MCL - Index of Chapter 322
NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title | Subject |
Chapter 322 | STATE LANDS |
Act 230 of 1941 | SALE OR LEASE OF REAL ESTATE ACQUIRED BY STATE (322.1 - 322.5) |
Section 322.1 | Real estate acquired by state; sale or lease; authorization. |
Section 322.2 | Appraisal of real estate; sale to highest bidder; notice. |
Section 322.3 | Terms of sale; credit; limitation; security. |
Section 322.4 | Notice of sale; deed of conveyance; documents attached; quitclaim deed. |
Section 322.5 | Proceeds of sale; disposition. |
Act 214 of 1982 | Repealed-FOREST MANAGEMENT DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM (322.11 - 322.17) |
Act 37 of 1848 | RECORDING APPROVAL OF SELECTIONS OF LANDS (322.101 - 322.102) |
Section 322.101 | Approval of selections of lands; recording by secretary of state. |
Section 322.102 | Record or certified copy; evidence of title. |
Act 87 of 1873 | RECORDING EVIDENCE OF TITLE (322.111 - 322.111) |
Section 322.111 | Conveyance of lands; approval; record, admissible as evidence. |
Act 12 of 1843 | RECORDING DEEDS TO STATE AND OTHER EVIDENCES OF TITLE (322.121 - 322.126) |
Section 322.121 | Deeds of conveyance to state; recording, registration. |
Section 322.122 | Confirmation of locations; recording. |
Section 322.123 | Acts granting lands to state; collection, recording. |
Section 322.124 | Other evidences of title; recording. |
Section 322.125 | Plat of titles; secretary of state. |
Section 322.126 | New locations of state lands; record and plat. |
Act 126 of 1939 | Repealed-PROTECTION OF STATE-OWNED AND TAX DELINQUENT LANDS (322.131 - 322.138) |
Act 298 of 1993 | Repealed-STATE OWNED LANDS PROTECTION ACT (322.141 - 322.146) |
Act 187 of 1851 | Repealed-SALE AND RECLAMATION OF SWAMP LANDS (322.151 - 322.157) |
Act 76 of 1853 | Repealed-RECEIPT OF MONEYS FROM SALE OF SWAMP LANDS (322.161 - 322.162) |
Act 140 of 1863 | AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE LANDS (322.171 - 322.181) |
Section 322.171 | Agricultural college lands; control and management. |
Section 322.172 | College lands; description, title. |
Section 322.173 | College lands; sale, minimum price, terms, forfeiture. |
Section 322.174 | College lands; proceeds of sale, disposition. |
Section 322.175 | College lands; commissioner of state land office, duties; certificate of sale, contents. |
Section 322.176 | College lands; certificates of purchase, effect, recording. |
Section 322.177 | College lands; patents, issuance. |
Section 322.178 | College lands; proceeds of sale; deposit; interest; use. |
Section 322.179 | College lands; examination by board of agriculture; agents, appointment, report, contents; price alteration, effective date, publication. |
Section 322.180 | College lands; examining agents; expenses; payment. |
Section 322.181 | Timber lands; down payment. |
R.S. of 1846 | Revised Statutes of 1846 (322.188 - 322.191) |
Section 322.188 | Commissioner of state land office; record of sales, contents. |
Section 322.191 | Commissioner of state land office; powers. |
Act 280 of 1909 | Repealed-PUBLIC DOMAIN COMMISSION (322.202 - 322.214) |
Act 270 of 1913 | COMMISSIONER OF STATE LAND OFFICE; ABOLISHED (322.221 - 322.221) |
Section 322.221 | Office of commissioner of state land office; abolition, transfer of powers and duties to public domain commission; transfer of ex officio memberships to superintendent of public instruction. |
Act 66 of 1869 | Repealed-CERTIFIED COPIES OF FIELD NOTES, MAPS, RECORDS, AND PAPERS (322.231 - 322.233) |
Act 292 of 1907 | SECTION CORNERS AND BOUNDARIES (322.241 - 322.243) |
Section 322.241 | Section corners and boundaries of unsurveyed lands; establishment; surveyor, appointment. |
Section 322.242 | Surveyor; compensation and expenses, payment. |
Section 322.243 | Original field notes; filing, effect. |
Act 312 of 1921 | SECTION CORNERS AND BOUNDARIES (322.251 - 322.252) |
Section 322.251 | Section corners and boundaries; establishment and perpetuation by department of conservation; appointment of surveyor; petition, bond; state highway commissioner, authority, duties. |
Section 322.252 | Original field notes; filing, effect, admissible as evidence; applicability of act. |
Act 21 of 1873 | RESERVED OR FORFEITED LANDS (322.261 - 322.266) |
Section 322.261 | Reserved or forfeited lands; restoration to market, public notice required. |
Section 322.262 | Reserved or forfeited lands; notice of restoration to market, publication, contents. |
Section 322.263 | Reserved or forfeited lands; sale to highest bidder, minimum price. |
