Act 451 of 1994
Document | Type | Description |
Section 324.53501 | Section | Definitions. |
Section 324.53503 | Section | Forester program evaluation; review; ceasing administration of part; conditions. |
Section 324.53505 | Section | Board of foresters; creation; membership; qualifications; appointment; terms; vacancy; meetings; quorum; compliance with open meetings act; writings subject to freedom of information act; expenses; violations committee. |
Section 324.53507 | Section | Duties of board; power to call witnesses and receive evidence. |
Section 324.53509 | Section | Registration as forester; application; submission; contents; denial or approval; validity; duties of individual. |
Section 324.53511 | Section | Automatic registration of members of affiliated professional organizations; forester registered or licensed in another state or country. |
Section 324.53513 | Section | Use of "registered forester" as title. |
Section 324.53515 | Section | Registered forester; requirements. |
Section 324.53517 | Section | Violation of MCL 324.53515 or order; complaint; determination by violations committee; notification; investigation; proposed order; objection; review; final order; revocation or suspension. |
Section 324.53519 | Section | Revenue; fees; disposition. |