MCL - Index of Act 451 of 1976

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Act 451 of 1976 THE REVISED SCHOOL CODE (380.1 - 380.1853)
***** 380.692 THIS SECTION DOES NOT APPLY AFTER DECEMBER 31, 1988: See (6) of 380.692 ***** ***** 380.6.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE APRIL 2, 2025 ***** ***** 380.6 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE APRIL 2, 2025: See 380.6.amended *****
451-1976-1 ARTICLE 1 (380.1...380.761)
451-1976-1-1 PART 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS (380.1...380.15)
Section 380.1 Short title.
Section 380.2 Meanings of words and phrases.
Section 380.3 Definitions; A to C.
Section 380.4 Definitions; E to I.
Section 380.5 Definitions; L to R.
Section 380.6 Definitions; S, T; "department" defined.
Section 380.6.amended Definitions; S, T; "department" defined.
Section 380.7 Definitions; V.
Section 380.10 Rights of parents and legal guardians; duties of public schools.
Section 380.10a Posting requirements of certain constitutional and statutory provisions in public school.
Section 380.11 Organization of school district.
Section 380.11a General powers school district.
Section 380.11b Report to legislature.
Section 380.12 Loss of organization and dissolution of school district; conditions; attachment of dissolved district to organized school districts; accounting and distribution of records, funds, and property; outstanding debt of dissolved school district; audit; payment of discrepancy; approval of tax rate by school electors; sinking fund tax levy; use of test scores; rights and privileges of pupils; definitions.
Section 380.12a Grant allocations; "receiving school district" defined.
Section 380.12b School district as qualifying school district; loss of organization; transfer of records, funds, and property to community district; retention of certain proceeds, payments, and functions; functions and responsibilities of transition manager; allocation of grants and federal money; community district as successor entity; membership of qualifying school district for purposes of making state school aid allocations; effect of transfer date; duties of qualifying school district; exercise of duties by community district until dissolution of qualifying school district; repayment of outstanding obligations of qualifying school district; determination by state treasurer; certification; definitions.
Section 380.13 Assumption of bonded indebtedness by combined school districts; payment; election.
Section 380.14 Petitions; violation.
Section 380.15 Repealed. 2017, Act 38, Eff. Aug. 21, 2017.
451-1976-1-2 PART 2 PRIMARY SCHOOL DISTRICTS (380.71...380.87)
Section 380.71-380.87 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
451-1976-1-3 PART 3 SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF THE FOURTH CLASS (380.101...380.155)
Section 380.101-380.155 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
451-1976-1-3A PART 3A JOINT HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICTS (380.171...380.187)
Section 380.171-380.187 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
451-1976-1-4 PART 4 SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF THE THIRD CLASS (380.201...380.260)
Section 380.201-380.260 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
451-1976-1-5 PART 5 SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF THE SECOND CLASS (380.301...380.362)
Section 380.301-380.362 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
451-1976-1-5A PART 5A APPOINTMENT OF SCHOOL REFORM BOARDS (380.371...380.376)
Section 380.371 Repealed. 2016, Act 192, Imd. Eff. June 21, 2016.
Section 380.372 Repealed. 2016, Act 192, Imd. Eff. June 21, 2016.
Section 380.373 Repealed. 2016, Act 192, Imd. Eff. June 21, 2016.
Section 380.374 Repealed. 2016, Act 192, Imd. Eff. June 21, 2016.
Section 380.374a Repealed. 2016, Act 192, Imd. Eff. June 21, 2016.
Section 380.375 Repealed. 2016, Act 192, Imd. Eff. June 21, 2016.
Section 380.376 Repealed. 2016, Act 192, Imd. Eff. June 21, 2016.
451-1976-1-5B PART 5B COMMUNITY DISTRICTS (380.381...380.396)
Section 380.381 School district organized as community district; political subdivision and public body corporate; name; jurisdiction; definitions.
Section 380.382 Community district; organization and conduct in manner of general powers school district.
Section 380.383 Creation of community district.
Section 380.384 Initial school board for community district; membership; election; terms; bylaws; meetings; limitation; "school district election coordinator" defined.
Section 380.385 Initial superintendent of schools for community district; appointment; qualifications; report on performance of community district; factors; performance evaluation on superintendent of schools of community district; chief school administrator of school operated as of date of initial elected school board; renewal or nonrenewal of employment contract; review.
Section 380.386 Another school district authorized to levy school operating tax within geographic boundaries of community district; levy of school operating tax by community district prohibited.
Section 380.387 Financial oversight by financial review committee.
Section 380.388 Public library; effect of general or local law.
Section 380.389 Formation of community district; presumption of validity.
Section 380.390, 380.391 Repealed. 2018, Act 601, Eff. June 30, 2019.
Section 380.392 Opening of new school prohibited; circumstances.
Section 380.393 Advisory council.
Section 380.395 Qualifying school district as party to lease with achievement authority or interlocal agreement with public university creating achievement authority.
Section 380.396 Appropriation.
451-1976-1-6 PART 6 SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF THE FIRST CLASS (380.401...380.485)
Section 380.401 Provisions governing school districts of first class; name of school district; jurisdiction of board; board as body corporate; suits.
Section 380.401a First class school district; powers.
Section 380.402 First class school district.
Section 380.403 Repealed. 2016, Act 192, Imd. Eff. June 21, 2016.
Section 380.403a Disapproval of ballot question; applicability of section to first class school district; election of board members.
Section 380.404 Repealed. 2016, Act 192, Imd. Eff. June 21, 2016.
Section 380.404a Repealed. 1982, Act 71, Imd. Eff. Apr. 14, 1982.
Section 380.404b Voting districts; establishment; number; approval by state board; determination and redetermination of boundary lines; voting districts as compact, contiguous, and equal in population.
Section 380.405 Repealed. 2004, Act 303, Imd. Eff. Aug. 10, 2004.
Section 380.406 Repealed. 1982, Act 71, Imd. Eff. Apr. 14, 1982.
Section 380.410 Selection of ballot designation by local election official; content; approval.
Section 380.411 Repealed. 1981, Act 96, Eff. Mar. 15, 1982;—1982, Act 71, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983.
Section 380.411a Board; election of at large members; terms; nominations; provisions; election of officers; president; recalled member as candidate for same office; expiration of term; election of board members; vacancy; qualifications of candidate; moving residence.
Section 380.412 Repealed. 2016, Act 192, Imd. Eff. June 21, 2016.
Section 380.412a Disapproval of ballot question; board; nomination and election of members; representation of voting district; nominating petition; signature; primary election; filing petition; comparing signatures; filing affidavit; terms; qualifications of candidates; moving residence; vacancy.
Section 380.413 Repealed. 1981, Act 96, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983;—1982, Act 71, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983.
Section 380.413a Notice of election; service on member.
Section 380.414 Repealed. 1981, Act 96, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983;—1982, Act 71, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983.
Section 380.414a Failure to take oath of office; filling vacancy.
Section 380.415 Expulsion or removal of board member; grounds; procedure.
Section 380.416 Board; officers; quorum; vacancy in office of president; appointment and salary of secretary and treasurer; duties; bonds; custody and disposition of funds; board members elected in 2006.
Section 380.416a Repealed. 2016, Act 192, Imd. Eff. June 21, 2016.
Section 380.417 Repealed. 1981, Act 96, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983;—1982, Act 71, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983.
Section 380.417a Board; interest of member in contract; compensation; per diem allowance; reimbursement; maximum payments.
Section 380.418 Repealed. 1981, Act 96, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983;—1982, Act 71, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983.
Section 380.418a Board; meetings; proceedings and official actions as public record; annual audit; report; publication; actions to be by yea and nay vote entered upon record.
Section 380.420 Repealed. 2016, Act 192, Imd. Eff. June 21, 2016.
Section 380.421 Repealed. 2016, Act 192, Imd. Eff. June 21, 2016.
Section 380.422 Annexation of entire school district to city; bonded indebtedness; powers and duties of chief executive officer.
Section 380.423 Annexation of portion of school district to city; bonded indebtedness.
Section 380.424 Annexation of property belonging to another school district; determination of amount to be paid; board of arbitration; hearing; notice; regulations; final order; taxes; powers and duties of chief executive officer.
Section 380.431 Repealed. 1981, Act 96, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983;—1982, Act 71, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983.
Section 380.431a Powers of board as to real and personal property; proceeds from sale of real property; bylaws and regulations; eminent domain proceedings.
Section 380.432 Annual tax estimates; specification of amounts required for certain funds; retirement of bonds; budget; apportionment of school taxes; assessment, levy, collection, and return of taxes; statement on tax bill; powers and duties of chief executive officer.
Section 380.433 Payment of payrolls, bills, accounts, or claims; warrant; certificate; powers and duties of chief executive officer.
Section 380.434 Contracts for purchase of real estate or erection, remodeling, or repairing of building; endorsement; certificates; borrowing; duties and powers of chief executive officer.
Section 380.441 Borrowing to pay awards in condemnation proceedings.
Section 380.442 Borrowing powers of board of first class school district; limitations on loans and bonds; powers and duties of chief executive officer.
Section 380.443 Expenditure of bond proceeds for remodeling of existing school buildings; “remodeling” defined.
Section 380.444 Sections 380.442 and 380.443 as supplemental provisions; ex officio officers of board.
Section 380.445 Bonds for sites, buildings, and improvements; resolution; approval of school electors; form of bonds; filing notice and draft; laws governing election; electors qualified to vote; bonds subject to revised municipal finance act; powers and duties of chief executive officer.
