MCL - Index of Chapter 752

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Section 752.1 Definitions.
Section 752.2 Supplying information to or maintaining files supplied by interstate law enforcement intelligence organization; conditions.
Section 752.3 Maintaining membership, supplying information to, or maintaining files supplied by interstate law enforcement intelligence organization; conditions; exceptions; effective date of section.
Section 752.4 Notice of membership.
Section 752.5 Exchange of information through regular police channels.
Section 752.6 Violation as misdemeanor.
Act 158 of 1966 LAW ENFORCEMENT (752.11 - 752.12)
Section 752.11 Upholding or enforcing the law; duty of public officials.
Section 752.12 Penalty.
Act 70 of 1877 Repealed-CRUELTY TO ANIMALS (752.21 - 752.30)
Act 10 of 1937 USE OF TRAVEL AIDS BY BLIND PERSONS (752.51 - 752.54)
Section 752.51 Repealed. 1986, Act 62, Eff. Jan. 1, 1987.
Section 752.51a Definitions.
Section 752.52 Blind pedestrian carrying cane or using dog guide or walker; duty of driver; liability; failure to carry cane or use dog guide or walker; investigation of alleged violation; review of investigative report; informing blind pedestrian of decision.
Section 752.53 Violation as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 752.54 Instruction or examination on requirements of act.
Section 752.61 Definitions.
Section 752.62 Possession of service animal; false representation.
Section 752.63 Violation as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 752.64 Telephone complaint hotline; use; referral to law enforcement agency.
R.S. of 1846 Revised Statutes of 1846 (752.73 - 752.73)
R-S-1846-752-73-158-Continued CHAPTER 158-Continued Chapter 158. Of Offences Against Chastity, Morality and Decency (752.73...752.73)
Section 752.73 Unauthorized construction of way through cemetery.
Section 752.91 Sale of artificially colored baby chicks, rabbits or ducklings; unlawful.
Section 752.92 Violation a misdemeanor.
Act 124 of 1907 SAFETY DEVICES ON CORN HUSKERS (752.101 - 752.102)
Section 752.101 Corn husker with unprotected feeder; unlawful sale.
Section 752.102 Penalty.
Act 217 of 1933 Repealed-REBUILT ELECTRIC STORAGE BATTERIES (752.131 - 752.132)
Act 140 of 1935 Repealed-ENDURANCE CONTESTS (752.161 - 752.162)
Act 214 of 1931 Repealed-FELONIOUS DRIVING (752.191 - 752.192)
Act 134 of 1943 Repealed-FISHING HOUSES OR SHELTERS PLACED ON ICE (752.211 - 752.213)
Act 274 of 1993 Repealed-FISHING SHANTIES (752.221 - 752.230)
Section 752.251 Liquid fuels, lubricating oils; deceit in sale unlawful.
Section 752.252 Liquid fuels, lubricating oils; distributing equipment to bear distinguishing mark.
Section 752.253 Liquid fuels, lubricating oils; disguise of distributing equipment unlawful.
Section 752.254 Liquid fuels, lubricating oils; substitution, mixture or adulteration unlawful.
Section 752.255 Liquid fuels, lubricating oils; unlawful deposit in distributing equipment.
Section 752.256 Liquid fuels, lubricating oils; labeling of distributing equipment.
Section 752.257 Penalty.
Act 119 of 1967 CHEMICAL AGENTS (752.271 - 752.274)
Section 752.271 Chemical agent, definition.
Section 752.272 Inhalation or consumption of chemical agent prohibited; anesthesia inhalation excepted.
Section 752.272a Sale or distribution of device containing nitrous oxide to person under age of 18; civil fine; sale or distribution of device containing or dispensing nitrous oxide; prohibition; exceptions; violation; penalty; definitions.
Section 752.272b Action to recover civil fine under MCL 752.272a.
Section 752.273 Violation as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 752.274 Repealed. 2000, Act 299, Eff. Jan. 1, 2001.
