MICHIGAN LEGISLATURE(legislature.mi.gov)
Printed on 2/16/2025
Michigan Compiled Laws Complete Through PA 275 of 2024

Search Results

Public Act Number: 198
Public Act Year: 2023
Document Type(s): MCLs
(2 results found)
Document Type Description
Section 38.1341 Section Determining annual level percentage of payroll contribution rates; factors; unfunded actuarial accrued liability contribution rate; computation and certification of sum due and payable; payment; certification of actual aggregate compensation; adjustment; evidence of correctness; audit; duties of reporting unit; submission of difference occurring in certain fiscal years; interest rate; reassignment of assets; rate of investment return; basis of asset valuation; use of salary increase assumption; deposit to health advance funding subaccount; allocations from employer contributions; experience investigation study; risk assumptions; report; pension and retiree health care payroll growth assumption rate; "university reporting unit" defined.
Section 38.1341.amended Section Determining annual level percentage of payroll contribution rates; factors; unfunded actuarial accrued liability contribution rate; computation and certification of sum due and payable; payment; certification of actual aggregate compensation; adjustment; evidence of correctness; audit; duties of reporting unit; submission of difference occurring in certain fiscal years; interest rate; reassignment of assets; rate of investment return; basis of asset valuation; use of salary increase assumption; deposit to health advance funding subaccount; allocations from employer contributions; experience investigation study; risk assumptions; report; pension and retiree health care payroll growth assumption rate; "university reporting unit" defined.