MCL - 57-2018-2

Act 57 of 2018
Document Type Description
Section 125.4201 Section Definitions.
Section 125.4201a Section Legislative findings.
Section 125.4202 Section Authority; establishment; restriction; public body corporate; powers generally.
Section 125.4203 Section Resolution of intent to create and provide for operation of authority; public hearing on proposed ordinance creating authority and designating boundaries of downtown district; notice; exemption of taxes from capture; action by library board or commission; adoption, filing, and publication of ordinance; altering or amending boundaries; agreement with adjoining municipality; agreement with qualified township.
Section 125.4203a Section Authority of annexing or consolidated municipality; obligations, agreements, and bonds.
Section 125.4203b Section Ratification and validation of ordinance and actions; compliance.
Section 125.4203c Section Proceedings or findings; validity.
Section 125.4203d Section Establishment or amendment of authority, district, or plan; notice; publication or posting.
Section 125.4204 Section Board; appointment, terms, and qualifications of members; vacancy; compensation and expenses; election of chairperson; appointment as public official; oath; conducting business at public meeting; public notice; special meetings; removal of member; review; expense items and financial records; availability of writings to public; single board governing all authorities; member as resident or having interest in property; planning commission serving as board in certain municipalities; modification by interlocal agreement.
Section 125.4205 Section Director; acting director; treasurer; secretary; legal counsel; other personnel.
Section 125.4206 Section Participation of employees in municipal retirement and insurance programs.
Section 125.4207 Section Powers of board; creation, operation, or funding of retail business incubator.
Section 125.4208 Section Board serving as planning commission; agenda.
Section 125.4209 Section Authority as instrumentality of political subdivision.
Section 125.4210 Section Taking, transfer, and use of private property.
Section 125.4211 Section Financing activities of authority; disposition of money received by authority; municipal obligations.
Section 125.4212 Section Ad valorem tax; borrowing in anticipation of collection.
Section 125.4213 Section Revenue bonds.
Section 125.4213a Section Borrowing money; issuing revenue bonds or notes; purpose; costs; security; pledge and lien of pledge valid and binding; filing or recordation not required; tax exemption; bonds or notes neither liability nor debt of municipality; statement; investment and deposit of bonds and notes.
Section 125.4213b Section Insufficient tax increment revenues to repay advance or pay obligation; contents, time, and payment of claim; appropriation and distribution of aggregate amount; limitations; distribution subject to lien; obligation as debt or liability; certification of distribution amount; basis for calculation of distributions and claim reports.
Section 125.4213c Section Retention and payment of taxes levied under state education tax act; conditions; application by authority for approval; information to be included; approval, modification, or denial of application by department of treasury; appropriation and distribution of amount; calculation of aggregate amount; lien; reimbursement calculations; legislative intent.
Section 125.4214 Section Tax increment financing plan; preparation and contents; limitation; public hearing; fiscal and economic implications; recommendations; agreements; modification of plan; catalyst development project.
Section 125.4215 Section Transmitting and expending tax increments revenues; reversion of surplus funds; abolishment of tax increment financing plan; conditions.
Section 125.4216 Section General obligation bonds and tax increment bonds; qualified refunding obligation.
Section 125.4217 Section Development plan; preparation; contents.
Section 125.4218 Section Ordinance approving or amending development plan or tax increment financing plan; public hearing; notice; record.
Section 125.4219 Section Development plan or tax increment financing plan as constituting public purpose; determination; ordinance; considerations; amendments; incorporation of catalyst development project plan.
Section 125.4220 Section Notice to vacate.
Section 125.4221 Section Development area citizens council; establishment; appointment and qualifications of members; representative of development area.
Section 125.4222 Section Development area citizens council; advisory body.
Section 125.4223 Section Consultation.
Section 125.4224 Section Development area citizens council; meetings; notice; record; information and technical assistance; failure to organize, consult, or advise.
Section 125.4225 Section Citizens district council as development area citizens council.
Section 125.4226 Section Notice of findings and recommendations.
Section 125.4227 Section Development area citizens council; dissolution.
Section 125.4228 Section Budget; cost of handling and auditing funds.
Section 125.4228a Section Exemption.
Section 125.4229 Section Historic sites.
Section 125.4230 Section Dissolution of authority; disposition of property and assets; reinstatement of authority; contesting validity of proceedings, findings, and determinations.