November 14, 2024, Introduced by Senators DAMOOSE, MCMORROW, POLEHANKI, CHANG, SHINK and CAVANAGH and referred to the Committee on Economic and Community Development.

A bill to amend 1984 PA 270, entitled

"Michigan strategic fund act,"

(MCL 125.2001 to 125.2094) by adding sections 9a and 9b.

the people of the state of michigan enact:

Sec. 9a. As used in sections 9b and 9c:

(a) "Operational plan" means the operational plan required under section 9c(1) and includes an updated operational plan under section 9c(2).

(b) "Strategic and operational advisory board" means the strategic and operational advisory board created in section 9b.

(c) "Strategic plan" means the strategic plan required under section 9c(1) and includes an updated strategic plan under section 9c(2).

Sec. 9b. (1) The strategic and operational advisory board is created in the fund.

(2) The governor shall appoint the members of the strategic and operational advisory board. The strategic and operational advisory board must consist of the following members:

(a) The following voting members:

(i) The director of the department of environment, Great Lakes, and energy or the director's designee.

(ii) The director of the department of natural resources or the director's designee.

(iii) The director of the state transportation department or the director's designee.

(iv) The director of the department of health and human services or the director's designee.

(v) The director of the department of labor and economic opportunity or the director's designee.

(vi) The director of the department of agriculture and rural development or the director's designee from within the economic and community development program of the department of agriculture and rural development.

(vii) The director of the department of education or the director's designee.

(viii) The director of the department of lifelong education, advancement, and potential or the director's designee.

(ix) The executive director of the Michigan state housing development authority created in section 21 of the state housing development authority act of 1966, 1966 PA 346, MCL 125.1421, or the executive director's designee.

(x) The chief executive officer of the MEDC or the chief executive officer's designee.

(xi) The executive director of the office of global Michigan or the executive director's designee.

(xii) One individual who represents the Michigan Chamber of Commerce.

(xiii) One individual who represents the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation.

(xiv) One individual who represents the Economic Development Leaders for Michigan.

(xv) One individual who represents the Michigan Manufacturers Association.

(xvi) One individual who represents the Northern Lakes Economic Alliance.

(xvii) One individual who represents Business Leaders For Michigan.

(xviii) One individual who is an expert in Michigan economics and represents the University of Michigan.

(xix) One individual who is an expert in Michigan economics and represents Michigan State University.

(xx) One individual who represents the Upjohn Institute.

(xxi) One individual who represents Michigan Future Inc.

(xxii) One individual who represents the Michigan Community College Association.

(xxiii) The executive director of Invest UP or the executive director's designee.

(xxiv) The chief executive officer of Networks Northwest or the chief executive officer's designee.

(xxv) The executive director of the Northeast Michigan Council of Governments or the executive director's designee.

(xxvi) The president of Lakeshore Advantage or the president's designee.

(xxvii) The chief executive officer of the Right Place, Inc. or the chief executive officer's designee.

(xxviii) The president of the Middle Michigan Development Corporation or the president's designee.

(xxix) The president of Saginaw Future Inc. or the president's designee

(xxx) The executive director of the Flint and Genesee Economic Alliance or the executive director's designee.

(xxxi) The president and chief executive officer of the Lansing Economic Area Partnership or the president and chief executive officer's designee.

(xxxii) The chair of the board of directors of Cornerstone Alliance or the chair's designee.

(xxxiii) The chief executive officer of Southwest Michigan First or the chief executive officer's designee.

(xxxiv) The president and chief executive officer of Ann Arbor SPARK or the president and chief executive officer's designee.

(xxxv) The president and chief executive officer of the Detroit Regional Partnership or the president and chief executive officer's designee.

(xxxvi) The deputy county executive of Macomb County or the deputy county executive's designee from within the Macomb County department of planning and economic development.

(xxxvii) The deputy county executive of Oakland County or the deputy county executive's designee from within the Oakland County office of economic development.

(xxxviii) The director of the Wayne County economic development department or the director's designee.

(xxxix) The executive director of the Michigan Economic Developers Association or the executive director's designee.

(xl) The director of economic development for Consumers Energy or the director's designee.

(xli) The director of economic development for DTE Energy or the director's designee.

(b) The following nonvoting members:

(i) Two individuals who are experts on national economics.

(ii) Two individuals who are top site-selection consultants.

(iii) Two individuals who are each a leader of a national economic development organization focused on policy and practice.

(3) The governor shall appoint the first members of the strategic and operational advisory board within 30 days after the effective date of the amendatory act that added this section.

(4) Of the first members appointed under subdivision (2)(a), the governor shall appoint 10 of the first members to 1-year terms, 10 of the first members to 2-year terms, 10 of the first members to 3-year terms, and 11 of the first members to 4-year terms. The first members appointed under subdivision (2)(b) must be appointed to 4-year terms. After the first appointments, the term of a member of the strategic and operational advisory board is 4 years or until a successor is appointed under subsection (2), whichever is later.

(5) If a vacancy occurs on the strategic and operational advisory board, the governor shall appoint an individual to fill the vacancy for the balance of the term.

(6) The governor may remove a member of the strategic and operational advisory board for incompetence, dereliction of duty, malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance in office, or any other good cause.

(7) The individual appointed under subsection (2)(a)(x) shall call the first meeting of the strategic and operational advisory board. At the first meeting, the strategic and operational advisory board shall elect a member as a chairperson and may elect other officers that it considers necessary or appropriate. The strategic and operational advisory board shall meet at least quarterly, or more frequently at the call of the chairperson or at the request of 10 or more members.

(8) A majority of the members of the strategic and operational advisory board constitute a quorum for transacting business. A vote in favor by a majority of the members of the strategic and operational advisory board serving is required for any action of the strategic and operational advisory board.

(9) The strategic and operational advisory board shall conduct its business in compliance with the open meetings act, 1976 PA 267, MCL 15.261 to 15.275.

(10) A writing that is prepared, owned, used, possessed, or retained by the strategic and operational advisory board in performing an official function is subject to the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246.

(11) A member of the strategic and operational advisory board is not entitled to compensation for service on the strategic and operational advisory board, but the strategic and operational advisory board may reimburse a member for actual and necessary expenses incurred in serving.

(12) The strategic and operational advisory board shall develop a strategic plan and operational plan in accordance with section 9c and, in addition, may do either of the following:

(a) Take any other action necessary to achieve the purposes of section 9c.

(b) Perform any other duties or exercise any other powers assigned to the strategic and operational advisory board by law.

Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect unless Senate Bill No. 1116 of the 102nd Legislature is enacted into law.