Search Results
Legislative Session(s): 2001-2002
Document Type(s): Bills
Sponsor: Michael Murphy
Primary Sponsor Only: false
Document Type(s): Bills
Sponsor: Michael Murphy
Primary Sponsor Only: false
(226 results found)
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Document | Type | Description |
HJR E of 2001 | House Joint Resolution |
State; employees and officers; adoption of state officers compensation commission recommendation; allow for next legislative session only after a majority approves.
Amends sec. 12, art. IV of the state constitution.
Last Action: deposited with Secretary of State 12/20/01 |
HJR O of 2001 | House Joint Resolution |
Legislature; legislators; legislative provisions regarding term limits, approval of state officers compensation commission, lame duck sessions, and legislators' employment as lobbyists; revise.
Amends secs. 12, 13 & 54, art. IV & sec. 30, art. V & adds sec. 55 to art. IV of the state constitution.
Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 05/09/01 |
HJR S of 2001 | House Joint Resolution |
Elections; initiative and referendum; acts making appropriations; narrow exemption from power of popular referendum.
Amends sec. 9, art. II of the state constitution.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Redistricting and Elections |
HCR 0037 of 2001 | House Concurrent Resolution |
A concurrent resolution to memorialize the Congress of the United States to restore funding for certain federal housing programs. Last Action: referred to Committee on Family and Children Services |
HR 0042 of 2001 | House Resolution |
A resolution to encourage the Governor to establish a Community-based Facilitator's Office within the Department of Management and Budget. Last Action: referred to Committee on Family and Children Services |
HR 0159 of 2001 | House Resolution |
A resolution commemorating June 19, 2001, as Juneteenth Day in recognition of the annual holiday celebrating the end of slavery in the United States. Last Action: adopted |
HR 0212 of 2001 | House Resolution |
A resolution to honor the Lanisng branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and its 36th Annual Freedom Fund Dinner. Last Action: adopted |
HR 0270 of 2001 | House Resolution |
A resolution honoring E. Sharon Banks upon her selection as the Michigan Superintendent of the Year. Last Action: adopted |
HB 4042 of 2001 (PA 612 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Consumer protection; other; certain telephone solicitations; regulate and create do-not-call list.
Amends title & secs. 1, 1a, 3 & 6 of 1971 PA 227 (MCL 445.111 et seq.) & adds secs. 1b, 1c, 1d & 1e.
TIE BAR WITH: R00093'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0612'02 |
HB 4057 of 2001 (PA 303 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Health facilities; nursing homes; quality assurance assessment fee, prohibiting employment by certain health facilities of individuals with certain criminal history, and reporting of certain employer disciplinary action;
provide for in certain cases.
Amends title & sec. 20161 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.20161) & adds sec. 20173.
Last Action: assigned PA 0303'02 |
HB 4075 of 2001 | House Bill |
Health facilities; nursing homes; requirement for 24-hour response time to consumer complaint/inquiry line; provide for.
Amends sec. 21799a of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.21799a).
HB 4088 of 2001 | House Bill |
Labor; fair employment practices; volunteer firefighter responding to certain emergency calls; prohibit employer from discharging or disciplining.
Amends 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding sec. 355b.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Employment Relations, Training and Safety |
HB 4091 of 2001 | House Bill |
Courts; funding; distribution of funds from the drug case information management fund to municipal courts; allow.
Amends sec. 323d of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.323d).
HB 4099 of 2001 (PA 14 of 2001) |
House Bill |
Human services; children's services; self-defense training of children's protective services caseworkers; require, and allow children's protective services caseworkers to perform certain duties in pairs.
Amends 1939 PA 280 (MCL 400.1 - 400.119b) by adding sec. 115q.
TIE BAR WITH: SB 0072'01 SB 0073'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0014'01 |
HB 4147 of 2001 (PA 576 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Local government; special assessments; charter township authority to impose special assessments for sanitary sewer improvements; expand.
Amends sec. 31 of 1947 PA 359 (MCL 42.31).
Last Action: assigned PA 0576'02 |
HB 4162 of 2001 | House Bill |
Elections; precinct boundaries; consolidation of voting precincts; allow under certain circumstances.
Amends 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.1 - 168.992) by adding sec. 659.
HB 4164 of 2001 | House Bill |
Income tax; exemptions; primary care of family member over age 60; allow additional exemption under certain circumstances.
Amends sec. 30 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.30).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy |
HB 4167 of 2001 | House Bill |
Mental health; children; program to identify mental health behavioral symptoms in school-aged children and to develop a plan of mental health services; establish.
Amends sec. 100a of 1974 PA 258 (MCL 330.1100a) & adds sec. 208a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Health Policy |
HB 4188 of 2001 | House Bill |
Employment security; benefits; definition of credit week; revise, provide changes to weekly benefit rate, eliminate certain provisions governing seasonal employees, and provide other general amendments.
Amends secs. 19, 27, 29 & 50 of 1936 (Ex Sess) PA 1 (MCL 421.19 et seq.).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Employment Relations, Training and Safety |
HB 4190 of 2001 | House Bill |
Education; curricula; golden apple program; revise eligibility and amend.
Amends sec. 96 of 1979 PA 94 (MCL 388.1696).
HB 4195 of 2001 (PA 11 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Health facilities; nursing homes; individual responsible for receiving complaints and conducting complaint investigations; require nursing home to have such individual available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
Amends 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.1101 - 333.25211) by adding sec. 21723.
Last Action: assigned PA 0011'02 |
HB 4217 of 2001 (PA 424 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Housing; landlord and tenants; housing-with-services contract act; create.
Creates new act.
Last Action: assigned PA 0424'02 |
HB 4287 of 2001 | House Bill |
Holidays; Cesar Chavez day; establish as March 31.
Creates new act.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce |
HB 4293 of 2001 | House Bill |
Education; athletics; high school sports seasons for men and women; require to coincide.
Amends sec. 1289 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1289).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Education |
HB 4298 of 2001 | House Bill |
Health facilities; nursing homes; nursing homes to furnish and supply a copy of incident reports to residents within 24 hours; require.
Amends 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.1101 - 333.25211) by adding sec. 21799.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Senior Health, Security and Retirement |
HB 4353 of 2001 | House Bill |
Elections; voters; election by mail; implement.
Amends sec. 726 of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.726) & add secs. 750a & 750b.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Redistricting and Elections |
HB 4354 of 2001 | House Bill |
Elections; absent voters; absent voter ballot availability; provide for with no reason required.
