MCL - Section 408.1102a.added
Act 10 of 2023
408.1102a.added State project registration; application; fee; contents; suspension or revocation.
Sec. 2a.
(1) To obtain a state project registration or renew a state project registration, a contractor or subcontractor must do both of the following:
(a) Submit an application that meets the requirements of subsection (2) to the commissioner on a form and in a manner as prescribed by the commissioner.
(b) Pay the application fee described in subsection (3).
(2) An application for a state project registration must include all of the following:
(a) All of the following information for the contractor or subcontractor:
(i) Name.
(ii) Address of its principal place of business or, if this address is not in this state, the name and address of the custodian of records and agent for service of process in this state.
(iii) Telephone number.
(iv) Whether the contractor or subcontractor is a corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, or, if a different type of legal entity, the type of legal entity.
(v) The name and address of each person with a financial interest in the contractor or subcontractor or, if the contractor or subcontractor is a publicly traded corporation, the name and address of each officer of the corporation.
(vi) Tax identification number.
(vii) Unemployment insurance identification number.
(b) A statement that the contractor or subcontractor is in compliance with all applicable laws.
(c) Documentation that shows, as determined by the commissioner, that the contractor or subcontractor is in compliance with all applicable laws, including, but not limited to, holding every license, registration, certificate, or other similar authorization required by law.
(d) Any other information or documentation as required by the commissioner.
(3) A state project registration is valid for 1 year. The commissioner shall establish an annual renewal date for all state project registrations. The commissioner shall establish a state project registration application fee in an amount that is sufficient to implement this act. The commissioner may allow an applicant for a state project registration to pay a prorated application fee based on the date that the applicant submits its application.
(4) Not later than 15 business days after the commissioner receives a complete application and application fee for a state project registration, the commissioner shall do 1 of the following:
(a) If the applicant meets the requirements for a state project registration, grant the state project registration to the applicant.
(b) If the applicant does not meet the requirements of a state project registration, deny the application and provide the applicant with a written statement that includes the reason for the denial.
(5) A contractor or subcontractor shall not submit an application for a state project registration if the contractor or subcontractor knows that the application contains a false statement.
(6) The commissioner may suspend or revoke a contractor's or subcontractor's state project registration if all of the following conditions are met:
(a) The commissioner determines that the contractor or subcontractor significantly or repeatedly violated this act or another law.
(b) The commissioner has promulgated a rule that establishes procedures for suspending or revoking a contractor's or subcontractor's state project registration.
(c) The rule described in subdivision (b) is in effect.
History: Add. 2024, Act 110, Eff. (sine die)