MCL - Index of Chapter 169
NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title | Subject |
Act 227 of 1975 | Repealed-CAMPAIGN FINANCING AND ADVERTISING (169.1 - 169.200) |
Act 388 of 1976 |
MICHIGAN CAMPAIGN FINANCE ACT (169.201 - 169.282) ***** Subsection (5) is retroactive and takes effect January 1, 2010 ***** |
Section 169.201 | Short title; meanings of words and phrases. |
Section 169.202 | Definitions; A, B. |
Section 169.203 | Definitions; C. |
Section 169.204 | "Contribution" defined. |
Section 169.205 | Definitions; D, E. |
Section 169.206 | "Expenditure" defined. |
Section 169.207 | Definitions; F to H. |
Section 169.208 | Definitions; H, I. |
Section 169.209 | Definitions; I to L. |
Section 169.210 | Definitions; M to N. |
Section 169.211 | Definitions; P. |
Section 169.212 | Definitions; Q to S. |
Section 169.215 | Duties of secretary of state; declaratory ruling and interpretive statement; filing, contents, and form of complaint; investigations; referral of matter to attorney general; posting of complaint, response, or rebuttal statement on website; informal methods of conference, conciliation, or persuasion; conciliation agreement as bar to further action; enforcement of criminal penalty; hearing; order; judicial review; civil fine and other sanctions; waiver of campaign statement filing; duties of county clerk. |
Section 169.216 | Statement or report; public inspection; reproduction; copy; prohibited use; preservation; disposal; late filing fee; compliance; notice; corrections; report of errors or omissions; deadline for filing. |
Section 169.217 | Payment of late filing fee; disposition of late filing fees and copying charges; unpaid filing fee; exceptions. |
Section 169.218 | Electronic filing and internet disclosure system. |
Section 169.218a | Electronic filing and internet disclosure system; adoption by county clerk. |
Section 169.220 | Individual not considered candidate; individual receiving votes by write-in method as candidate. |
Section 169.221 | Candidate committee or committee other than candidate committee; treasurer; service of process; official depository for contributions; secondary depositories; requirements for accepting contributions or making expenditures; vacancy in office of treasurer; authorizing expenditure; contributions or expenditures considered received or made by candidate committee; reporting contributions; commingling prohibited; violation; penalty. |
Section 169.221a | Expenditure for incidental expense by candidate committee; legal costs; violation as misdemeanor; penalty. |
Section 169.222 | Duties of committee treasurer or other designated individual; preservation and inspection of committee records; violation; civil fine. |
Section 169.223 | Rules for withdrawal of funds; limitation on single expenditure from petty cash fund; violation; civil fine. |
Section 169.224 | Statement of organization; time for filing; late filing fee; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; contents of statement; name of sponsor; amendment; statement as to receipts or expenditures; filing statement indicating dissolution of committee; exception; political committee considered as independent expenditure committee. |
Section 169.224a | House political party caucus committee; senate political party caucus committee; limitation; dissolution of independent committees; exception. |
Section 169.224b | Independent expenditure committee; creation; filing of campaign statements; contributions; violation of subsection (4) as felony; penalty. |
Section 169.224c | Defeat of independent nature of independent expenditure; punishment; exception. |
Section 169.225 | Campaign statement; filing; period covered. |
Section 169.225a | Repealed. 1999, Act 237, Eff. Mar. 10, 2000. |
Section 169.226 | Campaign statement of committee other than political party committee; contents; report; list of expenditures; bundled contribution; separate segregated fund reporting requirements. |
Section 169.228 | Interest; loans; certified statement to accompany campaign statement reporting certain contributions; applicability of subsection (3). |
Section 169.229 | Campaign statement filed by political party committee; contents; identification of expenditure; designation of contribution to candidate committee or ballot question committee; designation of independent expenditure; apportionment of expenditure; list of expenditures. |
Section 169.230 | Contributions prohibited under MCL 432.207b. |
Section 169.231 | Contributions or expenditures controlled by another person; bundled contribution. |
Section 169.232 | Report of late contributions; late filing fee; subsection (5) retroactive to January 1, 2010; “late contribution” defined. |
Section 169.233 | Campaign statements; filing schedule; report on expenditures; form; late filing fee; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; prohibitions; filing incomplete or inaccurate statement or report; civil fine; failure to file campaign statements; violation as felony; seizure and forfeiture of money; inventory statement of money seized; notice; hearing; decision; appeal; commencement of action. |
Section 169.233a | Information to be included with contribution. |
Section 169.234 | Campaign statement of ballot question committee; filing schedule; late filing fees; failure to file statement as misdemeanor; penalty; filing incomplete or inaccurate statement or report; civil fine. |
Section 169.235 | Additional campaign statement; filing; deadline; period covered; waiver; exception; late filing fees; receipts or expenditures subjecting committee to campaign filing requirements; failure to file as misdemeanor; penalty; filing incomplete or inaccurate statement or report; civil fine. |
Section 169.236 | Filing copies of campaign statements with secretary of state and county clerks; availability to public. |
Section 169.237 | Campaign statement; signing; verification. |
Section 169.238 | Campaign statement; period covered. |
Section 169.241 | Single contribution of $20.00 or expenditure of $50.00; written instrument, credit card, or debit card; anonymous contribution; contribution in name of another; violations; penalties. |
