting transfer to fund. |
Section 18.1360 | Michigan infrastructure fund; creation; deposit; investment; interest and earnings; money at close of fiscal year; administration of fund for auditing purposes; expenditure. |
Section 18.1360a | Expenditure of money; limitation. |
Section 18.1361 | Submission of tax credit, deduction, and expenditure report. |
Section 18.1362, 18.1362a | Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999. |
Section 18.1363 | Transmittal of budget to members of legislature and fiscal agencies; line-item appropriation detail; computer software application; 2-year budget report; required contents; strategic plan; 5 years; contents. |
Section 18.1365 | Appropriation bills; passed and presented on or before July 1. |
Section 18.1366 | Financing and maintenance of state agency subject to act. |
Section 18.1367 | Transmittal of executive budget bills to members of legislature and fiscal agencies; contents of executive budget bill and enacted budget bill. |
Section 18.1367a | “Conference” and “principal” defined. |
Section 18.1367b | Revenue estimating conference; principals; forecasts. |
Section 18.1367c | Requests by conference for assistance and data. |
Section 18.1367d | Conference procedures. |
Section 18.1367e | Publication of economic and revenue forecasts. |
Section 18.1367f | Convening conference upon request of principal. |
Section 18.1367g | Repealed. 1991, Act 72, Imd. Eff. July 11, 1991. |
Section 18.1368 | Monitoring passage of budget bills; assisting governor in explanation of recommendations; revisions to recommendations and estimates; veto recommendations. |
Section 18.1369 | Item or items vetoed by governor; funding from other source. |
Section 18.1371 | Expenditure or obligation exceeding gross appropriation level prohibited; responsibility for exceeding appropriation; report of violation and statement of action taken; division of appropriation into allotments; spending plan; review of allotments; report; remedies to maintain level of program service. |
Section 18.1372 | Adjustment of allotments; withholding payment; limitation on payments; open-end appropriations; reduction or adjustment of allotments; report of action taken; directives for allotment of appropriations. |
Section 18.1373 | Classification of line item in spending categories; spending plan; submission to state budget office; review; approval; resubmission of revised spending plan; submission to legislative committees; posting on public website; adjustments; definitions. |
Section 18.1381 | New or expanded programs. |
Section 18.1382 | Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999. |
Section 18.1384 | Application for federal financial assistance; notification; form; contents; notice of award, rejection, revision, or deferment of application; report of availability and proposed allocation of grant funds; condition to commitment of grant funds; report. |
Section 18.1385 | Procurement, development, and maintenance of information technology services for department of health and human services; require. |
Section 18.1386 | Monthly financial reports; preparation; transmittal; contents. |
Section 18.1388 | Monitoring and projecting state spending paid to units of local government; remedial actions. |
Section 18.1389 | Withholding of payment to municipality; purpose; report; “municipality” defined. |
Section 18.1391 | Actual revenues falling below revenue estimates; review of appropriations; recommending reduction of expenditures; review of recommendations; order containing reductions; notice; meeting; approval or disapproval of order; implementation of order; filing order and resolutions; special lapse accounts. |
Section 18.1392 | Reduction of line item appropriations in subsequent legislation. |
Section 18.1393 | Administrative transfers of appropriations within department; purpose; notice; prohibited adjustments; approval or disapproval. |
Section 18.1395 | Financing from federal, state restricted, local, or private funding; financing by multiple fund sources; spending of state matching money; reductions; notice; adjustments; corrective action; prohibited transfer. |
Section 18.1396 | Paying or recording certain expenditures from appropriations; notice of certain settlements or consent judgments; report. |
Section 18.1397 | Repealed. 2018, Act 613, Eff. Mar. 29, 2019. |
431-1984-4 | ARTICLE 4 (18.1401...18.1499) |
Section 18.1401 | Meanings of words and phrases. |
Section 18.1402 | Definitions; C to E. |
Section 18.1403 | Definitions; I to R. |
Section 18.1404 | Definitions; R to W. |
Section 18.1411 | Repealed. 1988, Act 504, Imd. Eff. Dec. 29, 1988. |
Section 18.1421 | Internal control in management of state's financial transactions; powers of state budget director; accounting principles; implementation of executive reorganization orders. |
Section 18.1421a | Legislative and judicial access to state financial management system. |
Section 18.1422 | Advances. |
Section 18.1423 | Examination of books, accounts, documents, systems, and financial affairs. |
Section 18.1424 | Production of books, papers, and documents; examination; testimony; oaths. |
Section 18.1426 | Books, records, and systems; adoption and use. |
Section 18.1430 | Capped federal funds, special revenue funds, and healthy Michigan fund; report on amounts and sources. |
Section 18.1431 | Accounting for activities and programs; assignment; classification of funds. |
Section 18.1432 | Merging, combining, or segregating fund. |
Section 18.1434 | Crediting certain revenues to revolving fund; financial plan; report. |
Section 18.1435 | Revolving funds; transferring net income to general fund. |