Act 168 of 1935 Repealed-OVERTHROW OF GOVERNMENT (752.301 - 752.302)
Act 38 of 1950 (Ex. Sess.) Repealed-OVERTHROW OR DESTRUCTION OF GOVERNMENT (752.311 - 752.315)
Act 117 of 1952 Repealed-MICHIGAN COMMUNIST CONTROL LAW (752.321 - 752.332)
Act 221 of 1899 Repealed-SIGNAL AND BARRICADE WHERE ICE IS CUT (752.351 - 752.353)
Act 343 of 1984 OBSCENE MATERIAL (752.361 - 752.374)
Section 752.361 Meanings of words and phrases.
Section 752.362 Definitions; C to O.
Section 752.363 Definitions; P.
Section 752.364 “Sexual conduct” defined.
Section 752.365 Obscenity; elements; misdemeanor; penalty; second or subsequent offense as a felony.
Section 752.366 Repealed. 1992, Act 216, Eff. Mar. 31, 1993.
Section 752.367 Applicability of MCL 752.365.
Section 752.368 Prohibited conduct; violation as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 752.369 Action by prosecuting attorney or attorney general.
Section 752.370 Prohibited law, ordinance, or rules; exceptions.
Section 752.371-752.373 Repealed. 1992, Act 216, Eff. Mar. 31, 1993.
Section 752.374 Repeal of MCL 750.343a to 750.343d, 750.344, 750.345, 750.345a, and 750.346.
Act 215 of 1931 Repealed-WATERCRAFT; SOUND, SPEED, AND LIGHT (752.401 - 752.404)
Act 164 of 1943 Repealed-PSITTACINE BIRDS (752.441 - 752.442)
R.S. of 1846 Revised Statutes of 1846 (752.461 - 752.461)
R-S-1846-752-461-158 CHAPTER 158 Chapter 158. Of Offences Against Chastity, Morality and Decency. (752.461...752.461)
Section 752.461 House of ill-fame or gaming house; conviction of lessee; effect on lease.
Act 94 of 1943 Repealed-CROSSING RAILROAD TRACKS (752.501 - 752.503)
R.S. of 1846 Revised Statutes of 1846 (752.525 - 752.530)
R-S-1846-752-525-158-Continued-2 CHAPTER 158-Continued-2 Chapter 158. Of Offences Against Chastity, Morality and Decency. (752.525...752.530)
Section 752.525 Religious meeting, disturbance, carrying on certain business within two miles, obstruction of highway; prohibited acts.
Section 752.526 Violation of MCL 752.525; fine.
Section 752.527 Duty to apprehend offender.
Section 752.528 Ordering offender into custody.
Section 752.529 Religious meeting, disturbance, carrying on certain business within two miles, obstruction of highway; commitment to jail if penalty not paid.
Section 752.530 Jury trial; costs.
Act 302 of 1968 RIOTS AND RELATED CRIMES (752.541 - 752.546)
Section 752.541 Riot.
Section 752.542 Inciting to riot.
Section 752.542a Riot at state correctional facility.
Section 752.543 Unlawful assembly.
Section 752.544 Violation as felony; penalty.
Section 752.545 Repeal.
Section 752.546 Effective date.
Section 752.581 Colleges and universities; wilfully remaining on premises, misdemeanor, penalty.
Section 752.582 Colleges and universities; damaging or disrupting, misdemeanor.
Section 752.583 Effective date.
Act 269 of 1937 Repealed-NONTRANSFERABLE RAILROAD, STEAMSHIP, OR BUS TICKETS (752.651 - 752.652)
Act 165 of 1867 Repealed-TIMBER (752.701 - 752.703)
Act 113 of 1939 Repealed-TOMATOES (752.751 - )
Act 329 of 1968 Repealed-TRADE SECRETS (752.771 - 752.773)
Act 274 of 1975 UNAUTHORIZED TRANSFER OF RECORDED SOUND (752.781 - 752.785)
Section 752.781 “Owner” defined.