Section 380.449 Repealed. 2016, Act 192, Imd. Eff. June 21, 2016.
Section 380.451 Repealed. 2004, Act 380, Imd. Eff. Oct. 12, 2004.
Section 380.461 Submission of measure to school electors; filing notice and draft; laws governing election; powers and duties of chief executive officer.
Section 380.462 Special election; request; statement of questions; powers and duties of chief executive officer.
Section 380.471 Repealed. 1981, Act 96, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983;—1982, Act 71, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983.
Section 380.471a Appointment and term of superintendent; employment, terms, and duties of other administrators; administrative and personnel services; contract required; notification of nonrenewal of contract; statement of reasons; meeting; renewal in contract; powers of board over employees; applicability of section to part 5a.
Section 380.472 School for confinement, discipline, instruction, and maintenance of children.
Section 380.473 Effect of act on laws governing public libraries; transfer of power and duties regarding libraries.
Section 380.475 Single-gender school, class, or program; establishment; availability of equal coeducational school, class, or program.
Section 380.481-380.483 Repealed. 1981, Act 96, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983;—1982, Act 71, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983.
Section 380.483a Functions of board; transfer of powers and duties.
Section 380.484 Repealed. 1981, Act 96, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983;—1982, Act 71, Eff. Jan. 1, 1983.
Section 380.485 Repealed. 2016, Act 192, Imd. Eff. June 21, 2016.
451-1976-1-6A PART 6A PUBLIC SCHOOL ACADEMIES (380.501... 380.509)
Section 380.501 Public school academy; scope; powers; definitions.
Section 380.501a Repealed. 2011, Act 277, Eff. Mar. 28, 2012.
Section 380.502 Public school academy; organization; operation; bodies authorized to issue contract; application to obtain contract; contents; oversight; suspension of powers; fees; presumption of legality; intergovernmental agreement to issue public school academy contracts.
Section 380.502a Conversion of public school academy to school of excellence; resolution of board of directors; conditions.
Section 380.503 Public school academy; issuance of contract; priority; petition to place question on ballot; submission; resolution; contents of contract; compliance with applicable laws; governmental immunity; exemption from taxation; acquisition of property; oath of office.
Section 380.503.amended Public school academy; issuance of contract; priority; petition to place question on ballot; submission; resolution; contents of contract; compliance with applicable laws; governmental immunity; exemption from taxation; acquisition of property; oath of office; "educational management organization" and "primary educational management organization" defined.
Section 380.503a Public school academy; power of school or intermediate school district to levy taxes; use of revenues.
Section 380.503b Agreement between public school academy and third party; obligation of state or authorizing party; debt.
Section 380.503c Management agreement with educational management organization; definitions.
Section 380.504 Location; operation at other than single site; documentation that proposed educational model results in measurable progress; discrimination prohibited; admission limits; enrollment; priority; grades and programs offered.
Section 380.504a Public school academy; additional powers.
Section 380.504a.amended Public school academy; additional powers.
Section 380.504b School district subject to court desegregation order.
Section 380.504c Repealed. 2008, Act 1, Eff. Dec. 31, 2008.
Section 380.505 Use of certificated teachers; use of noncertificated individuals by public school academy run by state public university or community college; report of new or revised teaching techniques.
Section 380.505a Chartered educational clinic.
Section 380.506 Personnel.
Section 380.506.amended Personnel; publication of salaries.
Section 380.506a Public school academy; compliance with public employees health benefit act.
Section 380.507 Authorizing body; duties; powers; fiscal agent; revocation of contract; notice of certain conditions; consideration of other public school options; decision to issue, not issue, or reconstitute contract, or terminate or revoke contract; discretion; corrective measures; transition for affected pupils upon revocation of contract; notice to superintendent of public instruction.
Section 380.508, 380.509 Repealed. 1993, Act 362, Imd. Eff. Jan. 14, 1994.
451-1976-1-6B PART 6B PUBLIC SCHOOL ACADEMIES (380.511...380.518)
Section 380.511-380.518 Repealed. 1994, Act 416, Eff. July 30, 1997.
451-1976-1-6C PART 6C URBAN HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMIES (380.521...380.529)
Section 380.521 Urban high school academy; powers; definitions.
Section 380.522 Urban high school academy; organization and administration.
Section 380.523 Urban high school academy; contracts; issuance; priority; contents; compliance with state laws; immunity from civil liability; exemption from taxation; acquisition of property.
Section 380.523.amended Urban high school academy; contracts; issuance; priority; contents; compliance with state laws; immunity from civil liability; exemption from taxation; acquisition of property; "educational management organization" and "primary educational management organization" defined.
Section 380.523a Instrument of indebtedness; liability.
Section 380.523c Management agreement with educational management organization; definitions.
Section 380.524 Location; configuration of age or grade levels; operation at more than 1 site; documentation that educational model results in measurable progress; tuition; discrimination; admission; enrollment priority; grades and programs offered.
Section 380.525 Powers.
Section 380.525.amended Powers.
Section 380.526 Use of certificated and noncertificated teachers; teaching techniques or methods.
Section 380.527 Teacher or personnel contracts.
Section 380.527.amended Teacher or personnel contracts; publication of salaries.
Section 380.527a Urban high school academy; compliance with public employees health benefit act.
Section 380.528 Urban high school academy; authorizing body; contract; agreement; fiscal agent; revocation; notice of certain conditions; decision to issue, not issue, or reconstitute contract, or terminate or revoke contract; transition of affected pupils upon revocation of contract; notice to superintendent of public instruction; reversion of property to state.
Section 380.529 Contract provisions; powers of applicant.
451-1976-1-6E PART 6E SCHOOLS OF EXCELLENCE (380.551...380.561)
Section 380.551 School of excellence; powers; definitions.
Section 380.552 Contracts; limitation on issuance; requirements; cyber schools; conversion of public school academy to school of excellence; organization and administration; authorizing body; application; contents; oversight; suspension of power to issue contracts; fee; presumption of legality; oath of office; offerings made by cyber school; final audited membership; enrollment; limitations; definitions; report; parent-student orientation; school of excellence located within community district.
Section 380.553 Schools of excellence; issuance of contract; petition to place question of issuing contract on ballot; submission; resolution; contents of contract; compliance with applicable law; governmental immunity; exemption from taxation; acquisition of property.
Section 380.553.amended Schools of excellence; issuance of contract; petition to place question of issuing contract on ballot; submission; resolution; contents of contract; compliance with applicable law; governmental immunity; exemption from taxation; acquisition of property; "educational management organization" and primary educational management organization" defined.
Section 380.553a Cyber school.
Section 380.553c School of excellence; management agreement with educational management organization; definitions.
Section 380.554 Contract to operate school of excellence; tax levy; use of revenue.
Section 380.555 Liability for debt incurred by school of excellence.
Section 380.556 Location; configuration of age or grade levels; operation at more than 1 site; tuition; discrimination; enrollment; selection process; priority; grades and programs offered.
Section 380.557 School of excellence; powers.
Section 380.557.amended School of excellence; powers.
Section 380.558 School district subject to court desegregation order.
Section 380.559 Use of certificated teachers; use of noncertificated individuals; development and implementation of new teaching techniques or methods.
Section 380.560 Employing or contracting with personnel; method of compensation.
Section 380.560.amended Employing or contracting with personnel; method of compensation; publication of salaries.
Section 380.560a Medical, optical, or dental benefits provided to employees; compliance with public employees health benefit act.
Section 380.561 School of excellence; authorizing body; contract; agreement; fiscal agent; notice of certain conditions; decision to issue, not issue, or reconstitute contract, or terminate or revoke contract; corrective measures; transition of affected pupils; notice to superintendent of public instruction; reversion of property to state.
451-1976-1-7 PART 7 INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICTS (380.601... 380.705b)
Section 380.601 Provisions governing intermediate school district.
Section 380.601a Intermediate school district; powers.
Section 380.602 Repealed. 2017, Act 38, Eff. Aug. 21, 2017.
Section 380.604 District as body corporate; suits; name.
Section 380.605 Reorganized school district as constituent to intermediate school district; transfer of constituent district; resolution; approval; inaction or denial of transfer; appeal; voting as to acceptance of special education programs, area vocational-technical education programs, or bonded indebtedness for facilities; levying debt retirement taxes.
Section 380.611 Supervision and control of intermediate school district.
Section 380.612 Board; eligibility for membership; participation in proceedings to detach or attach territory.
Section 380.613 Board; annual meeting; election and duties of officers; treasurer's bonds.
Section 380.614 Board; election of members; resolution; notice of meeting; acting chairperson and secretary; open meeting; term; vacancy; nominating petition; signatures; filing petition and affidavit; ballots; filing fee.
Section 380.614a Board members subject to recall; manner; removal from office.
Section 380.615 Board; popular election of members.
Section 380.616 Adoption of MCL 380.615 to 380.617; submission of question to school electors; form; resolutions; election; termination of popular election.
Section 380.617 Candidate for office of board member; nomination; election.
Section 380.619 Removal of board member; procedures; eligibility for election or appointment; restriction.
Section 380.620 Report to be posted on intermediate school district website.
Section 380.621 Compensation and expenses of board members.
Section 380.621a Travel by board member; policy; approval.
Section 380.622 Financial institutions for deposit of school funds; selection; coded accounts; audit; separation of funds; investments; commingling prohibited; exception; earnings; accounting for money combined for investment pool; limitation on deposit or investment of additional funds; limitation on acceptable assets; secured deposits; form of security; “deposit” and “financial institution” defined.
