MCL - Index of Chapter 484
NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title | Subject |
Act 129 of 1883 | TELEPHONE AND MESSENGER SERVICE COMPANIES (484.1 - 484.10) |
Section 484.1 | Incorporators; signing, filing, form, and contents of articles of incorporation; provisions governing corporation. |
Section 484.2, 484.3 | Repealed. 1978, Act 63, Imd. Eff. Mar. 14, 1978. |
Section 484.4 | Construction of line; restrictions; condemnation; purchase of stock; holding of realty. |
Section 484.6 | Injury to property; penalty. |
Section 484.7 | Conversion into limited liability company; requirements; "business organization" defined. |
Section 484.8 | Governing laws. |
Section 484.9 | Lines in lower peninsula; location. |
Section 484.10 | Condemnation; procedure, restrictions. |
Act 72 of 1883 | Repealed-TELEPHONE SERVICE (484.51 - 484.51) |
Act 206 of 1913 | TELEPHONE COMPANIES AS COMMON CARRIERS (484.101 - 484.126) |
Section 484.101-484.103f | Repealed. 1991, Act 179, Eff. Jan. 1, 1992. |
Section 484.103g | Repealed. 1995, Act 216, Imd. Eff. Nov. 30, 1995. |
Section 484.104-484.114 | Repealed. 1991, Act 179, Eff. Jan. 1, 1992. |
Section 484.115-484.118 | Repealed. 1987, Act 5, Eff. Apr. 1, 1987. |
Section 484.119-484.124 | Repealed. 1991, Act 179, Eff. Jan. 1, 1992. |
Section 484.125 | Delivering commercial advertising by recorded message; transfer, assignment, or sale of authorization to contact subscriber; evidence of intention to violate act; action for damages; reporting violations; use of automatic dialing equipment; termination of call; violation as misdemeanor; penalty. |
Section 484.126 | Repealed. 1991, Act 179, Eff. Jan. 1, 1992. |
Act 59 of 1851 | TELEGRAPH COMPANIES (484.151 - 484.172) |
Section 484.151 | Telegraph companies; incorporators. |
Section 484.152 | Telegraph companies; certificate of organization, contents, filing. |
Section 484.153 | Body corporate; certified copy of certificate as evidence. |
Section 484.154 | Power to hold realty; officers and agents; rules and by-laws. |
Section 484.155 | Telegraph lines; construction, restrictions. |
Section 484.156 | Aggrieved property owner; remedy, procedure. |
Section 484.157 | Injury to line; penalty. |
Section 484.158 | Stockholder's liability for corporate debts; contribution. |
Section 484.159 | Annual report; contents; failure to make, liability of directors. |
Section 484.160 | Annual tax; in lieu of other state taxes. |
Section 484.161 | Shares of stock; status as personalty, transfer, purchase in other corporations. |
Section 484.163 | Books; inspection, use as evidence; penalty, forfeiture. |
Section 484.164 | Transmission of dispatches; penalty. |
Section 484.165 | Transmission of dispatches; order of transmission; penalty. |
Section 484.166 | Divulging contents; willful failure to transmit; penalty, civil liability. |
Section 484.167 | State's lien for taxes; sale; surplus. |
Section 484.168 | Amendment or repeal of act. |
Section 484.169 | Immediate effect. |
Section 484.170 | Appraisal of damages; lands in more than 1 county. |
Section 484.171 | Appraisal of damages; contiguous lands of same person. |
Section 484.172 | Amendment to articles; filing, recording, use of certified copy as evidence. |
Act 123 of 1867 | TELEGRAPH COMPANIES (484.201 - 484.204) |
Section 484.201 | License and reports. |
Section 484.202 | Taxation. |
Section 484.203 | Permission to do business. |
Section 484.204 | Penalty. |
Act 195 of 1893 | TELEGRAPH COMPANIES (484.251 - 484.252) |
Section 484.251 | Duty to serve; civil liability. |
Section 484.252 | Duty to transmit dispatches in order; civil liability. |
Act 131 of 1927 | Repealed-RADIO BROADCASTING (484.301 - 484.305) |
Section 484.331 | Actions for damages against owners, operators or licensees of radio broadcasting stations for defamatory statements. |
Section 484.332 | Defamatory statement by or on behalf of candidate for public office; liability. |
Act 32 of 1986 |
EMERGENCY 9-1-1 SERVICE ENABLING ACT (484.1101 - 484.1717) ***** Act 32 of 1986 THIS ACT IS REPEALED BY ACT 126 OF 2021 EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 31, 2027 ***** |
