No. 3





House  of  Representatives


102nd  Legislature






House Chamber, Lansing, Tuesday, January 17, 2023.


1:30 p.m.


The House was called to order by the Speaker.


The roll was called by the Clerk of the House of Representatives, who announced that a quorum was present.


Aiyash—present            Dievendorf—present     Markkanen—present     Schriver—present

Alexander—present        Edwards—present         Martin—present            Schuette—present

Andrews—present          Farhat—present            Martus—present           Scott—present

Aragona—present          Filler—present              McFall—present           Shannon—present

Arbit—present               Fink—present               McKinney—present      Skaggs—present

Beeler—present             Fitzgerald—present       Meerman—present        Slagh—present

BeGole—present            Fox—present                Mentzer—present         Smit—present

Beson—present              Friske—present            Miller—present            Snyder—present

Bezotte—present            Glanville—present        Morgan—present          St. Germaine—present

Bierlein—present           Grant—present             Morse—present            Steckloff—present

Bollin—present              Green, P.—present        Mueller—present          Steele—present

Borton—present             Greene, J.—present       Neeley—present           Stone—present

Brabec—present            Haadsma—present        Neyer—present             Tate—present

Breen—present              Hall—present               O’Neal—present           Thompson—present

Brixie—present              Harris—present            Outman—present          Tisdel—present

Bruck—excused             Hill—present                Paiz—present               Tsernoglou—present

Byrnes—present            Hoadley—present         Paquette—excused        VanderWall—present

Carra—present               Hood—present             Pohutsky—present        VanWoerkom—present

Carter, B.—present         Hope—present             Posthumus—present      Wegela—present

Carter, T.—present         Hoskins—present          Prestin—present           Weiss—present

Cavitt—present              Johnsen—present          Price—present              Wendzel—present

Churches—present         Koleszar—present         Puri—present               Whitsett—present

Coffia—present             Kuhn—present             Rheingans—present      Wilson—present

Coleman—present          Kunse—present            Rigas—present             Witwer—present

Conlin—present             Liberati—present          Rogers—present           Wozniak—present

DeBoer—present           Lightner—present         Roth—present              Young—present

DeBoyer—present          MacDonell—present     Schmaltz—present        Zorn—present

DeSana—present           Maddock—present                                           


e/d/s = entered during session

Rep. Gregory L. Alexander, from the 98th District, offered the following invocation:


“Dear heavenly Father,

We thank You for this day. We appreciate the opportunity to assemble in this great state of Michigan and do the work of our constituents.

Please give us the eyes to see the needs of the people.

Please give us the ears to hear the cries of those in need.

Please give us the voice to stand up for what is just and give us the wisdom, strength, and courage to follow through on the promises we made.

Father, please protect and guide the men and women in our Armed Services and first responders, who protect all of us, that they may safely get home to their loved ones.

We ask this through Christ, our Lord, Who lives in reigns with us in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.







The Speaker called the Speaker Pro Tempore to the Chair.






Rep. Posthumus moved that Reps. Bruck and Paquette be excused from today’s session.

The motion prevailed.






Rep. Aiyash moved that House Committees be given leave to meet during the balance of today’s session.

The motion prevailed.



Announcement by the Clerk of Printing and Enrollment



The Clerk announced that the following bills had been reproduced and made available electronically on Thursday, January 12:

House Bill Nos.     4001   4002   4003   4004  4005   4006   4007   4008   4009  4010   4011   4012 4013       4014        4015        4016        4017

Senate Bill Nos.          1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9      10      11      12     13






January 17, 2023

Mr. Rich Brown, Clerk

Michigan House of Representatives

State Capitol Building

Lansing, MI 48913


Dear Mr. Clerk:

     I appoint the following Members of the 102nd Legislature to the Appropriations Subcommittees for the 2023-2024 Legislative Session:


Julie Brixie (Chair), Jasper Martus (Vice-Chair), Donovan McKinney, Denise Mentzer, Ranjeev Puri, Ken Borton (Minority Vice-Chair), Gregory Alexander