Section 380.622a Additional audits.
Section 380.623 Board; duties generally; conducting business at public meeting; actions of board; public notice of meeting.
Section 380.623a Procurement of supplies, materials, and equipment; written policies; competitive bids; approval of purchase; adjustment of maximum amount; local policy giving preference to Michigan-based business; items purchased through cooperative bulk purchasing program; heating and cooking equipment; "Michigan-based business" defined.
Section 380.623b Inspecting, monitoring, removing, or treating asbestos or material containing asbestos; contractual agreement to provide legal representation against civil liability.
Section 380.624 Annual general fund operating budget.
Section 380.624a Intermediate school board exempt from MCL 380.624(2).
Section 380.625 Taxes.
Section 380.625a Property taxes levied by intermediate school district for operating purposes.
Section 380.625b Authorization for tax cut; duration.
Section 380.626 Map; boundaries of each constituent district; report of boundary change.
Section 380.627 Board; additional duties; cooperative programs for information technology systems; comprehensive school improvement support services; cost-effective business services.
Section 380.627a Homebound or hospitalized pupils; coordination of required educational services.
Section 380.628 Schools for children in homes operated by juvenile division of probate court; powers of board as to real or personal property.
Section 380.629 Borrowing by intermediate school board; purposes; limitations on borrowing money or issuing bonds; resolution by constituent school district not to participate in cooperative program or conduct election.
Section 380.630 Oaths.
Section 380.632 Intermediate school district employees; economic benefits for employees; sabbatical leave.
Section 380.633 Intermediate school district employees; compliance with public employees health benefit act.
Section 380.634 Conflict of interest policy.
Section 380.641 Early intervening model program for grades K to 3.
Section 380.651 Repealed. 1994, Act 413, Imd. Eff. Dec. 29, 1994.
Section 380.652 Superintendent; surety bond.
Section 380.653 Superintendent as executive officer of board; powers and duties generally.
Section 380.654 Intermediate superintendent; duties.
Section 380.661 Submission of question to school electors at regular or special school election.
Section 380.662 Repealed. 2003, Act 299, Eff. Jan. 1, 2005.
Section 380.671 Criteria for approval of regional educational media centers; operation of educational media centers; “educational media center” defined; purchase, sale, lease, or loan of equipment; disposition of used or surplus equipment.
Section 380.673 Operation of educational recreation program.
Section 380.681 Career and technical education program; approval by vote of electors; election; submission of question; form of ballot; limitation on number of mills to be levied; use of tax proceeds; repayment of misspent funds; number of elections; publication of audit results; responsibility of state board.
Section 380.681a Repealed. 1994, Act 258, Eff. Jan. 1, 1995.
Section 380.682 Area vocational-technical education; submitting question of increasing millage limit; election; form of ballot.
Section 380.683 Area vocational-technical education budget; form; delivery; allocation of tax rates; limitation; certification of taxes to be levied; spread of tax on roll; payment of taxes collected; accounts and records.
Section 380.684 Operation of career and technical education program; submission for review; expenditure of funds; state approval to use state or federal funds; compliance with certain conditions; basis for monitoring programs; expediting program approval; collaboration with community college; participation by public school academy and nonpublic school pupils; costs of special election; payment; "CEPI" defined.
Section 380.685 Payments from area vocational-technical education funds; computation; reimbursement; payment of percent of difference.
Section 380.686 Grants for career and technical education centers, buildings, sites, and equipment; contracts to accept nonpublic school pupils and nonresident pupils; change or disposal of facility purpose.
Section 380.687 Borrowing money and issuing bonds; purposes; limitation; submission to school electors; form of ballot; use of proceeds from bonds issued or refunded.
Section 380.688 Vocational-technical education center; contract to accept nonresident pupils.
Section 380.689 Repealed. 1981, Act 87, Eff. July 2, 1981.
Section 380.690 Nonparticipation or participation by certain school districts in area vocational-technical education program; resolution; election; funding; expenditures; buildings, sites, and equipment.
Section 380.692 Charter building authority; section inapplicable after December 31, 1988.
Section 380.701 Combining adjoining intermediate school districts to form single intermediate school district; resolution; submission of question to electors; petitions; form of ballot; effective date of reorganization; interim board; superintendent; reorganization meeting; election of board; auditing accounts; contracts; special education programs; annual property tax rates.
Section 380.702 Annexation of intermediate school district; resolution; election; adoption of special education program and annual tax rate; ballot; approval of proposed annexation; filing result of election; funds and property; release from liability; effective date of annexation; notices; appointment and terms of board members.
Section 380.703 Plan for disorganization of intermediate school district; request; resolution; notice of meeting; approval of state board; finality; effective date of disorganization; joint meetings of boards; distribution of assets; taxes; appointment of intermediate school board members; term; notification.
Section 380.705 Regional enhancement property tax; levy by intermediate school district, school district, or public school academy; resolution submitting question to voters; election; calculation and payment of revenue; pupils counted in membership; allocation or payment to constituent district; receipt of revenue by public school academy; receipt of revenue; term and renewal of tax; presentment of tax to electors as separate question; public school academy as single constituent district; use of revenue from regional enhancement property tax; intermediate or public school academy as constituent district.
Section 380.705a, 380.705b Repealed. 1994, Act 258, Imd. Eff. July 5, 1994.
Section 380.751-380.756 Repealed. 1993, Act 175, Eff. Oct. 1, 1993;—1993, Act 260, Imd. Eff. Dec. 14, 1993.
451-1976-1-7B PART 7B CONSOLIDATION OF SERVICES (380.761...380.761)
Section 380.761 Repealed. 2016, Act 532, Eff. Apr. 9, 2017.
451-1976-2 ARTICLE 2 (380.805...380.1644)
451-1976-2-8 PART 8 RECLASSIFICATION OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS (380.805...380.812)
Section 380.805-380.812 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
451-1976-2-9 PART 9 CONSOLIDATION OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS (380.851...380.871)
Section 380.851 Consolidation of school districts to form single school district.
Section 380.852 Request to initiate consolidation proceedings; referral of question by intermediate superintendent; approval, denial, or other action by state board.
Section 380.853 Petitions; preparation; form; contents; signature; circulation; return of petitions to school district filing official; expiration date.
Section 380.854 Certification of number of registered general electors; basis for determining required number of signatures; registration after date of certification; effect of additional registrations; eligibility to sign petition.
Section 380.855 Canvass of petitions; purpose; determining validity of signatures.
Section 380.856 Submitting question of consolidation to school electors at next regular school election or special election; petitions not required in certain school districts.
Section 380.857 Submitting question of establishing consolidated school district to school electors at regular school election or special election; voting as unit; day and hours of elections.
Section 380.858 Election notices.
Section 380.859 Form of ballot question; affirmative vote of majority required; effective date of consolidation; reimbursements; expenses.
Section 380.860 Submitting questions of assuming bonded indebtedness or increasing constitutional limitation on taxes; form; payment of bonded indebtedness; applicability of MCL 380.864.
Section 380.861 Appointment of board; filing acceptance of office and affidavit of eligibility; election and terms of board members.
Section 380.862 Accounting for records, funds, and property; release from liability; termination of offices.
Section 380.862a Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.863 Consolidated school district; bonded indebtedness or outstanding tax anticipation notes of school district; territory of original school district as assessing unit; refund; board of trustees; officers; certification and levy of taxes; commingling; uniform spread of taxes.
Section 380.864 Assumption of bonded indebtedness of consolidated school district; payment; liability; certification and levy of taxes; election.
Section 380.871 Expired. 1976, Act 451, Eff. Jan. 1, 1978.
451-1976-2-10 PART 10 ANNEXATION (380.901...380.933)
Section 380.901 Annexation of school district; resolution; approval; ballot vote; election; filing certified statement of vote; funds, property, and outstanding indebtedness; liability; effective date of annexation; annexation by concurrent proceedings; annexation by separate proceedings.
Section 380.902 Notice of annexation.
Section 380.902a Merger of teachers for purpose of making layoff and recall determinations; standards and procedures; applicability of subsection (1); altering provisions of subsection (1); applicability of section.
Section 380.903 Bonded indebtedness of annexed school district at time of annexation; territory of annexed district as separate assessing unit; board of trustees; officers.
Section 380.904 Assumption of bonded indebtedness; resolution; approval; payment; final responsibility; uniform tax spread.
Section 380.905 Assumption of bonded indebtedness; resolution; approval; uniform levy of debt retirement taxes; final responsibility.
Section 380.906 Bonded indebtedness of both annexing and annexed school districts; identity of annexed school district; territory as separate assessing unit; board of trustees; officers; certification and levy of taxes; commingling; uniform spread of taxes.
Section 380.907 Annexation of school districts both having bonded indebtedness; resolution; approval; assumption and payment of bonded indebtedness; final responsibility.
Section 380.908 Annexation of school districts both having bonded indebtedness; resolution; approval.
Section 380.911 Assumption and payment of bonded indebtedness by combined school district; final responsibility; election to issue new bonds; refunding bonds; vote by school electors.
Section 380.912 Annexation of school district; increase in tax limitation.
Section 380.921 Constituent districts not operating schools; list; compliance; duties.
Section 380.922 Noncompliance with MCL 380.921; total or partial annexation or attachment; procedures; appeal; hearing; order; taxes; forfeiture of financial benefits.
Section 380.931 Division of district; resolution; petition; election; certifying number of registered school electors; effective date of division; description of division.