32-1986-I | CHAPTER I (484.1101...484.1102) |
Section 484.1101 | Short title. |
Section 484.1102 | Definitions. |
32-1986-II | CHAPTER II (484.1201...484.1207) |
Section 484.1201 | Implementation of emergency 9-1-1 service system; conditions; creation by 1 or more counties or cities; access. |
Section 484.1201a, 484.1201b | Repealed. 2007, Act 165, Imd. Eff. Dec. 21, 2007. |
Section 484.1202 | Technical modifications to existing system; cost. |
Section 484.1203 | Primary emergency 9-1-1 number; secondary backup number; number for nonemergency contacts. |
Section 484.1204 | System designs. |
Section 484.1205 | Capabilities and requirements of 9-1-1 system. |
Section 484.1206 | PSAP transmissions. |
Section 484.1207 | Automatic alerting devices prohibited. |
32-1986-III | CHAPTER III (484.1301...484.1321) |
Section 484.1301 | Emergency 9-1-1 district; establishment; implementation of 9-1-1 service; modification or alteration of existing emergency 9-1-1 service; emergency 9-1-1 district board; creation and powers. |
Section 484.1302 | Emergency 9-1-1 district; joint establishment; implementation of 9-1-1 service; actions; notices. |
Section 484.1303 | Tentative 9-1-1 service plan; adoption by resolution; requirements; payments for installation and recurring charges associated with PSAP. |
Section 484.1304 | Specifications of resolution. |
Section 484.1305 | Forwarding copy of resolution and letter to clerk or other appropriate official. |
Section 484.1306 | Repealed. 2007, Act 165, Imd. Eff. Dec. 21, 2007. |
Section 484.1307 | Notice of intent to function as PSAP or secondary PSAP. |
Section 484.1308 | Hearing on tentative 9-1-1 service plan; notice. |
Section 484.1309 | Conduct of hearing; opportunity to be heard. |
Section 484.1310 | Final 9-1-1 service plan; adoption by resolution; application to service suppliers. |
Section 484.1311 | Implementation of 9-1-1 service in 9-1-1 service district; public safety agency to function as PSAP or secondary PSAP. |
Section 484.1312 | Amendment of final 9-1-1 service plan. |
Section 484.1313 | Termination of 9-1-1 system. |
Section 484.1314 | Duties of service supplier or other owner or lessee of pay station telephone; installation of pay station telephone; costs of service supplier. |
Section 484.1315 | Displaying address of telephone. |
Section 484.1316 | Providing accurate database information; customer telephone numbers and service addresses; expenses; waiver of privacy; notice of inaccurate information. |
Section 484.1317 | Use of name, address, and telephone number information; limitation; violation as misdemeanor. |
Section 484.1317a | Emergency notification system. |
Section 484.1318 | Agreement to service as PSAP or secondary PSAP. |
Section 484.1319 | Duties of certain public agencies. |
Section 484.1320 | Emergency 9-1-1 district board; creation; membership, powers, and duties; appropriations to board; contracts; system to be used in dispatching participating service units; basis for determination. |
Section 484.1321 | Services provided by consolidated dispatch. |
32-1986-IV | CHAPTER IV (484.1401...484.1413) |
Section 484.1401 | Agreement; emergency telephone technical charge and emergency telephone operational charge; billing and collection service; computation; monthly charge for recurring costs and charges; ballot question; annual accounting; distribution of operational charge; limitation on levy and collection; applicability of subsections (3) through (13) after June 30, 2008. |
Section 484.1401a | Billing and collection of state 9-1-1 charge; listing on bill or payment receipt; state charge; separate charges imposed on access points or lines. |
Section 484.1401b | Additional charge assessed by county board of commissioners; methods; limitation; approval of charge by voters; statement on service provider's bill; annual accounting; payment and distribution; methods; adjustment; county having multiple emergency response districts; distribution to secondary PSAPs; retention of percentage to cover supplier's costs; listing as separate charge on customer's bill; exemption from disclosure; separate charges imposed on access points or lines; use of charge assessed. |