Amends secs. 758, 759 & 759b of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.758 et seq.).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Redistricting and Elections |
HB 4360 of 2001 (PA 138 of 2001) |
House Bill |
Appropriations; supplemental; department of consumer and industry services regarding fire protection grants; provide for fiscal year 2001-2002.
Last Action: assigned PA 0138'01 |
HB 4407 of 2001 | House Bill |
Education; other; reduction of class sizes for K-3; require over 5-year period beginning in 2001-2002.
Amends 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1 - 380.1852) by adding sec. 1290.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Education |
HB 4408 of 2001 | House Bill |
Businesses; other; licensure of check cashing businesses; require.
Creates new act.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce |
HB 4411 of 2001 | House Bill |
Income tax; home heating credit; qualifications for eligibility for home heating credit; revise to 150% of poverty level and eliminate sunset.
Amends sec. 527a of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.527a).
HB 4430 of 2001 | House Bill |
Health; anatomical gifts; list of individuals authorized to make an anatomical gift for a deceased individual; add patient advocates and clarify that an official state identification card and a motor vehicle operator's
or chauffeur's license can be a valid document of gift.
Amends secs. 10102 & 10104 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.10102 & 333.10104).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 4431'01
HB 4431 of 2001 | House Bill |
Health; anatomical gifts; individuals legally authorized to make an anatomical gift for another; add patient advocates.
Amends secs. 1106, 5506, 5507 & 5510 of 1998 PA 386 (MCL 700.1106 et seq.).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 4430'01
HB 4445 of 2001 | House Bill |
Elections; registration; registering to vote on day of election; allow.
Amends secs. 491, 497 & 497a of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.491 et seq.) & adds sec. 499e.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Redistricting and Elections |
HB 4450 of 2001 | House Bill |
Health facilities; nursing homes; patient abuse; revise investigation and disciplinary proceedings in accordance with federal law.
Amends sec. 21771 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.21771).
HB 4451 of 2001 | House Bill |
Health facilities; nursing homes; nursing home quality of life review commission; create.
Amends 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.1101 - 333.25211) by adding sec. 21769.
HB 4453 of 2001 | House Bill |
Human services; adult foster care; adult foster care facilities; prohibit employment of individuals with certain criminal history and require facilities to conduct criminal history check for new employees.
Amends 1979 PA 218 (MCL 400.701 - 400.737) by adding sec. 34a.
HB 4458 of 2001 | House Bill |
Education; employees; paraprofessional certification task force; create.
Amends 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1 - 380.1852) by adding sec. 1537.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Education |
HB 4460 of 2001 | House Bill |
Labor; youth employment; minors to volunteer for certain adult-supervised construction activities; allow under certain circumstances.
Amends sec. 19 of 1978 PA 90 (MCL 409.119).
HB 4461 of 2001 | House Bill |
Property tax; assessments; construction, renovation, and transfer of residential housing by a charitable housing organization; revise assessment calculation.
Amends secs. 27a & 34d of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.27a & 211.34d).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy |
HB 4463 of 2001 | House Bill |
Health facilities; nursing homes; licensed and unlicensed nursing personnel; modify staffing requirements.
Amends sec. 21720a of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.21720a).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Senior Health, Security and Retirement |
HB 4464 of 2001 | House Bill |
Food; service establishments; requirement that owner or operator provide customer with copy of latest health inspection report upon request; provide for.
Amends 2000 PA 92 (MCL 289.1101 - 289.8111) by adding sec. 3128.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Agriculture and Resource Management |
HB 4465 of 2001 | House Bill |
Health; immunizations; requirement for annual influenza vaccinations for nursing home and assisted living center patients; provide for.
Amends 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.1101 - 333.25211) by adding secs. 21333 & 21716a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Senior Health, Security and Retirement |
HB 4466 of 2001 | House Bill |
Health facilities; nursing homes; penalties for owners of nursing home that is closed or placed in receivership for noncompliance with state regulations; allow receiver to use and circuit court to freeze owners' personal
income and assets.
Amends secs. 21751 & 21786 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.21751 & 333.21786).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Senior Health, Security and Retirement |
HB 4467 of 2001 | House Bill |
Natural resources; gas and oil; drilling for oil and gas under the Great Lakes; prohibit.
Amends secs. 502, 32503 & 33938 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.502 et seq.) & adds sec. 61505a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Conservation and Outdoor Recreation |
HB 4480 of 2001 | House Bill |
Income tax; home heating credit; qualifications for eligibility for home heating credit; allow for incomes between 110% and 125% of poverty level, extend credit through 2004, and change credit calculation.
Amends sec. 527a of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.527a).
HB 4493 of 2001 | House Bill |
Military affairs; generally; requirement for a sensitivity curriculum; provide for individuals enlisted in the national guard.
Amends 1967 PA 150 (MCL 32.501 - 32.851) by adding sec. 206.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Veterans Affairs |
HB 4495 of 2001 | House Bill |
Health; screening; lead-poisoning screening; include in medical screening requirements for preschool.
Amends secs. 9206, 9207, 9209, 9211, 9215 & 9227 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.9206 et seq.) & adds sec. 5474a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Health Policy |
HB 4539 of 2001 | House Bill |
Trade; consumer goods and services; hotels and motels renting rooms to minors; prohibit without age verification.
Amends 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding sec. 411t.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce |
HB 4550 of 2001 (PA 18 of 2001) |
House Bill |
Traffic control; parking; disabled person parking permit; allow for out-of-state physician signatures accompanied by a copy of the physician's license to practice.
Amends sec. 675 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.675).
Last Action: assigned PA 0018'01 |
HB 4564 of 2001 | House Bill |
Higher education; other; student pregnant and parenting project; create and provide funding.
Creates new act.
HB 4566 of 2001 | House Bill |
Income tax; credit; tax credit for certain expenses of nursing home volunteers; provide for.
Amends 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.1 - 206.532) by adding sec. 269.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy |
HB 4588 of 2001 | House Bill |
Health; other; minority health disparities research and education act; create.
Amends 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.1101 - 333.25211) by adding sec. 2227.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Health Policy |
HB 4599 of 2001 (PA 578 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Trade; hazardous substances; sale of mercury thermometers in the state of Michigan; prohibit.
Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90106) by adding pt. 172.
Last Action: assigned PA 0578'02 |
HB 4621 of 2001 (PA 217 of 2001) |
House Bill |
Economic development; enterprise zones; neighborhood enterprise zone definition and sunset; modify.
Amends secs. 2, 3, 9, 10, 11 & 12 of 1992 PA 147 (MCL 207.772 et seq.) & repeals sec. 17 of 1992 PA 147 (MCL 207.787).
Last Action: assigned PA 0217'01 |
HB 4622 of 2001 | House Bill |
Children; adoption; consideration of age of prospective adoptive parents; prohibit.
