MCL - 431-1984-4
Act 431 of 1984
Document | Type | Description |
Section 18.1401 | Section | Meanings of words and phrases. |
Section 18.1402 | Section | Definitions; C to E. |
Section 18.1403 | Section | Definitions; I to R. |
Section 18.1404 | Section | Definitions; R to W. |
Section 18.1411 | Section | Repealed. 1988, Act 504, Imd. Eff. Dec. 29, 1988. |
Section 18.1421 | Section | Internal control in management of state's financial transactions; powers of state budget director; accounting principles; implementation of executive reorganization orders. |
Section 18.1421a | Section | Legislative and judicial access to state financial management system. |
Section 18.1422 | Section | Advances. |
Section 18.1423 | Section | Examination of books, accounts, documents, systems, and financial affairs. |
Section 18.1424 | Section | Production of books, papers, and documents; examination; testimony; oaths. |
Section 18.1426 | Section | Books, records, and systems; adoption and use. |
Section 18.1430 | Section | Capped federal funds, special revenue funds, and healthy Michigan fund; report on amounts and sources. |
Section 18.1431 | Section | Accounting for activities and programs; assignment; classification of funds. |
Section 18.1432 | Section | Merging, combining, or segregating fund. |
Section 18.1434 | Section | Crediting certain revenues to revolving fund; financial plan; report. |
Section 18.1435 | Section | Revolving funds; transferring net income to general fund. |
Section 18.1437 | Section | Advances to revolving fund; repayment; long term advances for acquisition of equipment; limitation. |
Section 18.1441 | Section | Disposition of receipts; directives; subsection (1) inapplicable to state agency within legislative branch. |
Section 18.1442 | Section | Expenditure or transfer of funds appropriated to entity within legislative branch. |
Section 18.1443 | Section | Money received by state agencies; forwarding to state treasurer; crediting to general fund; limitation on transfers. |
Section 18.1444 | Section | Encumbrances and receivables; reporting and recording. |
Section 18.1447 | Section | Repealed. 2018, Act 389, Imd. Eff. Dec. 19, 2018. |
Section 18.1448 | Section | Expenditure of state funds; availability of information on website homepages; "expenditure of state funds" defined. |
Section 18.1451 | Section | Lapse of unencumbered balance of appropriation; unascertainable documents; charging encumbrance to next succeeding fiscal year. |
Section 18.1451a | Section | Work projects. |
Section 18.1452 | Section | Payment and use of amounts appropriated in budget act. |
Section 18.1453 | Section | Appropriations from restricted revenues; limitation on expenditure. |
Section 18.1454 | Section | Appropriation of full-time equated positions; basis; report on status of FTE positions; report containing fiscal year summary of information required in subsection (2). |
Section 18.1455 | Section | Appropriations for unclassified positions; use; eligibility of incumbents of unclassified positions to participate in state contributory insurance and longevity programs; prior years' service as classified employee in determining amount of longevity payment; use of appropriations for salaries and wages; payment of back salaries or wages. |
Section 18.1456 | Section | Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999. |
Section 18.1458 | Section | Use of amounts authorized for equal employment opportunity services; filling positions; responsibility. |
Section 18.1459 | Section | Repealed. 1988, Act 504, Imd. Eff. Dec. 29, 1988. |
Section 18.1460 | Section | Indirect cost rate or percentage; determination; report; request for appropriations of federal funds not to include funds for indirect costs; charging indirect cost to award, contract, or grant; crediting indirect cost; availability of revenues. |
Section 18.1461 | Section | Audit pursuant to federal law; single audits; conduct; funding; encumbering amounts to finance cost of audits; carrying over unexpended amounts; schedule of expenditures of federal awards. |
Section 18.1462 | Section | Plan to comply with audit recommendations; corrective action plans. |
Section 18.1463 | Section | Federal pass-through funds to local institutions and units of local government; appropriation; certain funds not to be expended unless appropriated. |
Section 18.1470 | Section | Procurement contract for services; audit of vendor to verify compliance; provision; availability; exemption; "auditor general" defined. |
Section 18.1483 | Section | Definitions used in MCL 18.1483 to 18.1489. |
Section 18.1484 | Section | System of reporting and general framework to be used in evaluations of internal control systems; development; modification; notice. |
Section 18.1485 | Section | Internal control system; establishment and maintenance; elements; duties of head of principal department; reports. |
Section 18.1486 | Section | Internal auditor; appointment; member of state classified executive service; supervision; protection; duties; professional and auditing standards; report. |
Section 18.1487 | Section | Internal auditor; reports; plan to correct problems, abuses, or deficiencies; public disclosure of information. |
Section 18.1488 | Section | Repealed. 1999, Act 8, Imd. Eff. Mar. 22, 1999. |
Section 18.1489 | Section | Evaluation and report by auditor general. |
Section 18.1490 | Section | Enterprise portfolio management office; report to legislature on information technology services; requirements. |
Section 18.1491 | Section | Fiscal year. |
Section 18.1492 | Section | Including financial statements in comprehensive annual financial report; responsibility; statement format; audit; submission of statements. |
Section 18.1493 | Section | Preliminary, unaudited financial statements including notes of general fund and state school aid fund; submission to legislature and fiscal agency. |
Section 18.1494 | Section | Comprehensive annual financial report; publication; preparation of financial statements; certificates of examination; disclosure of budgetary basis; deviation from generally accepted accounting principles; establishment and use of capital outlay reserve. |
Section 18.1495 | Section | Report on state's current financial situation; publish; contents required. |
Section 18.1496 | Section | Repealed. 1988, Act 504, Imd. Eff. Dec. 29, 1988. |
Section 18.1497 | Section | Itemized statement of state spending paid to units of local government and total state spending from state sources; transmittal; calculation of spending proportion; publication of report; reporting amount of additional payments; payment of amount; making up shortfall in payments. |
Section 18.1498 | Section | Local government payment fund; creation; reservation of money appropriated to fund; amounts considered state payments to units of local government. |
Section 18.1499 | Section | Closing schedule; procedural directives; appropriation transfer; monthly statement of estimated revenues; latest published estimate. |