Section 484.1401c | Collection of emergency 9-1-1 surcharge by seller from prepaid consumers; amount; in-state transactions; sale at single, nonitemized price; "minimal amount" defined; monthly remittance of surcharge by seller; deposit; retention of amount as reimbursement for direct costs; liability for damages; review and report of emergency 9-1-1 fund; examination or audit; definitions. |
Section 484.1401d | Billing and collection of emergency telephone technical charge; "local exchange provider" defined. |
Section 484.1401e | Surcharge; assessment; submission of certain information to commission; review and approval or disapproval of surcharge. |
Section 484.1401f | Initiation of proceeding to reduce 9-1-1 charge; intervention; final order; effective date. |
Section 484.1402 | Liability for charge. |
Section 484.1403 | Responsibility for billing charge and transmitting money; notification of failure to report, charge, collect, or transmit charges; civil action; other actions authorized by law; prohibition on investigation or commencement of civil action under certain circumstances. |
Section 484.1404 | Alteration of state or county 9-1-1 charge. |
Section 484.1405 | Repealed. 2019, Act 30, Imd. Eff. June 25, 2019. |
Section 484.1406 | Expenditure of funds; accounting, auditing, monitoring, and evaluation procedures provided by county, PSAP, or secondary PSAP; annual audit; authorization or expenditure of increase in charges; receipt of 9-1-1 funds. |
Section 484.1407 | Emergency 9-1-1 fund; creation; disposition of assets; money remaining in fund; expenditure; disbursement; audit. |
Section 484.1408 | State 9-1-1 service charge by service supplier; retention of percentage to cover supplier's costs; deposit of money in emergency 9-1-1 fund; collection, deposit, and distribution of money; methods of distribution to primary PSAPs by county; proceeding to determine recurring and nonrecurring cost categories; rules to establish standards for receipt and expenditure of funds. |
Section 484.1409 | Repealed. 2003, Act 244, Eff. Jan. 1, 2004. |
Section 484.1410, 484.1411 | Repealed. 2007, Act 165, Imd. Eff. Dec. 21, 2007. |
Section 484.1412 | Report on 9-1-1 system and charge. |
Section 484.1412a | Annual accounting of total emergency telephone charges; adjustment of amount collected; additional charge. |
Section 484.1413 | Rules; applicability to service suppliers; multiline telephone system compliance with federal regulations; "multiline telephone system" defined. |
32-1986-V | CHAPTER V (484.1501...484.1507) |
Section 484.1501 | Notice of intent to function as PSAP or secondary PSAP; forwarding notice to service supplier; commencement of function; payment of cost of equipment installation or system modification. |
Section 484.1502 | Cessation of function as PSAP or secondary PSAP; notice; payment of costs for equipment removal or system modification. |
Section 484.1503 | Adding jurisdiction of public agency to 9-1-1 service district; conditions. |
Section 484.1504 | Forwarding certified copy of resolution to service supplier by certified mail; commencement of service and collection of state and county 9-1-1 charge. |
Section 484.1505 | Withdrawal of jurisdiction; conditions. |
Section 484.1506 | Repealed. 2007, Act 165, Imd. Eff. Dec. 21, 2007. |
Section 484.1507 | Contract with service supplier for 9-1-1 service. |
32-1986-VI | CHAPTER VI (484.1601...484.1605) |
Section 484.1601 | Technical assistance and assistance in resolving dispute. |
Section 484.1602 | Development of voluntary informal dispute resolution process; hearing dispute as contested case. |
Section 484.1603 | Repealed. 1989, Act 36, Imd. Eff. June 1, 1989. |
Section 484.1604 | Liability for civil damages. |
Section 484.1605 | Prohibited use of emergency 9-1-1 service; violation; penalty; exception. |