Amends secs. 23f & 24, ch. X of 1939 PA 288 (MCL 710.23f & 710.24).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Civil Law and the Judiciary |
HB 4623 of 2001 | House Bill |
Income tax; credit; credit for contribution to certain charitable organizations; increase.
Amends sec. 260 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.260).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy |
HB 4624 of 2001 | House Bill |
Education; curricula; certain single-sex classrooms; authorize.
Amends 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1 - 380.1852) by adding sec. 1165.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Education |
HB 4639 of 2001 | House Bill |
Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for crime of fraudulent misidentification of a biological parent of a child in an adoption proceeding; enact.
Amends sec. 15, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.15).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 4638'01
HB 4645 of 2001 | House Bill |
Crimes; weapons; purchasing or attempting to purchase firearm with intent to furnish that firearm to a minor or any other individual who is prohibited from having a firearm; prohibit, and provide penalties.
Amends sec. 223 of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.223).
Last Action: motion to discharge committee postponed for day |
HB 4646 of 2001 | House Bill |
Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for crime of purchasing firearm with intent to distribute or distributing firearm to minor or other unqualified person; enact.
Amends sec. 16m, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.16m).
Last Action: motion to discharge committee postponed for day |
HB 4649 of 2001 | House Bill |
Civil rights; employment discrimination; failure to provide equal compensation for comparable work; establish as violation of Elliott-Larsen civil rights act and create commission on pay equity.
Amends secs. 102, 103 & 202 of 1976 PA 453 (MCL 37.2102 et seq.).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 4648'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Employment Relations, Training and Safety |
HB 4650 of 2001 | House Bill |
Human services; medical services; federal work incentives improvement act; enact conforming state provision to allow continued insurance coverage for the working disabled.
Amends sec. 106 of 1939 PA 280 (MCL 400.106) & adds sec. 106a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Health Policy |
HB 4651 of 2001 | House Bill |
Vehicles; license plates; specialty plates for "ex-POWs"; allow current spouses to obtain and remove service fee.
Amends sec. 803e of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.803e).
HB 4657 of 2001 | House Bill |
Food; service establishments; disclosure of automatic gratuity or service charge on restaurant bills and menus; require.
Creates new act.
Last Action: referred to second reading |
HB 4658 of 2001 | House Bill |
Worker's compensation; benefits; reduction in benefits; prohibit for certain individuals.
Amends sec. 357 of 1969 PA 317 (MCL 418.357).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Insurance and Financial Services |
HB 4659 of 2001 | House Bill |
Worker's compensation; benefits; stopping benefits of injured worker; require all costs incurred in getting benefits reinstated, all unpaid medical bills, and certain percentage interest be paid if benefits are
Amends sec. 852 of 1969 PA 317 (MCL 418.852).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Insurance and Financial Services |
HB 4661 of 2001 | House Bill |
Civil rights; general discrimination; disability and sexual orientation; include as categories protected under the Elliott-Larsen civil rights act.
Amends title & secs. 102, 103, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 209, 302, 302a, 402, 502, 504, 505 & 506 of 1976 PA 453 (MCL 37.2102 et seq.).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Civil Law and the Judiciary |
HB 4662 of 2001 | House Bill |
Civil rights; sex discrimination; ethnic intimidation; expand to include intimidation or hate crimes based on sexual orientation.
Amends sec. 147b of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.147b).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice |
HB 4663 of 2001 | House Bill |
Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; felonious intimidation; provide for in sentencing guidelines.
Amends sec. 16g, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.16g).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 4662'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice |
HB 4667 of 2001 | House Bill |
Income tax; credit; contributions to a historical museum; provide for credit.
Amends sec. 260 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.260).
HB 4672 of 2001 (PA 51 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Education; other; model local policy concerning the administration of medications to students at school; provide for.
Amends 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1 - 380.1852) by adding sec. 1178a.
Last Action: assigned PA 0051'02 |
HB 4682 of 2001 | House Bill |
Housing; affordable; Michigan affordable housing fund; create.
Creates new act.
TIE BAR WITH: HB 4684'01
Last Action: referred to second reading |
HB 4683 of 2001 | House Bill |
Single business tax; credit; contribution to the Michigan affordable housing fund; provide for credit.
Amends 1975 PA 228 (MCL 208.1 - 208.145) by adding sec. 39d.
TIE BAR WITH: HB 4682'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy |
HB 4684 of 2001 | House Bill |
Housing; affordable; Michigan affordable housing program; establish in the Michigan state housing development authority.
Amends title of 1966 PA 346 (MCL 125.1401 - 125.1499c) & adds ch. 3A.
Last Action: referred to second reading |
HB 4702 of 2001 | House Bill |
Communications; telephone; hours and days of operation for home telephone solicitation; limit.
Amends sec. 540e of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.540e).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Energy and Technology |
HB 4703 of 2001 | House Bill |
Education; other; emergency management plan for each school; require.
Amends 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1 - 380.1852) by adding sec. 1308a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Education |
HB 4704 of 2001 | House Bill |
Labor; fair employment practices; penalties for whistleblower protection violators; increase and extend application of law to certain employees of contract agencies.
Amends secs. 1 & 5 of 1980 PA 469 (MCL 15.361 & 15.365).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Employment Relations, Training and Safety |
HB 4720 of 2001 | House Bill |
Villages; general law; procedures to approve annexation petition; revise.
Amends sec. 6, ch. XIV of 1895 PA 3 (MCL 74.6) & adds sec. 6b to ch. XIV.
HB 4722 of 2001 | House Bill |
Cities; home rule; procedures to approve annexation petition; revise.
Amends sec. 9 of 1909 PA 279 (MCL 117.9).
HB 4733 of 2001 (PA 181 of 2001) |
House Bill |
Veterans; other; veterans who did not graduate but joined the armed forces during World War II; grant high school diploma to.
Creates new act.
Last Action: assigned PA 0181'01 |
HB 4748 of 2001 | House Bill |
Gaming; lottery; calculation for distribution of lottery revenue; revise.
Amends secs. 33 & 41 of 1972 PA 239 (MCL 432.33 & 432.41).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 4749'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations |
HB 4749 of 2001 | House Bill |
Education; financing; expenditure of lottery revenue; revise.
Amends 1979 PA 94 (MCL 388.1601 - 388.1772) by adding sec. 10.
TIE BAR WITH: HB 4748'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations |
HB 4750 of 2001 | House Bill |
Human services; medical services; medicaid coverage for nurse midwives; provide for.
Amends 1939 PA 280 (MCL 400.1 - 400.119b) by adding sec. 109h.
