MICHIGAN LEGISLATURE(legislature.mi.gov)
Printed on 2/17/2025
Michigan Compiled Laws Complete Through PA 275 of 2024

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Public Act Number: 264
Public Act Year: 2011
Document Type(s): MCLs
(22 results found)
Document Type Description
Section 38.1b Section Definitions; B, C.
Section 38.1e Section Definitions; F to I.
Section 38.20 Section Computation of retirement allowance; right to elect option; retirement before age 65; death of retirant; separation from service; department of mental health employee termination; recalculation and payment of retirement allowance; eligibility of state accident fund or Michigan biologic products institute employees to health care benefits and certain rights, privileges, and benefits.
Section 38.20j Section Member not making election under MCL 38.50a; calculation of retirement allowance beginning April 1, 2012; items of compensation; accumulation of service credit; member making election under MCL 38.50a(1) and designation under MCL 38.50a(2); calculation of retirement allowance; items of compensation; accumulation of service credit; treatment of member as Tier 1; "attainment date" defined.
Section 38.27 Section Death resulting from personal injury or disease arising out of and in course of state employment; survivor benefits.
Section 38.35 Section Contribution of 3% of employee compensation to funding account; "funding account" defined; refund of amounts contributed under subsection (1).
Section 38.35a Section Election under MCL 38.50a; contribution.
Section 38.38 Section Annual level percent of payroll contribution rate; determination; basis; report; computation; amortization of unfunded actuarial accrued liability; annual appropriation to retirement system; transfer of funds; certification; difference between actual state contributions and product of contribution rates times aggregate compensations paid; submitting difference between estimated and actual aggregate compensation and estimated and actual contribution rate to legislature for appropriation; interest; deposit to health advance funding subaccount.
Section 38.47 Section Temporary straight life supplemental early retirement allowance; payment; computation; electing optional form of payment.
Section 38.48 Section Conservation officers.
Section 38.49 Section Administration of retirement system as qualified pension plan under internal revenue code; requirements and benefit limitations; qualified military service.
Section 38.50 Section Election to terminate participation in Tier 1 and to participate in Tier 2; irrevocability; termination of employment; reemployment of deferred or former nonvested member; method of election; signature of spouse; waiver; election subject to eligible domestic relations order act; effect of disqualification notice from United States internal revenue service; exception.
Section 38.50a Section Election to continue receiving credit for future service and compensation; designation; failure to make election; rescission; reemployment of former nonvested member; "attainment date" defined.
Section 38.55 Section Definitions; P to Y.
Section 38.63a Section Tier 2 and tax-deferred accounts; terms and conditions.
Section 38.64 Section Tier 2; vesting requirements.
Section 38.65 Section Crediting years of service accrued.
Section 38.67a Section Duty disability retirement allowance; supplemental benefit; health insurance coverage; exception.
Section 38.68 Section Health insurance coverage.
Section 38.68b Section Participant employed on or after January 1, 2012 or making election under subsection (5) or (6); health insurance coverage; contribution to tax-deferred account; opt-out; calculation of amount under subsection (7) and adjustment under subsection (8); implementation of subsections (5) to (11); method; report.
Section 38.68c Section Employment of retiree receiving retirement allowance; stopping retirement payment; applicability; "employed by this state" defined; coordination of benefits provision; exceptions to subsection (1); definitions.
Section 38.68e Section Appropriation.