House of Representatives
102nd Legislature
House Chamber, Lansing, Thursday, May 25, 2023.
12:00 Noon.
The House was called to order by the Clerk.
The roll was called by the Clerk of the House of Representatives, who announced that a quorum was not present.
Announcement by the Clerk of Printing and Enrollment
The Clerk announced that the following bills had been reproduced and made available electronically on Wednesday, May 24:
House Bill Nos. 4650 4651 4652 4653 4654 4655 4656 4657 4658 4659 4660 4661 4662 4663
Senate Bill Nos. 354 355 356 357 358
The Clerk announced the enrollment printing and presentation to the Governor on Thursday, May 25, for her approval of the following bills:
Enrolled House Bill No. 4250 at 10:19 a.m.
Enrolled House Bill No. 4251 at 10:21 a.m.
Enrolled House Bill No. 4252 at 10:23 a.m.
Communications from State Officers
The following communications from the Secretary of State were received May, 25, 2023 and read:
Notices of Filing
Administrative Rules
March 20, 2023
In accordance with the requirements of
Section 46 of Act No. 306 of the Public Acts of 1969, being MCL 24.246, and
paragraph 16 of Executive Order 1995-6, this is to advise you that the Michigan
Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules filed Administrative Rule
#2022-011-NR (Secretary of State Filing #23‑03-01) on this date at
11:39 A.M. for the Department of Natural Resources entitled, “Endangered and
Threatened Species.”
These rules take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State unless adopted under section 33, 44, or 45a(9) of the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.233, 24.244, or 24.245a. Rules adopted under these sections become effective 7 days after filing with the Secretary of State.
March 20, 2023
In accordance with the requirements of Section 46 of Act No. 306 of the Public Acts of 1969, being MCL 24.246, and paragraph 16 of Executive Order 1995-6, this is to advise you that the Michigan Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules filed Administrative Rule #2022-063-LE (Secretary of State Filing #23‑03-02) on this date at 12:20 P.M. for the Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity entitled, “General Industry Safety Standard Part 23. Hydraulic Power Presses”.
These rules become effective immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State unless adopted under section 33, 44, or 45a(9) of the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.233, 24.244, or 24.245a. Rules adopted under these sections become effective 7 days after filing with the Secretary of State.
March 20, 2023
In accordance with the provisions of Section 46 of Act No. 306 of the Public Acts of 1969, being MCL 24.246, and paragraph 16 of Executive Order 1995-6, this is to advise you that the Michigan Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules filed Administrative Rule #2022-066-EQ (Secretary of State Filing #23‑03-03) on this date at 2:18 P.M. for the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy entitled, “State Revolving Land Fund”.
These rules become effective immediately after filing with the Secretary of State unless adopted under section 33, 44, or 45a(9) of the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.233, 24.244, or 24.245a. Rules adopted under these sections become effective 7 days after filing with the Secretary of State.
March 20, 2023
In accordance with the requirements of Section 46 of Act No. 306 of the Public Acts of 1969, being MCL 24.246, and paragraph 16 of Executive Order 1995-6, this is to advise you that the Michigan Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules filed Administrative Rule #2022-038-IF (Secretary of State Filing #23‑03-04) on this date at 2:55 P.M. for the Department of Insurance and Financial Services entitled, “Good Moral Character”.
These rules take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State unless adopted under section 33, 44, or 45a(9) of the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.233, 24.244, or 24.245a. Rules adopted under these sections become effective 7 days after filing with the Secretary of State.
March 21, 2023
In accordance with the requirements of Section 46 of Act No. 306 of the Public Acts of 1969, being MCL 24.246, and paragraph 16 of Executive Order 1995-6, this is to advise you that the Michigan Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules filed Administrative Rule #2022-010-AC (Secretary of State Filing #23‑03-05) on this date at 10:05 A.M. for the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development entitled, “Regulation No. 623. Field Seed Certification”.
These rules take effect 7 days after filing with the Secretary of State.
March 21, 2023
In accordance with the requirements of Section 46 of Act No. 306 of the Public Acts of 1969, being MCL 24.246, and paragraph 16 of Executive Order 1995-6, this is to advise you that the Michigan Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules filed Administrative Rule #2021-070-LE (Secretary of State Filing #23‑03-06) on this date at 11:01 A.M. for the Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity entitled, “State Housing Development Authority – General Rules”.