Last Action: recommendation concurred in |
HB 4751 of 2001 | House Bill |
Insurance; health; coverage for nurse midwives; provide for.
Amends 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.100 - 500.8302) by adding sec. 3406l.
Last Action: recommendation concurred in |
HB 4752 of 2001 | House Bill |
Insurance; health care corporations; coverage for nurse midwives; provide for.
Amends 1980 PA 350 (MCL 550.1101 - 550.1704) by adding sec. 416d.
Last Action: recommendation concurred in |
HB 4762 of 2001 | House Bill |
Transportation; other; tax on amount of mileage driven in this state; prohibit.
Amends sec. 8 of 2000 PA 403 (MCL 207.1008).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation |
HB 4767 of 2001 | House Bill |
Local government; other; land deeded to the state by a municipality for a designated purpose; create right of reentry under certain circumstances.
Creates new act.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Local Government and Urban Policy |
HB 4775 of 2001 (PA 170 of 2001) |
House Bill |
Labor; hours and wages; reciprocal wage agreements; expand to include Canada and Canadian provinces and territories.
Amends sec. 11a of 1978 PA 390 (MCL 408.481a).
Last Action: assigned PA 0170'01 |
HB 4810 of 2001 | House Bill |
Retirement; state employees; benefits; increase multiplier, increase cost-of-living adjustments, provide for an 80-and-out plan, and increase state's contribution to the defined contribution plan.
Amends secs. 19, 20, 20g & 63 of 1943 PA 240 (MCL 38.19 et seq.).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations |
HB 4829 of 2001 (PA 267 of 2001) |
House Bill |
Agriculture; products; recodification of manufactured milk statutes and rules; provide for.
Creates new act & repeals (See bill).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 4820'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0267'01 |
HB 4858 of 2001 | House Bill |
Family law; other; child under relative's care; prohibit removal under certain circumstances.
Amends 1939 PA 288 (MCL 710.21 - 712A.32) by adding sec. 11a to ch. XIIA.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Civil Law and the Judiciary |
HB 4867 of 2001 | House Bill |
Elections; voting procedures; uniform statewide voting system and other voting reform; provide for.
Amends secs. 31, 33, 491, 497, 497a, 509n, 683, 720, 727, 744, 758, 759, 759b, 770 & 796a of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.31 et seq.) & adds secs. 499e, 720a, 755 & 773a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Redistricting and Elections |
HB 4871 of 2001 | House Bill |
Cities; boards and commissions; zoning ordinance limitations of cities with population over 1,000,000; revise to 750,000.
Amends secs. 3b & 5 of 1921 PA 207 (MCL 125.583b & 125.585).
HB 4880 of 2001 | House Bill |
Health; occupations; criminal background checks for home health services providers; provide for.
Amends 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.1101 - 333.25211) by adding art. 16.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Senior Health, Security and Retirement |
HB 4881 of 2001 | House Bill |
Civil procedure; costs and fees; transcript fee; increase.
Amends sec. 2543 of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.2543).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Civil Law and the Judiciary |
HB 4915 of 2001 | House Bill |
Elections; recounts; reimbursement of certain costs for recounting ballots; provide for under certain circumstances.
Amends sec. 867 of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.867).
HB 4916 of 2001 | House Bill |
Probate; guardians and conservators; Michigan guardianship ombudsman office; create.
Amends title & sec. 1104 of 1998 PA 386 (MCL 700.1104) & adds secs. 5120, 5121, 5122 & 5123.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Civil Law and the Judiciary |
HB 4918 of 2001 | House Bill |
Children; support; children's trustee for child support; establish in the department of treasury.
Amends title & secs. 2, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 31 & 33 of 1995 PA 29 (MCL 567.222 et seq.); adds sec. 2a & repeals sec. 2a of 1995 PA 29 (MCL 567.222a).
TIE BAR WITH: R03964'01 R03965'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Family and Children Services |
HB 4927 of 2001 | House Bill |
Civil rights; racial discrimination; racial profiling; define and regulate the use of traffic stop reporting forms for the collection of data.
Creates new act.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Civil Law and the Judiciary |
HB 4933 of 2001 | House Bill |
Vehicles; other; towing and storage costs of a vehicle stolen or used to commit a crime; prohibit under certain circumstances.
Amends sec. 252d of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.252d).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice |
HB 4934 of 2001 | House Bill |
Health facilities; nursing homes; patient claiming violation of local ordinance or of state law; allow to escrow nursing home contract payments with a financial institution under certain circumstances and provide for
civil cause of action.
Amends sec. 21766 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.21766) & adds sec. 21766a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Senior Health, Security and Retirement |
HB 4984 of 2001 | House Bill |
Criminal procedure; probation; drug or alcohol treatment or education program; permit as condition of probation.
Amends sec. 3, ch. XI of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 771.3).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice |
HB 4985 of 2001 | House Bill |
Education; curricula; parenting education; include in recommended model core curriculum and in professional development for teachers.
Amends secs. 1278 & 1525 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1278 & 380.1525).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Education |
HB 4986 of 2001 | House Bill |
Holidays; "Juneteenth National Freedom Day"; designate as third Saturday in June.
Creates new act.
Last Action: referred to Committee on House Oversight and Operations |
HB 4992 of 2001 | House Bill |
Vehicles; license plates; specialty plates for Michigan zoos; create.
Amends 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.1 - 257.923) by adding secs. 217q & 217r.
Last Action: public hearing scheduled 11/12/02 |
HB 4994 of 2001 (PA 441 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Health; occupations; procedure for issuance of health professional license for certain individuals with health professional license issued in other state or any province of Canada; provide for.
Amends sec. 16186 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.16186).
Last Action: assigned PA 0441'02 |
HB 5013 of 2001 (PA 176 of 2001) |
House Bill |
Natural resources; other; programs for implementation of conservation practices; provide for.
Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90106) by adding pt. 82.
Last Action: assigned PA 0176'01 |
HB 5032 of 2001 | House Bill |
Crimes; crimes against minors; soliciting child to commit an immoral act; increase penalty.
Amends sec. 145a of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.145a).
HB 5033 of 2001 (PA 47 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for crime of soliciting child to commit an immoral act; enact.
Amends sec. 16g, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.16g).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5449'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0047'02 |
HB 5045 of 2001 | House Bill |
Vehicles; other; penalties for intent to use a false certification; clarify.
Amends sec. 903 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.903).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice |
HB 5049 of 2001 (PA 640 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Education; examinations; disclosure of irregularities in MEAP or other state test before notification or response by a school district; prohibit.
