MCL - 110-2006-V
Act 110 of 2006
Document | Type | Description |
Section 125.3501 | Section | Submission and approval of site plan; procedures and requirements. |
Section 125.3502 | Section | Special land uses; review and approval; application; notice of request; public hearing; incorporation of decision in statement of findings and conclusions. |
Section 125.3503 | Section | Planned unit development. |
Section 125.3504 | Section | Special land uses; regulations and standards; compliance; conditions; record of conditions. |
Section 125.3505 | Section | Performance guarantee. |
Section 125.3506 | Section | Open space preservation. |
Section 125.3507 | Section | Purchase of development rights program; adoption of ordinance; limitations; agreements with other local governments. |
Section 125.3508 | Section | PDR program; purchase of development rights by local unit of government; conveyance; notice; requirements for certain purchases. |
Section 125.3509 | Section | PDR program; financing sources; bonds or notes; special assessments. |
Section 125.3513 | Section | Biofuel production facility as permitted use of property; requirements; special land use approval; application; hearing; conditions; applicability of subsections (2) to (5); authority of local unit of government; definitions. |
Section 125.3514 | Section | Wireless communications equipment as permitted use of property; application for special land use approval; approval or denial; authorization by local unit of government; definitions; applicability to small cell wireless communications facilities. |