MCL - 258-1974-2A

Act 258 of 1974
Document Type Description
Section 330.1260 Section Definitions; implementation and completion of changes.
Section 330.1261 Section Records; confidentiality; disclosure.
Section 330.1262 Section Person subject of record; consent to disclose content; revocation; form of authorization or revocation.
Section 330.1263 Section Consent to disclose not given; limitations.
Section 330.1264 Section Authorization of services; consent by minor; informing spouse, parent, guardian, or person in loco parentis; legal responsibility for services.
Section 330.1265 Section Request for services for minor by parents or person in loco parentis; diagnostic evaluation; detoxification services; performance of services without minor's consent; use of psychotropic drugs.
Section 330.1266 Section Petition requesting court determination whether services necessary for minor; appointment of guardian ad litem; notice of hearing; right to independent diagnostic evaluation; hearing; determinations; confidentiality of court records.
Section 330.1267 Section Treatment plan; review; transmission of review results; objection by minor; discharge of minor from program.
Section 330.1268 Section Receipt of objection; hearing; notice of hearing; actions by court.
Section 330.1269 Section Department-designated community mental health entity and community mental health services program provider network; ability to contract for and spend funds; purposes.
Section 330.1270 Section Duties of department.
Section 330.1271 Section Additional duties of department.
Section 330.1272 Section Additional duties of department.
Section 330.1273 Section Additional duties and powers of department; duty of department-designated community mental health entities and community mental health services program provider networks to ensure applicants are licensed.
Section 330.1273a Section Grant program for high schools designated for students recovering from substance abuse disorder.
Section 330.1273b Section Competitive grant program for recovery community organizations.
Section 330.1274 Section Duty of department-designated community mental health entity to assume responsibility for providing services for county or multicounty region.
Section 330.1274a Section Uniform substance use disorder credentialing program; duties of department; compliance; definitions.
Section 330.1275 Section Waiting list for services; priority position.
Section 330.1276 Section Individual taken into protective custody by peace officer; transporting individual to approved service program or emergency medical service; lawful force; arrest record prohibited; inability to complete transfer to program or service; commission of misdemeanor; emergency treatment.
Section 330.1277 Section Protective custody; examination by health professional; chemical test; individual found to be incapacitated; treatment from approved program or service.
Section 330.1278 Section Detention of incapacitated individual; discharge to peace officer.
Section 330.1279 Section Release of individual found not to be incapacitated.
Section 330.1280 Section Admission of individual held in protective custody; notification of family or designated individual.
Section 330.1281 Section Voluntary admission.
Section 330.1281a Section Involuntary treatment.
Section 330.1281b Section Involuntary treatment; petition; examination of petitioner under oath; probable cause; duties of court; certification of findings by physician, health professional, or individual conducting independent expert evaluation; hearing; court order; failure of respondent to undergo and complete treatment; contempt of court; finding of no probable cause or withdrawal of petition; dismissal of proceedings; "substance use disorder assessment and diagnosis" defined.
Section 330.1281c Section Holding respondent for treatment; court order; period of time; release from program; transfer to less-restrictive program; holding respondent in jail pending transportation to program or evaluation; summons; submission of list of programs and health professionals.
Section 330.1282 Section Criminal or civil liability of peace officer, security transport officer, or medical staff.
Section 330.1283 Section Inventory and return of possessions.
Section 330.1284 Section Payment for treatment or transportation costs.
Section 330.1285 Section Confidentiality of records.
Section 330.1286 Section Adoption of local law, ordinance, resolution, or rule.
Section 330.1287 Section Department-designated community mental health entity; composition of board; use of funds; contracts; allocation formula; establishment of substance use disorder oversight policy board; report on redistricting of regions; administrative and reporting requirements; entities as coordinating agencies.