Section 380.932 Division of district; election; submission of question; ballot; approval; ratification; territory; taxes; certified statement of vote; declaration of division; attachment to operating district; distribution of money and property; effective date.
Section 380.933 Notice of boundary change; map.
451-1976-2-10A PART 10A ANNEXATION AND TRANSFER (380.941...380.949)
Section 380.941 Division of school district by annexation and transfer; resolution; approval; election; ballot; majority required.
Section 380.942 Resolution; minimum specifications.
Section 380.943 Filing resolution; hearing; notice; designation of representative.
Section 380.944 Written order approving or disapproving division; transmittal.
Section 380.945 Election; resolution; conduct; canvass; question.
Section 380.946 Filing certified statement of vote.
Section 380.947 Bonded indebtedness; taxation; recertification of taxes by resolution; filing certified copy of resolution; effect of reduction in taxes.
Section 380.948 Assets and liabilities; employment contracts and agreements; applicability of subsection (2); rights and benefits.
Section 380.949 Division effective when school in session; pupils; tuition; closing schools.
451-1976-2-11 PART 11 TRANSFER OF TERRITORY (380.951...380.976)
Section 380.951 Transfer of territory between school districts; resolution or petition; final action; territory being detached to be contiguous; approval of electors; request by board of condominium association.
Section 380.952 Notice of meeting and of proposed alterations in school district boundaries.
Section 380.953 Territory extending into 2 or more school districts; joint meeting of boards; filing resolution or petition; notice of meeting; action on resolution or petition; quorum; election of chairperson and secretary.
Section 380.953a Transfer of territory; basis for decision.
Section 380.954 Map; preparation; contents; filing certified copy.
Section 380.955 Effective date of transfer; transfer of personal property; payment for loss of property; accounting; adjournment.
Section 380.961 Territory detached from school district having bonded indebtedness; taxes; bond issue; exemptions; collections; payment of present value of pro rata bonded indebtedness; certifications; settlement of bonded indebtedness.
Section 380.966 Levy of school operational millage; certification.
Section 380.971 Appeal to state board of education.
Section 380.976 Change in boundaries; continued attendance of twelfth grade pupils without payment of tuition.
451-1976-2-12 PART 12 SCHOOL ELECTIONS (380.1001...380.1032)
Section 380.1001-380.1032 Repealed. 1992, Act 263, Eff. Jan. 1, 1993;—2003, Act 299, Eff. Jan. 1, 2005.
Section 380.1051-380.1071 Repealed. 1992, Act 263, Eff. Jan. 1, 1993;—2003, Act 299, Eff. Jan. 1, 2005.
451-1976-2-14 PART 14 BOARDS OF EDUCATION; MEMBERSHIP (380.1101...380.1107)
Section 380.1101-380.1106 Repealed. 2003, Act 299, Eff. Jan. 1, 2005.
Section 380.1107 Removal of board member; procedures; eligibility for election or appointment; restriction.
451-1976-2-15 PART 15 SCHOOL DISTRICTS; POWERS AND DUTIES GENERALLY (380.1131...380.1186)
Section 380.1131 Provisions governing school districts.
Section 380.1132 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1133 Commencement of fiscal school year.
Section 380.1134 Definitions; tagging record of missing student; removal of tag.
Section 380.1135 Proof of identity and age; notice of noncompliance; investigation; reporting inaccurate or suspicious affidavit; school record of transfer student; compliance; effect of tagged record; confidentiality.
Section 380.1136 Protection of pupil privacy.
Section 380.1137 Powers of parents and legal guardians; policies or guidelines.
Section 380.1137a Release of information to parent who is subject of personal protection order; prohibition.
Section 380.1138 Pupil absent from school due to deployment or return from active duty of parent, legal guardian, or sibling; excused absence; definitions.
Section 380.1139 Access to high school pupil directory by armed forces recruiting representatives.
Section 380.1140 Skilled trades training and apprenticeship programs; access to representatives of associations to provide information.
Section 380.1141 Property of school district exempt from taxation; exception; liability for special assessments; agreement to pay special assessments for local improvements.
Section 380.1146 Single-gender school, class, or program.
Section 380.1147 Enrollment of child in kindergarten; age; eligibility; notification.
Section 380.1147b Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1148 Residence of child placed in licensed home or home of relatives; admission to school; child placed in foster care; enrollment and attendance of child regardless of residence; transfer to another school.
Section 380.1148a Parents residing in different school districts; residency of child.
Section 380.1149, 380.1150 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1151 English as basic language of instruction; exceptions.
Section 380.1152 “Bilingual instruction,”“children of limited English-speaking ability,” and “in-service training” defined.
Section 380.1153 Bilingual instruction program; establishment and operation.
Section 380.1154 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1155 Bilingual instruction program; notice of enrollment.
Section 380.1156 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1157 In-service training programs; rules; examination of testing mechanisms.
Section 380.1157a Repealed. 1993, Act 335, Imd. Eff. Dec. 31, 1993.
Section 380.1157b High school credit in foreign language for American sign language.
Section 380.1158 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1163 Gun safety instruction for elementary school pupils; model program.
Section 380.1164b African history; course content.
Section 380.1165 Financial education programs.
Section 380.1166 Constitution and government; civics; mandatory courses; commencement of instruction; exception; revision of state curriculum content standards for high school social studies; definition.
Section 380.1166a Model program of instruction in career development; "the superintendent Brian Whiston career pathways law."
Section 380.1166b Free enterprise and entrepreneurship instruction programs.
Section 380.1166c.added Computer science course requirements; high school.
Section 380.1167, 380.1168 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1168 Social studies curriculum; inclusion of age- and grade-appropriate instruction about genocide; governor's council on genocide and Holocaust education; creation; members; appointment; vacancy; removal; meetings; election of chairperson and other officers; quorum; conduct of business at public meeting; writing subject to freedom of information act; expenses; use of state funds; duties; advisory body; definitions.
Section 380.1169 Dangerous communicable diseases; human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immunodeficiency virus infection; teacher training; teaching materials; curricula; teaching of abstinence from sex.
Section 380.1170 Physiology and hygiene; instruction; development of comprehensive health education programs; conflict with religious beliefs.
Section 380.1170a Model core academic curriculum content standards for health education; subject area content expectations and guidelines for health education; instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillators; individuals providing instruction; use of local resources; exemption; definitions.
Section 380.1170b State model academic standards for health education; inclusion of instruction on prescription opioid drug abuse; availability.
Section 380.1171 Suicide prevention and awareness; instruction and professional development; availability of model programs and materials to school districts and public school academies; notice to parents; cause of action or legal duty not created; section known as "Chase Edwards law."
Section 380.1171a Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1172 Repealed. 2016, Act 535, Eff. Apr. 9, 2017.
Section 380.1173-380.1174a Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1175 Public holidays; salaries not affected; commemorative exercises.
Section 380.1176 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1177 Immunization statements; vision screening test; immunization status and vision report; rules.
Section 380.1177a Meningococcal meningitis; human papillomavirus; vaccines; information to be provided to parents and guardians.
Section 380.1178 Administration of medication or epinephrine auto-injector to pupil or individual; liability; school employee as licensed registered professional nurse.
Section 380.1178a Administration of medications; duties of department.
Section 380.1179 Use of inhaler or epinephrine auto-injector permitted; conditions; liability; extra inhaler or epinephrine auto-injector; FDA approved over-the-counter topical substance; notice to classroom teachers; definitions.
Section 380.1179a Employees trained in use and administration of epinephrine auto-injector; requirements; development and implementation of policies by school board; identification, development, and adoption of revisions to department medication administration guidelines; report; alternative funding.
Section 380.1179b Repealed. 2019, Act 38, Eff. Sept. 24, 2019.
Section 380.1180 Do-not-resuscitate order; administration duties; compliance training; liability; individualized education program; definitions.
Section 380.1181 POST form; administration duties; compliance training; liability; individualized education program; definitions.
Section 380.1186 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
451-1976-2-16 PART 16 BOARDS OF EDUCATION; POWERS AND DUTIES GENERALLY (380.1201... 380.1349)
Section 380.1201 Board; business to be conducted at public meetings; validity of board actions; closed sessions; legal meetings; notice of meetings; signing of minutes; vice-president to act in absence of president.
Section 380.1202 Record of proceedings, accounts, and business; public records; inspection.
Section 380.1202a-380.1204 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1203 Conflict of interest.
Section 380.1204a Annual educational report.
Section 380.1204b Repealed. 1990, Act 25, Eff. Apr. 13, 1990.
Section 380.1205 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1206 Conduct of elections under MCL 168.301 to 168.315.
Section 380.1210 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1211 Mills levied for school operating purposes; limitation; reduction of mills from which homestead, qualified agricultural property, qualified forest property, supportive housing property, property occupied by public school academy, and industrial personal property are exempt; effect of insufficient mills allowed to be levied under subsection (1); additional mills; number of mills school district may levy after 1994; exemption of commercial personal property; approval by school electors; excess tax revenue; shortfall; allocation under property tax limitation act; reducing number of mills; definitions.
Section 380.1211a Certifications by department of treasury; appeal of determinations; appeal conference; final decision.
Section 380.1211b Repealed. 1994, Act 258, Imd. Eff. July 5, 1994.
Section 380.1211c Additional mills; limitation; presentation to school electors as separate questions; school district not described in MCL 388.1620.
Section 380.1211d Repealed. 2003, Act 126, Eff. Jan. 1, 2004.
Section 380.1211e Affidavit claiming exemption on qualified agricultural property; filing.