Section 18.1437 | Advances to revolving fund; repayment; long term advances for acquisition of equipment; limitation. |
Section 18.1441 | Disposition of receipts; directives; subsection (1) inapplicable to state agency within legislative branch. |
Section 18.1442 | Expenditure or transfer of funds appropriated to entity within legislative branch. |
Section 18.1443 | Money received by state agencies; forwarding to state treasurer; crediting to general fund; limitation on transfers. |
Section 18.1444 | Encumbrances and receivables; reporting and recording. |
Section 18.1447 | Repealed. 2018, Act 389, Imd. Eff. Dec. 19, 2018. |
Section 18.1448 | Expenditure of state funds; availability of information on website homepages; "expenditure of state funds" defined. |
Section 18.1451 | Lapse of unencumbered balance of appropriation; unascertainable documents; charging encumbrance to next succeeding fiscal year. |
Section 18.1451a | Work projects. |
Section 18.1452 | Payment and use of amounts appropriated in budget act. |
Section 18.1453 | Appropriations from restricted revenues; limitation on expenditure. |
Section 18.1454 | Appropriation of full-time equated positions; basis; report on status of FTE positions; report containing fiscal year summary of information required in subsection (2). |
Section 18.1455 | Appropriations for unclassified positions; use; eligibility of incumbents of unclassified positions to participate in state contributory insurance and longevity programs; prior years' service as classified employee in determining amount of longevity payment; use of appropriations for salaries and wages; payment of back salaries or wages. |
Section 18.1456 | Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999. |
Section 18.1458 | Use of amounts authorized for equal employment opportunity services; filling positions; responsibility. |
Section 18.1459 | Repealed. 1988, Act 504, Imd. Eff. Dec. 29, 1988. |
Section 18.1460 | Indirect cost rate or percentage; determination; report; request for appropriations of federal funds not to include funds for indirect costs; charging indirect cost to award, contract, or grant; crediting indirect cost; availability of revenues. |
Section 18.1461 | Audit pursuant to federal law; single audits; conduct; funding; encumbering amounts to finance cost of audits; carrying over unexpended amounts; schedule of expenditures of federal awards. |
Section 18.1462 | Plan to comply with audit recommendations; corrective action plans. |
Section 18.1463 | Federal pass-through funds to local institutions and units of local government; appropriation; certain funds not to be expended unless appropriated. |
Section 18.1470 | Procurement contract for services; audit of vendor to verify compliance; provision; availability; exemption; "auditor general" defined. |
Section 18.1483 | Definitions used in MCL 18.1483 to 18.1489. |
Section 18.1484 | System of reporting and general framework to be used in evaluations of internal control systems; development; modification; notice. |
Section 18.1485 | Internal control system; establishment and maintenance; elements; duties of head of principal department; reports. |
Section 18.1486 | Internal auditor; appointment; member of state classified executive service; supervision; protection; duties; professional and auditing standards; report. |
Section 18.1487 | Internal auditor; reports; plan to correct problems, abuses, or deficiencies; public disclosure of information. |
Section 18.1488 | Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999. |
Section 18.1489 | Evaluation and report by auditor general. |
Section 18.1490 | Enterprise portfolio management office; report to legislature on information technology services; requirements. |
Section 18.1491 | Fiscal year. |
Section 18.1492 | Including financial statements in comprehensive annual financial report; responsibility; statement format; audit; submission of statements. |
Section 18.1493 | Preliminary, unaudited financial statements including notes of general fund and state school aid fund; submission to legislature and fiscal agency. |
Section 18.1494 | Comprehensive annual financial report; publication; preparation of financial statements; certificates of examination; disclosure of budgetary basis; deviation from generally accepted accounting principles; establishment and use of capital outlay reserve. |
Section 18.1495 | Report on state's current financial situation; publish; contents required. |
Section 18.1496 | Repealed. 1988, Act 504, Imd. Eff. Dec. 29, 1988. |
Section 18.1497 | Itemized statement of state spending paid to units of local government and total state spending from state sources; transmittal; calculation of spending proportion; publication of report; reporting amount of additional payments; payment of amount; making up shortfall in payments. |
Section 18.1498 | Local government payment fund; creation; reservation of money appropriated to fund; amounts considered state payments to units of local government. |
Section 18.1499 | Closing schedule; procedural directives; appropriation transfer; monthly statement of estimated revenues; latest published estimate. |
431-1984-5 | ARTICLE 5 (18.1501...18.1594) |
Section 18.1501 | Severability. |
Section 18.1551 | Inquiry into administration of act; removal or suspension of appointed or elective public officer for violation; public officers to which section inapplicable; reporting reasons for suspension or removal. |
Section 18.1591 | Repeal of acts and parts of acts. |
Section 18.1592 | Repeal of MCL 13.17 to 13.26. |
Section 18.1594 | Repeal of executive reorganization orders. |