32-1986-VII | CHAPTER VII (484.1701...484.1717) |
Section 484.1701-484.1707 | Repealed. 1995, Act 247, Eff. Dec. 31, 1998. |
Section 484.1711 | Repealed. 2007, Act 165, Imd. Eff. Dec. 21, 2007. |
Section 484.1712 | Emergency 9-1-1 service committee; creation; purpose; authority and duties. |
Section 484.1713 | Committee; membership; quorum; vote; chairperson; conduct of business; compensation and expenses of members. |
Section 484.1714 | Duties of committee; staff assistance. |
Section 484.1715 | Business conducted at public meeting. |
Section 484.1716 | Availability of writing to public. |
Section 484.1717 | Repeal of act. |
Act 218 of 2010 | MILITARY PERSONNEL WIRELESS CONTRACT ACT (484.1901 - 484.1907) |
Section 484.1901 | Short title. |
Section 484.1902 | Definitions. |
Section 484.1903 | Contract with wireless telecommunications provider; termination; requirements. |
Section 484.1904 | Termination of contract; effective date; conditions. |
Section 484.1905 | Charges incurred before termination; early termination charge. |
Section 484.1906 | Violation of act; filing of civil action by attorney general; disposition of recovered money. |
Section 484.1907 | Act inapplicable to prepaid wireless telecommunications services. |
Act 179 of 1991 | MICHIGAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT (484.2101 - 484.2701) |
179-1991-1 | ARTICLE 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS (484.2101...484.2103) |
Section 484.2101 | Short title; purpose. |
Section 484.2102 | Definitions. |
Section 484.2103 | Construction of act; database of licensed providers; submission of information. |
179-1991-2 | ARTICLE 2 MICHIGAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION (484.2201...484.2214) |
Section 484.2201 | Jurisdiction; authority; administration of act; consistency with federal laws, rules, orders, and regulations. |
Section 484.2202 | Additional powers and duties; enforcement of rules; electronic filings; promulgation of new rules. |
Section 484.2203 | Commencement of case; filing; emergency relief order; burden of proof; investigation; hearings; judicial review; continuation of service; posting security; alternative dispute process; additional relief; motion for stay. |
Section 484.2203a | Resolution of complaint by alternative means. |
Section 484.2204 | Disagreement between telecommunication providers; application for resolution. |
Section 484.2205 | Investigation and resolution of service complaints. |
Section 484.2206 | Repealed. 1995, Act 216, Imd. Eff. Nov. 30, 1995. |
Section 484.2207 | Repealed. 2005, Act 235, Imd. Eff. Nov. 22, 2005. |
Section 484.2207a | Repealed. 1995, Act 216, Imd. Eff. Nov. 30, 1995. |
Section 484.2208 | Repealed. 2005, Act 235, Imd. Eff. Nov. 22, 2005. |
Section 484.2209 | Awarding costs to prevailing party where frivolous position taken in proceeding; “frivolous” and “prevailing party” defined. |
Section 484.2210 | Trade secrets and commercial or financial information; exemption from freedom of information act; protective order; confidentiality; presumption; information regarding settlement. |
Section 484.2211 | Assessment. |
Section 484.2211a | New or emerging technology; registration; information. |
Section 484.2212 | Repealed. 1995, Act 216, Imd. Eff. Nov. 30, 1995. |
Section 484.2213 | Rules; rescission of certain rules. |
Section 484.2214 | Community resource information and referral entity; designation as 2-1-1 answering point; designation as 2-1-1 coordinating agency. |
179-1991-2A | ARTICLE 2A LOCAL UNITS OF GOVERNMENT (484.2251...484.2252) |
Section 484.2251-484.2254 | Repealed. 2002, Act 48, Eff. Nov. 1, 2002. |
Section 484.2252 | Telecommunication services offered by public entity. |
179-1991-3 | ARTICLE 3 REGULATED TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (484.2301...484.2322) |
179-1991-3-A-BASIC-LOCAL-EXCHANGE | A. BASIC LOCAL EXCHANGE (484.2301... 484.2309b) |
Section 484.2301 | License to provide or resell basic local exchange service; temporary license. |