Section 322.264 | Reserved, forfeited or trust lands; sale in violation of act void. |
Section 322.266 | Applicability. |
Act 258 of 1861 | Repealed-PURCHASE OF STATE LANDS BY STATE EMPLOYEES (322.271 - 322.272) |
Act 149 of 1848 | CERTIFICATES FOR SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY LANDS (322.281 - 322.283) |
Section 322.281 | School and university lands; new certificates, issuance; payment of interest on original. |
Section 322.282 | School and university lands; new certificates, indorsement of credits, computation of interest. |
Section 322.283 | School and university lands; new certificates, affidavit of township supervisor, other evidence; discharge of certificate. |
Act 42 of 1853 | CERTIFICATES FOR NORMAL SCHOOL LANDS (322.291 - 322.292) |
Section 322.291 | Normal school lands; new certificates, issuance; payment of interest on original. |
Section 322.292 | Normal school lands; new certificates, affidavit of township supervisor, other evidence. |
R.S. of 1846 | Revised Statutes of 1846 (322.301 - 322.372) |
Section 322.301 | Unimproved and unsold school and university lands; minimum price; public auction. |
Section 322.302 | Unimproved lands; terms of payment; affidavit as to timber value; certificate of credibility. |
Section 322.303 | Unimproved lands; certificate of purchase, contents. |
Section 322.304 | Unimproved lands; certificate of purchase, voidance; repossession. |
Section 322.305 | Unimproved lands; payment of principal and interest; execution or mortgage sale purchasers deemed assignees. |
Section 322.306 | Unimproved lands; non-payment, repossession and resale. |
Section 322.307 | Unimproved lands; payment for timber. |
Section 322.308 | Unimproved lands; patents, issuance, certification by commissioner of state land office. |
Section 322.309 | Unimproved lands; transfer of title; noncompliance, trespassing. |
Section 322.310 | Unimproved lands; secured sums, recovery. |
Section 322.311 | Improved school and university lands; sale; appraisal of improvements. |
Section 322.312 | Improved lands; sale by lots, minimum price, appraisal. |
Section 322.313 | Improved lands; appraisal, procedure. |
Section 322.314 | Improved lands; sale at appraised value; new appraisal, minimum. |
Section 322.315 | Improved lands; withholding from sale. |
Section 322.316 | Forfeited lands; public auction; improved lands, minimum price. |
Section 322.317 | Forfeited lands; notice of sale, publication. |
Section 322.318 | Certificates of purchase; rights of purchasers; recording. |
Section 322.319 | University and school lands; payment of amount due; receipt. |
Section 322.320 | Forfeited lands; redemption before or after sale; refund for cancelled purchase, interest. |
Section 322.321 | Forfeited lands and improved lands; lists to county clerk, distribution. |
Section 322.322 | Improved lands; appraisal by township supervisor, returns to commissioner of state land office; exceptions. |
Section 322.323 | Improved lands; computation of specific minimum price. |
Section 322.324 | Unimproved forfeited lands; minimum price. |
Section 322.325 | Improved lands; leasing. |
Section 322.327 | State lands; survey of boundaries by commissioner of state land office; payment of expenses. |
Section 322.349 | Books and papers relating to state lands; custody of commissioner of state land office. |
Section 322.350 | Repealed. 2011, Act 167, Imd. Eff. Oct. 11, 2011. |
Section 322.351 | Descriptions of lands sold; transmittal by commissioner of state land office to county treasurer. |
Section 322.352 | Plats by commissioner; recording. |
Section 322.353 | Descriptions of lands sold; delivery by county treasurer to township supervisors. |
Section 322.354 | Patents; recording by register of deeds. |
Section 322.355 | Incidental expenses of state land office; allowance, payment. |
Section 322.356 | Ineffectual certificate of purchase; surrender, refund. |
Section 322.357 | Assignees of purchasers; rights and liabilities. |
Section 322.358 | State lands; sale according to United States survey; exceptions. |
Section 322.359 | Subdivided lands; new certificates of purchase, issuance. |
Section 322.368 | University lands; obligations receivable in payment of principal. |
Section 322.369 | University lands; obligations receivable, limitation. |
Section 322.371 | University lands; obligations receivable, credit to university fund. |
Section 322.372 | Certificates of purchase; seal as evidence of execution. |
Act 19 of 1917 | CERTIFICATES OF CORRECTION (322.381 - 322.381) |
Section 322.381 | Corrective deed; contents, issuance, seal, record. |