Amos O’Neal (Chair), Donavan McKinney (Vice-Chair), Will Snyder, Christine Morse, Bradley Slagh (Minority Vice-Chair), Sarah Lightner, Ann Bollin

Environment and Great Lakes

Rachel Hood (Chair), Donavan McKinney (Vice-Chair), Felicia Brabec, Jasper Martus, Regina Weiss, Timothy Beson (Minority Vice-Chair), Bill Schuette, Cam Cavitt

General Government

Felicia Brabec (Chair), Rachel Hood (Vice-Chair), Ranjeev Puri, Amos O’Neal, Denise Mentzer, Samantha Steckloff, Ann Bollin (Minority Vice-Chair), Sarah Lightner, Thomas Kuhn

Health and Human Services

Christine Morse (Chair), Jasper Martus (Vice-Chair), Felicia Brabec, Rachel Hood, Phil Skaggs, Alabas Farhat, Amos O’Neal, Natalie Price, Will Snyder, Ranjeev Puri, Phil Green (Minority Vice-Chair), Ann Bollin, Thomas Kuhn, Luke Meerman, Donni Steele

Higher Education and Community Colleges

Samantha Steckloff (Chair), Jason Morgan (Vice-Chair), Phil Skaggs, Regina Weiss, Natalie Price, Thomas Kuhn (Minority Vice-Chair), Nancy DeBoer

Joint Capital Outlay

Natalie Price (Chair), Samantha Steckloff (Vice-Chair), Ranjeev Puri, Julie Brixie, Amos O’Neal, Jimmie Wilson, Gregory Alexander (Minority Vice-Chair), Andrew Fink, Bradley Slagh


Jimmie Wilson (Chair), Regina Weiss (Vice-Chair), Julie Brixie, Jason Morgan, Denise Mentzer, Sarah Lightner (Minority Vice-Chair), Cam Cavitt, Bill Schuette

Labor and Economic Opportunity

Will Snyder (Chair), Jasper Martus (Vice-Chair), Donovan McKinney, Ranjeev Puri, Alabas Farhat, Greg VanWoerkom (Minority Vice-Chair), Luke Meerman, Timothy Beson, Gregory Alexander

Licensing and Regulatory Affairs/Insurance and Financial Services

Phil Skaggs (Chair), Julie Brixie (Vice-Chair), Donavan McKinney, Jasper Martus, Christine Morse, Bill Schuette (Minority Vice-Chair), Nancy DeBoer, Ken Borton

Military and Veterans Affairs and State Police

Jason Morgan (Chair), Jimmie Wilson (Vice-Chair), Christine Morse, Felicia Brabec, Cam Cavitt (Minority Vice-Chair), Phil Green, Bradley Slagh

School Aid and Michigan Department of Education

Regina Weiss (Chair), Jason Morgan (Vice-Chair), Natalie Price, Matt Koleszar, Phil Skaggs, Jimmie Wilson, Samantha Steckloff, Nancy DeBoer (Minority Vice-Chair), Cam Cavitt, Phil Green, Luke Meerman


Ranjeev Puri (Chair), Jason Morgan (Vice-Chair), Rachel Hood, Phil Skaggs, Samantha Steckloff, Donni Steele (Minority Vice-Chair), Ken Borton


                                                                                       Angela Witwer

                                                                                       Appropriations Chair

                                                                                       State Representative

                                                                                       76th District



January 17, 2023

Mr. Rich Brown, Clerk

Michigan House of Representatives

State Capitol Building

Lansing, Michigan 48913


Dear Mr. Clerk:

I hereby appoint the following Members of the 102nd Legislature to the Subcommittee on Housing of the Standing Committee on Economic Development and Small Business for the 2023-2024 Legislative Session:


Coleman (C), Dievendorf (VC), Andrews, Stone, Tsernoglou, Scott, Grant, Aragona (Min. VC), Maddock, Rigas, Fink