Section 169.242 | Acceptance of contribution by intermediary or agent; disclosure; requirements as to certain contributions; requirements as to contribution from person other than committee; out-of-state contributions made on automatic basis; violations; penalties. |
Section 169.243 | Expenditure by agent or independent contractor; requirements; violation; penalty. |
Section 169.244 | Prohibited contributions or expenditures; delivery or return of contribution; joint fund-raiser; violation as misdemeanor; penalty. |
Section 169.244a | Expenditure for late filing fee; financial disclosure reports. |
Section 169.245 | Transfer of unexpended funds; funds transferred not considered qualifying contribution; disbursement of funds ineligible for transfer. |
Section 169.246 | Adjustments to dollar value floor and contribution limits; "consumer price index" defined. |
Section 169.247 | Printed matter or radio or television paid advertisement having reference to election, candidate, or ballot question; name and address; identification or disclaimer; size and placement; rules; exemption; statement that payment made "with regulated funds"; communication exempted under section 6(2)(j); violation as misdemeanor; penalty; prerecorded telephone message; artificial intelligence. |
Section 169.249 | Repealed. 1999, Act 224, Eff. Mar. 10, 2000. |
Section 169.250 | Acceptance of honorarium by legislator prohibited; violation as misdemeanor; penalty. |
Section 169.251 | Independent expenditure of $100.01 or more; report; forwarding copies to filing officers; late filing fees; violation as misdemeanor. |
Section 169.252 | Limitations on contributions to candidate committee; contribution from candidate's immediate family; contribution for particular election cycle; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; contributions made by political or independent committees established by corporation, joint stock company, domestic dependent sovereign, or labor organization; bundled contributions. |
Section 169.252a | Contribution to house political party caucus committee or senate political party caucus committee; limitation; violation as misdemeanor; penalty. |
Section 169.253 | Contribution or expenditure by dependent minor. |
Section 169.254 | Contributions, expenditures, or volunteer personal services by corporation, joint stock company, domestic dependent sovereign, or labor organization; contribution to ballot question committee or independent expenditure committee; independent expenditures as to ballot questions; violation; penalty. |
Section 169.255 | Segregated fund for political purposes; establishment by connected organization; limitations; solicitation of contributions; prohibited practices; contribution to separate segregated fund; disproportionate in-kind contributions for prizes; violation; penalty; exception; definitions. |
Section 169.256 | Ordinance or resolution. |
Section 169.257 | Contributions, expenditures, or volunteer personal services; prohibitions; communication referencing local ballot questions; violation as misdemeanor; penalty. |
Section 169.259 | Use of artificial intelligence; political advertisements; requirements; disclosure; violations; civil fines; exceptions; "qualified political advertisement" defined. |
Section 169.261 | State campaign fund; creation; administration; tax designation; appropriation; distribution of money; transfer to general fund. |
Section 169.262 | Candidates eligible to receive moneys; moneys to be spent and reported by candidate committee; filing statement of organization as condition to receiving moneys from state campaign fund; exemption from MCL 169.261 to 169.271. |
Section 169.263 | Record of candidate's certified statements of qualifying contributions; contents of statement; notice of qualification to receive moneys; application for moneys; determination of amount; forwarding information and application to state treasurer; issuance of warrant. |
Section 169.264 | Payments to candidates in primary election; requirements; return of funds. |
Section 169.265 | Nominees entitled to receive funds. |
Section 169.266 | Application of funds against qualified campaign expenditures; “qualified campaign expenditure” defined; separate account for funds received; payment of qualified expenditures; disposition of unexpended balance; use of payment for expenditures in subsequent election prohibited; violation; penalty. |
Section 169.267 | Limitations on expenditures; exceptions; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; prohibitions. |
Section 169.268 | Debt limitation; violation; penalty; prohibitions. |
Section 169.269 | Limitations on contributions for election cycle; "immediate family" defined; determination of election cycle beginning and ending; notices; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; bundled contributions. |
Section 169.270 | Reporting contribution or expenditure controlled or directed by another person. |
Section 169.271 | Prohibited contributions; violation; penalty. |
Section 169.281 | Repeal of MCL 168.901 to 168.929; effective date. |
Section 169.282 | Application of penalty provisions; payment of late filing fee; expenditure of $200.00 or more as contribution to ballot question committee; penalty or late filing fee; effective date of MCL 169.235. |
Act 282 of 2023 | CANDIDATE FOR OFFICE FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE ACT (169.301 - 169.315) |
Section 169.301 | Short title; expectation of transparency. |
Section 169.303 | Definitions. |
Section 169.305 | Annual financial disclosure report; filing requirement; timing; notice; corrections |
Section 169.307 | Financial disclosure report; required contents; blind trust exception; certification. |
Section 169.309 | Permissible omissions from report. |
Section 169.311 | Standard financial disclosure form; accessibility. |
Section 169.313 | Secretary of state; duties and responsibilities; declaratory ruling; filing of violations complaint; investigation; rebuttal statement; determination; hearing; final decision or order; report preservation. |
Section 169.315 | Failure to file report; penalties. |