MCL - Index of Act 92 of 2000

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Act 92 of 2000 FOOD LAW (289.1101 - 289.8111)
***** Subsection (2) is not applicable after December 31, 2020 *****
92-2000-I CHAPTER I SHORT TITLE, SCOPE, DEFINITIONS (289.1101...289.1121)
Section 289.1101 Short title.
Section 289.1103 Scope.
Section 289.1105 Definitions; A to C; unsafe substances, additives, or chemicals.
Section 289.1107 Definitions; D to F.
Section 289.1109 Definitions; G to P.
Section 289.1111 Definitions; R to W.
Section 289.1113 Terms defined in act; meanings; use of terms "critical violation" and "noncritical violation."
Section 289.1115 Repealed. 2007, Act 113, Eff. Apr. 1, 2008.
Section 289.1117 Repealed. 2007, Act 113, Eff. Apr. 1, 2008.
Section 289.1119 Rules; “act” and “establishment” defined.
Section 289.1121 Authority and powers of director.
Section 289.2101 Powers and duties of director.
Section 289.2103 Repealed. 2012, Act 178, Eff. Oct. 1, 2012.
Section 289.2105 Seizure or embargo of food without warrant; tag or marking as notice of adulterated or misbranded food; complaint; findings and order of court.
Section 289.2107 Adulterated food as nuisance.
Section 289.2109 Destruction of seized food.
Section 289.2111 Evaluation of food establishment by director; access; securing samples of food; examination of records; photographs or copies of records as evaluation; confidentiality.
Section 289.2113 Order to cease food operations; resumption; reevaluation; hearing.
Section 289.2115 Disease transmission by employee; investigations.
Section 289.2117 Annual report; dissemination of information.
Section 289.2119 Rules; evaluation, consultation, and training support to local health departments; review; criteria.
Section 289.2121 License limitations; notice; hearing.
Section 289.2123 License limitations; reevaluation; removal of limitations and reinstatement of license.
Section 289.2124 Access to markets for food; certificate of free sale; application; fees; "certificate of free sale" defined.
Section 289.2125 Fees for certain services.
Section 289.2127 Manager food safety training; conditions for requiring.
Section 289.2129 Certification of managerial employee under program accredited by American National Standards Institute; food safety training containing allergen awareness component; requirements; records documenting compliance; applicability of subsection (2); rules; updates; implementation of food handler program, employee health certification program, or manager certification program by local legislative body.
Section 289.2131 Definition and standard of identity; rules fixing and establishing.
Section 289.2132 Agreements with other states and federal government.
92-2000-III CHAPTER III DELEGATION (289.3103...289.3139)
Section 289.3103 Definitions.
Section 289.3105 Enforcement; delegation to local health department; exceptions.
Section 289.3107 Enforcement; delegation to certified health department.
Section 289.3109 Local health departments as authorized agents.
Section 289.3111 Retention of authority under MCL 333.2401 to 333.2498.
Section 289.3113 Compliance with applicable local laws; conflict.
Section 289.3115 Review of license application by local health department; inspection of establishment; temporary food establishment serving only low-risk food; in-office consultation; forward of approval or limitation to department.
Section 289.3117 Hearing; enforcement procedure; availability.
Section 289.3119 Required fees; collection; exemptions; forwarding applications.
Section 289.3121 Evaluations; maintenance and retention of records.
Section 289.3123 Evaluations; frequency.
Section 289.3125 Evaluations; reducing frequency; limitation.
Section 289.3127 Evaluation findings; report.
Section 289.3129 Foodborne diseases and poisonings; allegation; investigation; notice.
Section 289.3131 Communications system; development; implementation; provisions; availability of information.
Section 289.3133 Analysis of food samples; utilization of laboratories.
Section 289.3135 Certification of local health department; application; qualifications.
Section 289.3137 Reports made by certified health departments; review and evaluation; conduct of evaluation quality assurance program; report to department; findings of department review or evaluation.
Section 289.3139 Notice of deficiencies; hearing; revocation of certification; reapplication.
92-2000-IV CHAPTER IV LICENSING (289.4101...289.4129)
Section 289.4101 Food establishment license; scope.
Section 289.4102 Cottage food operation; exemption from licensing and evaluation provisions; requirements.
Section 289.4103 Application for license; submission; forms; information; mobile food establishment license; commissary service; forwarding recommendations to department; temporary license.
Section 289.4105 Person, establishment, or organization exempt from licensure.
Section 289.4107 Food establishment license; qualifications.
Section 289.4109 Expiration of license; duration of temporary license.
Section 289.4111 License fees; food sanitation fees; initial application fee as nonrefundable; convenience fee.
Section 289.4113 Late fee; imposition; waiver; retention; use.
Section 289.4114 Shellfish dealer; certification required.
Section 289.4115 Bottled water; registration of brand; expiration; late fee.
Section 289.4116 Receipt of completed application; issuance of license within certain time period; "completed application" defined.
Section 289.4117 Dairy and food safety fund; credit of money collected; creation; investment; lapse; administration; consumer food safety education fund; industry food-safety education fund; creation; use and carrying forward of funds; "fee-exempt food establishment" defined.
Section 289.4119 Posting and display of license; “conspicuous place” explained.
Section 289.4121 Changes proposed by food establishment; notice.
