Section 712A.2f |
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Jurisdiction over juvenile; placement of case on consent calendar; maintenance in nonpublic manner; conduct of consent calendar conference; issuance of written consent calendar case plan; order of disposition in case while on consent calendar; completion of consent calendar case plan; closure of case; consent calendar not in best interest of juvenile or public; use of statements; report of successful completion; record.
Section 712A.18 |
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Orders of disposition; reimbursement; guidelines; restitution; condition of probation; revocation or alteration of terms and conditions; community service; biometric data; fingerprints; risk and needs assessment; report to department of state police; registration of juvenile provided in MCL 28.721 to 28.730; release from placement in juvenile boot camp; imposition of sentence in county jail facility; violation of personal protection order.
Section 712A.28 |
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Case records; opening records; order in respect to payments by parent; copy; publicizing action taken against parents or adult; administration of court; reports; form; definitions.
Section 712A.29 |
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Allocation and application of money collected; "crime victim payment" defined.
Section 712A.29a |
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Reimbursement or collection of fines, fees, and costs; prohibition.