MCL - 368-1978-17-201
Act 368 of 1978
Document | Type | Description |
Section 333.20101 | Section | Meanings of words and phrases; principles of construction. |
Section 333.20102 | Section | Definitions; A. |
Section 333.20104 | Section | Definitions; C to G. |
Section 333.20104.amended | Section | Definitions; C to G. |
Section 333.20106 | Section | Definitions; H. |
Section 333.20106.amended | Section | Definitions; H. |
Section 333.20108 | Section | Definitions; I to N. |
Section 333.20109 | Section | Definitions; N to S. |
Section 333.20115 | Section | Rules defining or differentiating health facility or agency. |
Section 333.20121-333.20127 | Section | Repealed. 2022, Act 187, Imd. Eff. July 25, 2022. |
Section 333.20131 | Section | Comprehensive system of licensure and certification; establishment; purpose; certification of health facility or agency; coordination, cooperation, and agreements; public disclosure. |
Section 333.20132 | Section | Regulation of medical or surgical treatment prohibited; control of communicable diseases; protection of individuals receiving care and services; standards for inpatient food service establishment; compliance. |
Section 333.20141 | Section | Health facility or agency; license required; eligibility to participate in federal or state health program; personnel; services; and equipment; evidence of compliance; providing data and statistics. |
Section 333.20142 | Section | Application for licensure and certification; form; certifying accuracy of information; disclosures, reports; and notices; violation; penalty; false statement as felony. |
Section 333.20143 | Section | Compliance as condition to issuance of license, certificate, or certificate of need. |
Section 333.20144 | Section | Licensing on basis of approved building program. |
Section 333.20145 | Section | Construction permit; certificate of need as condition of issuance; rules; information required for project not requiring certificate of need; public information; review and approval of architectural plans and narrative; rules; waiver; fee; "capital expenditure" defined. |
Section 333.20151 | Section | Cooperation; professional advice and consultation. |
Section 333.20152 | Section | Certification by licensee; developing facilities and programs of care; rating individuals for purposes of reimbursement. |
Section 333.20153 | Section | Definitions; single-use device; reusing, recycling, or refurbishing prohibited; exceptions; violation as felony; penalty. |
Section 333.20155 | Section | Visit to health facility or agency; survey and evaluation for purpose of licensure; nursing home surveyor; criminal history check; survey team; composition and membership; waiver; confidentiality of accreditation information; limitation and effect; consultation engineering survey; summary of substantial noncompliance or deficiencies and response; investigations or inspections; prior notice as misdemeanor; periodic reports; access to documents; disclosure; delegation of functions; voluntary inspections; forwarding evidence of violation to licensing agency; quarterly meeting; nursing home's survey report; posting; other state and federal law. |
Section 333.20155a | Section | Repealed. 2022, Act 187, Imd. Eff. July 25, 2022. |
Section 333.20156 | Section | Entering premises of applicant or licensee; enforcement of rules; review and inspection of existing facilities; amendment of rules; verification of existing facilities; certificate of approval from bureau of fire services; applicability of subsections (2), (3), (4), and (5). |
Section 333.20158 | Section | Biannual inspection reports for certain entities. |
Section 333.20161 | Section | Fees and assessments for health facility and agency licenses and certificates of need; schedule; fees; use of quality assurance assessment; tax levy; notification to ambulance operation; definitions. |
Section 333.20161.amended | Section | Fees and assessments for health facility and agency licenses and certificates of need; schedule; fees; use of quality assurance assessment; tax levy; notification to ambulance operation; definitions. |
Section 333.20162 | Section | License; receipt of completed application; issuance of license within certain period of time; nonrenewable temporary permit; provisional license; procedure for closing facility; order to licensee upon finding of noncompliance; notice, hearing, and status requirements; report; “completed application” defined. |
Section 333.20164 | Section | Duration of license or certification; license, certification, or certificate of need nontransferable; transfer of ownership or ownership interest; notice; application for license and certification. |
Section 333.20165 | Section | Denying, limiting, suspending, or revoking license or certification; notice of intent; imposition of administrative fine. |
Section 333.20165.amended | Section | Denying, limiting, suspending, or revoking application, license, or certification; notice of intent; imposition of administrative fine. |
Section 333.20165a | Section | Action against health facility's treatment as authorized under right to try act; definitions. |
Section 333.20166 | Section | Notice of intent to deny, limit, suspend, or revoke license or certification; service; contents; hearing; record; transcript; determination; powers of department; judicial order to appear and give testimony; contempt; failure to show need for health facility or agency. |
Section 333.20168 | Section | Emergency order limiting, suspending, or revoking license; limiting reimbursements or payments; hearing; contents of order; order not suspended by hearing. |