Section 484.2301a | Repealed. 2011, Act 58, Imd. Eff. June 14, 2011. |
Section 484.2302 | Approval of application for license; required findings; retention of license and availability of information. |
Section 484.2303 | Effect of sale or transfer of stock; addition, elimination, or modification of area code; prohibition; bankruptcy. |
Section 484.2304 | Local call; adjacent area; classification; total service long run incremental cost of provider with less than 10,000 end-users. |
Section 484.2304a, 484.2304b | Repealed. 2005, Act 235, Imd. Eff. Nov. 22, 2005. |
Section 484.2305 | Provider of basic local exchange service; prohibited conduct. |
Section 484.2305a | Originating, forwarding, or terminating intrastate traffic; duties of provider; dispute resolution; violation; payment; fine; establishment of reciprocal compensation arrangement; payment of tariffed rate; authority of commission to resolve disputes. |
Section 484.2305b | Duties. |
Section 484.2305c | Emergency power requirements; compliance. |
Section 484.2306 | Repealed. 2011, Act 58, Imd. Eff. June 14, 2011. |
Section 484.2307 | Educational institutions generally. |
Section 484.2307a | Repealed. 1995, Act 216, Imd. Eff. Nov. 30, 1995. |
Section 484.2308 | Repealed. 2011, Act 58, Imd. Eff. June 14, 2011. |
Section 484.2309 | Local directory assistance; 900 prefix services. |
Section 484.2309a, 484.2309b | Repealed. 2011, Act 58, Imd. Eff. June 14, 2011. |
179-1991-3-B-TOLL-ACCESS-SERVICE | B. TOLL ACCESS SERVICE (484.2310...484.2311) |
Section 484.2310 | Rates for toll access services; intrastate switched toll access rate; restructuring mechanism; establishment; administration; report; size; mandatory monthly contributions; modifications to size, operation, or composition of restructuring mechanism; proceedings; disputes; resolution; enforcement; information to be provided by providers; definitions. |
Section 484.2310a | Charging, assessing, or imposing intrastate subscriber line charge or end-user line charge; prohibition. |
Section 484.2311 | Repealed. 2011, Act 58, Imd. Eff. June 14, 2011. |
179-1991-3-C-TOLL-SERVICE | C. TOLL SERVICE (484.2312...484.2312c) |
Section 484.2312 | Repealed. 2011, Act 58, Imd. Eff. June 14, 2011. |
Section 484.2312a | Repealed. 2005, Act 235, Imd. Eff. Nov. 22, 2005. |
Section 484.2312b | Repealed. 1995, Act 216, Eff. July 1, 1997. |
Section 484.2312c | Use of payphone or toll service; receipt of rate quote; exception; "consumer" defined. |
Section 484.2313 | Discontinuance of service. |
Section 484.2314 | Repealed. 2011, Act 58, Imd. Eff. June 14, 2011. |
Section 484.2314a | Customer on active duty in military; shut-off protection. |
Section 484.2314b | Person certified as deaf or hard of hearing or speech-impaired; shut-off protection. |
Section 484.2315 | Text telephone-telecommunications device for deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, or speech-impaired; relay service; rates and charges; discounts; recovery of costs. |
179-1991-3-F-LIFELINE-SERVICES | F. LIFELINE SERVICES (484.2316...484.2316a) |
Section 484.2316 | Rates for low-income basic local exchange service customers; reduction; qualifications; exception; notification of lifeline services; provider opt out. |
Section 484.2316a | Definitions; creation of intrastate universal service fund; provision of supported telecommunication services. |
Section 484.2317 | Operator service providers; registration required; fee; connection of emergency call to emergency responder service. |
179-1991-3-H-PAYPHONE-SERVICES | H. PAYPHONE SERVICES (484.2318...484.2320) |
Section 484.2318 | Payphone service; discrimination prohibited; compliance with nonstructural safeguards. |
Section 484.2319 | Repealed. 2005, Act 235, Imd. Eff. Nov. 22, 2005. |
Section 484.2320 | Payphone service; registration required; report of inoperative payphone; notification; rules or orders; regulation of service by local unit of government. |
179-1991-3-I-REGULATED-RATES | I. REGULATED RATES (484.2321...484.2322) |
Section 484.2321 | Repealed. 2011, Act 58, Imd. Eff. June 14, 2011. |