                                                                                       Representative Hoskins

                                                                                       Chair, Economic Development and Small
                                                                                          Business Policy Committee

January 17, 2023

Mr. Rich Brown, Clerk

Michigan House of Representatives

State Capitol Building

Lansing, Michigan 48913


Dear Mr. Clerk:

I hereby appoint the following Members of the 102nd Legislature to the Subcommittee on Behavioral Health of the Standing Committee on Health Policy for the 2023-2024 Legislative Session:

Behavioral Health

Reps. Brabec (C), Arbit (Maj. VC), Rheingans, MacDonell, Edwards, Pohutsky, Glanville, Schmaltz (Min. VC), Hoadley St. Germaine, Thompson


                                                                                       Representative Rogers

                                                                                       Chair, Health Policy Committee



Introduction of Bills



Reps. MacDonell, Puri, Pohutsky, Conlin, Fitzgerald, Tsernoglou, Stone, Brenda Carter, Haadsma, Scott, Steckloff, Price, Hill, Dievendorf, Breen, Young, Weiss, Koleszar, Skaggs, Arbit, Glanville, Meerman, Hoskins, Churches, Morse, Morgan, O’Neal, Neeley, McKinney, Aiyash, Byrnes, Miller, Paiz, Coffia, Brabec, Rheingans, Edwards, Wilson, Wegela, Liberati, Tyrone Carter, Andrews, Brixie, Hope, Shannon, Hood, Grant and Rogers introduced

House Bill No. 4018, entitled

A bill to amend 2003 PA 225, entitled “An act to designate March 31 of each year as Cesar E. Chavez day in the state of Michigan; to designate July 14 of each year as President Gerald R. Ford day in the state of Michigan; and to designate July 30 of each year as Henry Ford day in the state of Michigan,” (MCL 435.301 to 435.303) by amending the title and by adding section 4.

The bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Government Operations.



Announcements by the Clerk



Following is a listing of the schedule of Standing Committees for the 2023-2024 Legislative Session


Call of the Chair               Appropriations                                              352 Capitol Building

                                       Government Operations                                307 House Office Building


Tuesdays     9:00 a.m.     Education                                                      521 House Office Building

                                       Criminal Justice                                            519 House Office Building

                                       Economic Development and Small Business    326 House Office Building

                    10:30 a.m.   Regulatory Reform                                        519 House Office Building

                                       Transportation, Mobility and Infrastructure  521 House Office Building

                                       Elections                                                        327 House Office Building

                    12:00 noon  Families, Children and Seniors                       326 House Office Building

                                       Military, Veterans and Homeland Security     327 House Office Building


Wednesdays 9:00 a.m.     Energy, Communications, and Technology     519 House Office Building

                                       Agriculture                                                    327 House Office Building

                    10:30 a.m.   Judiciary                                                       521 House Office Building

                    12:00 noon  Tax Policy                                                     521 House Office Building

                                       Local Government and Municipal Finance     519 House Office Building


Thursdays    9:00 a.m.     Insurance and Financial Services                   521 House Office Building

                                       Labor                                                            326 House Office Building

                    10:30 a.m.   Health Policy                                                 519 House Office Building

                                       Ethics and Oversight                                     521 House Office Building

                                       Natural Resources, Environmental, Tourism and

                                       Outdoor Recreation                                       307 House Office Building



January 13, 2023

Received from the Auditor General a copy of the:

·     Report on Internal Control, Compliance, and Other Matters on the State of Michigan 401K Plan (071‑0156-23), January 2023

·     Report on Internal Control, Compliance, and Other Matters on the State of Michigan 457 Plan (071‑0157-23), Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2022.

                                                                                       Richard J. Brown

                                                                                       Clerk of the House






Rep. Wozniak moved that the House adjourn.

The motion prevailed, the time being 2:55 p.m.


The Speaker Pro Tempore declared the House adjourned until Wednesday, January 18, at 1:30 p.m.




Clerk of the House of Representatives