Section 380.1212 Sinking fund; creation; purpose; tax levy; audit; submission of proposition to school electors; election; ballot; approval; definitions.
Section 380.1213 Filing certified copy of resolution certifying taxes to be levied; time.
Section 380.1214 Additional millage; authorization by resolution; levy, collection, and enforcement procedure; proceedings as to first debt retirement fund tax; proceedings as to separate tax rate limitations.
Section 380.1215 Accounting for moneys; fund designations.
Section 380.1216 Use of money raised by tax.
Section 380.1217 Support and maintenance of sectarian schools prohibited; transportation of nonpublic school pupils.
Section 380.1217a Purchase, rental, or lease of cars for board members or for chauffeurs for board members prohibited.
Section 380.1218 Assessment, levy, and collection of school taxes; budgets; provisions governing school districts.
Section 380.1219 Annual budget; adoption; budgetary assumptions; transmission to CEPI; submission to department of treasury; information; potential for existence of fiscal stress within school district, intermediate school district, or public school academy; determination; basis; duties of state treasurer; administrative review of financial status; contract; provisions; waiver of certain requirements; periodic financial status reports; submission of enhanced deficit elimination plan; conditions; determination under subsection (13); availability of documents on website; administrative review of financial status of public school academy; definitions.
Section 380.1220 Adoption of or operation under deficit budget; prohibition; requirements; reports; deficit elimination plan; approval; likelihood of recurring operating deficits or recurring financial stress; failure to eliminate deficit; enhanced deficit elimination plan required; enhanced monthly monitoring report; definitions.
Section 380.1221 Deposit of district or academy funds; designation of financial institution; limitation on deposit or investment of additional funds; “deposit” and “financial institution” defined.
Section 380.1222 Deposit of district funds; limitation.
Section 380.1223 Investment of funds; authorization; restrictions; deposit of obligations; commingling prohibited; exceptions; earnings; deposit of funds accumulated under deferred compensation program; security; limitation on deposit or investment of additional funds; “deposit” and “financial institution” defined.
Section 380.1224 Tax-deferred investments for employees; purchase; payroll allocations; ownership; rights nonforfeitable; liability for purchase; nondiscriminatory application of section; “tax-deferred investment” defined.
Section 380.1225 Power of board to borrow money and issue notes; purpose; pledging money to be received from state school aid; notes as full faith and credit obligations; agreement with Michigan finance authority; due date; limitation; school district not able to redeem notes within 372 days of issuance; multi-year repayment agreement; notes issued for next succeeding fiscal year; maturity; failure to receive state school aid; number of borrowings; obtaining line of credit.
Section 380.1226 Statement of assessed valuation of school district.
Section 380.1227 Estimates of necessary taxes; insurance reserve funds; adoption of budget; apportionment of school taxes.
Section 380.1228 Contract between school or intermediate district and public school academy to provide services.
Section 380.1229 Employment of superintendent and administrators; notification of contract nonrenewal; meeting with board; contract with intermediate school district or another person to serve as superintendent of schools.
Section 380.1229a Removal of person as superintendent of public instruction; settlement prohibited; limitations.
Section 380.1230 Offer of full-time, part-time, or contract employment; criminal history check; employment as conditional employee; conditions; voiding contract and terminating employment; position as substitute teacher or substitute bus drivers; report received by another district; consent; request; conducting criminal history check; report; disclosure of conviction of listed offense or felony; verification; use; disclosure; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; exception; verification information; definitions.
Section 380.1230a Criminal records check through federal bureau of investigation; employment as conditional employee; voiding contract and terminating employment; application as substitute teacher or substitute bus drivers; obtaining copy of results from another district, public school academy, or nonpublic school; consent; form and manner of request; use and disclosure of results; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; definition; initiation of criminal records check by department of state police; disclosure that individual convicted of listed offense or other felony; verification; exception; verification information; definitions.
Section 380.1230b Applicant for employment; information regarding unprofessional conduct to be provided by previous employer; signed statement authorizing disclosure; request; immunity from civil liability; prohibition; use of information; violation of subsection (5) as misdemeanor; effect of contract or agreement; other information; definitions.
Section 380.1230c Notice of conviction of listed offense; report to department; employment prohibited; definitions.
Section 380.1230d Employee or applicant for employment of school district, intermediate school district, public school academy, or nonpublic school charged with crime; requirements; violation of subsection (1) or (2); person not convicted of crime; forwarding of form; development and implementation of automated program; report; definitions.
Section 380.1230e List of registered educational personnel; definitions.
Section 380.1230f Fingerprints submitted under MCL 380.1230a and 380.1230g; maintenance in AFIS database.
Section 380.1230g Individual employed or working under contract; criminal history check or records check; use of results received by another district; consent; request; use of results for limited purpose; "misdemeanor conviction involving sexual or physical abuse" defined; duties of department of state police; verification; disclosure of conviction for listed offense or other felony; exception; definitions.
Section 380.1230h Disclosure.
Section 380.1230i Dropout recovery program.
Section 380.1231 Hiring of teachers; teachers' contracts generally; teacher of record; dropout recovery program.
Section 380.1232 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1233 Teaching by noncertificated teacher or counseling without valid credentials; prohibition; school counselor license; notice to superintendent of public instruction; waiving student teaching as requirement for vocational certification; employment as substitute teacher; renewal of school counselor credential; career counseling; professional development; approval by department; rules; temporary exception for substitute teachers; preliminary school counselor license; denial, suspension, or revocation; definitions.
Section 380.1233a Employment counseling and placement services; agreement to establish joint or cooperative service; assistance; MCL 338.2006 inapplicable.
Section 380.1233b Teaching of certain courses by noncertificated, nonendorsed teacher; requirements; effect of ability to engage certificated, endorsed teacher; waiving student teaching.
Section 380.1233c Engagement of noncertificated, nonendorsed teacher to teach in community district schools; conditions; waiving of student teaching.
Section 380.1234 Exchange teachers; compensation, rights, and privileges.
Section 380.1235 Sabbatical leave.
Section 380.1236 Substitute teachers; leave time, salary, and privileges; applicability of subsections (1) and (2); contract; “day” defined.
Section 380.1236a Person or entity furnishing substitute teachers; contract; “entity” defined.
Section 380.1237 Employment of individual who does not hold teaching certificate to provide speech and language services.
Section 380.1240 Law enforcement agency; creation.
Section 380.1241 Liaison for school safety commission; requirements; duties.
Section 380.1241.amended Liaison for school safety commission; requirements; duties.
Section 380.1246 Superintendent, principal, assistant principal, administrator of instructional programs, or chief business official; conditions for employment; continuing education; rules; time period to meet certification requirements.
Section 380.1247, 380.1248 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1248 Right or duty to engage in collective bargaining; minimum requirements for collective bargaining agreement; procedures for personnel decisions.
Section 380.1249 Performance evaluation system for teachers and school administrators; collective bargaining; requirements; posting information about evaluation tools on public website; establishment and maintenance of list of teacher evaluation tools; rules; rater reliability training; "student learning objectives" and "teacher" defined.
Section 380.1249a Assignment of pupil to teacher rated as ineffective or needing support; notification; exception for review process.
Section 380.1249b Performance evaluation system for school administrators; requirements; posting information about measures used for performance evaluation; establishment and maintenance of list of school administrator evaluation tools; rules; "student learning objectives" defined.
Section 380.1250 Repealed. 2023, Act 224, Eff. July 1, 2024.
Section 380.1251 School psychological service; rules; reports and information.
Section 380.1252 Professional nursing services; rules; reports; section inapplicable to certain nursing services.
Section 380.1253 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1254 Expenses of board members and employees; expenditures and policies as public record; payment; credit or debit card.
Section 380.1255 School district; compliance with public employees health benefit act.
Section 380.1255a Medical benefit plan for 100 or more public employees; contract provisions; medical benefit plan for fewer than 100 employees; effect of subsection (1); "medical benefit plan" defined.
Section 380.1256 Inspecting, monitoring, removing, or treating asbestos or material containing asbestos; contractual agreement to provide legal representation against civil liability.
Section 380.1260 Repealed. 2018, Act 7, Imd. Eff. Jan. 26, 2018.
Section 380.1261-380.1262a Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1263 Building schools; requirements; compliance; review and approval; submission of site plan to local zoning authority; "high school building" and "local zoning authority" defined.
Section 380.1263a Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1264 Construction of new school building or renovation of existing school building; consultation with law enforcement agency required; "school building" defined.
Section 380.1264a Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1265, 380.1266 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1267 School buildings; construction, addition, repair, or renovation; bids; exception; advertising; security; opening and reading of bids; rejection of bids; readvertising; local policy giving preference to Michigan-based business; applicability of section; adjustment of maximum amount; "Michigan-based business" defined.
Section 380.1268 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1269 Insuring school district or public school academy property.
Section 380.1270 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1272 Meal program for pupils.
Section 380.1272a Lunch program; breakfast program.
Section 380.1272b School meal programs; nutritional standards; fees; free and reduced price meals; free milk; confidentiality; discrimination; planning and evaluation of meals and other foods; fund-raising activities during school hours; sale of food and beverage items not meeting nutritional standards; number and frequency; upper limit.
Section 380.1272c Applicability of MCL 380.1272a.
Section 380.1272d Duties of department of education.
Section 380.1273 Meal program.
Section 380.1274 Procurement of supplies, materials, and equipment; written policies; competitive bids; approval of purchase; adjustment of maximum amount; local policy giving preference to Michigan-based business; items purchased through cooperative bulk purchasing program; acquisition of equipment; payment; purchase of heating and cooking equipment; "Michigan-based business" defined.