Section 484.2322 | Repealed. 2005, Act 235, Imd. Eff. Nov. 22, 2005. |
Section 484.2351 | Providers of basic local exchange service or basic local exchange and toll service; applicability of article. |
Section 484.2352 | Rates for basic local exchange service for interconnection; rates for network elements, unbundled loops, number portability, and termination of local traffic. |
Section 484.2353 | Report and recommendations. |
Section 484.2353a | Interconnection agreement; negotiation. |
179-1991-3A-A-JOINT-MARKETING | A. JOINT MARKETING (484.2354...484.2354) |
Section 484.2354 | Repealed. 2005, Act 235, Imd. Eff. Nov. 22, 2005. |
179-1991-3A-B-SERVICE-UNBUNDLING | B. SERVICE UNBUNDLING (484.2355...484.2356) |
Section 484.2355 | Service unbundling and separate pricing. |
Section 484.2356 | Co-location with other providers. |
Section 484.2357 | Basic local exchange services; availability for resale; wholesale rates; applicability of section. |
179-1991-3A-D-NUMBER-PORTABILITY | D. NUMBER PORTABILITY (484.2358...484.2358) |
Section 484.2358 | "Number portability" defined; requirements. |
179-1991-3A-E-TERMINATION-RATES | E. TERMINATION RATES (484.2359...484.2359) |
Section 484.2359 | Termination of local traffic; establishment of rate charge; agreement. |
179-1991-3A-F-DIRECTORY-ASSISTANCE | F. DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE (484.2360...484.2360) |
Section 484.2360 | Repealed. 2005, Act 235, Imd. Eff. Nov. 22, 2005. |
179-1991-3A-G-ATTACHMENT-RATES | G. ATTACHMENT RATES (484.2361...484.2361) |
Section 484.2361 | “Attachment” and “usable space” defined; rates, terms, and conditions for attachments. |
179-1991-3A-H-IMPUTATION | H. IMPUTATION (484.2362...484.2362) |
Section 484.2362 | Repealed. 2011, Act 58, Imd. Eff. June 14, 2011. |
179-1991-3A-I-CUSTOMER-DATA-BASE | I. CUSTOMER DATA BASE (484.2363...484.2363) |
Section 484.2363 | Access to data bases. |
179-1991-3B | ARTICLE 3B FEDERAL PROGRAMS (484.2375...484.2376) |
Section 484.2375 | Providers receiving federal universal service support for services provided to elementary and secondary schools; discounts. |
Section 484.2376 | Providers receiving federal universal service support for services provided to libraries; discounts. |
179-1991-4 | ARTICLE 4 UNREGULATED SERVICES (484.2401...484.2403) |
Section 484.2401 | Unregulated services generally. |
Section 484.2402 | Unregulated services; tariff. |
Section 484.2403 | Impairing speed of connection to telecommunication emergency service. |
179-1991-5 | ARTICLE 5 PROHIBITED ACTIVITY (484.2501...484.2507) |
Section 484.2501 | Repealed. 1995, Act 216, Imd. Eff. Nov. 30, 1995. |
Section 484.2502 | Provider of basic local exchange service; prohibited conduct; assurance of discontinuance of method, act, or practice. |
Section 484.2503 | Use of unpublished telephone number from telephone caller identification service. |
Section 484.2504 | Repealed. 2011, Act 58, Imd. Eff. June 14, 2011. |
Section 484.2505 | Switching to another telecommunications provider; authorization of end user required. |
Section 484.2506 | Violation of MCL 484.2505 or MCL 484.2507; contested case; hearings; remedies and penalties; exception; finding of frivolous complaint or defense. |
Section 484.2507 | Optional services; authorization of end-user. |
179-1991-6 | ARTICLE 6 PENALTIES, REPEALS, AND EFFECTIVE DATES (484.2601...484.2605) |
Section 484.2601 | Remedies and penalties. |
Section 484.2602 | Repealed. 2011, Act 58, Imd. Eff. June 14, 2011. |
Section 484.2603 | Repeal of acts and parts of acts. |
Section 484.2604 | Repealed. 2008, Act 52, Imd. Eff. Mar. 28. 2008. |
Section 484.2605 | Repealed. 1995, Act 216, Imd. Eff. Nov. 30, 1995. |
179-1991-7 | ARTICLE 7 TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE DUTIES (484.2701...484.2701) |
Section 484.2701 | Repealed. 2005, Act 235, Imd. Eff. Nov. 22, 2005. |
Section 484.3101 | Short title; purpose of act. |
Section 484.3102 | Definitions. |