Section 752.782 Transfer of recorded sound for sale or sales promotion without consent of owner; penalty.
Section 752.783 Advertising or sale of recorded sound without consent of owner.
Section 752.784 Recordings to which MCL 752.782 and 752.783 applicable.
Section 752.785 Persons to whom act inapplicable.
Section 752.791 Meanings of words and phrases.
Section 752.792 Definitions; A to D.
Section 752.793 Definitions; P to S.
Section 752.794 Prohibited access to computer program, computer, computer system, or computer network.
Section 752.795 Prohibited conduct.
Section 752.795a Michigan children's protection registry act; violation.
Section 752.796 Use of computer program, computer, computer system, or computer network to commit crime.
Section 752.796a Violation of MCL 752.795a; penalties; exception; defense; burden of proof; effective date of section.
Section 752.796b Money, income, and property subject to seizure and forfeiture.
Section 752.797 Penalties; prior convictions; presumption; reimbursement order; definition.
Act 148 of 1933 VENDING MACHINE SLUGS (752.801 - 752.803)
Section 752.801 Vending machine or other receptacle designed to receive or be operated by lawful coin; use of slugs or other device as misdemeanor; penalty.
Section 752.802 Slugs for vending machines; manufacture, felony.
Section 752.803 Construction of act.
Act 126 of 1970 COIN OPERATED DEVICES (752.811 - 752.812)
Section 752.811 Coin operated devices; breaking and entering or possession of keys, penalty.
Section 752.812 Effective date of act.
Act 105 of 1951 ERECTION OF POSTERS, SIGNS, PLACARDS, OR OTHER NOTICES (752.821 - 752.825)
Section 752.821 Erection of posters on state, public or private lands without permission unlawful.
Section 752.822 Prosecutions.
Section 752.823 Duties of prosecuting attorney.
Section 752.824 Violations, penalty.
Section 752.825 Resisting arrest.
Act 10 of 1952 DEATH OR INJURIES FROM FIREARMS (752.841 - 752.845)
Section 752.841 "Firearm" defined.
Section 752.842 Firearms; discharging; injuries.
Section 752.843 Firearms; report of injury or death.
Section 752.844 Reports; availability for use.
Section 752.845 Firearms; injury to person, penalty, suspension of hunting privileges.
Act 45 of 1952 CARELESS, RECKLESS, OR NEGLIGENT USE OF FIREARMS (752.861 - 752.864)
Section 752.861 Careless, reckless or negligent use of firearms; penalty.
Section 752.862 Careless, reckless or negligent use of firearms; injury of property; penalty.
Section 752.863 Section repealed.
Section 752.863[a] Reckless, wanton use or negligent discharge of firearm; penalty.
Section 752.864 Firearms; injury to person or property, suspension of hunting privileges.
Act 81 of 1954 CARELESS, RECKLESS, OR NEGLIGENT USE OF BOW AND ARROW (752.881 - 752.883)
Section 752.881 Careless, reckless or negligent use of bow and arrow; penalty.
Section 752.882 Property destruction, penalty.
Section 752.883 Bow and arrow; injury to person, suspension of hunting privileges.
Act 186 of 1959 Repealed-SPRING, GAS, OR AIR OPERATED HANDGUNS (752.891 - 752.892)
Act 106 of 1963 Repealed-LITTERING (752.901 - 752.906)
Act 183 of 2013 STUDENT SAFETY ACT (752.911 - 752.918)
Section 752.911 Short title.
Section 752.912 Definitions.
Section 752.913 Potential self-harm and potential harm or criminal acts directed at school students, school employees, or schools; establishment of program for receiving reports and information from public; hotline; operational and administrative oversight; report; referral to community mental health services program psychiatric crisis line; source of information on available community mental health resources and contacts; notice; biannual update of emergency contact information.
Section 752.914 Confidentiality.
Section 752.915 Disclosure of information.