Section 380.1274a Energy conservation improvements and operational improvements; payment; contract; bond; terms; removal or treatment of asbestos or other material injurious to health; issuance of bonds; competitive bidding requirements; reports; forms; payments under lease-purchase agreement; termination; definitions.
Section 380.1274b Purchase, storage, or use of free flowing elemental mercury or instrument that contains mercury; restrictions; absence of mercury-free alternative for instrument; disposal of mercury and instruments containing mercury.
Section 380.1275 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1276 Pedestrian overpasses; acquisition or construction; payment of costs; contracts; approval.
Section 380.1277 School improvement plan.
Section 380.1277a Accreditation of schools in school district; requirements.
Section 380.1277b Workgroup.
Section 380.1278 Core academic curriculum.
Section 380.1278a Requirements for high school diploma.
Section 380.1278b Award of high school diploma; credit requirements; personal curriculum; annual report.
Section 380.1278c Information on career and technical education programs; availability; posting on website; providing information to pupils; in-demand occupations; credit for completion of program; "state licensed proprietary school" defined.
Section 380.1278d STEM endorsement; requirements.
Section 380.1279 Repealed. 2016, Act 532, Eff. Apr. 9, 2017.
Section 380.1279a Report of irregularities; notice to school district or public school academy.
Section 380.1279b Credit awarded to pupil not enrolled in course.
Section 380.1279c Use of tests to measure pupils' values or attitudes prohibited.
Section 380.1279d Report of irregularities to any person or entity involved in scoring or administration.
Section 380.1279e High school credit in foreign language.
Section 380.1279f Repealed. 1997, Act 177, Eff. June 30, 2001.
Section 380.1279g Michigan merit examination; definitions.
Section 380.1279h Academic credit for internship; requirements; reflection project; appeal.
Section 380.1280 Accreditation.
Section 380.1280a Specialized or alternative school or program.
Section 380.1280b Grades 1 to 5; yearly test or assessment.
Section 380.1280c Repealed. 2018, Act 601, Eff. June 30, 2019.
Section 380.1280e Notice of adequate yearly status; notice of accreditation status.
Section 380.1280f Grade 3; English language arts proficiency; assessment; duties of school district or public school academy board; dyslexia screening; pupils exhibiting reading deficiency; reading intervention programs; summer reading camps; limitation; staffing plan; federal funds; English language learners; additional intervention services; definitions.
Section 380.1280g Repealed. 2023, Act 34, Eff. Feb. 13, 2024.
Section 380.1281 State board; duties generally; examination and audit of official records and accounts; action to compel accounting; waiver from compliance with rules.
Section 380.1281a Legislative declarations; cost study to determine per pupil resources to provide public education; contract; report; completion.
Section 380.1281b Reports required to be submitted under act.
Section 380.1281c.added Review of educational programs in child caring institutions.
Section 380.1282 Grades, schools, and departments; courses of study; opportunity to achieve state endorsement; special assistance.
Section 380.1282a Repealed. 2001, Act 121, Imd. Eff. Sept. 28, 2001.
Section 380.1283 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1284 Length of school year; certification; strikes or teachers' conferences; rules.
Section 380.1284a Common school calendar; exceptions; definitions.
Section 380.1284b School in session before Labor day; prohibition; effect of collective bargaining agreement; year-round school or program; waiver; exception; "Labor day" defined.
Section 380.1285 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1285a Child care center subject to fire prevention or fire safety requirements; requirements for operation of before- or after-school program.
Section 380.1286, 380.1287 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1288 Course requiring wearing of industrial quality personal protective devices.
Section 380.1289 Participation of female pupils in interscholastic athletic activities.
Section 380.1291 Local school security task force.
Section 380.1291[1] Michigan information network.
Section 380.1293 Post-graduation opportunities informational packets; contents; availability.
Section 380.1294 Parent involvement plan; adoption; distribution; review.
Section 380.1295 Parental involvement contracts.
Section 380.1296 Auxiliary services for pupils in nonpublic schools; use of state school aid; scope of auxiliary services; rules.
Section 380.1297 Educational program for certain children; board as agent for federal government; payment of per capita operation and capital outlay costs; deduction of allotments; approval; section inapplicable to land attached under MCL 380.1298.
Section 380.1298 Attachment of land under exclusive federal jurisdiction; hearing; rights and privileges of pupils.
Section 380.1299 Limited open forum; equal access and opportunity; definitions.
Section 380.1300.added Native American individuals; permissions regarding traditional regalia and objects.
Section 380.1300a Sexual harassment policy.
Section 380.1301 Pregnant persons; expulsion or exclusion from public school prohibited; withdrawal; alternative educational program or program of special services; rules.
Section 380.1302 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1303 Pocket pager, electronic communication device, or other personal communication device; applicability of subsection (1).
Section 380.1305 Bomb threat; search by school employee.
Section 380.1306 School lockers; no presumption of privacy; search policy; assistance of law enforcement agency; model policy; admissibility of evidence.
Section 380.1307 Use of seclusion and restraint in public schools; uniform policy; objectives; right or remedy under state or federal law.
Section 380.1307a Use of seclusion and restraint in public schools; adoption and implementation of local policy; noncompliance as violation of act.
Section 380.1307b Statement of prohibited practices.
Section 380.1307c Emergency seclusion and emergency physical restraint; state policy; provisions.
Section 380.1307d Documentation and reporting of seclusion and restraint; state policy; provisions.
Section 380.1307e Development and implementation of emergency intervention plan; state policy; provisions.
Section 380.1307f Data collection; state policy; provisions.
Section 380.1307g Training; state policy; provisions.
Section 380.1307h Definitions.
Section 380.1308 Statewide school safety information policy; critical incident mapping data.
Section 380.1308a Report to department of state police on certain crimes occurring at school; exemption from freedom of information act; noncompliance.
Section 380.1308b Emergency operations plan; requirements; notice; exemption of certain information from freedom of information act; "school building" defined.
Section 380.1308c.added Promulgation of rules for standardized response terminology.
Section 380.1308d.added Adoption and implementation of standardized response terminology.
Section 380.1308e.added Behavior threat assessment and management team; duties; school safety and security training materials.
Section 380.1309 Conduct constituting suspension; action by teacher; report; supervision; conference; return by student; adoption of local policy by school board; definitions.
Section 380.1310 Physical assault at school against another pupil; suspension or expulsion; alternative education program; definitions.
Section 380.1310a Report.
Section 380.1310a.amended Report.
Section 380.1310b Policy prohibiting bullying; adoption and implementation; public hearing; submission of policy to department; contents of policy; annual report of incidents of bullying; form and procedure; school employee, school volunteer, pupil, or parent or guardian reporting act of bullying to school official; modified policy; definitions; section to be known as "Matt Epling Safe School Law."
Section 380.1310c Restorative practices as alternative or in addition to suspension or expulsion; definitions.
Section 380.1310d Suspension or expulsion of pupil; factors; exercise of discretion; rebuttable presumption; section inapplicable for possession of firearm in weapon free school zone; consideration of factors mandatory; definitions.
Section 380.1310e Suspension or expulsion of pupil; reporting of sexual assault; exceptions; "sexual assault" and "title IX coordinator" defined.
Section 380.1311 Suspension or expulsion of pupil.
Section 380.1311a Physical assault by pupil against employee, volunteer, or contractor; expulsion; verbal assault or bomb threat; suspension or expulsion; alternative services; referral; reinstatement; immunity from liability; petition for reinstatement form; rights of pupils eligible for special education programs and services; eligibility of school for prorated share of foundation allowance; report of assaults; responsibility for enrollment in educational program; definitions.
Section 380.1311b Strict discipline academy; powers; definitions.
Section 380.1311c Repealed. 2014, Act 256, Imd. Eff. June 30, 2014.
Section 380.1311d Strict discipline academy; organization of corporation; authorizing body; application; oversight; suspension of power; fees; presumption of legal organization.
Section 380.1311e Strict discipline academy; issuance of contract by authorizing body; placement of question on ballot; submission of contract and application to state board; selection, term, and number of members of board of directors; contract requirements; compliance with applicable law; immunity; exemption from tax; property acquisition and condemnation.
Section 380.1311e.amended Strict discipline academy; issuance of contract by authorizing body; placement of question on ballot; submission of contract and application to state board; selection, term, and number of members of board of directors; contract requirements; compliance with applicable law; immunity; exemption from tax; property acquisition and condemnation; definitions.
Section 380.1311f Levy of taxes or issuance of bonds by school district.
Section 380.1311g Strict discipline academy; location; tuition; admission policies or practices; enrollment; types of pupils; special education pupil; pupils committed to high-security or medium-security juvenile facility, mental health facility, or child caring institution; pupil ceasing to meet requirements under subsections (3) to (5); custody of or jurisdiction over child by department of corrections; residence requirements; grades.
Section 380.1311h Strict discipline academy; additional powers.
Section 380.1311h.amended Strict discipline academy; additional powers.
Section 380.1311i School district subject to court desegregation order.
Section 380.1311j Use of certificated and noncertificated teachers; teaching techniques or methods.
Section 380.1311k Personnel.
Section 380.1311k.amended Personnel; publication of salaries.
Section 380.1311<Emph EmphType="italic">l</Emph> Authorizing body as fiscal agent; revocation of contract.
Section 380.1311m Strict discipline academy; compliance with public employees health benefit act.