Amends 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1 - 380.1852) by adding sec. 1279d.
Last Action: assigned PA 0640'02 |
HB 5060 of 2001 | House Bill |
Education; examinations; state board of education management and administration of MEAP program; provide for in MEAP authorizing statute.
Amends secs. 1, 2 & 6 of 1970 PA 38 (MCL 388.1081 et seq.).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5061'01 HB 5062'01 HB 5063'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Education |
HB 5061 of 2001 | House Bill |
Education; examinations; state board of education to manage and administer MEAP program; provide for in school code.
Amends sec. 1279 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1279).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5060'01 HB 5062'01 HB 5063'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Education |
HB 5062 of 2001 | House Bill |
Education; examinations; state board of education to manage and administer MEAP program; provide for in school aid act.
Amends sec. 104a of 1979 PA 94 (MCL 380.1704a).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5060'01 HB 5061'01 HB 5063'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Education |
HB 5063 of 2001 | House Bill |
Education; examinations; authority of Michigan merit award board to promulgate rules concerning MEAP administration; eliminate in Michigan merit award act.
Amends sec. 9 of 1999 PA 94 (MCL 390.1459).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5060'01 HB 5061'01 HB 5062'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Education |
HB 5104 of 2001 | House Bill |
Energy; alternative sources; net metering; allow.
Amends 1939 PA 3 (MCL 460.1 - 460.10cc) by adding sec. 10dd.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Energy and Technology |
HB 5106 of 2001 | House Bill |
Trade; tobacco; sale of cigarettes in packs of fewer than 20; prohibit.
Amends sec. 2a of 1915 PA 31 (MCL 722.642a).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce |
HB 5108 of 2001 (PA 100 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Retirement; generally; public pension protection act; enact.
Creates new act.
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5109'01 HB 5110'01 HB 5111'01 HB 5112'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0100'02 |
HB 5109 of 2001 (PA 99 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Retirement; state employees; public pension protection; provide for.
Amends title & secs. 31, 40 & 69 of 1943 PA 240 (MCL 38.31 et seq.) & adds sec. 68a.
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5108'01 HB 5732'02
Last Action: assigned PA 0099'02 |
HB 5110 of 2001 (PA 94 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Retirement; public school employees; public pension protection and health advance funding; provide for.
Amends secs. 4, 34, 36, 41, 43a, 46, 85 & 108 of 1980 PA 300 (MCL 38.1304 et seq.).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5108'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0094'02 |
HB 5111 of 2001 (PA 98 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Retirement; fire and police; public pension protection; provide for.
Amends secs. 6 & 9 of 1937 PA 345 (MCL 38.556 & 38.559).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5108'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0098'02 |
HB 5112 of 2001 (PA 95 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Retirement; judges; public pension protection; provide for.
Amends title & secs. 105, 213, 214, 216, 217, 304, 305, 308, 401a, 405, 506, 508, 604, 714 & 720 of 1992 PA 234 (MCL 38.2105 et seq.).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5108'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0095'02 |
HB 5113 of 2001 (PA 96 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Retirement; state police; public pension protection; provide for.
Amends sec. 43 of 1986 PA 182 (MCL 38.1643).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5108'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0096'02 |
HB 5114 of 2001 (PA 97 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Retirement; legislative; public pension protection; provide for.
Amends title & secs. 8a, 9, 13a, 14, 20, 22a, 22c, 23, 23d, 26, 30, 57, 59a, 61, 62, 63 & 80 of 1957 PA 261 (MCL 38.1008a et seq.).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5108'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0097'02 |
HB 5122 of 2001 | House Bill |
Vehicles; license plates; specialty plate for breast cancer awareness; provide for.
Amends 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.1 - 257.923) by adding secs. 217p & 217q.
HB 5128 of 2001 | House Bill |
Insurance; health; coverage for certain mental health treatment; provide that coverage cannot be more restrictive than coverage for medical treatment.
Amends 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.100 - 500.8302) by adding sec. 3406l.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Insurance and Financial Services |
HB 5131 of 2001 | House Bill |
Children; parenting time; grandparenting time; amend adoption code to establish child custody act provisions as controlling.
Amends sec. 60, ch. X of 1939 PA 288 (MCL 710.60).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5132'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Civil Law and the Judiciary |
HB 5132 of 2001 | House Bill |
Children; parenting time; grandparenting time; expand and clarify right to bring action for.
Amends secs. 2 & 7b of 1970 PA 91 (MCL 722.22 & 722.27b).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5131'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Civil Law and the Judiciary |
HB 5133 of 2001 | House Bill |
Liquor; licenses; penalty for selling alcohol to a minor; increase.
Amends secs. 701 & 903 of 1998 PA 58 (MCL 436.1701 & 436.1903).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Regulatory Reform |
HB 5150 of 2001 | House Bill |
Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for possession of a stolen motor vehicle; provide for.
Amends sec. 16z, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.16z).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5149'01
HB 5160 of 2001 | House Bill |
Water; other; proposed diversion of water from the Great Lakes; require public hearing and comment period.
Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90106) by adding sec. 32704a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Conservation and Outdoor Recreation |
HB 5161 of 2001 | House Bill |
Senior citizens; other; home care options for Michigan's elders campaign; establish in department of community health.
Amends 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.1101 - 333.25211) by adding sec. 9141.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Senior Health, Security and Retirement |
HB 5179 of 2001 | House Bill |
Education; public school academies; ability of federal tribally controlled community colleges to charter public school academies; eliminate.
Amends secs. 501 & 1311b of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.501 & 380.1311b).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Education |
HB 5180 of 2001 | House Bill |
School aid; other; procedure for reimbursement from another school district when a pupil transfers after the count day; apply to all districts.
Amends sec. 25b of 1979 PA 94 (MCL 388.1625b).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations |
HB 5206 of 2001 | House Bill |
Children; support; individuals arrested for failure to pay child support; permit only cash deposit.
Amends secs. 31 & 32 of 1982 PA 295 (MCL 552.631 & 552.632).
HB 5207 of 2001 | House Bill |
Transportation; funds; transportation funding formula; extend certain dates and provide certain mandatory percentages for federal highway funds and for critical bridge fund to local jursidiction.
Amends secs. 10o & 11b of 1951 PA 51 (MCL 247.660o & 247.661b).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation |
HB 5213 of 2001 | House Bill |
Property tax; payment and collection; procedure for removing unpaid and uncollectible delinquent personal property taxes from tax rolls; revise.
Amends sec. 56a of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.56a).
HB 5230 of 2001 | House Bill |
Mental health; code; requirement for a mental health facility to comply with the health care information protection and privacy act; provide for.