Section 752.916 Filing of petition by person charged with criminal offense as result of report or information; disclosure; notice to local governmental unit and attorney general; right to appear in opposition to petition; hearing; petition by prosecuting attorney if reason to believe report or information falsely provided; right of attorney general to appear in other action.
Section 752.917 Student safety fund.
Section 752.918 Annual report.
Act 227 of 2014 SEXUAL ASSAULT KIT EVIDENCE SUBMISSION ACT (752.931 - 752.935)
Section 752.931 Short title.
Section 752.932 Definitions.
Section 752.933 Release of sexual assault kit evidence; consent; notice to law enforcement agency; storage policy.
Section 752.934 Notice of release of sexual assault kit evidence; possession; assignment of criminal complaint number; submission to laboratory or department; analysis; uploading of DNA profiles to databases; failure to comply with requirements of act.
Section 752.935 Destruction or disposal of sexual assault kit evidence; notice to victim.
Act 319 of 2014 SEXUAL ASSAULT VICTIM'S ACCESS TO JUSTICE ACT (752.951 - 752.957)
Section 752.951 Short title.
Section 752.952 Definitions.
Section 752.953 Information and notice to be provided to sexual assault victim.
Section 752.954 Sexual assault victim's request for information; requirements.
Section 752.955 Information provided to sexual assault victim.
Section 752.956 Information about forensic testing results; providing copy to sexual assault victim; informational handout.
Section 752.957 Cause of action for monetary damages.
Section 752.961 Definitions.
Section 752.962 Sexual assault evidence kit tracking and reporting commission; creation; membership; appointment; vacancy; meetings; election of chairperson and officers; quorum; business conducted at public meeting; writing subject to freedom of information act; duties after initial meeting; implementation of plans; appropriation; abolishment of commission.
Act 325 of 2014 HUMAN TRAFFICKING COMMISSION ACT (752.971 - 752.975)
Section 752.971 Short title.
Section 752.972 Definitions.
Section 752.973 Human trafficking commission; establishment; membership; appointment; terms; vacancy; removal; meetings; bylaws; quorum; business conducted at public meeting; writings subject to freedom of information act; compensation; expenses.
Section 752.974 Commission; duties.
Section 752.975 Human trafficking commission fund; creation; administration; deposit of money or other assets; investment; interest and earnings; work project; money in fund at close of fiscal year.
Act 339 of 2014 HUMAN TRAFFICKING VICTIMS COMPENSATION ACT (752.981 - 752.985)
Section 752.981 Short title.
Section 752.982 "Victim" defined.
Section 752.983 Violation of MCL 750.462a to 750.462h; liability to victim; damages.
Section 752.984 Action to recover damages; statute of limitations.
Section 752.985 Recovery of damages under other laws.
Act 461 of 2014 HUMAN TRAFFICKING HEALTH ADVISORY BOARD ACT (752.991 - 752.994)
Section 752.991 Short title.
Section 752.992 Definitions.
Section 752.993 Human trafficking health advisory board; creation; membership; appointment; terms; vacancy; removal; chairperson; election of vice-chairperson and officers; meetings; quorum; conducting business at public meeting; writing subject to freedom of information act; compensation; expenses.
Section 752.994 Duties of board.
Act 323 of 1984 THE HEALTH CARE FALSE CLAIM ACT (752.1001 - 752.1011)
Section 752.1001 Short title.
Section 752.1002 Definitions.
Section 752.1003 False claims, statements, or representations; violation as separate offense; liability of health facility or agency; concealing or failing to disclose certain events; violation of section as felony; penalty; section inapplicable to application for coverage.
Section 752.1004 Kickbacks, bribes, or rebates as felony; penalty.
Section 752.1004a Violation of MCL 752.1004; exceptions; cost-sharing requirements not altered; definitions.
Section 752.1004b Rebate or discount from medical supply or device manufacturer; use; effect.
Section 752.1005 Agreement, combination, or conspiracy to defraud as felony; penalty.