Section 484.3103 | Local community stabilization authority; powers, duties, functions, and responsibilities; annual report; rules; transfer of certain powers, duties, records, and funds from metropolitan extension telecommunications rights-of-way oversight authority to the authority; abolishment; duties of director of department of licensing and regulatory affairs and state budget director; suit, action, or other proceeding; effect of rules, regulations, orders, contracts, and agreements adopted before October 1, 2014. |
Section 484.3104 | Enactment of local laws; limitation; existing rights. |
Section 484.3105 | Use of public rights-of-way; providers subject to permit and fee requirements; facilities located in public right-of-way at effective date of act; permit application. |
Section 484.3106 | Applications and permits issued after effective date of act; form and process; disagreement on terms; appointment of mediator; determination by commissioner; extension; request for emergency relief; filing permit application with municipality; route maps; maintenance of website by commission. |
Section 484.3107 | Inability of provider and municipality to agree; appointment of mediator by commission; determination by commission; issuance; extension. |
Section 484.3108 | Maintenance fee. |
Section 484.3109 | Fee discount. |
Section 484.3110 | Fee-sharing payments. |
Section 484.3111 | Fee sharing; allocation of fund under section 10(1); excluded municipalities. |
Section 484.3112 | Fee sharing; allocation of fund under section 10(2); weighted linear feet; excluded municipalities. |
Section 484.3113 | Modification of fees by municipality. |
Section 484.3114 | Telecommunication or cable modem service through broadband internet access transport service; requirements; exceptions; violation; complaint. |
Section 484.3115 | Provider access to and use of public rights-of-way. |
Section 484.3116 | Cable franchise. |
Section 484.3117 | Review of decision or review. |
Section 484.3118 | Complaint; proceeding; remedies and penalties. |
Section 484.3119 | Provisions found invalid or unconstitutional; effect. |
Section 484.3120 | Supreme court opinion; request by legislature or governor. |
Act 49 of 2002 | MICHIGAN BROADBAND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ACT (484.3201 - 484.3225) |
Section 484.3201 | Short title. |
Section 484.3202 | Legislative findings. |
Section 484.3203 | Definitions. |
Section 484.3204 | Michigan broadband development authority; creation; duties. |
Section 484.3205 | Administrative functions; performance under direction and supervision of state treasurer. |
Section 484.3206 | Board of directors; membership; service of representative in member's absence; compensation; chairperson; officers; quorum; voting; open meetings act; confidentiality; “trade secrets, commercial, financial, or proprietary information” defined; employees; discharge of duties. |
Section 484.3207 | Powers of authority. |
Section 484.3208 | Reserve capital account; creation; administration; credit of proceeds from sale of notes or bonds; capital reserve fund; creation; use; security arrangements; transfer of income or interest earned. |
Section 484.3209 | Capital reserve fund; amount; deficiency; restoration; liability of state for notes or bonds. |
Section 484.3210 | Notes and bonds; issuance, renewal, and refund by authority. |
Section 484.3211 | Notes and bonds; issuance by resolution; form and terms; sale; prices. |
Section 484.3212 | Notes or bonds; contents of resolutions. |
Section 484.3213 | Money or property pledged and received by authority. |
Section 484.3214 | Notes or bonds; personal liability. |
Section 484.3215 | Notes or bonds; power of authority to purchase. |
Section 484.3216 | Rights of authority to fulfill terms of agreement not limited, altered, or impaired. |
Section 484.3217 | Notes or bonds as limited obligations. |
Section 484.3218 | Default. |
Section 484.3219 | Disposition of money held by authority. |
Section 484.3220 | Notes and bonds as securities; investment. |
Section 484.3221 | Full faith and credit bonds; issuance; vote. |
