MCL - Section 454.9
Act 188 of 1857
454.9 Consolidation of incorporated associations or societies into single corporation; vote or resolution; filing copy with department of commerce; effect.
Sec. 9.
Any association or society now incorporated for any of the above purposes or hereafter to become incorporated under this act may become consolidated with any one created by virtue of this act into a single corporation which may be done by the vote or resolution of a majority of the members, of each at a meeting called for that purpose a copy of which vote or resolution signed by the presiding officer and secretary of such meeting and verified by their affidavit shall be filed in the corporation and securities bureau of the department of commerce. And upon such filing and an agreement entered into and a copy thereof filed as hereinafter provided, said corporations shall thereby become 1 association under this act to be called and known by such name as shall be given it in said agreement but subject to the provisions of this act and entitled to the same franchises and privileges as if it had been formed without such consolidation.
History: 1857, Act 188, Imd. Eff. Feb. 17, 1857
CL 1857, 1796
CL 1871, 2803
How. 3932
CL 1897, 7431
CL 1915, 9803
CL 1929, 10270
CL 1948, 454.9
Am. 1982, Act 98, Imd. Eff. Apr. 19, 1982