Act 133 of 1917 | SALE OF CERTAIN LANDS FOR RIGHT OF WAY (322.391 - 322.391) |
Section 322.391 | Primary school, swamp, tax homestead and other lands; sale for right of way, price. |
Act 326 of 1913 | Repealed-LEASING, CONTROL, AND TAXATION OF CERTAIN STATE LANDS (322.401 - 322.429) |
Act 197 of 1883 | LANDS GRANTED TO STATE FOR RAILROAD PURPOSES (322.451 - 322.460) |
Section 322.451 | Lands granted to state for railroad purposes; issuance of patents; acreage; possession; improvements; deductions. |
Section 322.452 | Proofs of purchase and possession; made to commissioner of state land office; attendance of witnesses. |
Section 322.453 | Patents; issuance; acreage, limitation; proofs acceptable; precedence; conflicting claims; improvement, possession; right to patent, effect. |
Section 322.454 | Claims under act; time. |
Section 322.455 | Sale of residue of lands; public auction; minimum price. |
Section 322.456 | Sale of residue of lands; public auction; place; time; notice, publication, contents. |
Section 322.457 | Balance of lands; minimum price. |
Section 322.458 | Proceeds of sales; disposition. |
Section 322.459 | Taxes and other sums; payment, refund. |
Section 322.460 | Adjustment of amounts due claimants. |
Act 86 of 1989 | Repealed-THE LAND EXCHANGE FACILITATION FUND ACT (322.461 - 322.469) |
Act 193 of 1911 | Repealed-EXCHANGE OF STATE LANDS (322.481 - 322.485) |
Act 230 of 1881 | CERTIFICATES FOR PART-PAID STATE LAND (322.491 - 322.497) |
Section 322.491 | New certificates; owner, application to circuit court. |
Section 322.492 | New certificates; application; proof of loss; court order. |
Section 322.493 | New certificates; subpoena of witnesses. |
Section 322.494 | New certificates; testimony, assignments. |
Section 322.495 | New certificates; court order, contents. |
Section 322.496 | New certificates; issuance; effect. |
Section 322.497 | New certificates; costs of proceedings; payment; court order, certified copy. |
Act 40 of 1879 | RESTORATION OF STATE LANDS TO MARKET (322.501 - 322.501) |
Section 322.501 | Reserved lands; taxes paid before issuance of patent; reversion to state; restoration to market. |
Act 101 of 1869 | PATENTS TO SWAMP LANDS; ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION (322.511 - 322.513) |
Section 322.511 | Swamp land patents; issuance, application. |
Section 322.512 | Swamp land patents; annual list to county treasurer; assessment and taxation of lands. |
Section 322.513 | Swamp land patents; alternate description, issuance. |
Act 83 of 1846 | PATENTS ISSUED BY GOVERNOR (322.521 - 322.524) |
Section 322.521 | Patents; issuance by governor to original purchaser or assignee; acknowledging assignments, waiver of informalities. |
Section 322.522 | Patents; issuance in name of deceased person. |
Section 322.523 | Certificate of purchase; sale by executor or administrator for payment of debts. |
Section 322.524 | Applicability of act. |
Act 61 of 1935 | NEW DEEDS TO PURCHASERS OF STATE LANDS (322.551 - 322.551) |
Section 322.551 | New deeds; issuance by state. |
Act 66 of 1959 | LIVESTOCK GRAZING ON STATE LANDS (322.581 - 322.592) |
Section 322.581 | Definitions; running at large or grazing by animal; permit; running at large by swine as public nuisance. |
Section 322.582 | Animal found grazing or running at large; possession by director; liability. |
Section 322.583 | Seizure of animals; care while impounded. |
Section 322.584 | Notice of impounding; posting; contents. |
Section 322.585 | Auction; notice; posting. |
Section 322.586 | Claim of ownership of impounded animal; payment. |
Section 322.587 | Escape of impounded animal; retaking. |
Section 322.588 | Animals impounded; unlawful interference, misdemeanor. |
Section 322.589 | Animals impounded; sale; disposition of proceeds; claim by owner. |
Section 322.590 | Criminal liability of owner. |
Section 322.591 | Permits; sale; terms and conditions. |
Section 322.592 | Killing of swine running at large; authority not limited. |
Act 48 of 1952 | Repealed-CAMP REGISTRATION CARDS (322.601 - 322.608) |
Act 421 of 1982 | Repealed-EASEMENTS OVER STATE OWNED LANDS (322.611 - 322.617) |
Act 10 of 1953 | Repealed-EASEMENTS FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES (322.651 - 322.651) |
Act 247 of 1955 | Repealed-GREAT LAKES SUBMERGED LANDS ACT (322.701 - 322.715) |
Act 241 of 1972 | Repealed-WILDERNESS AND NATURAL AREAS ACT OF 1972 (322.751 - 322.763) |
Act 204 of 1984 | Repealed-PEAT ON STATE-OWNED LANDS (322.801 - 322.811) |
Act 57 of 1993 | Repealed-DARK SKY PRESERVE (322.821 - 322.826) |