Section 484.3222 | Notes and bonds; exemption from tax. |
Section 484.3223 | Property; exemption from tax. |
Section 484.3224 | Annual report. |
Section 484.3225 | New partnerships or joint ventures; limitation. |
Act 224 of 2020 | BROADBAND EXPANSION ACT OF MICHIGAN (484.3251 - 484.3261) |
Section 484.3251 | Short title. |
Section 484.3252 | Definitions. |
Section 484.3253 | Statewide broadband service grant program; appropriation. |
Section 484.3254 | Awarding of grants for unserved areas; certain conditions prohibited; limitations. |
Section 484.3255 | Competitive grant process; criteria; priorities. |
Section 484.3256 | Competitive scoring criteria; establish and publish on website. |
Section 484.3257 | Application requirement; priorities in making grant award recommendations; publication of grant recommendations; conditions of denial. |
Section 484.3258 | Request to delineate an area as unserved; requirements; subject to challenge by internet service providers. |
Section 484.3259 | Notice of grant award recipients. |
Section 484.3260 | Semiannual report. |
Section 484.3261 | Falsification of statement; ineligible for grant. |
Act 480 of 2006 |
UNIFORM VIDEO SERVICES LOCAL FRANCHISE ACT (484.3301 - 484.3315) ***** 484.3306 Subsection (13) does not apply after December 31, 2009 ***** |
Section 484.3301 | Short title; definitions. |
Section 484.3302 | Uniform video service local franchise agreement; form; provisions. |
Section 484.3303 | Franchise agreement with local unit of government; notice of completion; approval; transferability; termination or modification; notice of change in information; duration of franchise; renewal; certain conditions prohibited. |
Section 484.3304 | Public, education, and government access channels; availability; manner of retransmission; interconnection; editorial control; liability; access to signals of local broadcast television station; prohibited conduct by provider; use of reception technology; use for noncommercial purposes; applicability of subsections (7) to (11); request specifying number of channels in actual use. |
Section 484.3305 | Renewal or extension of existing franchise agreement; unreasonable and unenforceable provisions; burdensome terms, conditions, or requirements. |
Section 484.3306 | Video service provider fee; payment; "gross revenues" defined; calculation; additional fee; credits; assessment; inapplicability of subsection after December 31, 2009. |
Section 484.3307 | Audits; claims for unpaid fees or refunds; identification and collection as separate line item. |
Section 484.3308 | Installation, construction, and maintenance of video service or communications network within public right-of-way; access; fee; limitation. |
Section 484.3309 | Denial of service access due to race or income; defense to violation of subsection (1); video service requirements; number of households; report on compliance with subsections (2) and (3); use of alternative technology; waiver or time extension; service outside provider's existing telephone exchange boundaries not required; mandatory build-out or deployment provisions, schedules, or requirements. |
Section 484.3310 | Prohibited conduct; establishment of dispute resolution process; notice to customers; filing of complaint; manner of dispute resolution. |
Section 484.3311 | Confidentiality. |
Section 484.3312 | Administration of act; limitations; report. |
Section 484.3313 | Voluntary franchise agreement. |
Section 484.3314 | Violation; remedies and penalties; costs; appeal and review. |
Section 484.3315 | Costs to commission in exercising duties; assessment of amount against each video service provider; limitation; deduction; credit of payments to special account; applicability of section. |
E.R.O. No. 2009-35 | EXECUTIVE REORGANIZATION ORDER (484.3331 - 484.3331) |
Section 484.3331 | Transfer of Michigan telecommunications relay service advisory board to department of energy, labor, and economic growth by type III transfer; abolishment of Michigan telecommunications relay service advisory board. |