Amends 1974 PA 258 (MCL 330.1001 - 330.2106) by adding sec. 149c.
TIE BAR WITH: HB 4936'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Health Policy |
HB 5266 of 2001 | House Bill |
State; identification cards; designation for a do-not-resuscitate order, durable power of attorney, or patient advocate; provide option.
Amends sec. 2 of 1972 PA 222 (MCL 28.292).
HB 5269 of 2001 | House Bill |
Courts; records; sealing of certain records; allow.
Amends 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600-101 - 600.9948) by adding sec. 2972.
HB 5281 of 2001 (PA 189 of 2001) |
House Bill |
Crimes; assaultive; certain prior domestic violence violations; allow to be considered for enhanced penalty.
Amends sec. 81 of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.81).
Last Action: assigned PA 0189'01 |
HB 5292 of 2001 | House Bill |
Family law; other; relative care; require same level of support as foster care.
Amends secs. 18c, 55 & 115b of 1939 PA 280 (MCL 400.18c et seq.) & adds sec. 18b.
TIE BAR WITH: HB 4858'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Family and Children Services |
HB 5367 of 2001 | House Bill |
Crimes; penalties; providing false information or hindering an investigation by the children's ombudsman office; establish penalties.
Amends 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding sec. 411t.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Family and Children Services |
HB 5376 of 2001 | House Bill |
Occupations; other; registration of contact lens providers and prescription requirements for contact lenses; require.
Amends 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.1101 - 333.25211) by adding secs. 18609 & 18611.
HB 5377 of 2001 | House Bill |
Occupations; other; registration of contact lens providers and certain prescription requirements for contact lenses; require.
Amends 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.1101 - 333.25211) by adding pt. 186.
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5376'01 HB 5378'01 HB 5379'01
HB 5379 of 2001 | House Bill |
Occupations; optometrists; prescription of contact lenses; require optometrist or ophthalmologist to give to patient under certain circumstances.
Amends secs. 16221 & 16226 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.16221 & 333.16226) & adds sec. 18613.
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5376'01 HB 5377'01 HB 5378'01
HB 5380 of 2001 (PA 496 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Environmental protection; solid waste; scrap tire regulations; provide general amendments.
Amends secs. 16901, 16902, 16903, 16904a, 16905, 16906, 16908 & 16909 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.16901 et seq.); adds secs. 16903b & 16903c & repeals sec. 16902a of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.16902a).
TIE BAR WITH: SB 1324'02
Last Action: assigned PA 0496'02 |
HB 5384 of 2001 | House Bill |
Children; abuse or neglect; child abuse resulting in death of child; provide for increased penalty.
Amends sec. 136b of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.136b).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice |
HB 5385 of 2001 | House Bill |
Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for crime of child abuse; revise to reflect increased penalty if violation results in death of the child.
Amends sec. 16g, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.16g).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5384'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice |
HB 5394 of 2001 (PA 665 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Criminal procedure; sentencing; lifetime probation, mandatory minimum sentence, and mandatory consecutive sentence for certain controlled substance violations; eliminate and increase certain penalties.
Amends secs. 7401 & 7403 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.7401 & 333.7403).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5395'01 HB 6510'02
Last Action: assigned PA 0665'02 |
HB 5395 of 2001 (PA 666 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Criminal procedure; sentencing; court authority to depart from mandatory minimum sentencing for certain controlled substance offenders; provide for, and establish related sentencing guidelines.
Amends sec. 34, ch. IX, secs. 1 & 2, ch. XI & secs. 13m, 43, 45 & 57, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 769.34 et seq.).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5394'01 HB 6510'02
Last Action: assigned PA 0666'02 |
HB 5401 of 2001 | House Bill |
School aid; other; school infrastructure debt millages; equalize to state average.
Amends 1979 PA 94 (MCL 388.1601 - 388.1772) by adding sec. 98b.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations |
HB 5432 of 2001 | House Bill |
Single business tax; credit; contributions to school districts for certain purposes; provide for credit.
Amends 1975 PA 228 (MCL 208.1 - 208.145) by adding sec. 39d.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy |
HB 5433 of 2001 | House Bill |
Income tax; credit; contributions to school districts for certain purposes; provide for credit.
Amends 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.1 - 206.532) by adding sec. 270.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy |
HB 5443 of 2001 (PA 271 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for crime of assaulting, beating, wounding, obstructing, or endangering officers other than peace officers; provide for.
Amends secs. 16x & 16z, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.16x & 777.16z).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5442'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0271'02 |
HB 5450 of 2001 | House Bill |
Local government; financing; authority to establish clean title program; implement.
Creates new act.
HB 5462 of 2001 | House Bill |
Recreation; swimming pools; certain requirements for use of starting platforms; revise.
Amends sec. 12522 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.12522).
HB 5471 of 2001 | House Bill |
Weapons; concealed; carrying of a concealed weapon into a library; prohibit.
Amends sec. 5o of 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.425o).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice |
HB 5480 of 2001 (PA 207 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Food; other; protection of halal food; provide penalties for consumer fraud.
Amends 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding sec. 297f.
Last Action: assigned PA 0207'02 |
HB 5546 of 2001 | House Bill |
Housing; landlord and tenants; increasing rent charged or charging more to an individual with a service dog; prohibit.
Amends sec. 502 of 1976 PA 220 (MCL 37.1502).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce |
HB 5548 of 2001 | House Bill |
Insurance; health; date limitation on coverage for optometric service; remove.
Amends secs. 2243, 3405, 3631 & 3709 of 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.2243 et seq.) & repeals sec. 3107b of 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.3107b).
TIE BAR WITH: R04170'01 R04171'01 R04172'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on Health Policy |
HB 5556 of 2001 (PA 434 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Natural resources; fishing; miles of designated trout streams; authorize department to increase and allow children to take 1 fish.
Amends sec. 48701 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.48701).
Last Action: assigned PA 0434'02 |
HJR W of 2002 | House Joint Resolution |
Constitutional amendments; state; exemptions for contributions to a place of religious worship; eliminate prohibition.
Amends sec. 4, art. I of the state constitution.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy |
HJR AA of 2002 | House Joint Resolution |
Public employees and officers; term limits for certain elected state offices; modify.
Amends sec. 54, art. IV & sec. 30, art. V of the state constitution.
Last Action: printed bill filed 07/03/02 |
HJR DD of 2002 | House Joint Resolution |
Elections; special elections; vacancy in state legislature; amend constitution to require governor to follow procedure as enacted by legislature.
Amends sec. 13, art. V of the state constitution.
