March 14, 2024, Introduced by Senators POLEHANKI, GEISS, HERTEL, WOJNO, SHINK, KLINEFELT and CHANG and referred to the Committee on Regulatory Affairs.

A bill to amend 1969 PA 224, entitled

"An act to license and regulate dealers that deliver, transport, board, buy, or sell dogs or cats for laboratory research purposes; to regulate research facilities that use dogs or cats for laboratory research; to require research facilities to offer laboratory animals no longer needed for laboratory research to certain animal protection shelters for adoption before euthanizing; to require research facilities to submit annual reports; to provide immunity from civil liability under certain conditions; to create certain funds; and to repeal acts and parts of acts,"

by amending section 11a (MCL 287.391a), as added by 2023 PA 314.

the people of the state of michigan enact:

Sec. 11a. (1) By March 31 each year, a research facility that uses laboratory animals shall submit a report to, and on a form provided by, the department that includes an attestation of compliance with the requirements of this act.all of the following information regarding the preceding calendar year:

(a) The total number of laboratory animals owned by the research facility.

(b) The total number of laboratory animals that are used for laboratory research conducted at the research facility.

(c) The total number of laboratory animals released by the research facility.

(2) The department shall use the information provided on a report submitted under subsection (1) for purposes of determining compliance under section 8a and shall not make any information provided on the report available on the department's website.