Section 289.4123 Transfer of license; limitation.
Section 289.4125 Issuance of license; requirements; hearing; revocation or suspension of license; period of refusal to issue or reissue license; summary suspension.
Section 289.4127 Summary suspension of license; petition for hearing; commencement of proceedings; reinstatement.
Section 289.4129 Denial of license or registration; hearing; commencement; conduct.
92-2000-V CHAPTER V PROHIBITED ACTS AND PENALTIES (289.5101...289.5115)
Section 289.5101 Prohibited acts; violation.
Section 289.5103 Misleading labeling or advertisement; liability of disseminator of information.
Section 289.5104 Donated food; criminal or civil liability; immunity; employment or designation of food safety manager.
Section 289.5105 Administrative fines or costs.
Section 289.5107 Violations; penalties; costs of investigation.
Section 289.5109 Report of violation as condition.
Section 289.5111 Jurisdiction of court; restraining order.
Section 289.5113 Application of remedies.
Section 289.5115 Decision or order; direct review.
Section 289.6101 Incorporation by reference; changes or updates by rule; annexes.
Section 289.6103 Plan review exemption.
Section 289.6105 Plans and specifications; transmittal letter; fees; rejection.
Section 289.6107 Plans and specifications; review by director; revisions; approval; expiration; availability for inspection.
Section 289.6109 Plans and specifications; conditions to approval.
Section 289.6111 Approved plans and specifications; submission of changes; as-built plans.
Section 289.6113 Rescission of construction authorization.
Section 289.6115 Preopening evaluation.
Section 289.6117 Exhaust ventilation; design, construction, and installation.
Section 289.6119 Repealed. 2002, Act 487, Imd. Eff. June 27, 2002.
Section 289.6121 Repealed. 2002, Act 487, Imd. Eff. June 27, 2002.
Section 289.6123 Repealed. 2002, Act 487, Imd. Eff. June 27, 2002.
Section 289.6125 Ice bins and machines; connection with waste line.
Section 289.6127 Repealed. 2009, Act 188, Eff. May 1, 2010.
Section 289.6129 Consideration of risk-based evaluation methodology; evaluation report; priority items or priority foundation items; correction.
Section 289.6131 Mobile units with retention tanks; sanitary disposal of liquid waste.
Section 289.6133 Mobile food establishment operating at fixed location; temporary license.
Section 289.6135 Mobile food establishment; affixing name and address to vehicle; carrying copy of limitations; route schedule; decals.
Section 289.6137 Special transitory food unit license; procedures; qualifications; noncompliance.
Section 289.6139 Sulfiting agents; prohibition.
Section 289.6140 Milk and milk products.
Section 289.6141 Antichoking techniques; display of poster.
Section 289.6143 Preparation or service of wild game by nonprofit organization; requirements.
Section 289.6145 Repealed. 2002, Act 487, Imd. Eff. June 27, 2002.
Section 289.6147 Disaster; cessation of operations; report; emergency plans as temporary alternative procedures.
Section 289.6149 Definitions; satisfaction of section 3-603.11 of food code; statement; disclosures and reminders; text; exemptions.
Section 289.6150 Definitions; presence or lack of artificial trans fat; statement; language.
Section 289.6151 Repealed. 2007, Act 113, Eff. Apr. 1, 2008.
Section 289.6152 Food allergy awareness; display of poster; rules; private cause of action.
Section 289.7101 Compliance with federal regulations; exception.
Section 289.7103 Processing low-acid foods; requirements.
Section 289.7104 Control of molluscan shellfish.
Section 289.7105 Processor of seafood; waiver for processor of smoked fish.
Section 289.7106 Processors of juice; safe cider production.
Section 289.7107 Bottled water; approval of source and water supply; maximum levels of substances; labeling of water dispensing machine.
Section 289.7109 Operation of bottled water plant or bottle water; compliance with federal regulations.
Section 289.7111 Packaged food; compliance with federal regulations.
Section 289.7112 Adoption of federal regulations.
Section 289.7113 Definitions.
Section 289.7114 Shell eggs.
Section 289.7115 Sausage; contents; definitions; requirements.
Section 289.7117 Hamburger or ground beef; contents.
Section 289.7119 Other comminuted meat food products; compliance with federal regulations.
Section 289.7121 Chili or chili con carne; contents.
Section 289.7123 Meat loaf; contents.
Section 289.7125 Ground lamb, chicken, turkey, and veal; contents.
Section 289.7127 Meat pattie; contents.
Section 289.7129 Food subject to standards; identification; common or usual name.
Section 289.7131 Federally inspected meats; preemption of state ingredient standards.
Section 289.7133 Artificial casings or containers; products considered as adulterated.
Section 289.7135 Experimental packs of food; temporary permits.
Section 289.7137 Food additives; limitation.
Section 289.8101 Packaged food; label requirements.
Section 289.8103 Bulk displays of unpackaged food and drink; salad bar; sign requirements; placard.
Section 289.8105 Prohibited acts.
Section 289.8107 Definitions; prepackaged perishable food; date; prohibited sales; advertisement of food sold after date; alteration of date prohibited; calculation of date; exceptions.
Section 289.8109 Foods sold or distributed from manufacturing, processing, packing, or repacking activity; identification.
Section 289.8111 Vinegar; requirements and restrictions; definitions.