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Document Type(s): Bills
Legislative Session(s): 2023-2024
Detailed Category: State agencies (existing): executive office
Legislative Session(s): 2023-2024
Detailed Category: State agencies (existing): executive office
(8 results found)
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Document | Type | Description |
SB 0224 of 2023 | Senate Bill |
Civil rights: public records; legislative open records act (LORA); create as part of the freedom of information act. Amends secs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 10a, 10b & 13 of 1976 PA 442 (MCL 15.231 et seq.); designates secs. 1 - 16 as pt. 1 & adds pt. 2. TIE BAR WITH: SB 0223'23 Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON ELECTIONS AND ETHICS |
SB 0529 of 2023 (PA 269 of 2023) |
Senate Bill |
Elections: presidential electors; certain provisions of the federal electoral count reform act; implement, clarify straight party ticket voting, modify the election tie-breaking procedure, revise the selection process for members of the board of state canvassers, and modify certain recount timelines. Amends secs. 22a, 22b, 46, 47, 581, 795c, 822, 842, 846 & 882 of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.22a et seq.) & adds sec. 814. Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0269'23 |
SB 0596 of 2023 | Senate Bill |
Public employees and officers: ethics; financial disclosure report; require state representatives to file. Creates new act. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT |
SB 0597 of 2023 | Senate Bill |
Public employees and officers: ethics; financial disclosure report; require certain executive officers to file. Creates new act. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT |
HB 4261 of 2023 | House Bill |
Civil rights: other; governor's office; subject to freedom of information act. Amends secs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 10a, 10b & 13 of 1976 PA 442 (MCL 15.231 et seq.) & designates secs. 1 - 16 as pt. 1. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4263'23, HB 4262'23 Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 03/14/2023 |
HB 4828 of 2023 | House Bill |
State agencies (existing): executive office; reporting of certain memoranda of understanding; modify. Creates new act. Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 06/15/2023 |
HB 5250 of 2023 | House Bill |
Public employees and officers: ethics; financial disclosure reports; require certain executive offices to file. Creates new act. Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 10/25/2023 |
HB 5251 of 2023 | House Bill |
Public employees and officers: ethics; financial disclosure reports; require candidates for certain executive offices to file. Creates new act. Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 10/25/2023 |