Section 380.1312 “Corporal punishment” defined; infliction of corporal punishment by employee, volunteer, or contractor; exercise of necessary reasonable physical force; liability; violation; deference given to reasonable good-faith judgments; development, implementation, and enforcement of code of student conduct; model list of alternatives to use of corporal punishment; authority permitting corporal punishment void.
Section 380.1313 Dangerous weapon found in possession of pupil; report; confiscation by school official; determination of legal owner; “dangerous weapon” defined.
Section 380.1313a.added Informational notice on best practices for storage of firearms.
Section 380.1313b.added Distribution of informational notice on best practices for storage of firearms.
Section 380.1316 Public school fraternity, sorority, or secret society prohibited; definition.
Section 380.1317 Public school employee or volunteer; prohibited conduct; exceptions; penalties; definitions.
Section 380.1318 Use of performance-enhancing substances in interscholastic athletics; eligibility policy; list of drugs to be provided by department of community health.
Section 380.1319.added Athletic coaches; cardiopulmonary resuscitation certification requirements; liability.
Section 380.1321 Transportation for pupils; requirements; payment.
Section 380.1322 Transportation for pupils; routes; rules; construction of section; vehicles.
Section 380.1323 Transportation of nonpublic school pupils to and from auxiliary service sites; payment of costs; applicability of subsection (1).
Section 380.1324 Transportation for pupils; contracts; price.
Section 380.1325 School district, intermediate school district, or consortium of districts contracting with other districts to provide transportation for pupils.
Section 380.1331 Repealed. 1990, Act 189, Eff. Aug. 15, 1990.
Section 380.1332 Transportation for pupils; nonmandatory and noncredit events; fees; rules; additional school buses; insurance.
Section 380.1333 Repealed. 2016, Act 532, Eff. Apr. 9, 2017.
Section 380.1334 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1335 Boarding schools; licensing and regulation.
Section 380.1336 Repealed. 1990, Act 189, Eff. Aug. 15, 1990.
Section 380.1341 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1341a, 380.1341b Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1342 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1343, 380.1344 Repealed. 1990, Act 189, Eff. Aug. 15, 1990.
Section 380.1346 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1347 United States flag; purchase or possession; size; appliances; display.
Section 380.1347a Pledge of allegiance; recitation; definition.
Section 380.1348, 380.1349 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
451-1976-2-17 PART 17 BONDS AND NOTES (380.1351...380.1372)
Section 380.1351 Borrowing money and issuing bonds; purposes; limitations; bonds or notes as full faith and credit tax limited obligations.
Section 380.1351a Borrowing money and issuing bonds.
Section 380.1351b Appreciation or sale at discount.
Section 380.1352 Borrowing money or issuing bonds; contract for legal representation.
Section 380.1356 Operating deficit; notes or bonds as school financing stability bonds; resolution; determination of deficit amount; pledge as security; agreement; lien; revenues held in trust; maturity; interest; installments; redemption; valid and binding general obligations; payment; use of proceeds; review and approval of budget.
Section 380.1361 Bonds; election; ballot; surplusage.
Section 380.1362 Bonds; issuance; conditions prescribed by school district board.
Section 380.1363 School districts subject to revised municipal finance act; handling moneys received to discharge indebtedness.
Section 380.1364 Tax for payment of principal and interest.
Section 380.1371 Debt retirement fund; duties of treasurer.
Section 380.1372 Debt retirement fund; record of moneys; securities, and transactions; reports.
451-1976-2-18 PART 18 TUITION PUPILS (380.1401...380.1416)
Section 380.1401 Admission of nonresident pupils; determination of tuition rates; collection of tuition; limitations on tuition.
Section 380.1406 High school tuition; payment; expense of transportation; discontinuance of high school; agreement.
Section 380.1407 “High school” defined.
Section 380.1408 High school tuition; payment; eligibility of pupils.
Section 380.1411 Legal high schools and school districts in border states; payment of tuition and transportation; elementary grades; vocational-technical courses; state aid.
Section 380.1415 Use of general funds or state school aid for payment of tuition and transportation.
Section 380.1416 Crediting school taxes on tuition and transportation.
451-1976-2-19 PART 19 TEXTBOOKS (380.1421...380.1437)
Section 380.1421 “Textbook” defined.
Section 380.1422 Selection, approval, purchase, and use of textbooks; textbooks as property of school district; loaning textbooks to pupils; deposit.
Section 380.1431 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1432-380.1436 Repealed. 1990, Act 258, Imd. Eff. Oct. 15, 1990.
Section 380.1437 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
451-1976-2-20 PART 20 LIBRARIES (380.1451...380.1456)
Section 380.1451 Public library; establishment; tax for support and maintenance; levy and collection; rate of tax authorized or voted; election.
Section 380.1451a Repealed. 1994, Act 258, Imd. Eff. July 5, 1994.
Section 380.1452 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1456 Repealed. 1977, Act 43, Imd. Eff. June 29, 1977.
451-1976-2-20A PART 20A COLLEGE LEVEL EQUIVALENT COURSES AND CREDIT (380.1471...380.1475)
Section 380.1471 Definitions.
Section 380.1472 College level equivalent courses; information to be provided; records to be included in pupil portfolios.
Section 380.1473 Manner of providing courses.
Section 380.1474 College level equivalent course directory.
Section 380.1475 Federal tribally controlled community college board; requirements for participation in certain activities.
451-1976-2-20B PART 20B MICHIGAN VIRTUAL HIGH SCHOOL (380.1481...380.1481)
Section 380.1481 Michigan virtual university; goals; course offerings; duties; participation; funding; technical assistance.
451-1976-2-21 PART 21 HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION (380.1501...380.1522)
Section 380.1501 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1502 Health and physical education; establishment; course in physical education required; extracurricular athletics as meeting requirement.
Section 380.1503 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1504 Compulsory physical examination or medical treatment not authorized.
Section 380.1505 Sexual abuse of children; adoption and implementation of policy.
Section 380.1505a Instruction to students on child sexual abuse.
Section 380.1506 Program of instruction in reproductive health; supervision; request to excuse pupil from attendance; “reproductive health” defined.
Section 380.1507 Instruction in sex education; instructors, facilities, and equipment; stressing abstinence from sex; elective class; notice to parent or guardian; request to excuse pupil from attendance; qualifications of teacher; sex education advisory board; public hearing; distribution of family planning drug or device prohibited; “family planning,”“class,” and “course” defined.
Section 380.1507a Notice of excuse from class; enrollment.
Section 380.1507b Sex education and instruction; curriculum requirements.
Section 380.1508 Information on sexual assault and sexual harassment for students; grades 6 to 12.
Section 380.1511-380.1522 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
451-1976-2-21A PART 21A PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (380.1525...380.1527)
Section 380.1525 Funds to support professional development and education; use; disapproval of funding for proposed professional development.
Section 380.1526 Teacher in first 3 years of employment; assignment to master teacher; intensive professional development induction; first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation course requirements; liability.
Section 380.1526a Training to be included in professional development.
Section 380.1526b Professional development training; response to sexual assault or harassment.
Section 380.1527 Teacher professional development; number of days; professional development provided by state-approved nonpublic school.
451-1976-2-22 PART 22 SCHOOL PERSONNEL CERTIFICATES AND PERMITS (380.1531...380.1539b)
Section 380.1531 Requirements for issuing licenses, certificates, and endorsements for teachers and counselors in public schools; reading credit requirements; teaching certificate from another state, country, or Indian tribe; fees; definitions; rules.
Section 380.1531a Positions requiring valid teaching certificate.
Section 380.1531b Student teaching; teacher preparation program.
Section 380.1531c Fast-track teacher preparation program.
Section 380.1531d First aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation; requirements for teacher certification; inapplicable after July 31, 2023.
Section 380.1531e Teacher preparation program; alternative teaching program; approval requirements; waiver.
Section 380.1531f Teaching of Native American tribal language and culture class; use of teachers not possessing valid Michigan teaching certificate; memorandum of understanding; credit toward completion of language requirements.
Section 380.1531g Michigan secondary level teaching certificate; certification to teach grade 6.
Section 380.1531h Teacher certification database system; establishment; implementation; funding.
Section 380.1531i Interim teaching certificate; exception for teaching special education; research study on educator shortages; report.
Section 380.1531j, 380.1531k Repealed. 2023, Act 224, Eff. July 1, 2024.
Section 380.1532 Teaching certificate; validity; recording; oath or affirmation; nullification.
Section 380.1533 Teacher's certificate; age requirement.
Section 380.1534 Completion of requirements for teaching certificate by deaf, deafblind, or hard of hearing person; limitation.
Section 380.1535 Teacher considered certificated and holder of valid teacher's certificate; time.
Section 380.1535a Conviction of person holding teaching certificate for certain crimes; notice of right to hearing; suspension of teaching certificate; summary suspension; findings for action under subsection (1) or (2); compensation; reinstatement, continued suspension, or permanent revocation of teaching certificate; effect of reversal of conviction on final appeal; notice of conviction; evidence of conviction; failure to make final decision and order; construction of section; rules; comparison of individuals holding teaching certificate with conviction information; definitions.
Section 380.1536 School administrator's certificate; administration of instructional programs; endorsements; development of standards and procedures by state board; consultation; duration of certificate validity; alternative pathways to earning certificate; rules; "established state professional organization" defined.
Section 380.1536a Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1538 Fees for evaluation of application; validity of certificate, permit, authorization, endorsement, approval, or certain renewals.