Section 752.1006 Second or subsequent offense; penalty.
Section 752.1007 Evidence; rebuttable presumptions.
Section 752.1008 Investigation; service and contents of written demands; action to enforce demand; serving notice of hearing and copy of pleadings; orders; confidentiality; duties of peace officers appointed as investigators.
Section 752.1008a Person not subject to civil liability.
Section 752.1009 Liability of person to health care corporation or health care insurer.
Section 752.1010 Restitution.
Section 752.1011 Prosecution or civil action for violation of other laws.
Act 270 of 1992 ASSISTANCE TO SUICIDE (752.1021 - 752.1027)
Section 752.1021 Legislative findings; effective date of section.
Section 752.1022 Definitions; effective date of section.
Section 752.1023 Michigan commission on death and dying; creation; nomination and appointment of members; alternates; quorum; rules governing proceedings; notice; deliberations; death or resignation of member; effective date of section.
Section 752.1024 Development and submission of recommendations to legislature; effective date of section.
Section 752.1025 Conducting business of commission; effective date of section.
Section 752.1026 Availability of writings to the public; effective date of section.
Section 752.1027 Prohibited acts; violation; penalties; applicability of subsection (1); exceptions; effective date of section; repeal of section.
Act 62 of 2016 HUMAN TRAFFICKING NOTIFICATION ACT (752.1031 - 752.1040)
Section 752.1031 Short title.
Section 752.1032 Definitions.
Section 752.1033 Posting of human trafficking notice on certain premises.
Section 752.1034 Posting of human trafficking notice; manner.
Section 752.1035 Posting of human trafficking notice; requirements.
Section 752.1036 Notice; sample.
Section 752.1037 Written notice of requirements.
Section 752.1038 Applicability of act; appropriation of funds.
Section 752.1039 Failure of entity to comply with act; notice; fine
Section 752.1040 Rules.
Act 210 of 1994 UNAUTHORIZED RECORDINGS (752.1051 - 752.1057)
Section 752.1051 Definitions.
Section 752.1052 Prohibited conduct; applicability of subsection (1)(a) and (b).
Section 752.1053 Name and address of manufacturer; “manufacturer” defined.
Section 752.1054 Violation as misdemeanor or felony; penalties.
Section 752.1055 Order to destroy recordings.
Section 752.1056 Forfeiture.
Section 752.1057 Effective date.
Act 241 of 2004 MICHIGAN CHILDREN'S PROTECTION REGISTRY ACT (752.1061 - 752.1068)
Section 752.1061 Short title; legislative intent.
Section 752.1062 Definitions.
Section 752.1063 Child protection registry; establishment and operation; registration of contact points; duration; expiration; revocation; renewal; registration by schools and other institutions serving minor children; compliance mechanism; fees; operational date.
Section 752.1064 Children's protection registry fund; creation; expenditures; reversion to general fund.
Section 752.1065 Prohibited conduct; exceptions; third-party security audits.
Section 752.1066 Release of information; prohibitions; register not subject to freedom of information act.
Section 752.1067 Violation of act; penalties.
Section 752.1068 Civil action; attorney fees; remedies; investigation of business transactions; effective date of section.
Act 455 of 2012 ORGANIZED RETAIL CRIME ACT (752.1081 - 752.1087)
Section 752.1081 Short title.
Section 752.1082 Legislative intent.
Section 752.1083 Definitions.
Section 752.1084 Prohibited conduct; violation as felony; penalty; forfeiture; restitution; reimbursement; representation that property stolen, embezzled, or converted.
Section 752.1085 Violation arising out of same criminal transaction.
Section 752.1086 Organized retail crime advisory board.
Section 752.1087 Administration of act.
E.R.O. No. 2014-1 EXECUTIVE REORGANIZATION ORDER (752.1091 - 752.1091)
Section 752.1091 Transfer of child protection registry from department of licensing and regulatory affairs to Michigan department of state.