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/26/02 |
HR 0308 of 2002 | House Resolution |
A resolution honoring Saturnino Rodriguez upon his retirement as an educator in the Lansing School District. Last Action: adopted |
HR 0309 of 2002 | House Resolution |
A resolution honoring Dorothy F. Cotton. Last Action: adopted |
HR 0310 of 2002 | House Resolution |
A resolution honoring Reverend Dr. Joseph L. Roberts, Jr. Last Action: adopted |
HR 0317 of 2002 | House Resolution |
A resolution honoring Reverend Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. Last Action: adopted |
HR 0318 of 2002 | House Resolution |
A resolution honoring Dick Gregory. Last Action: adopted |
HR 0362 of 2002 | House Resolution |
A resolution honoring Reverend Donald A. Wenstrom for his much appreciated service. Last Action: adopted |
HR 0492 of 2002 | House Resolution |
A resolution observing July 16-24, 2002, as National Apollo Anniversary observance week in Michigan. Last Action: adopted |
HR 0501 of 2002 | House Resolution |
A resolution commemorating June 19, 2002, as Juneteenth Day in recognition of the annual holiday celebrating the end of slavery in the United States. Last Action: adopted |
HR 0554 of 2002 | House Resolution |
A resolution honoring Thomas Kiesiedu Okae for his commitment to sharing the richness and importance of Africa's heritage and culture with the people of Michigan. Last Action: adopted |
HB 5571 of 2002 | House Bill |
Vehicles; other; mobility aid right-of-way; establish.
Amends 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.1 - 257.923) by adding sec. 613e.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation |
HB 5577 of 2002 | House Bill |
Income tax; home heating credit; child support; exclude from computation of household income for home heating tax credit calculation.
Amends sec. 527a of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.527a).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy |
HB 5581 of 2002 | House Bill |
Senior citizens; health; refundable administrative fee for ineligible applicants; provide for.
Amends sec. 3 of 2000 PA 499 (MCL 550.2003).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Insurance and Financial Services |
HB 5590 of 2002 | House Bill |
Retirement; public school employees; multiplier; increase.
Amends sec. 84 of 1980 PA 300 (MCL 38.1384).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Senior Health, Security and Retirement |
HB 5591 of 2002 (PA 486 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Income tax; forms; listing of credits and deductions in instruction booklet and on treasury website; require.
Amends sec. 471 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.471).
Last Action: assigned PA 0486'02 |
HB 5617 of 2002 | House Bill |
Single business tax; tax base; deduction of amounts paid to taxpayers as a result of the phaseout of certain motor vehicle brands; provide for.
Amends sec. 9 of 1975 PA 228 (MCL 208.9).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy |
HB 5621 of 2002 | House Bill |
Income tax; other; deduction of amounts paid to taxpayer as a result of the phaseout of certain motor vehicle brands; provide for.
Amends sec. 30 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.30).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy |
HB 5629 of 2002 (PA 218 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Local government; bonds; bonding authority of natural resources and environmental protection act; modify.
Amends sec. 30922 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.30922).
Last Action: assigned PA 0218'02 |
HB 5636 of 2002 | House Bill |
State; other; state forms; include the word "townships".
Amends 1937 PA 153 (MCL 24.61 - 24.62) by adding sec. 1b.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Regulatory Reform |
HB 5677 of 2002 | House Bill |
Vehicles; registration; identity protection for certain internal revenue service personnel; provide for.
Amends sec. 217 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.217).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Regulatory Reform |
HB 5685 of 2002 | House Bill |
Environmental protection; other; citizen board; establish.
Amends sec. 1101 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.1101) & adds pt. 6.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Land Use and Environment |
HB 5732 of 2002 (PA 93 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Retirement; state employees; early retirement for certain state employees; allow under certain circumstances.
Amends secs. 1b, 1d, 5, 11, 13, 17j, 19, 20, 20d, 21, 24, 31, 33, 38, 46, 48, 49 & 52 of 1943 PA 240 (MCL 38.1b et seq.) & adds secs. 17n, 19g & 19h.
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5109'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0093'02 |
HB 5773 of 2002 | House Bill |
Corrections; parole; HIV and AIDS testing as a condition of parole; require.
Amends 1953 PA 232 (MCL 791.201 - 791.283) by adding sec. 37a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice |
HB 5777 of 2002 | House Bill |
Consumer protection; unfair trade practices; deceptive unsolicited commercial e-mail; regulate.
Amends sec. 3 of 1976 PA 331 (MCL 445.903) & adds sec. 3e.
Last Action: recommendation concurred in |
HB 5798 of 2002 | House Bill |
Insurance; no-fault; Michigan catastrophic claims association; require to comply with freedom of information act and open meetings act.
Amends secs. 134 & 3104 of 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.134 & 500.3104).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5800'02
Last Action: referred to Committee on Insurance and Financial Services |
HB 5799 of 2002 | House Bill |
Insurance; no-fault; annual audit of the Michgian catastrophic claims association; require.
Amends sec. 3104 of 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.3104).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Insurance and Financial Services |
HB 5800 of 2002 | House Bill |
Civil rights; open meetings; catastrophic claims association; make subject to open meetings act.
Amends secs. 2 & 3 of 1976 PA 267 (MCL 15.262 & 15.263).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5798'02
Last Action: referred to Committee on Insurance and Financial Services |
HB 5801 of 2002 | House Bill |
Insurance; no-fault; membership on Michigan catastrophic claims association board; expand.
Amends sec. 3104 of 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.3104).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Insurance and Financial Services |
HB 5802 of 2002 | House Bill |
Income tax; credit; contributions to community housing development organizations; provide for credit.
Amends 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.1 - 206.532) by adding sec. 270.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy |
HB 5804 of 2002 (PA 485 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Trade; vehicles; flood vehicle title branding; provide for and revise special plate requirements for manufacturer test vehicles.
Amends secs. 222 & 244 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.222 & 257.244) & adds sec. 17c.
Last Action: assigned PA 0485'02 |
HB 5828 of 2002 | House Bill |
Vehicles; equipment; noise limitations provisions; include certain vehicle music systems.
Amends 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.1 - 257.923) by adding sec. 707g.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation |
HB 5833 of 2002 | House Bill |
Children; support; child support assurance project; create.
Creates new act.
TIE BAR WITH: HB 4918'01 HB 5834'02
Last Action: referred to Committee on Family and Children Services |
HB 5834 of 2002 | House Bill |
Children; support; amount of undisbursed collections; reduce.