Section 380.1538a Teacher preparation institution and subject area specialty programs; approval; fees; periodic review; frequency.
Section 380.1539 Teacher-administrator preparation and certification fund; establishment; administration; deposit of fees; receipt of revenue; expenditures; carryover of unexpended money.
Section 380.1539a Repealed. 2004, Act 51, Imd. Eff. Apr. 1, 2004.
Section 380.1539b Conviction of person holding board approval for certain crimes; notice of right to hearing; suspension; summary suspension; compensation; reinstatement, continued suspension, or permanent revocation of state board approval; notice of conviction; evidence of conviction; failure to complete hearing procedures; construction of section; rules; comparison of individuals holding teaching certificate with conviction information; automated program; definitions.
451-1976-2-23 PART 23 COUNT OF RESIDENT CHILDREN (380.1540...380.1551)
Section 380.1540 Repealed. 1977, Act 43, Imd. Eff. June 29, 1977.
Section 380.1541 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1542-380.1544 Repealed. 1977, Act 43, Imd. Eff. June 29, 1977.
Section 380.1551 Repealed. 1977, Act 43, Imd. Eff. June 29, 1977.
451-1976-2-24 PART 24 COMPULSORY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE (380.1561...380.1599)
Section 380.1561 Compulsory attendance at public school; enrollment dates; exceptions.
Section 380.1565 Providing opportunity to observe time in silent meditation; guidelines.
Section 380.1571 Attendance officers; acceptance and oath of office; surety bond; powers and duties; list of teachers and superintendent.
Section 380.1576 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1577 Attendance report; school district other than primary school district.
Section 380.1578 Attendance report; nonpublic schools.
Section 380.1586 Nonattendance at school; notice; investigation; discussion of irregular attendance, failing work, or behavior problems with parent.
Section 380.1587 Failure to send child to school; notice to parent; notice of noncompliance.
Section 380.1588 Complaint against parent; warrant; hearing; determination.
Section 380.1589 Furnishing assistance and information to attendance officer.
Section 380.1596 Ungraded school or department for juvenile disorderly persons.
Section 380.1597 Repealed. 1978, Act 90, Eff. June 1, 1978.
Section 380.1599 Noncompliance of parent as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 380.1601 “Community college” defined.
Section 380.1602 Community college of district school system; establishment; approval of state board.
Section 380.1602a Taxes levied for operation of community college.
Section 380.1603 Community college; joint establishment and operation; procedures and regulations.
Section 380.1604 Contract with district maintaining community college for attendance of other school district residents; qualifications, tuition, and transportation.
Section 380.1605 Discontinuance of community college; disposition of property; settlement of accounts and obligations.
Section 380.1606 Acquisition of lands and buildings; borrowing money; issuance of bonds or other obligations; repayment; terms of bonds; nature of debt.
Section 380.1606a Transfer of title of property to obtain capital financing for improvements; building school building upon leased site.
Section 380.1606b Board of school district operating community college; establishment of department of public safety; grant of authority to public safety officers; public hearings; public safety advisory committee.
Section 380.1606c Public safety officers or police officers; jurisdiction.
Section 380.1606d Public safety officers or police officers; minimum standards.
Section 380.1606e Monthly uniform crime reports.
Section 380.1607 Contribution by local governmental unit to support of community college; uniform tuition and fees.
451-1976-2-26 PART 26 SCHOOL TAXES (380.1611...380.1615)
Section 380.1611 Certification of school property taxes; approval of city governing body; assessment, spread, and collection of taxes; remittance of collections; expenses; limitations; powers and duties of city officers; school taxes as lien; penalties, interest, and collection charges.
Section 380.1612 Certification of school property taxes; approval of township board; preparing and furnishing assessment and tax rolls; collection warrant; collection and remittance; expenses; limitations; school taxes as lien; fees and charges; interest and penalties; applicable law.
Section 380.1613 Imposition of summer property tax levy; resolution; applicability; agreement to collect summer levy; request; notice of meeting; negotiation of reasonable collection expenses; collection of summer property tax levy by school district; notice; option to reconsider; applicable law; delivery of certified copy of assessment roll; cost; bonding; duration of agreement; current school tax collection fund; deposits and withdrawals; investment of surplus money; annual report; transfer or appropriation of fund money; using surplus to reduce costs; deferring collection of summer property taxes against certain property; publication and assistance requirements.
Section 380.1614 Adoption of resolution to impose summer property tax levy as request of city or township for collection; effectiveness of district action to impose levy upon certain property; location; exception.
Section 380.1615 Summer property tax levy; compliance presumed; imposition of interest.
451-1976-2-27 PART 27 CONDEMNATION (380.1621...380.1634)
Section 380.1621 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
Section 380.1621a Exercise of eminent domain by school district or intermediate school district.
Section 380.1622-380.1634 Repealed. 1995, Act 289, Eff. July 1, 1996.
451-1976-2-28 PART 28 ACTIONS AND JUDGMENTS AGAINST SCHOOL DISTRICTS (380.1641...380.1644)
Section 380.1641 Service of process.
Section 380.1642 Judgment for damages against school district or intermediate school district as unenforceable; exception.
Section 380.1643 Repealed. 2013, Act 184, Imd. Eff. Dec. 13, 2013.
Section 380.1644 Repealed. 2013, Act 184, Imd. Eff. Dec. 13, 2013.
451-1976-3 ARTICLE 3 (380.1701...380.1766)
Section 380.1701 Duties of superintendent of public instruction.
Section 380.1701a Special education programs and services; public school academy as local school district.
Section 380.1702 Special education programs and services; application for approval of noncomplying programs and services; notice of noncompliance; proof of compliance or emergency; directing provision of complying programs or services; funding; contributing; unreimbursed cost.
Section 380.1703 Qualifications and requirements for special education personnel; rules relative to special education programs and services; review.
Section 380.1704 Short title of section; standards for teachers of blind and visually impaired pupils; providing information advocating braille instruction; electronic file format versions of textbooks or braille versions; pupil with some remaining vision; instruction consistent with other pupils; definitions.
Section 380.1705 English literacy; young children who are deaf or hard of hearing; resources to monitor and track development.
Section 380.1711 Duties of intermediate school board; expenditures.
Section 380.1716 Repealed. 1981, Act 87, Imd. Eff. July 2, 1981.
Section 380.1722 Adoption of MCL 380.1722 to 380.1729; submission of question; election; approval.
Section 380.1723 Adoption of MCL 380.1722 to 380.1729; form of ballot.
Section 380.1724 Increasing millage limit; submission of question; election; form of ballot.
Section 380.1724a Property taxes levied by intermediate school district for special education.
Section 380.1725 Special education budget; preparation; form; delivery.
Section 380.1726 Special education budget; allocation of tax rates.
Section 380.1727 Certification of tax levy; rate limitation; spreading amount on tax rolls; collection of taxes.
Section 380.1727a Repealed. 1994, Act 258, Eff. Jan. 1, 1995.
Section 380.1728 Payment of taxes collected; accounts and records.
Section 380.1729 Expenditure of funds; special education purposes; special election to renew or increase millage limit; order for payment.
Section 380.1731 Borrowing money and issuing bonds; purposes; limitation; use of proceeds from bonds issued or refunded.
Section 380.1732 Borrowing money and issuing bonds; form of ballot.
Section 380.1741 Pupils carried in membership; state school aid; calculation of membership.
Section 380.1742 Repealed. 2017, Act 159, Eff. Feb. 7, 2018.
Section 380.1743 Repealed. 2017, Act 159, Eff. Feb. 7, 2018.
Section 380.1751 Special education programs and services of local school district.
Section 380.1752 Programs or services to student with disability; responsibility for due process hearing costs.
Section 380.1756 Transportation.
Section 380.1757 Room and board generally.
Section 380.1761 Room and board; reimbursement.
Section 380.1766 Repealed. 2016, Act 429, Imd. Eff. Jan. 4, 2017.
451-1976-4 ARTICLE 4 (380.1801...380.1853)
451-1976-4-32 PART 32 VIOLATIONS (380.1801...380.1816)
Section 380.1801 Neglecting or refusing to make reports or certify taxes; liability; action at law.
Section 380.1802 Neglecting or refusing to transmit report; liability; action at law.
Section 380.1803 Apportionment and distribution of money collected or received.
Section 380.1804 Neglecting or refusing to perform act; violations; penalty.
Section 380.1805 Acting as agent; receiving gift or reward; penalty.
Section 380.1806 Neglecting or refusing to comply with act; dismissal; cancellation of contract.
Section 380.1807 Violation of MCL 380.1316; penalty.
Section 380.1808 Disorderly conduct at meetings; penalty.
Section 380.1809 Improper use of certain certificates or credentials as misdemeanor; penalties.
Section 380.1811 Illegal voting; penalty.
Section 380.1812 Refusal to give census information; false information; negligence of school census enumerator; penalty.
Section 380.1813 Violation of rule; penalty.
Section 380.1814 Alcoholic beverages, jewelry, gifts, fees for golf, or illegal item; purchase prohibited; exception; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; fine; restitution; "public funds" defined.
Section 380.1815 Competitive bidding; violation of requirements as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 380.1816 Misuse of proceeds; violation as felony; penalty.
451-1976-4-33 PART 33 MISCELLANEOUS (380.1851...380.1853)
Section 380.1851 Repeal of acts and parts of acts.
Section 380.1851a Rules prohibited; condition.
Section 380.1852 Effective date.
Section 380.1853 Expired. 1976, Act 451, Eff. Jan. 1, 1978.