These rules take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State unless adopted under section 33, 44, or 45a(9) of the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.233, 24.244, or 24.245a. Rules adopted under these sections become effective 7 days after filing with the Secretary of State.
March 21, 2023
In accordance with the requirements of
Section 46 of Act No. 306 of the Public Acts of 1969, being MCL 24.246, and
paragraph 16 of Executive Order 1995-6, this is to advise you that the Michigan
Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules filed Administrative Rule
#2022-021-LR (Secretary of State Filing #23‑03-07) on this date at
1:13 P.M. for the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs entitled, “Homes
of the Aged”.
These rules take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State unless adopted under section 33, 44, or 45a(9) of the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.233, 24.244, or 24.245a. Rules adopted under these sections become effective 7 days after filing with the Secretary of State.
March 21, 2023
In accordance with the requirements of Section 46 of Act No. 306 of the Public Acts of 1969, being MCL 24.246, and paragraph 16 of Executive Order 1995-6, this is to advise you that the Michigan Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules filed Administrative Rule #2020-129-LR (Secretary of State Filing #23‑03-08) on this date at 1:47 P.M. for the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs entitled, “Board of Midwifery”.
These rules take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State unless adopted under section 33, 44, or 45a(9) of the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.233, 24.244, or 24.245a. Rules adopted under these sections become effective 7 days after filing with the Secretary of State. Rules adopted under these sections become effective 7 days after filing with the Secretary of State.
Jocelyn Benson
Secretary of State
Lashana Threlkeld, Departmental Supervisor
Office of the Great Seal
The communications were referred to the Clerk.
Introduction of Bills
Reps. Johnsen, Rigas, Outman and Kunse introduced
House Bill No. 4664, entitled
A bill to amend 1975 PA 238, entitled “Child protection law,” by amending section 7b (MCL 722.627b), as amended by 2011 PA 89.
The bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Families, Children and Seniors.
Reps. Snyder, O’Neal, Liberati, McFall, McKinney, Price, Tyrone Carter and Paiz introduced
House Bill No. 4665, entitled
A bill to amend 1986 PA 182, entitled “State police retirement act of 1986,” by amending sections 3 and 4 (MCL 38.1603 and 38.1604), as amended by 2018 PA 674.
The bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Labor.
Reps. O’Neal, Snyder, Liberati, McFall, McKinney, Price, Tyrone Carter and Paiz introduced
House Bill No. 4666, entitled
A bill to amend 1943 PA 240, entitled “State employees’ retirement act,” by amending section 55 (MCL 38.55), as amended by 2011 PA 264, and by adding sections 50b, 50c, 50d, 64a, 64b, and 64c.
The bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Labor.
Reps. Hill, McKinney, Snyder, O’Neal, Liberati, McFall, Price, Tyrone Carter and Paiz introduced
House Bill No. 4667, entitled
A bill to amend 1986 PA 182, entitled “State police retirement act of 1986,” (MCL 38.1601 to 38.1674) by adding sections 24c, 24d, and 24e.
The bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Labor.
House Bill No. 4668, entitled
A bill to amend 1949 PA 300, entitled “Michigan vehicle code,” by amending section 803e (MCL 257.803e), as amended by 2022 PA 143.
bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on
Transportation, Mobility and Infrastructure.
Reps. Rigas, Outman, Johnsen, Beson, Kunse, Wozniak and DeBoyer introduced
House Bill No. 4669, entitled
A bill to amend 2003 PA 1, entitled “An act to provide for the audit and examination of this state and state funds; to provide for the audit and examination of the books and accounts of all branches, departments, offices, boards, commissions, agencies, authorities, and institutions of this state; to prescribe powers and duties of certain state officers and employees; to provide for access to records; to provide for the subpoena of witnesses and production of documents and records; to prescribe penalties; and to provide for the administration of this act,” by amending section 1 (MCL 13.101), as amended by 2019 PA 156.
The bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Government Operations.
Reps. Rigas, Johnsen, Beson, Kunse, Aragona and DeBoyer introduced
House Bill No. 4670, entitled
A bill to amend 1976 PA 388, entitled “Michigan campaign finance act,” by repealing section 30 (MCL 169.230).
The bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Government Operations.
House Bill No. 4671, entitled
A bill to amend 1976 PA 451, entitled “The revised school code,” by amending section 1284a (MCL 380.1284a), as added by 2007 PA 101; and to repeal acts and parts of acts.
The bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Education.
Reps. Fox, Maddock, Smit, DeSana, Rigas, Johnsen, DeBoer, Friske, Meerman and Schriver introduced
House Bill No. 4672, entitled
A bill to amend 1976 PA 451, entitled “The revised school code,” by amending section 1166 (MCL 380.1166), as amended by 2016 PA 391, and by adding section 1166c.
The bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Education.
House Bill No. 4673, entitled
A bill to require certain original equipment manufacturers and authorized repair providers of agricultural equipment to make diagnostic, maintenance, and repair parts, tools, and documentation available to independent repair providers and owners of that equipment; and to provide remedies.
The bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Agriculture.
House Bill No. 4674, entitled
A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled “Public health code,” (MCL 333.1101 to 333.25211) by adding section 18830.
The bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Agriculture.
Reps. Grant and Breen introduced
House Bill No. 4675, entitled
A bill to amend 2003 PA 258, entitled “Land bank fast track act,” by amending sections 4, 13, and 14 (MCL 124.754, 124.763, and 124.764).
bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Local
Government and Municipal Finance.
House Bill No. 4676, entitled
A bill to amend 1994 PA 203, entitled “Foster care and adoption services act,” by amending section 8b (MCL 722.958b), as added by 2018 PA 489.
The bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Families, Children and Seniors.
House Bill No. 4677, entitled
A bill to amend 1994 PA 203, entitled “Foster care and adoption services act,” (MCL 722.951 to 722.960) by adding section 8e.
The bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Families, Children and Seniors.
House Bill No. 4678, entitled
A bill to amend 1976 PA 451, entitled “The revised school code,” (MCL 380.1 to 380.1852) by adding section 1281c.
The bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Families, Children and Seniors.
Reps. Grant and Breen introduced
House Bill No. 4679, entitled
A bill to amend 1933 PA 94, entitled “The revenue bond act of 1933,” by amending section 18 (MCL 141.118), as amended by 1987 PA 229.
The bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Local Government and Municipal Finance.
House Bill No. 4680, entitled
A bill to amend 2006 PA 110, entitled “Michigan zoning enabling act,” (MCL 125.3101 to 125.3702) by adding section 204b.
The bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Agriculture.
House Bill No. 4681, entitled
A bill to amend 1956 PA 218, entitled “The insurance code of 1956,” (MCL 500.100 to 500.8302) by adding chapter 30B.
The bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Insurance and Financial Services.
House Bill No. 4682, entitled
A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled “Natural resources and environmental protection act,” by amending section 73102 (MCL 324.73102), as amended by 1998 PA 546.
bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on
Natural Resources, Environment, Tourism and Outdoor Recreation.
Reps. Friske, Rigas, DeSana, Fox, Carra, Alexander, Cavitt and Maddock introduced
House Bill No. 4683, entitled
A bill to amend 1931 PA 328, entitled “The Michigan penal code,” (MCL 750.1 to 750.568) by adding section 14a.
The bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Government Operations.
Reps. Friske, Rigas, DeSana, Fox, Carra, Alexander, Cavitt and Maddock introduced
House Bill No. 4684, entitled
A bill to amend 1931 PA 328, entitled “The Michigan penal code,” (MCL 750.1 to 750.568) by adding section 40a.
The bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Government Operations.
Reps. Friske, Rigas, DeSana, Fox, Carra, Alexander, Maddock and Cavitt introduced
House Bill No. 4685, entitled
A bill to amend 1931 PA 328, entitled “The Michigan penal code,” (MCL 750.1 to 750.568) by adding section 14b.
The bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Government Operations.
Reps. Friske, Rigas, DeSana, Fox, Carra, Alexander, Maddock and Cavitt introduced
House Bill No. 4686, entitled
A bill to amend 1927 PA 175, entitled “The code of criminal procedure,” by amending section 16a of chapter XVII (MCL 777.16a), as amended by 2023 PA 13.
The bill was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Government Operations.
Reps. Friske, Carra, Rigas, DeSana, Fox, Alexander, Cavitt and Maddock introduced
House Joint Resolution C, entitled
A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the state constitution of 1963, by repealing section 28 of article I, to remove the right to reproductive freedom.
The joint resolution was read a first time by its title and referred to the Committee on Government Operations.
The Clerk declared the House adjourned until Tuesday, May 30, at 1:30 p.m.
Clerk of the House of Representatives