Amends title & secs. 1 & 3 of 1971 PA 174 (MCL 400.231 & 400.233); adds sec. 3b & repeals sec. 3b of 1971 PA 174 (MCL 400.233b).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 4918'01 HB 5833'02
Last Action: referred to Committee on Family and Children Services |
HB 5939 of 2002 | House Bill |
Human services; services or financial assistance; subsidized child care services for children of individuals serving in the Michigan reserves; provide for.
Amends 1939 PA 280 (MCL 400.1 - 400.119b) by adding sec. 57m.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Family and Children Services |
HB 5949 of 2002 | House Bill |
Crimes; other; sale or rental of certain video games to minors; prohibit.
Amends 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding sec. 143a.
Last Action: transmitted |
HB 5967 of 2002 | House Bill |
Children; protection; child advocate office; establish and eliminate the children's ombudsman.
Amends title & secs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 of 1994 PA 204 (MCL 722.921 et seq.) & repeals secs. 13, 14 & 15 of 1994 PA 204 (MCL 722.933 et seq.).
HB 5974 of 2002 | House Bill |
Education; board members; 5-year waiting period for ballot proposal regarding the retention of the appointed reform board; eliminate and place on August 2002 primary election ballot in a qualifying district.
Amends sec. 375 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.375).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Education |
HB 5975 of 2002 | House Bill |
Education; other; requirement for state superintendent or designee to be a part of majority vote for appointing CEO; eliminate.
Amends sec. 374 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.374).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Education |
HB 5981 of 2002 | House Bill |
Occupations; health care professions; clinical laboratory scientists/medical technologists, clinical laboratory technicians/medical technicians, and clinical laboratory assistants; license and regulate.
Amends secs. 16131 & 16263 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.16131 & 333.16263) & adds sec. 16351 & pt. 187A.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Health Policy |
HB 6057 of 2002 | House Bill |
Employment security; benefits; unemployment benefits; increase weekly benefit rate to 4.4% in a calendar quarter and increase base period wage calculation to 45%.
Amends sec. 27 of 1936 (Ex Sess) PA 1 (MCL 421.27).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Employment Relations, Training and Safety |
HB 6066 of 2002 (PA 508 of 2002) |
House Bill |
State agencies (existing); other; department of history, arts, and libraries; establish the Michigan film advisory commission and the Michigan film office.
Amends secs. 2 & 21 of 2001 PA 63 (MCL 399.702 & 399.721) & adds secs. 7 & 22.
Last Action: assigned PA 0508'02 |
HB 6070 of 2002 | House Bill |
State; authorities; Michigan next energy authority; create.
Creates new act.
HB 6071 of 2002 (PA 512 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Economic development; renaissance zones; alternative energy zone; create.
Amends sec. 8a of 1996 PA 376 (MCL 125.2688a).
Last Action: assigned PA 0512'02 |
HB 6076 of 2002 | House Bill |
Use tax; exemptions; alternative energy vehicles, alternative energy marine propulsion system, and alternative energy system; provide for use tax exemption.
Amends 1937 PA 94 (MCL 205.91 - 205.111) by adding sec. 4w.
HB 6085 of 2002 | House Bill |
Human services; other; faith community liaison; create and allow contracting with faith-based organizations.
Creates & repeals new act.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Family and Children Services |
HB 6088 of 2002 | House Bill |
State; other; public services accountability act; create and establish standards of accountability and reliability on contracting out services.
Creates new act.
TIE BAR WITH: HB 4704'01
Last Action: referred to Committee on House Oversight and Operations |
HB 6089 of 2002 | House Bill |
State; other; public services accountability act; create exception in management and budget act.
Amends sec. 261 of 1984 PA 431 (MCL 18.1261).
Last Action: referred to Committee on House Oversight and Operations |
HB 6092 of 2002 | House Bill |
Communications; telephone; disclosure of certain account information without written consent from the customer; prohibit.
Amends sec. 305 of 1991 PA 179 (MCL 484.2305).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Energy and Technology |
HB 6102 of 2002 | House Bill |
Income tax; deductions; deduction of unemployment benefits; provide for.
Amends sec. 30 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.30).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy |
HB 6154 of 2002 | House Bill |
Education; curricula; age appropriate sex education; provide for.
Amends secs. 1169 & 1507 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1169 & 380.1507).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Education |
HB 6163 of 2002 | House Bill |
Consumer protection; unfair trade practices; cancellation of no money down or no interest financing transactions based on the consumer's credit; prohibit after delivery of goods.
Amends sec. 3 of 1976 PA 331 (MCL 445.903).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce |
HB 6172 of 2002 | House Bill |
Crime victims; rights; impact statement during sentencing; allow neighborhood associations to present.
Amends secs. 2, 15, 31, 43, 61 & 75 of 1985 PA 87 (MCL 780.752 et seq.).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Criminal Justice |
HB 6206 of 2002 | House Bill |
Labor; hours and wages; leave time for donation of anatomical gifts; provide for.
Creates new act.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Employment Relations, Training and Safety |
HB 6238 of 2002 | House Bill |
Traffic control; parking; qualifications for parking placards; revise.
Amends 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.1 - 257.923) by adding sec. 675e.
HB 6356 of 2002 | House Bill |
Elections; special elections; vacancies in legislative office; add provisions governing calling of special elections.
Amends secs. 178 & 634 of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.178 & 168.634).
HB 6444 of 2002 (PA 712 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Law enforcement; investigations; Michigan Amber alert plan; establish.
Creates new act.
TIE BAR WITH: HB 6445'02
Last Action: assigned PA 0712'02 |
HB 6445 of 2002 (PA 713 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Law enforcement; other; procedures for certain emergency broadcasts regarding a child abduction; establish.
Creates new act.
TIE BAR WITH: HB 6444'02
Last Action: assigned PA 0713'02 |
HB 6460 of 2002 | House Bill |
Income tax; deductions; certain expenses incurred by volunteer firefighters; provide for deduction.
Amends sec. 30 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.30).
Last Action: printed bill filed 11/12/02 |
HB 6510 of 2002 (PA 670 of 2002) |
House Bill |
Corrections; parole; parole of individuals sentenced for certain drug offenses; allow, and eliminate restrictions and establish housing capacities for certain correctional facilities.
Amends secs. 20e & 34 of 1953 PA 232 (MCL 791.220e & 791.234).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5394'01 HB 5395'01
Last Action: assigned PA 0670'02 |
HB 6516 of 2002 | House Bill |
Crimes; assaultive; penalty for aggravated assault; revise for certain circumstances.
Amends sec. 81a of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.81a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 11/12/02 |
HB 6517 of 2002 | House Bill |
Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for certain aggravated assault convictions; revise.
Amends sec. 16d, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.16d).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 6516'02
Last Action: printed bill filed 11/12/02 |