senate resolution no.132

Senators Geiss and Wojno offered the following resolution:

A resolution to commemorate June 12, 2024, as Loving Day.

Whereas, Mildred and Richard Loving were an interracial couple who were married in Washington D.C., in 1958, but were banned from marrying in their home state of Virginia, where interracial marriage was illegal at the time; and

Whereas, The Lovings were arrested five weeks after their marriage, found guilty of violating the Act to Preserve Racial Integrity, and banned from the state of Virginia for 25 years; and

Whereas, The Lovings challenged this ruling five years into their 25 year sentence and their case was taken up by the American Civil Liberties Union; and

Whereas, Loving v. Virginia worked its way through the judicial system until the United States Supreme Court unanimously decided in 1967 that the Lovings’ marriage should be upheld; and

Whereas, The Virginia statute was found unconstitutional under the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution which forbids states from restricting basic rights of citizens or other persons; and

Whereas, Laws banning interracial marriages were found similarly unconstitutional and struck down in 16 remaining states that observed them; and

Whereas, In 2004, Loving Day was founded and has garnered support from thousands of people domestically and internationally, and from organizations and publications; and

Whereas, Loving Day celebrations aim to create a common connection between multiracial communities, groups, and individuals; and

Whereas, The mission of Loving Day is to fight racial prejudice, promote tolerance, awareness, and understanding through education, and foster supportive multicultural communities; and

Whereas, Loving Day seeks to commemorate and celebrate the United States Supreme Court’s 1967 ruling, keeping its importance fresh in the minds of a generation that has grown up with interracial relationships being legal, as well as to explore issues facing couples currently in interracial relationships; and

Whereas, Michigan has long celebrated and enjoyed this freedom since it became state law in 1883 by repeal of the 1838 Miscegenation Act; and

Whereas, We recognize the importance of diversity, acceptance, and the right to love freely without boundaries; and

Whereas, We now advance through the 21st century as a multiracial and multicultural society and realize that we must find a common vision from our interwoven past to build a society free of racism for the benefit of our collective future; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the Senate, That the members of this legislative body commemorate June 12, 2024, as Loving Day. We promote unity among all people.