Senate Bills 906 through 908 (as reported without amendment)
Sponsor: Senator Jeremy Moss (S.B. 906 & 907)
Senator Mallory McMorrow (S.B. 908)
Committee: Regulatory Affairs
Senate Bill 906 would amend the Single State Construction Code Act to do to the following:
-- Allow a temporary locking device to be installed in a child care center.
-- Prescribe standards, procedures, and permit and installation processes for the installation and use of temporary locking devices or systems in child care centers.
-- Require the operator of a child care center to submit installation plans for review and approval from an enforcing agency and notify relevant authorities of an installation.
-- Require the operator of a child care center to provide employees with training in the temporary locking system and document such training.
-- Allow a child care center to use an existing temporary locking device so long as the device complied with the bill's standards and the operator had an inspection from and approval by an enforcing agency.
-- Specify that a child care center would not have to submit to the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, plans that were signed and sealed by a licensed architect or licensed professional engineer to install or approve an existing temporary locking device.
-- Require a child care center to comply with an emergency procedure plan within 90 days of the bill's effective date and specify that the plan would have to include a description of the installation and use of the temporary locking device or systems used by the operator of the child care center.
Senate Bill 907 would amend the Fire Prevention Code to specify that a temporary locking device installed in accordance with the Single State Construction Act as proposed by Senate Bill 906 would not violate the Code.
Senate Bill 908 would amend the child care licensing Act to allow a temporary locking device or system to be installed in a child care center in accordance with the Single State Construction Code Act as proposed by Senate Bill 906.
The bills are tie-barred.
MCL 125.1528 et al. (S.B. 906)
29.22 (S.B. 907)
Proposed MCL 722.113m (S.B. 908)
Public Act 45 of 2020 amended Public Act 306 of 1937, which governs the construction, reconstruction, and remodeling of school buildings, to allow temporary door locking devices or systems to be installed in school buildings. According to testimony, child care organizations are not included in this regulation and are still prohibited from installing these devices under current statute. Some have argued that child care organizations and day care centers should be allowed to use these devices to prevent harm to children in violent emergency situations.
Legislative Analyst: Nathan Leaman
The bills would have an indeterminate negative fiscal impact on local units of government and no fiscal impact on the State. The costs to the local units of government would occur as additional administrative costs and would likely be minimal.
Date Completed: 6-24-24 Fiscal Analyst: Bobby Canell
Nathan Leaman
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.