SCHOOL BUS STOP-ARM CAMERAS H.B. 4928 (S-5), 4929, & 4930 (S-1):








House Bill 4928 (Substitute S-5 as reported by the Committee of the Whole)

House Bill 4929 (as reported by the Committee of the Whole)

House Bill 4930 (Substitute S-1 as reported by the Committee of the Whole)

Sponsor: Representative Nate Shannon (H.B. 4928)

Representative Tyrone Carter (H.B. 4929 & 4930)

House Committee: Regulatory Reform

Senate Committee: Transportation and Infrastructure




House Bill 4928 (S-5) would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code to do the following:

--   Prescribe a civil fine for the operator of a motor vehicle who failed to stop for or unlawfully passed a school bus.

--   Create a camera-based violation of Section 682, which would be a violation for unlawfully passing or failing to stop for a school bus based on a photograph or video captured by a school bus's stop arm-camera system.

--   Require a civil fine for a camera-based violation to be paid to the county treasurer, who would have to distribute the fines at least monthly to the school district that operated the school bus.

--   Specify that a school district that received money from fines only could use that money for school transportation safety-related purposes.

--   Allow a law enforcement agency to initiate an action by mailing via first-class mail a citation to the operator of the vehicle involved in a violation of Section 682.

(Generally, Section 682 of the Code requires the operator of a vehicle overtaking or meeting a school bus that has stopped and is displaying two alternating flashing red lights to bring the vehicle to a full stop at least 20 feet from the school bus. The operator may not proceed until the bus resumes motion, or the visual signs have stopped.)

House Bill 4929 would amend the Revised Judicature Act to require a civil fine ordered in a civil infraction action for a camera-based violation of Section 682 of the Code or of a substantially similar ordinance to be paid to the county treasurer and distributed as provided for in House Bill 4928 (S-5).

House Bill 4930 (S-1) would amend the Pupil Transportation Act to do the following:

--   Allow a school district to contract with one or more law enforcement agencies that established enforcement responsibilities for, and the reimbursement of any costs related to, a camera-based violation.

--   Allow a school district to enter an agreement with a private vendor to fulfill its obligations under such an agreement.

The bills are tie-barred.


MCL 257.682 et al. (H.B. 4928)

600.8379 & 600.8396 (H.B. 4929)

257.1805 & 257.1820 (H.B. 4930)


Generally, Public Acts 51 and 52 of 2021 allowed school buses to be equipped with a stop-arm camera system and prescribed a process for the use of the system's recorded videos as evidence in certain traffic violation proceedings. Reportedly, this change was meant to give law enforcement a tool to catch drivers who failed to stop for a school bus and increase the safety of school children. According to testimony, many districts would like to install stop-arm camera systems but cannot afford the average $10,000 installation cost per bus. It has been suggested to allow fines from a camera-based violation to be distributed to a school district for school transportation safety-related purposes.


(This section does not provide a comprehensive account of previous legislative efforts on this subject matter.)

House Bills 4928 and 4930 are similar to House Bills 5509 and 5501 of the 2021-2022 Legislative Session, respectively. House Bill 4929 is a reintroduction of House Bill 5508 of the 2021-2022 Legislative Session.


Legislative Analyst: Abby Schneider




The bills would have an indeterminate fiscal impact on local units of government and no fiscal impact on the State. The bills would allow cameras to record traffic violations near schools. The money for these violations would go to the schools rather than to the libraries. It is plausible that there would be an increase in tickets written from these cameras, which would mean an increase in funding for the schools; however, if camera tickets replaced hand-written tickets, money that would normally go to the law libraries would go to the schools instead. It is also possible that this could increase overall revenue to the local unit of government. It is also possible that with the increase in minimum fines and recording cameras, people would be more conscientious about driving near schools and could better follow the rules, or avoid driving near the schools, which could lead to overall decreases in revenue. The bills would reduce revenue for local libraries as currently civil fine revenue goes to support local libraries.


Date Completed: 10-16-24 Fiscal Analyst: Bobby Canell

Joe Carrasco, Jr.




This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.