MCL - 110-2006-VI
Act 110 of 2006
Document | Type | Description |
Section 125.3601 | Section | Zoning board of appeals; appointment; procedural rules; membership; composition; alternate member; per diem; expenses; removal; terms of office; vacancies; conduct of meetings; conflict of interest. |
Section 125.3602 | Section | Meetings; call of the chairperson; oaths; attendance of witnesses; record of proceedings. |
Section 125.3603 | Section | Zoning board of appeals; powers; concurring vote of majority of members. |
Section 125.3604 | Section | Zoning board of appeals; procedures. |
Section 125.3605 | Section | Decision as final; appeal to circuit court. |
Section 125.3606 | Section | Circuit court; review; duties. |
Section 125.3607 | Section | Party aggrieved by order, determination, or decision; circuit court review; proper party. |