A bill to amend 1976 PA 388, entitled
"Michigan campaign finance act,"
by amending sections 5 and 7 (MCL 169.205 and 169.207), section 5 as amended by 2019 PA 93 and section 7 as amended by 2001 PA 250.
the people of the state of michigan enact:
Sec. 5. (1) "Domestic dependent sovereign" means an Indian tribe that has been acknowledged, recognized, restored, or reaffirmed as an Indian tribe by the secretary of the interior pursuant to the Indian reorganization act, 25 USC 5101 to 5144, commonly referred to as the Indian reorganization act, or has otherwise been acknowledged by the United States government as an Indian tribe.
(2) "Election" means a primary, general, special, or millage election held in this state or a convention or caucus of a political party held in this state to nominate a candidate. Election includes a recall vote.
(3) "Election cycle" means 1 of the following:
(a) For a general election, the period beginning the day following the last general election in which the office appeared on the ballot and ending on the day of the general election in which the office next appears on the ballot.
(b) For a special election, the period beginning the day a special general election is called or the date the office becomes vacant, whichever is earlier, and ending on the day of the special general election.
(4) "Elected official" means an individual who holds a state elective office.
(5) (4) "Elective office" means a public office filled by an election. An individual who is appointed to fill a vacancy in a public office that is ordinarily elective holds an elective office. Elective office does not include the office of precinct delegate. Except for the purposes of sections 47, 54, and 55, elective office does not include a school board member in a school district that has a pupil membership of 2,400 or less enrolled on the most recent pupil membership count day. However, elective office includes a school board member in a school district that has a pupil membership of 2,400 or less, if a candidate committee of a candidate for the office of school board member in that school district receives an amount in excess of $1,000.00 or expends an amount in excess of $1,000.00. Elective office does not include a federal office except for the purposes of section 57.
Sec. 7. (1) "Filed" means the receipt by the appropriate filing official of a statement or report required to be filed under this act.
(2) "Filer" means a person required to file a statement or report under this act.
(3) "Filing official" means the official designated under this act to receive required statements and reports.
(4) "501(c)(4) organization" means a an organization that claims tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(4) of the internal revenue code, 26 USC 501, if that organization employs, has a board member who is, or is controlled or directed by, any of the following:
(a) A candidate for state elective office.
(b) An elected official.
(c) An appointed official for state elective office.
(d) Any employee, contract employee, or staff member of any of the following:
(i) An elected official.
(ii) A candidate for a state elective office.
(iii) An appointed official for a state elective office.
(e) Any family member of an elected official, candidate for a state elective office, or appointed official for a state elective office. As used in this subdivision, "family member" means any of the following:
(i) A spouse or ex-spouse.
(ii) A child, stepchild, grandchild, parent, sibling, niece, or nephew.
(iii) The spouse of a child, stepchild, grandchild, parent, sibling, niece, or nephew.
(5) "527 organization" means an organization that claims tax-exempt status under section 527 of the internal revenue code, 26 USC 527, if that organization employs, has a board member who is, or is controlled or directed by, any of the following:
(a) A candidate for state elective office.
(b) An elected official.
(c) An appointed official for a state elective office.
(d) Any employee, contract employee, or staff member of any of the following:
(i) An elected official.
(ii) A candidate for a state elective office.
(iii) An appointed official for a state elective office.
(e) Any family member of an elected official, candidate for a state elective office, or appointed official for a state elective office. As used in this subdivision, "family member" means any of the following:
(i) A spouse or ex-spouse.
(ii) A child, stepchild, grandchild, parent, sibling, niece, or nephew.
(iii) The spouse of a child, stepchild, grandchild, parent, sibling, niece, or nephew.
(6) (4) "Fund raising event" means an event such as a dinner, reception, testimonial, rally, auction, or similar affair through which contributions are solicited or received by purchase of a ticket, payment of an attendance fee, making a donation, or purchase of goods or services.
(7) (5) "Gift" means a payment, subscription, advance, forbearance, rendering, or deposit of money, services, or anything of value, unless consideration of equal or greater value is given in exchange.
(8) (6) "Honorarium" means a payment of money to a person holding elective office as consideration for an appearance, a speech, an article, or any activity related to or associated with the performance of duties as an elected official. An honorarium does not include any of the following:
(a) Reimbursement for the cost of transportation, accommodations, or meals for the person.
(b) Wages, salaries, other employee compensation, and expenses authorized to be paid by this state or a political subdivision of this state to the person holding elective office.
(c) An award.
Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect January 1, 2026.
Enacting section 2. This amendatory act does not take effect unless Senate Bill No.____ or House Bill No. 5580 (request no. 00458'23 *) of the 102nd Legislature is enacted into law.