Section 333.20169 | Section | HIV infected test subject; compliance with reporting requirements; definitions. |
Section 333.20170 | Section | Medical records access; compliance. |
Section 333.20171 | Section | Rules implementing article; rules promulgated under MCL 333.21563; rules subject to MCL 554.917. |
Section 333.20172 | Section | Policies and procedures; publication and distribution. |
Section 333.20173 | Section | Repealed. 2006, Act 28, Eff. Apr. 1, 2006. |
Section 333.20173a | Section | Covered facility; employees or applicants for employment; prohibitions; criminal history check; procedure; conditional employment or clinical privileges; knowingly providing false information as misdemeanor; prohibited use or dissemination of criminal history information as misdemeanor; review by licensing or regulatory department; conditions of continued employment; failure to conduct criminal history checks as misdemeanor; storage and retention of fingerprints; notification; electronic web-based system; definitions. |
Section 333.20173b | Section | Individual disqualified or denied employment pursuant to MCL 333.20173, 333.20173a, or 330.1134a; appeal; report to legislature; "business day" defined. |
Section 333.20174 | Section | Practice agreement; designation of physician by health facility or agency. |
Section 333.20175 | Section | Maintaining record for each patient; confidentiality; wrongfully altering or destroying records; noncompliance; fine; licensing and certification records as public records; confidentiality; disclosure; report or notice of disciplinary action; information provided in report; nature and use of certain records, data, and knowledge. |
Section 333.20175a | Section | Agreement with another health facility to protect, maintain, and provide access to records; closure of health facility; noncompliance; fine; definitions. |
Section 333.20175b | Section | Violations of record retention requirements for medical services involving vaginal or anal penetration; penalties. |
Section 333.20176 | Section | Notice of violation; investigation of complaints; notice of proposed action; public record; appeal; reinvestigation. |
Section 333.20176a | Section | Health facility or agency; prohibited conduct; violation; fine. |
Section 333.20177 | Section | Action to restrain, enjoin, or prevent establishment, maintenance, or operation of health facility or agency. |
Section 333.20178 | Section | Nursing home, home for the aged, or county medical care facility; description of services to patients or residents with Alzheimer's disease; contents; “represents to the public” defined. |
Section 333.20179 | Section | Artificial insemination services on anonymous basis; use of frozen sperm; testing sperm donor for presence of HIV or antibody to HIV; violation; liability; definitions. |
Section 333.20180 | Section | Health facility or agency; person making or assisting in originating, investigating, or preparing report or complaint; immunity and protection from civil or criminal liability; disclosure of identity; notice; “hospital” defined. |
Section 333.20181 | Section | Abortion; admitting patient not required; refusal to perform, participate in, or allow; immunity. |
Section 333.20182 | Section | Abortion; objection; participation in medical procedures not required; immunity. |
Section 333.20183 | Section | Abortion; refusal to give advice; refusal to participate in; immunity. |
Section 333.20184 | Section | Rights of individuals, staff members, and employees previously participating in, or expressing willingness to participate in, termination of pregnancy. |
Section 333.20188 | Section | Repealed. 2004, Act 119, Eff. Nov. 27, 2005. |
Section 333.20189 | Section | Licensure under the interstate medical licensure compact as condition of employment; prohibit. |
Section 333.20189a | Section | Written practice agreement; condition of employment; prohibited. |
Section 333.20191 | Section | Emergency patient; test for presence of infectious agent; positive test results; duties of health facility; notice; request for testing; confidentiality; rules; disclosure as misdemeanor; liability; definitions. |
Section 333.20192 | Section | Do-not-resuscitate order; execution not required. |
Section 333.20192a | Section | POST form as condition for admission or receipt of services; requirement prohibited. |
Section 333.20193 | Section | Compliance. |
Section 333.20194 | Section | Pamphlets; display; distribution; model standardized complaint form; availability. |
Section 333.20197 | Section | Human cloning in facility owned or operated by health facility or agency. |
Section 333.20198 | Section | Health facility, agency inpatient facility, or residential facility; prohibited conduct; violation as misdemeanor; penalty; nonapplicability of subsections (1) and (2). |
Section 333.20199 | Section | Violations; penalties. |
Section 333.20201 | Section | Policy describing rights and responsibilities of patients or residents; adoption; posting; contents; additional requirements; discharging, harassing, retaliating, or discriminating against patient exercising protected right; exercise of rights by patient's representative; informing patient or resident of policy; designation of person to exercise rights and responsibilities; additional patients' rights; definitions. |
Section 333.20202 | Section | Responsibilities of patient or resident. |
Section 333.20203 | Section | Guidelines; immunity; other remedies at law neither expanded nor diminished. |
Section 333.20211 | Section | Repealed. 2022, Act 187, Imd. Eff. July 25, 2022. |