MCL - 116-1954-XXXI

Act 116 of 1954
Chapter XXXI
Document Type Description
Section 168.841 Section Board of state canvassers; duties.
Section 168.842 Section Board of state canvassers; meeting; time and place, notice, adjournment; expedited canvass of returns.
Section 168.842.amended Section Board of state canvassers; meeting; time and place, notice, adjournment; expedited canvass of returns.
Section 168.843 Section Statements of votes; filing and preservation by secretary of state; certified copies.
Section 168.844 Section Statements of votes; examination, preparation of statement of totals by board of state canvassers.
Section 168.845 Section Certifying correctness of statement; certificate of determination; certificate of election; declaration of vacancy; publication of constitutional amendment.
Section 168.845a Section Procedure for contesting presidential election for erroneous certification or determination on the results.
Section 168.846 Section Board of state canvassers; tie vote, determination and certification under MCL 168.852.
Section 168.847 Section Release of ballots, ballot boxes, voting machines, and equipment.
Section 168.847a Section Financial disclosure report; candidate for office.
Section 168.848 Section Postelection statement; violation as misdemeanor; false statement as perjury.